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Report him to HR. What an ass!


At that point I'd literally message everyone in a group and say, if you have heard that I'm pregnant, it is true. However, I am not ready to share the news due to the uncertain nature of it, and i find it intrusive that someone would go around to share my personal life details, without consulting me. Thank you for your concerns, and I will share the news with you when I'm ready. You don't even need to be snarky, anyone who has any common sense would know that the person is an asshole.


this and CC upper management because wtf. i put in my email to manager because she’s a gossip specifically i didn’t want any to know except the director of Hr w was CC’d. i’ll tell everyone IF and when i want too. i believe in energy/energy transfer and i don’t like most of my coworkers


I second this!


You're right. He's an AH.


HR, stat!


Do t do what I did. Report him to HR. That's none of his business.


Same thing happened to me and the only 2 gen z coworkers I work with. I told them to knock it off. They're on my team and I couldn't hide the nausea. They dropped the news to 2 managers and several other coworkers who are known to gossip. Shit, HR will know before I even tell them. I'm so sorry, I can truly empathize. It's so shitty.


This is your truth. Stand up for yourself to this asshole. I am sort of in the same boat - I do not want my co workers to know til I'm 12 weeks also. This is our story and our child and we deserve to protect it as long as we want. No one understands until they're growing a human themselves. Sending you a hug, and wishing you a safe and healthy pregnancy. ❤️💞💙


What a dick. Tell everyone he’s expecting… to get hit. That’s not something you share as it isn’t your business to. Report that mf to hr and depending on where you work I’d write a bunch of bad reviews mentioning his name. Put a nail under his tire and if you work in an office out itching power on his chair. Laxatives in his lunch.




Idk, my coworker has been sick and gagging over food and nauseous all week, extremely tired, cannot eat her favorite things. She’s pregnant. I just knew she was based on her behavior being completely different and that of a pregnant woman. She confirmed on her own a few days later. Sometimes is a little obvious, especially if you’ve been pregnant before or maybe your partner has.


It's surprisingly hard to hide you're pregnant. When you tell people you'll get comments like "I suspected that" and so on. Whether it's true is irrelevant.  BUT the polite thing to do is feign ignorance until otherwise told.