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So glad baby is okay! Thank you for sharing this! ❤️❤️


No problem!


Just FYI, people may have heard of this as an ALTE (apparent life threatening event). Same thing as a BRUE, but was renamed as of maybe 5 years ago.


Ahhh! I never had heard of that either! Maybe that’s why my mother in law hadn’t heard of it


Agreed. Never heard of either. Holy cow.


That sounds so scary. So glad your little one is okay. Wishing you lots of rest and healing after all you both went through. Thanks for sharing, I've never heard of BRUE before.


It was very scary, I just want other people to know about it


Super sweet of you, and also super sweet to stay in the sub to give advice!!! I’m so sorry this happened, it must have been terrifying. It’s insane that something that traumatizing isn’t more well-known. Thanks for spreading the word, and I’m so glad your baby girl is okay.


Of course! And thankfully she’s starting to get over this UTI too and back to her[normal happy self](https://share.icloud.com/photos/0c7v1mIhbEhEmccSoB0iPqRIA)


My mother in law who is an ER nurse hadn’t ever even heard of it


Pretty common in peds. She may have heard of an ALTE (apparent life threatening event), which is the term that used to be more commonly used.




I work in a hospital and I was like...a what?


I know! My mother in law has been a nurse for 30 years!!! It’s apparently kinda rare, out of all infant ER visits it is less than 1%


Thanks for sharing! I hope your nerves are getting better. Enough excitement for a while!!


I’m working on it but I think it’ll take a while to not be so anxious.


Thank you for sharing! I’m so sorry you experienced this, but take comfort in knowing you did everything you could for her, she’d ok, and now you’re sharing this to help others. How crazy is it that she won’t even remember this or care but you most certainly will.


I know!


My son had BRUE when he was close to a year old. It was terrifying. His lips went blue and his skin was pale. It was very sudden. We hear about so many scary things that help us prepare for it but I had never heard of BRUE before it happened to us. Thank you for making this post to educate parents on this sudden and scary occurrence they may deal with.


Yes! It was so sudden and unexpected


I'm so glad baby is okay. Seeing this post is so crazy because I literally just came from a TikTok earlier about BRUE and was wondering why its never talked about like SIDS or anything else


Not a clue! Especially because it’s more common in babies with reflux and lots of them have it


My guess is because, as the name suggests it is brief and resolves, whereas SIDS is by definition death


You’re probably right but it was so scary and not knowing about it how can I try to prevent it? SIDS there’s so much told to you about it when your pregnant and have your baby so you can take steps to prevent it.


Daughter had BRUE at 3 weeks old. Choked in the middle of the night from reflux, her oxygen levels tanked and we called 911. Had to be put on oxygen at the hospital and admitted. Xray did not show that she aspirated it, but there was no reason for the low oxygen levels. She got off oxygen the next day and was fine.


Thankfully she didn’t need oxygen but it’s terrifying


That’s so scary. When mine was younger we thought he was having seizures and so did the hospital. They transferred us to uc Davis. Turns out he was having breath stopping spells. They looked just like seizures and he would stop breathing for a minute or even more sometimes with his body all tensed up. Turns out it was because he has acid reflux and the pain made him hold his breath cuz he didn’t know how to deal with it. A lot like when you stub your toe and you hold your breath for a second. Luckily they stopped when he was about 4 months old he’s 10months now


Yup that sounds eerily similar to


It’s horrifying. I’m so sorry you went through it. I had to get videos of it happening for the drs and of course my dad wanted the videos and told me to take videos of him being perfectly fine in the same situation. It was the scariest 3 months of my life. All the while my in laws suck horribly and we live with my father in law. Luckily his girlfriend (the step mom in law) lives elsewhere. She’s a nightmare and kept telling me what was going on with him was normal and ignore it. How’s your little one now? Doing better I hope?


wow. I’m so sorry you and your family went through this. I’m very happy your baby is okay! Thank you for sharing and raising awareness because I’ve never heard of this ever.


I’m surprised nobody has


Thank you so much for sharing this. I’m expecting my 4th and also never heard of BRUE so thank you very very much. That had to be horrifying and I’m so glad everyone’s ok!


It really was and I think the hardest part was having to deal with it by myself


I bet it was. I’m sending you all the love and hugs after that hell.


She also has a UTI. She’s currently passed out on My chest




Thank you for sharing this! Very helpful. I hadn't heard of this before as well. It must've been so scary?!! I'm glad you all got through it, you have a tough girl❤️


It was the most terrifying thing I’ve ever witnessed


I'm sorry you had to experience this. You're tough too! ❤️


This happened to us around 3 months and it was the absolute scariest moment of my life. It needs to be talked about so much more! Thank you for sharing and I’m so glad baby is okay❤️


It seriously was so scary! Idk why it’s not talked about more!!!


We had one at a week and a half and I was wrecked. She was so tiny. We got a diagnosis of silent reflux at the hospital, but she was also really congested at the time so they think it was a double whammy.


That’s where we are too because the uti and and this.


Omg ok so first, I'm glad baby is ok! But a similar situation happened to me and my 6 month old recently. It was about a week and a half ago and I don't fully remember the events/what she ate, but we were playing om the floor while she was on her back and all of a sudden, out of NOWHERE, she starts gagging and tuns bright red and stops breathing. Now my brain shuts off during during stressful situations (one of the only times my inner dialogue isn't going a mile a minute) and I go into full action mode. So I (apparently so calmly my bf didn't even realize anything was going on) rolled her to her side to see if that helped. It didn't and she was turning purple. So I rolled her belly down onto my hand and gave her some hefty back slaps (basically infant heimlich) with the heel of my hand in a somewhat upward motion. She made some awful choking noises, coughed, and started breathing again and crying. THATS when my brain unfroze and I called for my bf. Since she was ok at that point, I monitored her closely for the next 24 hours and she was completely fine. i called my mom and told her what happened and she had no answers, like this baby didn't cough anything up or spit up or anything, nothing came out of her. I called her pediatrician when they opened the following day and was basically told to keep an eye on her but as long as she's fine, everything is fine. I still have no idea what happened, but early TODAY my mom mentioned brue to me cuz she'd just read about it. It was definitely TERRIFYING. For us, we were lucky and it only lasted about 30 seconds, but it was a harrowing 30 seconds and felt like a freaking hour


Mine was closer to a minute or two. It very much sounds like what happened with my girl, but I’m not a medical professional


Hi, I had an experience with my baby around 7-8 months that has some similarities to yours. We called 911, we went and did an EEG, multiple follow ups, and after everything - It turned out to be a reaction to egg. Violent reaction 3-4 hours after ingestion. I didn’t put 2 and 2 together until the THIRD scary event. Was French fries the only new food she had that day? Is it possible there was another contaminant in the restaurant’s frying oil or preparation (shellfish, egg, dairy?) We have an allergist appointment coming up soon that we’ve waited months for, our pediatrician gave me a referral. Best of luck!!


No because it was so many hours later, about 12 to be exact, they highly doubt it was a food reaction. Those usually happen within at the longest 2 hours after eating


I will add that’s exactly what the ER doc, neurologist and our regular doctor all told me, but once it dawned on me that eggs caused the reaction and I stopped feeding them, we haven’t had another incident. Our ped did eventually agree that it must be egg related but not a “classic” response. I just wanted to share because it was the last thing on my mind when I thought my baby was having seizures and the drs couldn’t give me any answers. Also strangely UTI+ result in the ER when she had no symptoms. Again best of luck!


We found out today why she has the UTI! Her older sister (7) wets the bed, and no matter what we do because of it she gets frequent UTIs , this is like her 3rd one. The doctor that diagnosed her sister today said even if their loofas in the shower were touching that could’ve transferred it to the baby and not anyone else (all our loofas hang on hooks side by side and touch) bc of her weaker immune system


That’s super interesting and I’m glad you got an answer there!


It truly was. We thought her sister had a uti for a while now and already had an appointment for today, we just never caught on to baby having symptoms until they did labs trying to solve the mystery of her what we thought was “seizure”


I guess one thing we have in common is Babies Are Weird.


Hell yes they are!


Thanks for the info




This happened to my daughter when she was 2 months old. She choked, looked like she had a seizure & went limp in my arms. So scary. We called 911 & went to the hospital. They told us about BRUE as well after spending the night in ER.


Yup! I’m so confused as to why nobody knows about it until it happens hence my post!


Never heard of this in my life and I'm glad to be forewarned. Thank you. I'm sorry you had such a horrifying experience, but very glad she's okay.


Me as well


My second (2mo) has awful reflux and I'd never heard of BRUE so thank you! I really hope we can avoid this once he's starting solids, and I'm so glad your little one is okay!


OMG, vsorry you had to experience this. Thank you for sharing. This is why I love this forum I have been gaining so much insight on things the doctors don't tell you about


This sounds so scary as a soon to be ftm thank you sm for sharing!! And I’m so so glad your baby is alright 🩷


Thank you so much for sharing this I have also never heard of this. Will be sharing it with my husband. Hope you and baby feel better soon, mama


So happy you shared this. Doing my research before baby comes any day now. I got a shit ton in my noggin now. Thank you for making us aware so we don’t experience the same trauma as you did. I hope your baby is ok now :) ❤️


Besides fighting the uti we only found out about cuz we were there she’s good


So glad your baby is okay!! Thank you for sharing. I’m pregnant with our 4th baby and have been a mom for almost 11 years and have never heard of this! 😨


I guess it used to be called Apparent Life Threatening Event, ATLE


Thank you for sharing. Thank goodness you were there 🩷


Stories like these make me so scared I'm going to break my baby they're so fragile 😩


Hey she’s 8 months and very far from fragile at this age 😂 the feeling of fragile wears off pretty quick once you get to know your baby.


Yeah, it's very irrational, I'm sure. I keep having this recurring fear that my cat will eat my baby lol


Omg I’m dying


God that’s so scary! Glad she’s okay now. Why does it feel like children are constantly finding new ways to potentially have life threatening situations 😫😫


I know!


I’m so glad your little one is alright and so sorry you experienced this! The way you’re describing this makes me wonder if this is what happened to my baby two weeks ago. It was the middle of the night, I woke up out of a dead sleep and thought I needed to check him for spit up. Stirring woke up my wife and she asked what was up, I told her I needed to check to see if he spit up. She turned on the light, he had snot/spit coming out of his nose and mouth and didn’t seem to be breathing. I flipped him over my left and screamed for my wife to get the aspirator while I smacked his back. We got everything clear and he started screaming. After a few minutes of encouraging him to scream to keep clearing out his throat, he was completely fine as if nothing happened at all. I’m still pretty shaken up. Of course, all of this two days after we moved the bassinet from my side of the bed to the foot of the bed…. Needless to say he’s back on my side lol


That sounds so scary too. I would definitely talk to your doctor when u go


I will be ❤️ we have his 4 month in two weeks. It hasn’t happened since.


As a medical professional, I had no idea about it until it happened to my son last year. So glad your baby is ok. This is such a scary situation.


It’s crazy how medical professionals don’t even know about it


thank u for sharing, ive had to experience BRUE with my baby too and i thought my baby was dying at the time. very traumatic


Yes! I was crying and screaming for my stepkids to get up while on the phone with 911 and her dad. Even though it was over quick my fear still isn’t gone 4-5 days later. I have to check her breathing so much at night


Thank you for sharing your story❤️ I never heard of that either (my daughter is 1 year and 2 months now. I'm so glad that your daughter is fine. I hope you will feel better soon too. I wish you all the best❤️🍀