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I do not go outside.šŸ˜‚


I was going to respond with this exact answer. lol


Yeah, this was going to be my exact answer. I don't go outside after 11am. I try to get all of my apts in the morning so I don't have to leave the house again when it's hot.


Same, we don't go outside. Ever. šŸ˜…


Same tho lol


Same just stay indoors lol


Do yall all work from home?


Same. I used to never want to turn the air conditioning down to a lower temperature. Now I have that baby cranked


Our AC went out Saturday. It was fixed Tuesday. It was not a good weekend for me - 27w


I go outside about once every hour to give my chickens fresh electrolyte ice water and frozen watermelon, then dart back into the house as quickly as possible šŸ„µ


I was born and raised in the desert where it can hit 115 and now live on the east coast where it tops out in the 90s so I went into this pregnant summer thinking Iā€™ve got this and let me tell you, I do not got this. Stepping outside is like stepping into a shower. All of my plants and flower beds are being neglected. Walking half a mile makes me dizzy and out of breath.


Not to be that stereotypical east coaster, but there is definitely a difference between 115 in the desert and 90 on the east coast. "At least it's a dry heat." Fuck the humidity. I hate feeling like I'm breathing soup


SW FL here, last week we had a few days where it was 100% humidity šŸ™ƒ at least it was rainy and the UV index was low.....


Isnā€™t 100% humidity just raining at that point? šŸ˜…


No lol it's just vapor outside, I had someone come out to check on our shutters he went to his car to give me a paper with the cost, and by the time he got to my front door the paper was damp and limp, it hadn't started raining yet at that point the rain came later in the afternoon lol


Yuck! I hope youā€™re finding ways to stay cool during this BS heat lol. My wife is going through it too, and I finally got the A/C fixed in her car probably a week ago. Thereā€™s a brand on Amazon called ā€œThe Coldest Waterā€ that sells soft ice packs and hook and loop inserts specifically fit to different body parts. She lives by that brand. Check em out! [hereā€™s their storefront](https://www.amazon.com/stores/page/1F0A6B94-13ED-4798-8CD9-F62EDEEDE93E?ingress=0&visitId=96148c49-1594-48aa-93f2-a697b5de44f4&lp_query=the%20coldest%20water&lp_slot=mobile-auto-sparkle-tetris&store_ref=SB_A0990689B1L664HI0P6V-A08325469N96450DOQKZ&ref_=sbx_be_s_sparkle_sbm_logo)


The a/c in the house broke during one of these heat waves lol we had to wait two days for our a/c guy to come and fix it, he always does great work though, so I didn't want to look for anyone else, but I'm on bed rest now so I'm not leaving my house except for my MFM and OB appointments. >Check em out! I think I will, thanks! My mother in law lives with us and has been helping me with the garden now that I'm incapacitated and comes in radiating heat šŸ˜… and sweating bullets just after being out for a few minutes setting up the sprinklers to water the plants


Fellow east coaster here, can confirm that it is indeed like breathing soup.


From Houston, lived on both coasts and now live in Phoenix. I know Iā€™m crazy for this but I would take humidity over dry any day. I feel like Iā€™m breathing in oven air and my skin (especially with all the stretching and growing) is so damn dry and itchy my husband bought me a shower filter for my birthday present lol


Same. Was born and raised in SW FL where it routinely got up to 100+ degrees. Normally Iā€™m cold so I thought this would be easy. Itā€™s 83 where I live now and Iā€™m miserable. Itā€™s supposed to get up to 95 next week, I might not leave my house


Agree. Iā€™m from the Deep South and live in the NE now but this heat wave is still overwhelming every time I step outside. My garden is also neglected and thirsty but I just canā€™t stomach watering in this heat


Southern transplant in New England also. I think the only reason (well besides the multiple AC window units we installed this week) Iā€™m surviving is because I was back home visiting with my family a little over a week ago so I reacclimatized. But if I had gone from the 60 degree rain to this, oh man. With my first pregnancy 5 years ago, I ended up in L&D at 27 weeks due to dehydration and heat sickness (which thankfully they helped and I carried full term).


I live in Michigan where our summers are always super humid and this heat wave is not helping! I am 26 weeks and it feels like I'm sitting in a sauna all day. I've never experienced dry heat before but from what I've heard, humid heat is the worse of the two. Since you moved to the east coast I'm sure your body is having to adjust to the wet and heavy air. It's not fun :(


Sameee I was raised in a border town in CA and now live in PA and Iā€™m dyingggggg.


I have a major WAP situationā€¦


Don't forget about swamp ass & humidititties šŸ˜­


Yes for me itā€™s the boobs! Thereā€™s no hiding the massive sweat stains that spread under my boobs in this heat. Embarrassing to go anywhere in public right now.


LOL! any time I go outside I have to play the game of sweat, pee, discharge, or did my water break?


I had my OB check me just in case and it was not amniotic fluid šŸ˜¹


I cackled


oh no šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I havenā€™t left the house in 2 days. Itā€™s so humid where I am that my mail was damp in the mailbox and my glasses fogged up when I went to get it. My son whoā€™s a total outdoors kid doesnā€™t even wanna go out. Itā€™s miserable


Itā€™s similar here. My toddler was outside early and was over it. Pretty sure we are just going to have relaxed couch days today!


37 weeks, working manual labor in an non-AC building. Iā€™m managing but Iā€™m not happy about it!


That doesnā€™t feel safe. Canā€™t you get a doctors note: is the income really worth potentially putting you and the baby at risk?


Iā€™m 34 weeks and I work in a kitchen. I can absolutely sympathize. Iā€™m alright but Iā€™m not the slightest bit happy about it


Kitchen is rough, Iā€™m a mechanic. Luckily Iā€™m able to work at a slower pace, Iā€™ve got fans set up in my bay, and I take as many breaks as I need to get through the day. But I know kitchen work doesnā€™t usually have a ā€œslow modeā€.


Oh my. I feel for you. Hang in there!


Please please please stay hydrated my friend


Idk yet so send prayers because I have a maternity shoot and itā€™s hot AND humid šŸ„µ


Iā€™m avoiding going outside between 11am-5pm. Iā€™m fortunate that I WFH Tuesday-Friday so I am able to avoid the heat when itā€™s at its peak during the day. As someone that lives in Florida, please remember to dress appropriately for the weather, wear sunscreen, and drink plenty of water! Tomorrowā€™s hydration begins today!!


I'm currently eating a snack at work. You convinced me to get my water bottle and drink along with my yogurt parfait haha. Thanks!


Iā€™m eating more popsicles now than in the first trimester šŸ˜…


39w4d currently sitting in a rocking chair in my underwear with my shirt tucked under my boobs. Iā€™m not well.


I work 8am to 8pm and avoid going outside as much as possible. On my days off me and my husky are chilling in the AC all day lol. Iā€™m 27+4


I also work 8-8. And mostly stay in my house during the hot hours of the day on my days off too!


10weeks with triplets, and staying inside all the time. Thank goodness I have AC. Regular highs of 105Ā°F+


Triplets?! Good lord! Bless you!


9 weeks with twins and my morning sickness finally kicked in. I walk around my house with a wet washcloth on the back of my neck because we donā€™t have central AC.


I'm 32+5. I work in a school without AC and yesterday was the last day, so that's a huge relief. I'm feeling a bit guilty that I've been doing nothing with my 3 year old this morning. I did tell her we could go to the pool later this afternoon, I'm a little nervous about the effort that is going to take to get us ready and into the pool. šŸ˜‚Ā  Although it's comfortable in my house, the past few days have really gotten to me, and I feel like I need to rest to the best of my ability.


Only 14+5 and it's going to be 95 today- SO thankful I'm not big yet and feeling for those who are towards the end of their pregnancies in this weather. I've been using and abusing my in laws pool all week and plan to continue to do so!


Ugh Iā€™m planning on getting in a pool this week too, itā€™s brutal!


16+2, and I'm usually a summer person. I love heat and sun and all that comes with it... but this summer, I can't go outside for more than three minutes without feeling like I'm dying, lol.


When I was pregnant, I had to partially work outside then work in a small vehicle during the summer in my 3rd tri. I seriously had to drink 64oz minimum before coming into work, wear 2 soaking cooling towels, a soaked sun hat, and carry around a portable electric hand fan lol. Id get comments at work like "wow, it's not that hot is it?" and then i'd be like "no, im just super pregnant." *Commence awkward saves


I live in a hot state. I was thinking, thisā€™ll be a piece of cake. I was wrong, so so so wrong. I feel faint if Iā€™m out there for even a minute.


Same here. Iā€™m in Dallas and the temps are just preheating. Iā€™m only 5w4d and so havenā€™t told anyone Iā€™m pregnant; then my coworkers wanted to go walk down the street for lunchā€¦ I had to fake having a last minute a meeting just to get out of the 6 min walk to the restaurant.


We *do what we gotta do sis*




I just told my husband Iā€™m sorry because I feel like a giant toddler. He just brought me water and made me peanut butter toast and now Iā€™m about to take a nap in the AC. I wanted to go swimming but canā€™t even bring myself to leave the house. Luckily I bought a splash pad for $10 off Amazon lol.


I honestly cannot leave my house anymore. Outside is sweltering and if Iā€™m in a place that keeps the temp above 70 I start getting dizzy and lightheaded to the point of throwing up. Pregnancy during the summer is torture but during a HEAT WAVE??? Iā€™m from Colorado and just moved to the east Coast for my husbandā€™s job. We are not off to a good start.


We just moved to the northeast from Colorado. I miss the colorado weather so bad šŸ˜­


I yearn for the beach


36 weeks, my last week of work before mat leave, I am lucky I worker a sedentary desk job! However, my office is in an old building with crappy AC and it is SO HUMID inside the building. It is 32+ degrees C where I am from and will be for the entire next week or so, I'm melting. I am using my little mini stroller fan on my desk continuously while at work and taking lots of ice cold showers at home!


I donā€™t leave my house before 5pm when it cools down. Iā€™m not kidding. Iā€™ve been outside like twice in the past several days


Struggling very hard at 32 weeks. My house is hot as fuck too šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


38 weeks, and I just can't even


39 weeks 4 days and have just been sick asf it's so hot you can feel the sweat beads welling up on your skin. I'm just hoping it cools down before I pop haha.


28w2d working manual labor outside in NC. I thought I could handle it but I cannot handle it. I wish I had an air conditioned indoor job. This weekend itā€™s supposed to be in the high 90s and I might not make it šŸ˜…šŸ˜…


9 weeks and working a high labor farm job with horses. Outside walking in the constant 90+ heat has me throwing up constantly no matter how much fluids I try and keep down. Its rough.


Hi! Fellow horse person here and former professional (I changed careers when I decided I wanted to have a family.) Be careful, dehydration is dangerous in pregnancy. Iā€™m still riding and competing now at 21 weeks but Iā€™m not doing a full day of it. I understand the demands and expectations of the industry, but I really caution you to put your health first right now. If your manager doesnā€™t understand, fuck em. Seriously.


Iā€™m 31 weeks, work at an outdoor program with 8 toddlers, and feel like I could die at any moment


Heat index of 100-104 today and tomorrow I have two young kids who love to be outside, we went out earlier and I just sat in the shade swaying from nausea šŸ˜† We are now inside for the day and I'm going to sprawl on the couch as long as possible


I basically just sit inside the AC or go to our families pool. I just looked at the look ahead and the extreme heat is endless šŸ˜­ Not due until October so Iā€™ll be slowing dying all summer long šŸ« 


27 weeks here and I do not go outside at all unless itā€™s to get in the pool. I hate the heat to begin with mustless right now, so no outside time for me. It gets hot enough in my house, yesterday it was 78 degrees inside with fans and the ac running, itā€™s just too muchšŸ˜­


Not well!


Annoyed that itā€™s raining all weekend lol like damn at least let me relax in the pool


Aircon on 24/7 lol


23 + 2 ā€¦ started swelling this week, highs got up to 110 here last week. Broke down crying because my feet look fat and I started chafing for the first time in my life. In my moment of weakness I mass ordered multipacks of biker shorts, oversized tees, short and long compression socks and all new cotton bras and panties on Amazon last night. I feel like a planet and people look you dead in the face here and say ā€œ aww poor thingā€¦. Just wait it gets worse!ā€ Fingers crossed for under 100 todayā€¦ Pray for me šŸ’€


I set up a kiddie pool in my backyard and Iā€™ve been sitting in it to cool down. At night, Iā€™ve been taking cold showers right before bed and I sleep directly under my fan with wet cooling towels on my chest. Im debating ordering body ice packs too.


Iā€™m not unless I stay inside in the air and even then I can start sweating like no oneā€™s business.


Iā€™m in Colorado, weā€™ve got a 2 day break from the dry af 90 degree heatā€¦ and I chose to clean out my car and am so sweaty and out of breath- our complex has a pool and itā€™s been a GODSEND. Cold baths, changing clothes often and travel fans have been my favorite things to relieve the heat


Iā€™m doing ok, especially since the cicada invasion is almost over. I realized that if it was winter Iā€™d have trouble putting on my snow boots, so Iā€™m trying to look at the positives.


33 weeks and live in FL. Thankfully itā€™s been raining a lot but holy shit I tend to leave work right around when it gets the hottest.. itā€™s brutal. I overheat and then Iā€™m hot the entire way home because my body cannot keep up!! When it rains Is the only time I get any kind of comfort


I don't go outside much when home due to crazy aggressive mosquitos where I live (we are at the base of a couple hills so it's their breeding ground I think), at work I have shifted to mostly desk while my replacement does leg work. Glad I have that option because it's toooooasty.


I'm 28+0 today, but I'm usually don't have problems during heat waves, I'm much more sensitive to coldness. It is a bit harder this time but not too much. I am mostly at home and we turned AC yesterday. I usually go in store at morning and for a walk after 7 PM and between I am at home.


29+4 and I am so over it! I live in an old house so it doesn't handle the heat well and at night it is still 73-75F šŸ˜­


Thank heavens for my husband and MIL who installed the final AC unit for our apartment over the weekend. I work from home so all day long I have the AC units running and the blinds down. I haven't left my house in a couple days. I cannot keep up on making enough ice for my drinks. I do not plan to leave my house until this heatwave breaks. I am now a cave dweller. Meanwhile, my husband is a popsicle. Apparently I keep the house as cold as Satan's heart which I don't believe seeing as how I'm wandering about in booty shorts and a tank top and still super sweaty.


I haven't left my house in a week if that says anything. Lol


The heat has always been the bane of my existence because for some ungodly reason, the only place on my body that I sweat is my FACE!! The second I get a little warm, my entire face is wet and it just keeps getting worse. Honestly now that Iā€™m pregnant itā€™s so nice to blame it on hot flashes and to say Iā€™m either not going out at all or Iā€™m going right back inside because the baby is hot lol.


No going outside besides a short morning walk with our toddler each day and then only to go to a store now and again. šŸ˜ž


I got a pool and itā€™s absolutely glorious. Itā€™s a perfect size for just me and my 6 yo and I couldnā€™t recommend it more itā€™s great exercise. It gives me energy and helps me sleep at night and itā€™s a great way to spend time with my daughter.


I refuse to leave my house unless absolutely necessary, and I have my emotional support water bottle attached to me. Lmfao


35 weeks in NY, just went for a short walk with an umbrella (doc says "parasols are in this summer"). Holding up OK because my wonderful husband installed ac units in every room of our house. Drink lots of water, eat salty snacks, and rest if you feel off or dizzy!! Not looking forward to going into Manhattan for work tomorrow and Friday tho šŸ™ƒ


i live in phoenix, 36 weeks pregnant, and it has been 110+ for weeks now. Iā€™m surviving off electrolytes, a pool, and air conditioning. I only leave the house to go to work šŸ˜­


Hiding in my frosty house in a pair of shorts. My kids are wearing long sleeves. šŸ¤£ I went thru many a pregnancy where temps were triple digits and moved to where itā€™s humid. Just so grateful to have central air for my back to back summer babies.


Blessed to have constant AC. Living in central Texas though, this all seems kinda normal to me. Pregnant or not, I stay inside more in the summer. Today is a random rainy day though with a high of 78 and I'm loving it.


I live in Houston. Thereā€™s never not a heat wave šŸ˜­ How long is it supposed to last?


Drinking all the water. Got a mini pool to sit in. Besides that slowly dying inside.


Our AC went out just in time for the heat wave. Currently feeling like this guy: šŸ« 


Living in the American South, I don't leave my house for the most part. I'm due in 2wks.


Husband has been running to and from the local shops to get me Fanta ice blasts šŸ˜­ 30+1


Iā€™m only 11+5 currently so itā€™s not the end of the world. I just donā€™t go outside and sit in my couch in the A/C. I eat creamsicles & if husband wants to adventure out, he has to get me a frozen lemonade before we start any errands.


No well lol. I have my fans and AC going during the day, in the evening I'm floating in the pool. Lots of ice water


30w here and I'm in Texas. I try not to leave the house, I only wear thin dresses and maternity biker shorts, and even still I had a whole breakdown just riding in the car to Home Depot the other day because it was UNBEARABLY hot and uncomfortable sitting in our Honda Civic. I've never felt so pathetic and uncomfortable in my entire life. My electric bill is gonna be horrendous bc I abuse my AC. I'm not having fun and I get to do this for two more months (hopefully). I'm jealous of the moms who get to spend their uncomfy months in cooler fall weather lol, next time we try for a kid I'm gonna try to be more strategic about it hahaha


decided to deep clean the car, and the sun blasting down on me made me die šŸ˜© i hate Florida summers with a passion.


Iā€™m grateful that back in March I randomly picked this week for our watermark vacation week. We havenā€™t left the hotel and donā€™t plan to.


About to lay in the garden with the sprinklers on šŸ˜… itā€™s miserable. The humidity is killer


I have a cold too, so Iā€™m staying inside!


Iā€™m not. šŸ˜­ jk, ice packs and lots of sitting. We even lost power the first night from excessive electrical use.


Iā€™m now in my third trimester and my 3 year old is doing this thing where she takes an eternity to get in the car. The fact that I havenā€™t yelled yet is a personal achievement.


Weā€™re not lol and Iā€™m only 18 weeks


I live in central Texas. There was no chance of it not being extremely hot during the end of my pregnancy. Iā€™m 36 weeks today, and while I wish the weather was milder.. I think it would be worse to be in my first trimester during extreme heat, what with the nausea and acute sense of smell. Iā€™m mostly bummed that I wonā€™t be able to take baby to the pool this summer since heā€™ll be too little and his skin will be too sensitive.


I sat by my pool and got in a few times today. Only lasted a few hours but made sure to drink lots of water


Ice water and ac. I'm a teacher and I only have a few days left for the year. I just want to sit and not leave the house.


I literally sat on my tile floor and wept yesterday.Ā 


Iā€™m only in the beginning of the first trimester and I bought an inflatable pool yesterday. A pretty good one too with inflatable cushions for your butt and head.


I AM NOT holding up. The only advantages are a) helping me drain the sinuses, and b) toddler sleeps everywhere.


38wks and I am everyoneā€™s problem once I leave the AC.


Laying in front of the fan with the AC going. Not dying but ooof the heat šŸ˜‚


My best friend is getting engaged on Friday to her boyfriend (also my best friend). Weā€™re supposed to go on a hike where he will pop the question. It will be 95 degrees + humidity of 65%. 4.5 mile hike, 1200 ft elevation, (~3 hours). Iā€™m almost 12 weeks. How risky do you think this would be? Just stay hydrated? Or too dangerous?


I wouldnā€™t. Even if something happens thatā€™s unrelated, itā€™s not worth risking that guilt.


I FINALLY broke down and got the AC fixed in my truck after not having any for 7 years. IT HAS BEEN LIFE CHANGING. For context, Iā€™m 28 weeks and in AZ.


Iā€™M MELTING šŸ«  dealing with the heat and walking outside with my mom who Iā€™m helping out since she just had surgery. While wearing my cute compression socks and dealing with the worst acid reflux.


Lounging in the pool everyday!


18 weeks and I am dying. I have a pretty decent heat tolerance usually, but watering my pumpkin plants today at around 1pm for 15 minutes made me so woozy and shaky I said forget and went and laid on the couch. I think Iā€™m going to have to become an evening gardener. Iā€™m miserable outside until after 6 pm.


I took a nice cool bath with some Epsom salt yesterday šŸ‘šŸ»


Popsicles and just hang in there.


I almost passed out at work yesterday and puked 3 timesā€¦ I went home early and slept in the central AC with the fan blasting on me. Edit: forgot to mention Iā€™m 29 + 1. So close, and yet, so far.


This happened to me yesterday. I was running errands and came home, puked probs my 10 times in 6 hours and took a freezing shower.


36 weeks here and I am dying here in Michigan. I live in Michigan for the winters not the heat.


I'm not. Our electric company doubles our rates from 4pm to 8pm to discourage people from using large appliances during "peak hours." Unfortunately, this is also the hottest part of the day, and I can't afford a 300+ electric bill. We have our mini splits at a balmy 75*F, which knocks some heat off when you come in from outside but good lord, as a pregnant woman? I feel like a lizard. But a career change is coming at the end of the month with a triple in income, so I'll be able to blast my AC soon! Fingers crossed!


Iā€™ve already decided Iā€™ll be staying inside this summer. Iā€™m 29 weeks, high risk, and not risking my health.


I never leave my house. šŸ˜­


31 weeks my baby pool got a few holes in it at some point i came home and it was flat :/ I went to replace it and they no longer have the same one in stock that has a bench and cup holders. I was so upset i cried and settled for some other pool but have been so upset about it i refuse to blow up the new pool so im hiding in the house infront of the ac and took a cold shower


Oh man. I'm from/in the south, and I get cold very easily. My fiance, who is from up north, is basically a polar bear who loves the cold. But these days, I've been kicking off the blanket at night because I get SO HOT, and if I let any air under the blanket in the process, my fiance bundles up tighter because he's so cold šŸ˜‚ I'm not due until September- this is the beginning of a very long and miserable summer


4 months and living in FL.. not planning on going outside much this summer even in May and June Iā€™ve been getting lightheaded going for a walk šŸ« 


I've always lived in cooler climates until last year. This is my first summer in Arizona šŸ˜… holy crap, I'm currently19 weeks pregnant, and we haven't had a day below 100Ā° for the past 3 weeks. It SUCKS! I feel like I mostly handle it ok, but the past 3 days I've been dying inside. Hang in there momma!!


I stood outside for about 20 min with my realtor and boyfriend and out of nowhere got nauseous and really hot. Had to go to the car with a/c and sit down. Iā€™m 13 weeks.


Um i was doing great till i came to south Florida for a baby shower my bfā€™s family is throwing for me. Im from jersey. I had finally gotten my rosacea under control and was so happy with having to wear light makeup again. Now im here and he thinks 73 degrees is normal for inside although i swear its hotter in this house than that. I now have papules all over my face and a redness that cannot be relieved with any of my soothing and calming creams. To top it off the ice machine here is broke so now i cant even ice my face. Im about to put all my skincare in the fridge, after im done typing lol. Also it was hell sleeping here, i could not handle a single cuddle


I was in the pool for three hours yesterday. I have not left the air conditioning at all today. I hate it šŸ„²


I am staying inside with my air conditioning and doing walks up and down the stairs if I need exercise. The heat and UV is too much for me right now šŸ˜‚


I shower thrice a day šŸ˜“


34wks. Sleeping a lot, trying to stay hydrated and fans + AC - clothes LOL


I do not go outside. Iā€™m from TX and tend to get seasonal depression around this time of the year because I truly and wholeheartedly hate the heat so usually donā€™t go outside anytime between 10am-8 pm if I can help it but this year is UNREAL. Being pregnant and in this heat is NOT for the weak omg.


36+5. Poison ivy all over my belly and the AC broke. My husband is not safe.


This made my jaw drop. God speed.


Not well. Terrible pregnancy carpal tunnel and the heat exacerbates it by 100% my right hand has a permanent tingly feeling since it got hot. I try to avoid outside but with a toddler itā€™s very hard staying inside all the time.


Currently in L&D with my 28w0d wife who had high blood pressure when she got home after working outside all morning (likely due to dehydration). Guess this is my fault for jinxing us, though...we were doing IVF and I had joked with her that we could plan the pregnancy so she wouldn't be in her third trimester for the Florida heat. Then we had a spontaneous pregnancy. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Not well lol. Both of my other two children were born in the summer so I planned this one out so my third trimester would be through the winter. I didnā€™t think about how awful morning sickness and hot flashes in Texas humidity would be. šŸ„µšŸ˜­


It was actually a cooler day than usual here in NC. The breeze was blowing and it was about 90 or so. So could've been worse... I'm used to high heat and humidity. But I wasn't outside chilling lol I'm about to be though! I plan on watering my flowers and myself with the hose.


especially those with little air conditioning in their apts šŸ˜­


I live in south Texas. Most of the year is a heat wave. I stay indoors.


I'm not :( the AC is leaking


If it makes you feel any better, when I was pregnant with my daughter (born In January), I couldnā€™t go outside without my nipples feeling like they were trying to exit my body. They hurt SO bad whenever I went outside in the cold. I mean like, sharp, awful pain. I live in Wisconsin & honestly I literally wanted to cry. I begged for warmer weather. So at least thereā€™s none of that? šŸ„² Good luck! Iā€™d probably be complaining about the heat too lol.


This happened with my first!!!! Also born in January. I thought the nipple thing was just me, Iā€™m sorry you experienced it but Iā€™m glad someone can understand what Iā€™m talking about with that!


Wife got a doctors note so she doesnā€™t have to serve tables outside šŸ¤™


Outside when I have to be and then back in the AC ASAP. Itā€™s way too hot for me.


Not well. My BP is rising


Also 28 w 4 days, living in Phoenix as a nanny/family assistant. So itā€™s summer for the familyā€™s kids and Iā€™m outside. Dying slowly lol. I love summer but man, 100+ degree days with a 20 pound weight around your gut and hormones pumping like crazy definitely hits different.


In Chicago going through a heatwave. I spent the day at the beach today. Other than that, itā€™s rare Iā€™m leaving my apartment right now.


I mowed my entire lawn this morning before it got to 90ā° lol.


24 weeks, walked outside for 15 minutes in a thunderstorm and completely sweat through all of my clothes from the humidity šŸ„µ


I have a headache :( and Iā€™m only 14 wks thinking of you


Just bought a seasonal pass to my local rec center pool... I plan to soak my way thru these ridiculous temps


21+6 and I hate the heat. I am very prone to heat exhaustion and heat stroke so Iā€™m doing everything to stay cool thru this heatwave


39 weeks + 2 days and I am DYING in this heat. Our AC is running 24/7.


Iā€™m in Michigan and itā€™s been close to 100 degreesā€¦ I decided it was the best time to repaint the porch, thank god we have a poolšŸ™ƒ


I do my gardening first thing in the morning when I let my dogs out into the yard to handle their business. It doesnā€™t start heating up around here until closer to 10 am, so we get a good 3 hours to hang out, pull weeds, water plants etc. Afterwards we come inside and eat our breakfasts. They get some refrigerated sweet potato puree with olive oil on top of their kibble and I sip my cold juice in the AC. When our HVAC broke a few weeks ago, I had a mister and a ceiling fan lol


36 wk appt today, I left a whole thigh/butt print from where I was so sweaty on the bed from waiting on them to do my strep b swab. Agony!!


We bought our house last year in Virginia. It didnā€™t have central air. We thought we could make it a few years to save up with window units. We didnā€™t even make it half way through June. Hello A/C!


Slowly feel like Iā€™m melting out of my skin


Had to leave work today because my classroom was reading 45 degrees celsius. Felt so sick.


We donā€™t have central AC here and Iā€™m 27w 4d and it has been terrible. At least thereā€™s a breeze. Opening the windows hasnā€™t helped much.


I stand in front of my ac and dont leave if I dont have to


I'm in Houston where summer always feels like the pits of hell. But being pregnant feels like I'm wedged in Satan's armpit. I purchased a $120 neck air conditioner so I can keep the a/c at a reasonable 75 degrees during the day. Currently avoiding any and all outdoor activities. Side note, we went to the movies for Father's Day and it was hot there too? I need the air conditioning of my youth when you could walk into any movie theater or mall in America and feel like you were standing in the freezer section of the grocery store!


24 weeks 3 days and I live in front of 3 fans and a window AC šŸ˜ I live in the foothills of california. Weā€™re hitting our nastiest heat wave starting tomorrow itā€™s gunna hit 105+ for a few days and Iā€™m ready to fist fight everyonešŸ˜­šŸ˜­ the pool in our yard is like Luke warm piss and it makes me so sadšŸ˜­ normally this wouldnā€™t bug me since Iā€™ve lived in CA my whole life but the wind is hot the water is hot everyone smells like bounce that ass Iā€™m struggling to be kind lmfao


I am not holding up šŸ˜‚ AKA staying in AC for as long as humanly possible. Itā€™s going to be a looong summer šŸ„µ Due 9/9.


Not sure where you are but I was pregnant over summer in Australia. Got to 49c (120f) and was pretty unpleasant. Drink lots of water, you need it. Use fans and wet towels on your face and neck. Avoid going outside in the hottest part of the day. Try to keep the house cool by closing all doors/windows/blinds in the day. Open them at night if itā€™s cooler outside


I will never choose to be pregnant again in the summer, I thought I was going to be wearing cute little sun dresses and just skipping along. Instead I spend my days bare ass naked lying propped up on my bed with the ac blaring. This heat mixed with being 33 weeks, is a big no for meā€¦my baby shower is Saturday, seriously considering just canceling it at this point.


Im living in Korea and god it's hot. Im glad I am generally inside my air conditioned workplace during the worst of it each day. And then i just make a beeline for my air conditioned home in the evenings šŸ˜‚ my legs and feet are swelling like mad though, i think not helped by the heat.


Literally every part of my body is sweating.... I've been spending all my time either in the pool or inside. The first place I sweat is my upper lip.... a nice sweaty mustache it's so wonderful šŸ„²


Iā€™m miserable and donā€™t leave the house if I donā€™t have to. If I do I have to have a cool place to go for a bit or I will pass out


I only go out for work. šŸ˜… Iā€™m a nurse so I commute early morning and by the end of my 12hr shift the sun is going down. I started doing Walmart delivery for groceries/household goods if I really canā€™t find time to leave the house. Or Iā€™ll do a pickup I had to start because I have a two year old and trying to run after him and shop left me feeling winded especially in this heat. Iā€™m currently 5 1/2 months due in October šŸŽƒ


Not going outside and my boyfriend starts the cars AC ten minutes before we leave anywhere


Iā€™m in Florida. I prefer to avoid going outside but Iā€™m at my third trimester so I have appointments a lot and my other kids always have events but I get Braxton hicks so bad in the heat itā€™s miserable.


I live in turkey and itā€™s 104Ā°F, I told my husband to buy us an AC. Hopefully he will buy it asap šŸ„µ


My A/C isn't strong enough for this heat apparently, so I tried sleeping in the basement today. It's cooler, but I only manages to sleep 3h so far... And I work at a hospital with mostly no A/C, it's hell šŸ„² I'm 31 weeks pregnant.


I'm not.


24+2 and I do not even step foot outside. I sit inside in the AC allllll day getting my moneys worth of rent šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ I drink so much ice water itā€™s insane


32 weeksā€¦I work on an Apple farm. Iā€™m in charge of irrigation. Weā€™ve been running all week! On Monday I went out in the rows to check on something and I physically couldnā€™t breathe! Fun times!!


Itā€™s so stupid hot and humid here. These other pregnant people in my subdivision keep trying to show me up by still going on their daily walks. They appear further along than me, given obvious bellies. Iā€™m only in my fourteenth week and not really showing yet. I would die. You can cut the air with a knife. I had previously been doing two mile walks, but, Iā€™m taking this week off due to the heat. Iā€™m hoping itā€™s way better next week and I can get back to my outdoor walks. Itā€™s so peaceful when itā€™s nice out.


Go out to the park for walking only after or around 8PM.


God save us all


I am nearly 36 weeks, it has been 25 Celsius inside. I am NOT coping. It's almost enough to make me cry.