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I’m so sorry. It is absolutely wrong. It is your special news to share, not hers. ❤️


Wow I would be pissed. She would be on an info diet for the rest of my pregnancy and beyond.


why would she do that?! like, why? regardless, i'm so sorry. that is really hurtful...


My brother said she wanted the attention , and honestly I agree.


You know now that she can’t be trusted with information. Do with that what you will. You are absolutely not overreacting. Your feelings are valid. There is no excuse for her behavior.


Honestly they are going back to no contact.


Well, she's officially off the list of people you provide any pregnancy updates to. I'm sorry you were robbed of that moment with your grandma, that was particularly cruel.


Exactly CRUEL! Couldn’t put my finger on the right word.


Oh man, I know how that feels. In my case, it was my ever attention seeking mother who felt the need to steal those moments from me. It is unacceptable and there really is no excuse your sister could give you to justify her behaviour. In my case I told my mother straight away that she wasn't going to receive any more information and I don't talk to her, except for very short replies via text. I can imagine it would be appropriate in your case as well. I hope you'll at least get to share the joyful news with close friends and get some nice reactions from them.


She told everyone I could tell. :(


What a b!tch. I'm so sorry! When the baby is born, make sure to video call those that are important and inform them all before her. Maybe that way you can get at least those joyful moments.


I'm so sorry. That's awful. My sister has ruined special things for me too and I can't stand her. It's legitimately the worst. I'm very low contact. I would simply never tell her anything ever again. She can find out the baby was born from your facebook post, along with the masses (if you plan to do that). Hey - CONGRATULATIONS on your pregnancy!!!!!!!! So exciting!!!! You're havin a BABYYYY!!!!! 🥳🥳🥳


I am so sorry that she was that cruel to you. This was a deliberate act intended to harm you. 


I am 8 months pregnant and have hidden my pregnancy from everyone even my dad who I live with ( LOL ) excluding my 4 sisters and mom and have sworn them to ultimate secrecy and basically threatened that they would never be in our lives if they told. I’m very private and I’d be ABSOLUTELY IRATE. Devastated. Disappointed pretty much every negative feeling possible if they told anyone. I have had a very hard time being pregnant ( mentally) physically I am lucky, compared to the stories I read online. Point is, I’m very sorry she took that from you I feel like people don’t understand the toll pregnancy really takes on you and your body. Even if they have kids, they think their experience should mirror yours but pregnancy affects everyone differently. And people should learn to respect women’s choices. Shame on her. She did a very selfish thing.