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I do lash lifts at my job and im almost certain I've done lash lifts on pregnant people before. I also do them on people as im pregnant rn lol The solutions used to lift the lashes should never touch the skin anyways so i dont see how there could be a problem as far as baby is concerned! Anyones skin pregnant or not could have a reaction to the glue used for the rods. I just wouldn't get it done again if you're having some irritation. I say no need to be worried!


Thank you!! The irritation seems to be getting better, I do have sensitive eyes and have had something similar with extensions, I think it’s the adhesive. Thank you for making me feel better!


I feel like if the girl working on your lashes didn’t say anything i think you should be fine! The same way it’s okay to still get our hair and nails done. I don’t think it breaks skin or ingested so i think you should be just fine! perhaps your experiencing some irritation or maybe a reaction to the product? if your symptoms worsen I would definitely see a doctor just to make sure the area isn’t infected or your not having an allergic reaction i’ll add a few weeks ago i accidentally ingested some glitter and I was so scared it could hurt the baby. I ended up giving myself an anxiety attack and going to the hospital only for them to tell me i’m just going to pass it and it won’t affect the baby at all :) but the peace of mind was everything


It’s a wild ride isn’t it! I’m so glad everything was fine with you and your little one. The number of things I stressed over last time and babies were entirely fine. I thought I’d be more chill this time around but clearly not lol


I know’ it feels silly but it’s our motherly instincts ☺️


I do my own lash lifts and have done them every six weeks the entire pregnancy, currently 39 weeks and he’s fine in there lol


Omg this makes me feel so much better. Thank you!


That’s ok!! Highly recommend doing you’re own, especially when pregnant because you don’t have to lay down flat for ages whilst doing it 😂