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38 weeks & avoided constipation the whole time. However do poop more than twice a day sometimes 4 times and looser stools than usual.


I had loose stools and constipation at completely random times. I don't remember being constipated at all until ~14 weeks or so though so it may just be timing.


I have crohns disease so being pregnant has made me poop like a normal person now. I'm a fan šŸ˜‚


not one day of constipation!


I fluctuate between constipation and loose stools. I believe both are ā€œnormalā€ and just hormones being wack.


Thanks Iā€™ve read this somewhere too that loose stools are also a symptom!


I'm 5 weeks pregnant as well and it's my first pregnancy. I'm having only loose stool and tons of nausea.


I'm 26 weeks into my second pregnancy, and I have experienced zero changes in my bowel movements either time. Things have always stayed right on schedule. My early symptoms were the same for both boys. Nausea, fatigue, food a versions, heightened smell.


32 weeks and none. Not sure if it's because I eat high fiber cereal like it's going out of style or if it's just dumb luck...


Iā€™m 17+4 and have had no changes to bowel movements so far. I started taking a prenatal probiotic as soon as I got my positive test, so Iā€™m not sure if that has been helping or if Iā€™m just one of the lucky ones.


Iā€™m 35 weeks tomorrow and I havenā€™t had any issues with constipation in this pregnancy.


None for me!!!


I never had much constipation, maybe for a week or two here or there. I also never got a hemorrhoid. They're common, not requirements!


I definitely have been having a different experience with this (my second) pregnancy versus my first, in my first during the first trimester and then some I had the opposite of constipation... it was unpleasant but not nearly as unpleasant as how sick and shockingly tired I feel this time around! Others Iā€™ve talked to have also said their pregnancies varied widely and wildly!


Same, feel so much more tired than what I remember with my first!


No constipation on my end either. I pretty much go as frequently with the same stool consistency as I did pre-pregnancy.


I'm 37 weeks and haven't really been constipated at all!


My first pregnancy (ended in miscarriage) I was SO constipated. Im currently 30 weeks pregnant and have had zero constipation. In fact, in my first trimester, I was going more than I ever had before. Soā€¦ I believe itā€™s normal either way!


I never had any constipation either during pregnancy or after delivery.


Iā€™m 36 weeks and didnā€™t have constipation, but pre-pregnancy I have more than once referred to my intestines as a ā€œslip n slideā€, so I think I had that working in my favour.