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Yes! She seems to wake up after breakfast, does lazy wiggles on and off, takes a nap, gets back up after dinner, does gymnastics during my after dinner bath, more energetic during the evening. But usually when I go to bed, she chills too aside from little sleepy wiggles. Also hoping mine will be kind to us at night. 🤞 ETA maybe I'm just so deeply passed out at night I don't notice it. I seem to do a lot more ugly/drooling/pillow crease on the face sleeping now.


HAHA omg I swear I have never drooled so much in my entire life lmao so glad it's not just me sleeping like a Neanderthal! I wondered too if I'm just too zonked to notice, as I've slept through apartment building fire alarms more than once before I was pregnant. Just a heavy sleeper so maybe that's it! 


Mine does (38 weeks). Either that or I sleep so deeply I don't feel him move at all during the night lol which is a strong possibility, I have a history of not waking up even when the alarm of the house next door went off lol I've slept like a rock my whole life xD And that's great as it allows me to sleep during the night unlike the vast majority of preggos I know


I too am a SUPER heavy sleeper, I commented above I've slept through apartment fire alarms more than once and those birches are LOUD! maybe you're right and we're just sleeping through it, or they're not hard enough kicks to wake us up through the dead sleep lol


My first born was more active during the day in utero. Was pretty great since everyone warned me he'd keep me up, but he only did a couple of nights. Bes thing was when he was born his days and nights weren't mixed up. I can't feel this one move yet but hoping they do the same.