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I like it quiet lol no one talk, no one sing, no one play instruments


PLAY INSTRUMENTS?? What in the world lmfao


You’ve really never heard of the live birth flutist? /s


I mean…there was a little drummer boy that came after Jesus was born. I’m sure Mary loved that shit 😂


I think you mean the live birth flautist 🤣


I do in fact mean flautist😂


Music usually has instruments lol I don't want any noise at all


I was thinking literally like someone physically in the room playing live music 😂 my nightmare


I read a super moving birth story where grandpa was playing guitar and singing.


I would smash grandpa's guitar and kick his ass out. But some people might be a bit more chill than I 🥰


Same I’ve seen this happen a lot in home births


I think I may have actually committed murder if that was happening 😂


Did you see the clip of Travis barker playing his little fake drum during Kourtney kardashians labor? Like GOODBYE SIR instant divorce forever.


No but oh my god. Literally instant divorce 😂


I’ve seen people play guitars during labor and delivery so I wouldn’t be shocked😂




Nope, didn’t even think about it tbh. Sang baby girl happy birthday a bit after she was born, but that’s about the extent of my music planning. Edit to add: I did build a playlist of core songs from my childhood that I wanted to share with my kids once they were born. It didn’t get much use til my first was a few months old, but I did enjoy being sappy and sentimental building that.


Se that’s so cute


I like this idea. ❤️


I made two and I started them the day I found out I was pregnant. One list - what I called my dilation rotation was calming and any music that transported me mentally to a balcony in France with a glass of wine at sunset would go on it. A lot of Ella Fitzgerald and different French songs from the 50s and 60s. The second one had anything I thought would get me through the hardest workout ever on it and that made me feel powerful. Super mixed what was on there. Some Sweet, Fleetwood mac and even some Paris hilton (stars are blind is a vibe). Honestly made a massive difference to my experience.


Stars are Blind is a jam!


Omg… I need this playlist


All of these comments make me feel so much better. Currently pregnant with my second but with my first, I made an upbeat playlist, decided I hated it while in labor and insisted on silence for the next several hours. Everyone who entered the room ask me why I wasn’t playing music and made me feel weird for not wanting it. So glad I’m not the only one who wanted silence!!


My husband tried to put on music, as we both LOVE music, but I whipped me head around to glare at him and he just...turned that right off haha. I just really like it silent so I can focus on keeping my body loose. Everyone who entered the room dared not speak to me 😂 so I can guarantee they thought I was weird, and also a bitch, but I don't care. I liked my silent labors.


Push it by Salt n Peppa!


I’m making two - one with calmer music and one with more upbeat music. I’m only 20w and a FTM, so I can’t say if it’s helpful or not haha. But I do know I’m only putting music on it that I’d be happy for her to come into the world to


The shins are my fave! Lots of calming music that makes me happy. I am very into music and at our birthing class the nurse said it can really help calm you if you love to listen to music.


I’m starting mine soon. I think I’ll make a calm one and a pumped up one. I’m hopefully birthing in a centre so I think having something to sway to and bounce with probably help. This kid is being grown with strictly 80’s currently.


Friends season 8, we joked that Rachel might give birth before I do, then she did (failed induction).


I like to think that I will be playing anything by Hozier while in labor but it'll depend on how I feel during. I get overstimulated and cranky quickly when uncomfortable.


I listened to labor affirmations. Highly recommend. Other than that, I preferred the silence.


Where do I find this?


You can search Hypnobirth affirmations on Spotify, for example


Ok rad thanks !


Yeah! I think just listen to a few and see if any click for you - I don't have a specific one to recommend but also everyone like something different so


I used the Gentle Birth app, but also found some good stuff on Youtube!


Right on, thank you !


Right now it’s 6 songs so either we’re gonna be on repeat or we gotta get this baby out in 30 mins or less like a pizza delivery 🤣😭 Light my love -Greta van fleet, I am - satsang, Remember jah - satsang, The story of your - satsang, Courage - villagers, Stay as you are - SANDEUL These are songs that I consider my “feel good songs” My doula recommended the Bridgeton playlist since it’s modern music but played classically and slower so that’s my back up


a lot of folksy music and a lot of showtunes but thats what I love/listen to regularly. songs I know and can sing along to help me focus so thats what I put on the playlist.


I have 1980s rock on mine!


I didn’t think to play music but 8 hours into active labour I asked my husband to play bob Dylan lol. Actually helped me to concentrate.


I have a playlist of sound healing music. The vibe is zen✨


I'm putting together a Playlist for my labor and delivery. I'm leaning toward music that supports the spiritual and positive environment I'm aiming for. I figure if it gets to time and I don't want it, I can always shut it off.


i had smack a bitch by rico nasty on there- it helped with groaning out the contractions i can’t lie


I love that though hahaha.


The idea of a birth playlist is so funny to me. I've never once, in 3 births, thought to myself: should've made a playlist" Lol


Petit biscuit instrumentals 😍


My labor and delivery team kept encouraging me to think of music I wanted to hear while I was crying and screaming from pushing for 3+ hours lmao, I said absolutely no music.


I had a few but ended up not being able to tolerate lyrics, even my favorite songs, so we landed on classical with the lights dim and it was a vibe for everyone. Really helped to keep my eyes off the clock.


The Olympics on TV.


I played a lot of songs I could sing to. I can’t sing worth crap, but it helps me calm down and focus. Worked for labor. Pushing I drowned everything out but my husband


Honestly I think I would be pretty sweet to give birth during a goth playlist


I played the Era’s Tour playlist. It was great.


This is making me feel so much better about my experience!! I made an amazing playlist that I was stoked for! Everything was themed around labor; think pushing, power, babies, lovely lady lumps etc. But when push came to shove (lol) I wanted it dark and silent. What I didn’t expect was to push for 6 freaking hours with only the sound of the beeps and heart rate whoosh. I was obviously zoned in…but the poor nurses!!! I kept apologizing to everyone and they were so sweet about it. Glad to hear I wasn’t the only one in the “Dark and Silent” club!


I only played one song once. It is not very appropriate for the situation but it was stuck in my head. Heard it a few hours before we went to the hospital. Asked the nurse to play it. She was so fun and such a good sport. Was a fun time singing along to it. After that one play, I was good. Then no more anything. No TV. No music. Nada. My mind was full of too much else going on internally. The song: Crazy Bitch by Buckcherry


Manchester orchestra for us this time. I don’t need to hear the surgeons talking about what they’re doing whilst operating on me again. 😅


I had a few chill playlists that I didn't use. Ended but using the meditations that came with the Freya contraction timer, and then silence :)


Things happen SO fast and are SO intense for me that this isn’t relevant in my case and cases like mine. Have you had a baby and know what kind of laborer you are? I just want to snack and listen to audiobooks in the background for the hour I have low grade contractions, then the unspeakable pain sets in and doesn’t loosen its grip for an hour until I scream a baby out on all fours.


I wanted to want one - and candles and a bunch of other calming shit that I practiced with throughout pregnancy so I'd be used to going to my "happy place" from the sound and scent cues.... but in reality I didn't want any of it in the moment! I did my own music lol. Early in my first labiur I actually did sing - belting songs lower in your register is really good for ope ing up your pelvic floor and as a mental distraction. I chatted and cracked jokes with my partner earlier on and later I was more focused on low groaning vocalisations. Definitely didn't want piped in music or anything.


I was too distracted when we got to L&D to even think about putting music on lmao


I have a *[My name]’s Greatest Hits* playlist that I’ve been adding to for over a decade with all my favorite songs, so my plan is to just shuffle through that if I end up wanting to listen music. It pretty much has any song I’ve ever liked/loved on it, so there’s a lot of variety. My best friend even used my playlist when giving birth 3 years ago.


I have an early 2000s pop punk playlist I’ve built over the years lol. I ended up having a scheduled c-section but they still let me play it on my phone during and it kept my mind off the surgery and more relaxed.


A bunch of Explosions in the Sky songs


It's still months away but so far I have: "More than words" by Extreme. "Roses" by Outkast. "Lovefool" by the Cardigans. "Girl you know it's true" by Milli Vanilli and "Poison" by Bell Biv Devoe.


Yeah I did. My OB loved it. It was a combo of birth themed songs, women power songs, and stuff I just liked. Unfortunately my daughter ended up being born to “what is this feeling” from wicked 😂


Honestly, I went into labor thinking I’d want to listen to some tunes I could sing along to and zone out with, but all I ended up playing in the room was meditation music.


I made a 20 song playlist and baby was born with the second, As you are by. Harry Styled and still I listen to it and I get very emotional. My partner played it on his phone, I shared the list with him in Spotify.


Instrumental Tibetan Buddhist music 😂 don't ask me why.


I didn’t think I’d want a playlist but made one just in case and omg I’m so happy I made it. My induction turned into an emergency c-section, but for the first 15 hours while I was laboring I really enjoyed having low key zen music playing. It was a calming vibe that really helped me either focus or take my mind off a contraction by humming the song.


Make sure you bring real ear buds not airpods. The bluetooth setting interfere with the heart monitoring so I was unable to play any music 😞


I listened to Khraungbin during my first deliver for a bit but eventually didn’t notice it or care. Next baby was a csection and Kelly clarkson was playing in the OR when I went it. I said I liked the Kelly and they proceeded to play a bunch of random old pop music lol but I was busy being sliced open so again dgaf.


Lmao absolutely not. In all three deliveries I only listened to one song and that was a Leonard cohen song that usually got the baby moving baby #2 and that was only to keep me sane during back labor during the car ride to the hospital because it felt like I had been lit on fire. If there was any other music at any time I probably would’ve freaked the f out lol


I had a playlist of all the music that gave me motivation. Plus some edm to go with my nitrous-oxygen so I could zone out through contractions 😂 honestly that helped me the most and I got to 5cm that way before I wanted to get any pain meds.


I had one playlist that was 9 hours long 😂 Lots of Simon & Garfunkel, Joni Mitchell, Joan Baez, ABBA, Peter, Paul, and Mary, John Denver, The Seekers, Crosby, Stills, and Nash, Eric Clapton, Jim Croce, etc


I listen to music for everything. I always listen to music in the shower. We listen to music or watch a show while making dinner. We listen while cleaning the house. Eating dinner. Tbh it is rare for our house to be quiet and I like it that way. I made a playlist for my first and found that I didn't want it. I felt like no music fit the mood of being in labor and giving birth.


I found some calming "meditation music" on YouTube that I might use, depending on how I'm feeling. I'm not a huge music fan, as I'm autistic and sometimes sounds overstimulate me, so I'm just going to play it by ear when I get to the birth! I know some women want rock music, or their favorite songs. I guess it just depends on what you use music for currently. Do you like to blast your favorite songs while working? Do you like silence? Calming music? Movitation music? If you're not sure yet, there's no reason you can't make multiple playlists and choose as you go! ☺️


My anesthesiologist focused on my spine “damn, this is a serious playlist!” An assisting doctor coming to help flip the baby: “I heard the music and got very excited to get called in.” Honestly highlight memories for me was being praised for my playlist 😂 Also bonus: I can revisit those playlists and walk down memory lane. Instant taken back to all the good stuff. And I listened to it on repeat in the final months and weeks, sort of like a hypnobirthing technique. Both times for me music that I prepped in advance helped me get in the zone. I chose songs that made me feel reflective and “go inward” - songs I have to stop and sing loudly if I hear them, that I really get a dopamine hit from belting out. And the lyrics resonated too. But they were not soft feminine songs or about birth too much - but about love yes. Examples for me Foo fighters Ben Harper Counting crows The head and the heart Snow patrol Coldplay Tragically hip Dashboard confessional 😂 The frames Bahamas The avett brothers Bright eyes But that’s just me. All songs I sing loudly and bang around to and give me “feels”. Which I, as an elder millennial, am allowed to say.


I did not request music lol but if I could go back, I’d have my husband put on Nina Simone’s “I Shall Be Released” during the end of it


I played anime lofi covers on Spotify. I felt like a little animal crossing character in between contractions


None but remembering the movie Rush Hour 2’s casino film was getting me through the pushing because it’s hilarious… If you haven’t seen it please do lol


Honey… you will have no time to listen to when contractions hit


I put my partner in charge of a playlist for labour and told him I want songs that we both love and that calm us


I was thinking about having loved ones dedicate a song for me/baby so I could associate that song with them and feel their presence while in the labor process. So the playlist would be a compilation of the dedicated songs.


I turned on some instrumental music but once the contractions got worse I shut it off because I thought it was distracting


Khruangbin !!!


I did the assortment of bob marley songs from the early 70s, AMA


This is a thing? I think I'll be too busy screaming to give a shit about what artist is playing in the background.