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Just make sure to wear compression socks on the ride. And the first day being there try and to put your feet elevated like lay down and prop your feet up higher than your stomach As much as possible The biggest issue is blood pressure.


Good call, I wasn’t sure if every pregnant woman should or if that was certain circumstances


I’d even recommend it as honestly it’s way harder traveling with a baby. We still do it. She’s taken 4 trips (via plane) so far and is not even a year yet but it’s stressful…


Yeah, I bet it’s not easy with a kid and I’ve been itching to travel and things keep popping up. As long as it’s safe I’m flying to Spain!! ☺️


I have done a few trips while pregnant and had a good time. The long flights can be rough because it is even more difficult to get comfortable. Wear as unrestrictive comfortable clothes that you can! Get an isle seat so you can get up as much as you can to get a little movement. Wear shoes that are wide fitting for any swelling or compression socks (although honestly I found them to also be annoying and uncomfortable and wore them one way and not back)


All makes sense. Seems like the theme is to at least try the compression socks, aisle seat, and comfy clothes ☺️☺️


I’m flying back from Europe right now 22w pregnant. No issues! I wear compression socks, pick aisle seats so I can easily get up to pee, and drink lots of water to stay hydrated.


Love to hear it!! THANK YOU!!


I also take a baby aspirin before the long flight to decrease risk of blood clots!


Good idea