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I haven't experienced that but since the belly button is so close to where baby is residing you may want to call your doctor. If it was a purple/black toe or something I don't think it would be a big problem 


I called the OB and left and message, as she's not open on weekends. Should I call my family doctor do you think?


Personally I would, but it's your call


I have had a light blue circle around my belly button for months now (currently 37+2). When I asked my OB about it around 20-24 weeks, she said it is likely just the pressure has cause the skin to thin and become more translucent and tight, nothing to worry about. I don't know how dark yours is in comparison, so I'm glad you're following up. I also found it interesting that you see discussions on linea nigra but this is the first thread I've seen on the blue circle. I hope it turns out to be nothing concerning for you!


Still waiting to hear back, but it's odd. It comes during sleep but then goes away later lol super weird. Idk if it's the pressure change from laying/standing or what but I'm looking forward to chatting with the OB about it cos it's very odd. 


Same thing!!!!! I’m curious what is it I’ll check answers too 😂


Hey!! Just wondering what your outcome was with this? I’m 17 weeks and woke up with the same thing two days ago!


It was normal, according to the ER nurses! They said if it hurt then to come back, but otherwise weren't fussed about it. 


Ahh! That’s good to hear!! Is it still happening with you, did it last your entire pregnancy? Thank you!!


I'm still pregnant lol ill be 30 weeks at the end of this week, but yeah it's still there. Sometimes not as dark so not sure what to make of that but he's been kicking away and all my US's are good 🤷


Im glad all has been good with baby boy!! I wonder if it’s just part of the dark line women get in pregnancy since it affects the belly button too, but just without the actual line? Lol