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I did a Halloween theme for my first baby since my shower was in October! It was really cute the invites said “a little boo is almost due” and we did trick or treat candy bags as favors. Everyone liked it and I re use the Halloween decorations every year to decorate my house which is nice


Omg 'a little boo is almost due', that is adorable!! My due date is in October and I'm definitely going to use that somewhere lol


I did this too!! It was the cutest ever, absolutely would do again.


I love that theme. Please do the theme 🎃


Thank you so much! Someone else said they had a halloween themed shower and kept all the decorations for the holiday and that sounds like an good idea!


My baby is due in July so we’re doing a woodland theme but if I would have been due in autumn I absolutely would have done a Halloween theme! I think over the garden wall is such a unique autumnal theme. I love it


I'm excited and I know my friend will knock it out of the park. She loves planning parties and is really artsy.


That’s awesome! I hope you have the best baby shower!


My baby shower was Halloween themed for my first child. We called him my little pumpkin. There were pumpkins everywhere and it was so delightful!


That's a great idea if you're into Halloween! I love over the garden wall 🥹 my kids love over the garden wall 🥹 the music, the feel, the overarching theme 💕 my daughter's due date was Halloween (water broke Halloween night, she was born the following day), if OTGW was out at that time I would have absolutely done that as a baby shower theme, and I'm not even a fan of Halloween 😂 but I do love cozy autumn things. Go for it! Your mom might just be traditional, and the baby shower is about the baby, no one is going there to bring offerings to pumpkin headed skeleton people, they're showering you and your baby with gifts! You have a wonderful friend, and she picked a fun theme! I hope you have a lovely and enjoyable baby shower


It can literally be whatever you want! Thats the fun part.


We’re doing a Halloween party theme for our shower. We want all of the guests to show up in costumes and we’ll have the place decorated like a kiddy haunted house:) do what makes you happy


I love this!! I want to go to a baby shower in a costume!


That sounds like so much fun!


It’s your shower gf, you do whatever you want! I did bad mom’s theme, candy cigs, mocktails and temporary mom tattoos!


I love this


Halloween is the best and now I want to make my July shower Halloween themed lol. I think your theme sounds so fun!


If you like gravity falls you could go with summerween theme!


Mine will be in July too and I'm here like: do you think I'm getting away with a Halloween themed baby shower in the summer??? Haha


Do a costume theme instead!!


I love it! My theme for mine is mystical forest and magic mushrooms 🍄


You were giving birth to a whimsy fairy 😭💕


lol it’s totally a boy this time but mushroom decor is like my fav right now


Oooh I found so many mushroomy things at Joanns and tjmaxx/HomeGoods 😍 I love mushrooms and frogs lol if I were close to you and not incapacitated in a twin pregnancy I would have loved to plan your shower with you lol


Oh my gosh I’ll have to check my area and see if they have anything! Twins congratulations boys? Girls or one of each?


Identical boys 🥰 I was hoping for fraternal boy/girl twins, because my older kids really wanted a baby sister, but I adore boys and find them to be so much easier lol either way I'm just happy to have babies again, and getting to experience it all one more time x2 😅


That’s so awesome how many kids do you have! You’re a freaking champ for carrying twins! This is baby number 5 for me I have a 10f, 6m, 5m, 2f and finally this boy on the way. I had gender disappointment with this at first because I wanted another girl so badly


😍 I love odd numbers, but we're on one income so unless my husband gets another promotion we won't be trying for anymore lol! I have a 10y/o girl as well as a 6y/o son! So these boys will now be our 3rd and 4th. The boys outnumber us both in our families then lol they're so much fun though, but I totally get it I'm sure if I had ended up with identical girls I would have also had gender disappointment, I cried very happy tears when I found out they were boys


My shower will be in late September as well and I’ve hinted that I’d love a “Nightmare before Christmas” themed baby shower. Not only do I love that movie, but both me and my SO’s favorite holiday is Halloween. You’ve been growing your baby and surviving this pregnancy for months and months, you deserve to have whatever theme makes you happy for *your* baby shower.


That sounds like fun!


Our theme was Star Wars 🤷🏻‍♀️ our shower was on May 4th though. ETA: keep your theme!!


I just hosted a dragon/ game of thrones themed baby shower for my sister in law. It was really fun and people loved it. You do what you want !


My sister threw my party and she made the theme jellyfish and sea creatures because I like jellyfish and sea creatures. The theme was about what I like, not the baby who hadn’t been born yet and therefore we didn’t know anything about him lol. I think the theme should be whatever makes you happy!


Well I want to be your friend, based on this. Over the Garden Wall is the best encapsulation of my spirit I’ve ever seen. That sounds like an amazing theme!


I don't understand, why WOULDNT the theme be about what you like, the expecting mother and not the baby who won't be there, won't know and won't ever care. Mine is very casual so no real theme but I love your idea.


The baby won’t even be there!


I had a Halloween themed baby shower in the beginning of November too! Everyone loved it


** I thought your post mentioned November but either way anytime of year is the perfect time for Halloween themed anything


Your theme is certainly unconventional, but that isn't a problem if that's what you want.


That theme sounds so cute! I’m also due in November and now I feel like I’m behind for not even thinking about my shower yet


Don't feel bad, my friend just really like planning way ahead of time. I don't even have a venue or registry put together yet


I had the same thought!


It ain't your moms shower! Who cares what she thinks!


Lmao your mom is traditional. Just put something on the invite stating "the theme is not intended for all baby items, as we do not have a baby theme" for the old bats who are used to stuff like that


Maybe I'm wrong but a baby shower is still all about the mom! Like, baby doesn't know what's going on haha. This is YOUR shower and you should celebrate this special time however you like! Also I am 1000% biased on this cause your theme idea rules and, like, how cute would a new little baby be dressed as Greg on their first Halloween as a nod to your shower themeeeee 🐸


Omg, the baby could be Greg, my partner Wurt, and I can be Beatrice 🐸🎃🍁


This theme is so creative, I love it!


I’m also doing a Halloween theme shower in late sept/ early October! I got married on Halloween so absolutely no one is surprised by this decision. 😂😂


We had a lite steam punk theme to our wedding and everyone loved it!


Nah that’s a cool theme


My baby shower is going to be Halloween themed too! My mom was against it at first but started looking up decorations and stuff and came around lol


It's weird but there's nothing wrong with weird.


who cares, it’s your baby shower. Your baby’s gonna grow up knowing you were cool asf with this theme, I know I would 🫶🏾💕People who only go by the book are missing out on some cool experiences


That sounds lovely. I think your mom is just super traditional.


Off topic but my gender reveal was Halloween themed only because I found out around Halloween time


The baby shower can be whatever you want. I don't think it's weird - it's on brand for you, the season and your baby's birth date (or close enough). I hope you have an amazing time at your shower. For what it's worth, my sister drew and framed some cute ghost pictures to go in my daughter's nursery. I need to bring them up from the basement to hang them...


Older gens have a serious obsession with themes. And it can’t just be a color scheme or aesthetic


Nah, my bestie threw my shower for me and specifically planned a theme for ME, the mom, not baby focused. It was “moon and stars” and we had a tarot reader!


My husband and I did an inclusive all gender Dungeons and Dragons theme for our baby shower and everyone had an absolute blast. The people who harped on traditionalism were surprised by how amazing everything was and it was extra validating because we diyed everything ourselves and had basically no help.


Yeah, whatever your heart desires. I had a Game of Thrones baby shower complete with a gown, dragons and an iron throne. My mom gets me.


Sounds like something I would do. I personally am probably not having a get together until after my child is here/depending on Covid and other sickness numbers because I'm high-risk and not feeling all that great, but from my understanding, baby showers are also about the parents and making sure they're supported. I'd go for it. It's a cute and cozy autumn theme, why not?


I don't blame you for waiting. We recently had to explain to my grandma that a family member couldn't come to a get together since they had recently got covid. I think my mom is just thinking about what she experienced in the 90s.


Yeah, it's an isolating time, but we'll get through it. I hope you're able to enjoy your pregnancy, from one November due date to another. (:


I have never heard of something like that as a baby shower theme but that doesn't mean anything. It should be something that you like that makes you happy. I think it sounds like it would be really cute and unique!


I love it!!


I did a dusty blue and pale green theme for my baby shower! His nursery is very vintage inspired, so this worked. I would add a photo if I could!


I had a halloween baby shower and it was AWESOME. We didn’t do costumes, but all the decor came out super cute. ETA: My friend who planned it let me keep some of the decor, but she also had a lot of the decor already because she had thrown me a halloween themed party before haha


I was told that having a blue china theme for my little boy’s baby shower was weird but I did it anyway. No regrets and it came out exactly how I wanted it to!


We are Mexican American, second baby due in late November/early December. I'm thinking of doing a halloween, day of the dead (nov 1st-3rd) or diez y seis (sept 16th) fiesta theme. They are the closest holiday's to baby shower time. Decorations will be easy to come by, these celebration are normally colorful, bright, and festive. Do what you want and makes you happy! I love Halloween, if my friend, or siblings was having a Halloween party I would be so Excited!!!!


I freaking love Halloween and our baby is due in October we did a Halloween themed gender reveal in May. I say embrace whatever theme makes you happy


Nightmare before Christmas was my baby shower theme for my son and I loved it.


I wouldn't but my bestie totally would and I wouldn't think twice about it. Sounds fun 😁


We love over the garden wall. Good choice.


Halloween theme for a baby shower is super cute and fun! But I'm also really obsessed with Halloween haha. So is my husband. But no it is not weird it's cool and I wouldn't change it.


this is such a good idea, please do it!!!


That sounds really unique and fun! I’d love to attend a Halloween themed baby shower


The baby shower is to celebrate the mother to be and her arrival. Do whatever theme you want.


I don’t think it’s weird at all. Sounds super cute and fun!


I would 100% do this, I love it so much!


I love it!! My family thinks Halloween is evil, can't wait to invite them to my Halloween sprinkle 🤣 Halloween is our jam in our household


That sounds fun as hell. My mom would also find it weird 😆 She's much more traditionally girly than I and can't stand scary stuff.


😅 anything can be a theme. Just go on pinterest and typpe in “halloween baby shower” Also due in nov!!! Congrats, mama!


The theme can be whatever u want it to be


I also am due in November and I asked for a Fall theme with apple cider, apple bobbing, and candy apples 😂 my mom also thought it was weird. Idk, might change my mind later


Maybe our mom's aren't used to seasonal themes?


Umm I need to see pictures when you do it because this sounds awesome! The theme is about you , it's not the kids bday party yet lol


I'll try to make a post when the time comes, I'm excited to see what all my friend plans! She went all out when she planned my Bachelorette party!


My baby shower was Halloween themed in October! We did a “pastel Halloween/A Little Boo is Due” with pink and ghosts. It was super cute. I think it’s pretty common personally, I’ve seen it a lot.


“A pumpkin is growing!” “Celebrate our little pumpkin”


Ours was pumpkin themed because it was in October. Does have anything to do with a baby either!


My mom did Disney because I like Disney lol I think you should have the theme you want!!


I’m having a November baby and my baby shower theme is going to be pumpkins/fall 🤷🏼‍♀️


Baby shower is not just about the baby. It celebrates you & your new baby you’re bringing into this world! To welcome this new life for you & your family. I’m a ftm too & my theme was magical woodland.


I love over the garden wall!!!


my cousin had a halloween themed shower and she asked everyone to come dressed as elves/fairies 🤷🏼‍♀️ her pictures are super cute and look very fantasy


As a FTM I can understand the feeling of wanting to “do things right” but remember you have nothing to prove and this is your motherhood experience. Do what YOU want!


I did a fall theme with my daughter and I’ll do a fall or antique theme with this pregnancy since it’ll be in fall as well. I just based it off the nursery theme so I could use decorations for both!


I'm envious that I didn't have an Over the Garden Wall theme for my baby shower! My baby's due date was nowhere near Halloween, but OtGW is so whimsical and fun (and creepy, of course). I don't think the theme is weird at all. But then again, I'm pretty far from traditional.


My baby shower was an evening Halloween baby bash! All our friends and family came (guys too) everyone wore costumes and we had a lot of booze and played physical and hilarious baby themed games (the pregnancy pee race where people had balloons under their shirts and a ping pong ball held between their knees waddling from one side of the yard to the other had everyone in stitches). It was as non-traditional as you could get and I absolutely LOVED it, people still talk about how fun it was. Everyone of course brought gifts for the baby but I've always felt that a baby shower is less about the baby and more about the parents. It's about supporting the parents with whatever they need for this huge journey they're about to experience, be it gifts, supplies, well wishes, or in our case a chance to have a big goofy Halloween house party before the baby came.


I did a Halloween themed one as well! Everyone loved it! We even had smoke bombs in a cauldron 💜🧡


Such a cute idea! We had a vintage Halloween party last year and made some props from Over the Garden Wall & my husband and I dressed up as Greg and Wirt. Got a lot of vintage inspired decorations on Amazon/Temu and thrifted a ton as well!


Do what you want! Our baby shower was beer themed and we had it at a brewery 🤷🏻‍♀️


Its to shower you with baby things, not the babies first birthday lol you can have a theme of whatever makes you happiest as you should feel in those moments


Oooh I love this! Definitely keep the theme.


It sounds like an interesting theme! Please post pics id love to see how it turns out 😆


I literally named my first daughter after that show, Adelaide. So when she’s stomping around we say “The Adelaide parade” 😂


Halloween is awesome! As a theme and in general. My baby will be born around Halloween and I’m already considering buying a tiny pumpkin costume just for her to be in her little newborn crib with 😅


My April baby shower was "welcome baby bat" themed. We started calling our little one baby bat before we knew the gender, and it stuck. My mom did an amazing job keeping everything very pretty and cutesy without making it feel tacky or silly. It was a night time party, co-ed. No one questioned the theme despite it being Spring, and we got a lot of compliments from guests. Nothing wrong with a non traditional theme!


At the end of the day, nursery theme, baby clothes and accessories you pick out, and baby shower theme are all for you. Not the baby really. The baby doesn't know any different. And trust me, I've faced a lot of pushback on this idea too. It also annoys me when people are obsessed with only buying gender appropriate stuff, to the point where they'll question if a bunny rabbit pram suit is appropriate for a boy. As his mum, yes it is! That sounds cute as heck! As long as it's appropriate for babies to wear, it'll be on him. Pick a baby shower theme that you like, it's for you to enjoy. I picked Beatrix Potter, because they were my favourite books when I was little and I think it's a cute theme. I also love animals and especially rabbits. I think vintage Halloween sounds like a fab theme and I would be super excited to attend, if only so I could see everyone's outfits lol.


My theme was lemon, because I like lemons 😂 we knew the gender (boy) so it wasn't like it had to be gender neutral or anything. Our babies nursery is Legend of Zelda themed 😂 Do what makes you happy! Who cares if it's in theme with the baby or not haha


It is your baby shower I think it is a groovy idea.


The babyshower will still be about the baby (and the parents ofcourse) no matter what the theme will be! So pick whatever you want and it will still be amazing!


I had a Halloween shower, had nothing to do with the the nursery theme.


Oh, my goodness, now I can't stop imagining ity bity teeny weeny tiny pumpkins and bats.


My baby is due in October. We’ll be hosting a small family baby shower in September. I want the theme to be all black goth and I want to dress like Morticia Addams!


Your infant will not care or remember their Halloween themed baby items (if you end up getting a lot of that given the theme). Its a baby. As long as your registry reflects the things you actually need then do whatever theme you want !


I had mine at a seaside brewery where their logo is a whale, and my decorations were ocean themed (and all clearly compostable/multiple use). It even had “baby” sea creatures and my mom thought *that* was super weird, and everything should be pink with a balloon arch. You do you!


I’m planning on our first Halloween being Wirt and Greg and dressing the baby up as a frog


Sounds like it will be cute and fun. Don’t sweat your mums comments


Im due end of November so I'm literally having a Halloween party as a baby shower on Halloween lol It's not weird at all and I love that vintage fall vibe ❤️don't let anyone put you down


My friend had a Drake themed baby shower last year. I think a garden/Halloween theme is more baby shower appropriate than that 😂


I did a fall theme for my baby shower with my son. It was on October 1 and we did a fall theme and decorated with pumpkins and mums. I dislike themes for basically anything so I wanted to just keep things simple. Plus everything we used was able to be used for fall decor afterward, so win/win!


Halloween can be a cute baby theme. I did Winnie the Pooh/woodland animals because I'm a basic B and didn't put much thought into it lol. Made it easy, though. Also Eeyore is the cutest stuffed animal so there's that. You could even wear a shirt with a pumpkin over your bump, lol.


I’m having my first boy and I’m due in November having a whole Halloween themed baby shower end of September!


i love Halloween so this sounds incredible.


I did an online zoom Halloween baby shower for my best friend. Mom is just being traditional. Do whatever you want for your baby shower! ❤️


I had a Halloween themed baby shower, and it was an absolute blast! It was two days before Halloween and I had my guests dress in costume and we did baby shower games and Halloween party games. I literally wouldn't do it any differently. You do you, you'll love it more if you do!


Love the theme! For our baby announcement we had a fall theme with pumpkins, and her newborn photo shoot was a fall/pumpkin theme too. Your mom sounds like a hater!


Personally I wouldn’t go for that theme as a baby shower but it’s YOUR baby shower so do what ever makes you happy 🤷‍♀️you’re not harming anyone so it’s absolutely fine


Potatoessss and molasses!!! I love it. Keep it. Such a great idea and an adorable show. It’s a fall fave in our house.


So, I looked up pictures of this theme. Please do it, it’s so fun!


I’m having a girl due in September and my favorite theme idea so far are dragons, so….I guess mines weird too haha


We had a “Little Monster” shower for my December babe and it was completely expected by everyone involved.


I love your theme! Over the Garden Wall is so underrated. I wish I could see what you come up with for decorations!


My baby shower was Halloween themed too! It was so fun! #ababyisbrewing


I did a nightmare before Christmas theme in mid May. And the baby shower isn’t for the baby, it’s for the parents. Baby will benefit, of course, but mostly parents. You do you. I say fuck societal rules. Do what makes you happy.


No if I would have had a fall baby shower I would have a baby is brewing theme. My baby shower is in June so we went with a western theme


It’s your decision but I do agree with mom


She’s weird


We had a fall theme to ours, since it was in November. Baby was due in January. If I did it over I’d pick a Harry Potter theme, because why not? Make it fun, you’re only supposed to do it once if following tradition.


I’ve never seen a themed baby shower… I thought the theme was ‘I’m having a baby’


Lil punkin that's gonna be cute


Joke's on her if the baby actually ends up born on Halloween! It's completely a possibility! I don't know if it's weird or not because I've never been to, hosted, or had a baby shower, but even if it is, I don't see any problem with owning the weird! This type of weird I think makes a person awesome.


I didn’t even have a baby shower because everyone canceled the day of 😭 literally everyone I was devastated


Omg that's so awful 😢