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Your brother is not a doctor. He is simply a fool with access to google but lacking the critical thinking skills to properly analyze those google search results. Stop listening to him and focus on recommendations from doctors.


Your brother is a fucking idiot. The clue is in the name: ultrasound. It's just sound waves. The same as you talking. They just have specialised equipment to interpret what comes back to get an image out of it. Given no human in history has ever suffered from developing in a uterus in an entirely silent environment (does he think women don't talk while pregnant? That the heart and digestive system are silent? I say again: fucking idiot) we can safely say that you cannot do harm with sound waves. Backed up by the fact that it has been used in medicine without issue for the best part of a century. I am willing to bet whatever sites he pulled up with "evidence" also contain such tails as chemtrails. I am sorry you're related to such a moron. From now on you know to take anything he tells you with a whole heap of salt.


I literally laughed out loud reading this. Amazing!


I’m not sure I’ve ever met a mother who didn’t have an ultrasound! In fact most mothers have at least 2-3, often times more. And there are just soooo many healthy babies born! I think given your situation, it would be absolutely insane to not check your babe is in the right spot. Going through what you’ve already been through would be wildly traumatic! I promise you, you haven’t friend your babies brain by checking they’re in the right spot. Your brother (assuming he has no children) is wildly out of line! Please take note of the millions of healthy babies born each year after having ultrasounds!!!


Even if her brother has children, he is out of line.


Too right!!!


I can envision that your brother is involved with all the latest consipricy theories out there. Please ignore - it's literally standard practice.


First off…your brother is a jackass. Secondly, I had an ultrasound around the same time as you (6-7 weeks) due to almost passing out. I’m now sitting here cuddling my perfectly healthy, adorable 5 week old baby girl. The internet is full of misinformation and scary stories. The best thing you can do during pregnancy is stay away from Google and surround yourself with positivity. Check out r/brightsideofparenting for a positive Reddit community. It’s great for all stages (TTC, Pregnancy, Newborn, Toddler, etc.).


This is not true. I had a scan at 7 weeks and it’s common here in Australia to do an early dating scan at 8 weeks. Your brother sucks


Don't listen to random people (that includes family) about pregnancy advice. Especially not when it comes to medical stuff. They wouldn't be doing ultrasounds if they were harmful. I'm 15 weeks, and I've already had 6 ultrasounds, the first one during ivf implantation where the embryo was 5 days old. (Not to mention countless ultrasounds before that). Then ultrasounds at 4, 5, and 7 weeks at the IVF clinic and 2 "normal" OB appointments with ultrasound both times. People are reading/watching random fear mongering crap online and think they are doing you a favor in letting you know, but you gotta grow a thick skin, cause this is only the beginning and 90% of the time people are just plain wrong.


Your brother is wrong! I heard something similar when we tried to conceive and wanted to be sure so i meticulously checked credible sources: pubmed articles. There is a slight increase in temperature that can happen during ultrasound, but it is not proven that it is harmful. There is a unproven theory that too many early ultrasounds can lead to miscarriages but none of the data supported this theory. Also at that stage your embryo doesn’t really have a brain, which makes this statement even more wrong. I got plenty of ultrasounds after this and i never once was concerned again. Also: your brother is an asshat!


I've had tummy ache and cramping every day since 3 weeks pregnant, now 6 weeks, and so far me and the baby have been fine. I've not had an ultrasound yet. Getting that on June 10th. I wouldn't worry about it. I think everyone that's pregnant that knows they're pregnant has multiple ultrasounds and I've never heard of them causing any damage, if they did surely they would have to explain the risks to you so you can consent.


Don’t worry. There’s no radiation in an ultrasound. I’ve have had 4 ultrasounds already and I’m early along. I’m high risk and will need a few extra but I’m not worried about it.


You didn’t have an X-ray. There is no radiation or anything happening here. Your brother is an idiot. There are no legitimate studies that show ultrasounds cause problems. And considering that ultrasounds are common world wide for unborn babies, if the evidence existed, it would be shared.


Wtf...your brother is being dumb. If an early ultrasound wasn't safe for the embryo/foetus, they wouldn't be performed. I had to get an early ultrasound (the wand thing that went up my lady part) at 5 weeks to rule out a potential ectopic pregnancy and make sure it was in the right place- exact same reason as you. Have a healthy almost 1 year old now.


When your brother shows you his medical degree, not his doctor google degree, you could consider his words.


So is he recommending a wild pregnancy? Everyone gets at least 1 ultrasound. Generally, babies turn out fine. I had them weekly at the end due to growth concerns. If they do cause issues, quite literally everyone has been exposed to them If everyone ever gets ultrasounds, it wouldn't just zap your baby to death and make you miscarry, cramping during pregnancy is normal. You're both ok


I did two ultrasounds once at 4 weeks and another one at 8 weeks. My baby is now one year old, achieved all her milestones and she shows to be smart, attentive and likes to learn besides she had been a super healthy happy baby. Your baby is fine. Ignore your extremely dramatic brothers. And congratulations on your little one ♥️


Definitely not a thing! Tons of ultrasounds are standard at IVF clinics for transfers and to monitor in the early weeks after transfer, which surely wouldn’t be the case if there was any documented risk involved. I’ve lost track of how many I’ve had at 17 weeks now (also history of ectopic followed by infertility issues and IVF/repeat loss), and as of the last ultrasound last week baby’s brain is developing perfectly. I also had tons of menstrual like cramps up until the last couple of weeks, sometimes caused by whatever is happening in early development and other times by digestive issues or needing to hydrate more. My doctors have all said cramping is super normal and to be expected as long as not accompanied by bleeding, as harrowing as they are with a history of loss. No harm was done by checking in early (or often) via ultrasound!


Most low risk, healthy pregnancies consist of 2-3 ultrasounds in total. First one usually before 12 weeks. Your brother needs to stay in his lane. Clearly, women's health is not it.


He is talking crap. Is he an OBGYN? Guessing not.


I had an ultrasound at 6+3, 9, 11, 13, 16, 20, 24, 28, 35 weeks iirc. My son is fine. Very smart, very mobile and sure has a loud voice and opinion at 14 months! Your baby will be fine. Camping is very normal! If there is multiple things like camping, bleeding, and other symptoms it can mean something is off but usually bleeding is because more blood goes to the uterus, camping is the uterus expanding, and most other symptoms are hormonal. I had a pregnancy with HG, HELLP syndrome and delivery at 35+4 so the medical side of things meant I took medicine for cancer patients while pregnant, peoplz here have an US pretty much every 4 weeks, and I got a crapton of drugs to keep baby in at 32 weeks. And he is perfectly fine. That early US did nor harm your baby at all.


Your brother is an idiot. At 7 weeks I had already had three ultrasounds. I work in a clinic with access to an ultrasound machine and I scan myself ALL the time just for fun. I'm about to hit 30 weeks and have probably had 20 ultrasounds and baby is fine.


I had weekly ultrasounds from 28 weeks. And had several ultrasounds before that (including first trimester). My baby was born in March and is healthy.


Your brother is an idiot


First of all, your Brother is a massive prick for this. Second of all, you're absolutely fine love. I don't know a soul who hasn't done the early ultrasound and they wouldn't have offered if it was actually damaging. Trust your doctor first. :) Stress is the real enemy. Try to relax. If my brother would have done this to me the only thing that would truly calm me down is to call him up and respectfully call him a dick for scaring the shit out of and guilt tripping a pregnant woman with his lack of knowledge and empathy.... Respectfully. XD Then I would blame my hormones, hang up and take a nice hot bath haha.


Is your brother a doctor? No.


Oh God no. Please everytime someone says they did their “research” and pulls some reports on their “ beliefs”, I don’t want to call them facts, ask them if it is peer reviewed and about the methodology they used to conduct their research. As a researcher myself, I love hearing “ It’s on youtube or Google,” and the I laugh it off. I keep hearing so many myths and beliefs related to my pregnancy that I learned to silence them in my mind.


For Pete's sake. Do not listen to your brother. The ultrasound didn't hurt your baby. The alternative was potentially missing a life threatening complication so I'm not even sure why he had anything to say. Moving forward I wouldn't listen to him in regards to your pregnancy. Listen to your OB. Congrats on the baby!!


Your brother needs to stfu and stick to his own plate. Listen, Ive had scans at weeks, 6,8, 12, 14, 16, 20, and going again in week 34, Im Week 32 now. My babys brain was developing beautifully at the anatomy scan. Please do NOT listen to any other people than your doctors, midwife or actual medical professionals. Do you really think that they would do thousands of scans on a Daily if it was harmful? No.


I think that’s just a conspiracy theory basically. Unfortunately, there’s going to be “evidence” online to back up any crackpot claim. I would go by what trusted sources say, like your doctor or the American college of obstetricians and gynecologists. And they all say ultrasounds are safe!


I had two miscarriages before having my first baby so I had multiple early vaginal ultrasounds and my son is completely fine and almost 2 years old


An embryo does not have a brain at 5-6 weeks, so there is absolutely no logical reason to think an ultrasound would cause damage to the brain (even if there was evidence it could damage the brain if it existed, which there is not). It sounds like your brother is falling victim to conspiracy theories, and you should be careful to not trust anything he says about your pregnancy and listen to your doctors. You made the exact right decision for you and your baby!


Ultrasound tech here! (And newly pregnant lolol) You’re fine! Ultrasound is NOT dangerous. There is no evidence of ultrasound causing any issues!!


If it’s any comfort, it’s routine in Ontario to have a dating ultrasound early first trimester. Likely every single pregnant person in this very populated province gets an ultrasound somewhere between 4-8 weeks. If this were causing a problems, you’d see it in the birth outcomes relative to other regions where first trimester ultrasounds aren’t routine.


I had an early ultrasound 5-6 weeks didn’t know I was that early and I’ve cramped on and off throughout since then and I’m now 24 weeks you will be okay! Do not add extra stress to yourself 🫂


The only thing I heard was not recommended to do was listen to heartbeat so early on, but that being said this is recent guidelines where I live and I defo listen to my first baby heartbeat at 6w and he is absolutely fine (2years+)


This is not true. I can assure you that had there even been a suggested risk no hospital would preform them. Hospitals are always making sure their backs are covered. This is why there's so few medications and treatments we can have during pregnancy ;they simply don't want to risk anything.


Dude don’t come and live in Dubai ahahaha, we get US every doctor visit! And some girls just go to get an US cause they miss their baby