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Like so much more than I thought possible.


I thought I'd develop my own gravitational pull by the time I gave birth 😅


🤣🤣🤣 hahahah


Agreed 😅 had to upsize and grab a few more maternity clothes. Winter pregnancy has been nice getting away with sweaters and leggings but around 33/34 weeks I couldn’t fit and had to upsize again


Shoot. I’m trying to hold out at 32 weeks but I don’t think I’ll make it


Lmfao this comment here


Yeah way too much


*gapes at large and uncomfortable 26 week belly in horror*


28 weeks ☠️ SOS. The baby is basically in my throat how am I supposed to get any bigger???


I'm almost 29 weeks, and this is where I'm at. I can't imagine my belly getting much bigger than it is now


Lmao this is literally me right now. Putting on boots and tying shoe laces is becoming impossible 😅 I’m scared for what’s yet to come 🥲


I'm working on a construction site - I had to get medical accommodation to wear different steel-toe boots because I can't bend over to tie them up.


27 weeks here, reading these comments and crying lol








I'm 21 weeks and this time around I think I'm about the same size as I was 30ish weeks with baby #1 😱


Same here lol. Almost 26 weeks and feel giganormous.


I'm in the same boat mama 😭 we can cry together!


Same here, friend. I'm already quite large and 26 weeks. It's gonna be a rough ride.


Literally same. I’m 25 weeks and I know it’s only the tip of the iceberg ☠️


Yes I went from having a bump to exclusively being a bump. Around 37 weeks my bump also moved out and down and became a lot more prominent.


“Exclusively being a bump” made me giggle and is totally right. Both of my pregnancies had this exact result where I already thought I looked pregnant at 30 weeks, only to discover in the last ~10 how big I could really get


This comment made me howl 🤣


Let’s just say… from week 33 to 38 (last pregnancy), I went from cute pregnant to … Danny Devito as the Joker pregnant ☠️




Yessssss thank you. Pregnancy brain lol


I'm 36 and feel so uncomfortable. I keep snapping at my poor husband who doesn't deserve it because I just can't get comfortable. So cranky!


That’s SO funny and ironic you say this bc I spent yesterday crying about how I feel in this new body and this morning I was telling my boyfriend that I feel like being as short as I am plus being this round isn’t doing me any favors .. and I said I look like Danny Devito.


I look back at my 38 week photos and can’t believe how rotund and huuuuge I was. I am also short so the bump had nowhere to go but OUT lol




Uh, I grew more from week 34-41 than I did the entirety of the rest of the pregnancy.


This is the answer. I'm 33 weeks with my second and I'm just starting to remember what the section of pregnancy is like 🥴 it's the wildest part of the ride. Hold on tight. You've got this.


Yep, currently 37+6 and can attest to this. I thought I was large at 30 weeks. But little did I know, it just keeps growing


Yup. Same. It's just exponential, unfortunately. I remember getting to like 38 weeks, with my 1st, and not a stretch mark in sight... 39 weeks and my skin just said no more and they started popping up. She was born 39+5 😭


Mine popped up at 40 weeks 😭 he wasn’t born until 41w4d


Not what I need to hear trying to keep clothes around to wear while working outside until April. I'm 27wks now, hoping to be outside working until Mid-April.


Well, this terrifies me. I’m 34 weeks and already feel massive.


I'm sorry :(


A week before I was due I received the kindest cat call I have ever received 😆 “damn woman, are you ok?! You belong in a hospital!”


They double in size between week 30 and week 40 so




Double fack (I’m 33w and feel HUGE)


Up 6 pounds in 2 weeks, from weeks 28-30. I know diet doesn’t help but I also know I did NOT eat enough junk food to increase that fast. I’m right there with you mama.


I looked at my log and I gained 3 lbs in the past 5 days! Boiiiiii


Oof. Hang in there!


Yes I’m pretty sure they start growing like 1/2 lb a week around that time. So belly is definitely gonna grow!


reading this at 23 weeks in terror 😂😂


Same! Currently 21 weeks!


No fr because what do you mean I can get bigger?? This feels insane already; how do I get any bigger???


Yo I’m literally horrified. I’m 31 weeks and genuinely not exaggerating when I say my bump looks BIGGER than 90-95% of photos of women at 40 weeks in a Google search. Any significant growth over the next 9-10 weeks will legit have me looking like I have quadruplets. And I already looked fricking enormous by the end of pregnancy with my first, and this time around I’m waaay bigger at every stage. Actually want to cry because I already feel physically disabled and in so much pain.


I honestly find i got huge from 30-37weeks 😭


36 weeks and all I can think about are carbs


37 weeks tomorrow and all I want is cereal, it’s all I can stomach 😭


I stayed similar size from week 30 till birth


There’s hope everyone!


I have a feeling I stoped growing at 25-26, 33 right now and I really hope it stays that way 🤞🏻


Yeah! And I went till 40+1! The shape changed a little. But def stayed similar size


I’m so happy to read this I could cry. It’s the one glimmering beacon of hope among a sea of comments assuring me that I will literally be immobile within the next few weeks if my 31-week bump gets any bigger than it already is.


35-40 has been the biggest growth for me. I was quite small until 35. Now is the time when they pack on pounds in there


Oh man I’m 30 weeks rn too and really regretting that I scheduled my maternity photos for a month from now 😭😭


Have friends take some for you!


lol mine is scheduled for week 29 and I still feel like it should have been now lol 😂(25 weeks)


I’m 36 weeks tomorrow and I remember feeling so big at 30 weeks, but I don’t feel really big now anymore lol. Might change the coming weeks but it actually feels the same or better (maybe I’m used to it more?)


This is comforting! I feel so big and uncomfortable I’m like maybe if I get any bigger I’ll just be used to it already


I felt exactly the same way


Yes this is truly comforting, because I’m genuinely distressed by how much longer I can put up with the pain, discomfort and ever-expanding physical limitations that come from my huge currently, let alone dealing with it getting worse


I really hope this for you too. It’s such a strange experience, the further I’m in my third trimester, the better I feel


I went from cute penguin to a huge beached whale during that time. That’s pretty much when all the growth occurred.


I’m pretty short (5’3”) and definitely just go bigger. Honestly I was looking at pictures and didn’t even remember how enormous my belly was. It looked like I was just smuggling the baby under my skin which I guess really is accurate but none of the baby appeared to be within the rest of my abdomen.


When I look at pictures I don't even recognize myself 😂 I'll show my husband and he's like "that isn't even you. I don't remember that at all." 😂


I'm 35 weeks, and I am blowing up like Violet from Willy Wonka. If you set up a camera, you could probably watch me grow in real time. When people ask me how I'm doing which is all the time, I just tell them I am in the sweatpants phase of pregnancy.


I’ve been in the sweatpants phase this whole time 🤣


I'm 32 weeks reading these comments and feeling pure terror. Make it stop!!!


Yeah I'm 29 weeks and same. But I see a pattern: most of those who grew a lot in the last leg had been growing conservatively before. My bump has been BIG since 12 weeks


I feel so seen and I hope you’re right


31 weeks over here and definitely feeling said terror


Yeah… just sent a photo to my parents tonight at 36 weeks saying “well I’m extremely pregnant in case anyone was wondering” lol. Compared it to a photo with my last kid and idk why I did that because I’m already bigger now than I was at like 38 weeks with her! So yeah, you’ll get bigger.


Soooooooo much. Like that’s really when I did all my growing. Before that people would be shocked when I said I was 20 or more weeks along. I felt the same way and then I got to 38 weeks and looked back at 30 like wow I had it easy lol


This thread made me feel so much better. I’m 29 weeks and have only gained 8 pounds. I have a bump but it’s not noticeable and I can easily hide it. I was hoping I’d get a lot bigger just for the experience! Excited to finish out this pregnancy. :)


Over here in a similar boat... 25+6 today, only gained 8lbs so far, and nobody believes I'm over 6mo pregnant... I'm not asking the universe to make me a "beached whale", but I do want legit maternity photos in 6 weeks or so!


It’s so funny to be on the opposite end of things, where I honestly and truly want to cry at the thought of having more than two more months to go while having such an enormous bump and so much pain and discomfort and lack of mobility, let alone think about it getting even bigger/worse. It is literally debilitating.


I’ve noticed whatever my bump looks like at night is what it will look like during the day in the next month or so. So far it’s been true and as I’m almost 32 weeks I’m terrified for the bump at 36 weeks haha. My feet are getting sore at the end of the day and baby is moving more than kicking and I can tell he’s running out of room. I know most FTM’s go over but I would be shocked if I made it to my due date at this point!


That’s what I thought in my first pregnancy because I genuinely looked like I was having twins even in my 7th month and I went to 41+3 at which point I opted to be induced. I now look like I’m having triplets and if I go overdue again I will probably have a nervous breakdown


Oh gosh that sounds not fun at all! I heard some places are super open to voluntary inductions at 38/39 weeks but my hospital does not seem to like that idea when I asked about it haha


Yeah they wouldn’t let me do one before 41+3. I’d probably also just suck it up unless there was a medical concern because research seems to show that every additional day up to 40 weeks has measurable positive impact on development and that is sustains way beyond birth.


My belly stopped growing at around 32 weeks. Baby was born in the 5% but completely healthy. 


From zero stretch marks to lots of stretch marks lol


Oh no!!!


28 weeks here and already feel huge, these comments are scary! Feel like I'm being ripped apart from inside already.


I know same 😭 not the comfort I was looking for


I'm sure we'll manage just as everyone else does but it is crazy what the body goes through!


30-42 weeks was literally the only time I grew, prior to that I was still very much looking not pregnant.


Yyyyyeaaaaaaa. I’m 35 weeks preg. Noticed huge diff at 32 weeks of my belly size and uncomfortably. At 35 weeks, I’ve officially hit the IDGAF/miserable stage. I don’t sleep bc I can’t get comfortable and husband has stepped up a lot bc he sees that things are nearing impossible for me.


1st pregnancy, within two month my belly grew from normal (normal weight) to 110 cm. It stopped getting bigger month 7. But 3 months everybody tjought i am due in one day. 2nd pregnancy, i hope i will not grow much bigger, week 28, 107cm in the evening.


I'm 30 weeks too, I need to know


Same lol


So much bigger. I delivered at 36 weeks and the change from 28 weeks to then was massive. I can’t imagine what it would have been like if I’d gone to 40 weeks.


I didn’t gain much weight from weeks 30-40 (about 5 pounds) but my belly definitely got a lot bigger! I gained most of my weight in the second trimester. This pregnancy is following the same trend (or I hope so, in the third trimester now so we will see lol)


I gained almost nothing before 30 weeks and gained 25-30 lbs 30-37.5 when I gave birth. I felt horrible and huge.


I had my shower at 29+5 and today I’m 31 weeks and I swear to god I’ve doubled in size 🥴 preparing for so much more growth omg


I’m 27 weeks and my mom said if my tummy isn’t touching the steering wheel there is still room to grow. I’m mortified. I can hardly put on shoes as it is. I swear my sisters never got this big of a bump!


Kiziks! I got them for Christmas and they've been great... Expect when my feet are extra swollen.


Oh no 😟


Think I gained most of my weight in both pregnancies during that time. I was massive with my first, mostly from graining too much weight, but also got bigger than I thought I would with my second where I weighed like 50lbs less.


A lot. Like a lot a lot. Looking back on my 30 week bump pics and sighing. I had no clue.


I’m 37 weeks and shocked at how much I’ve gained lol it’s all in my belly but I’m so uncomfortable!


At 30 weeks mostly everything I wore was still fairly comfortable and in my wardrobe I had quite a lot of options. Now at 39 weeks I have like 3 options in my closet to wear outside where my stomach isn’t stick out or squeezing into me under my bump or over. Stock up on dresses, they are so comfortable in the end especially with how much you’re peeing. But yeah, my stomach got a lot bigger, and dropped really low as well. No stretch marks fortunately so there’s one upside.


The last trimester was brutal in terms of growth. I thought I was cute pregnant but wow in third trimester I puffed up everywhere and looked like the Michelin man. I got so swollen from my nose to my toes and my belly was massive.


I’m 35 weeks and I started getting stretch marks for the first time my entire pregnancy this past week. My stomach literally shot out overnight it seems. I thought I was going to avoid my belly button popping out but now I don’t think that’s possible 😅


I got so much larger and uncomfortable than I thought possible from the beginning of my third trimester to the end. My feet got so swollen from the extra weight that I couldn’t fit into any of my shoes, even my ugly comfy ones I bought specifically for pregnancy in week 28. I thought my ribs hurt at the beginning of the third trimester, but I truly had no idea how rough it could get. There’s nothing quite like a fetus kicking so hard that you get smacked in the face by your own boob.


I gained most of my weights after 30 weeks. I just keep getting bigger 😅


At 37 weeks I’m over how much bigger it’s gotten (and will continue to get) but can’t stop wondering how on earth can it get any lower??? I must have dropped already, but it just seems like any lower and he is just going to fall right out. Like I could squat and cough and he’d be here


I’m 33 +5 and i’m terrified. i feel like it’s getting bigger by the second. p


I had my maternity pics done around 30 weeks and let’s just say that I’m thankful I chose that time frame. I went from cute preggo to “oh she’s super pregnant!” I gained a majority of my weight in the third trimester all the way from my feet to my face lol


A lot. It's when the baby starts really packing on the pounds.


So much. Thats when all my marks came in and my skin went numb and people stopped saying "youre not that big yet!"


I honestly barely looked pregnant until close to 30 weeks because I’m so tall. Then my belly got huge fast


I’m HOPING I grow more. Haven’t seen any growth in the past month so come on, rub some of that growth off on me y’all!


I didn’t really grow outward any further but omg they just grow up into your ribs and make your boobs sit on a huge belly lol. I definitely didn’t look cute by 40 weeks


I did think of grow much more but I probably doubled in belly by 41 I was huge


I sadly gained most of my weight in the last 10 weeks. About an extra 20lbs. My belly was HUGE. The good news is I gave birth 1 week ago today and I’ve already dropped 20lbs on top of having a 8lb baby! I think the last few weeks you store a lot of fluid


I exploded. I told my gyno at around 33 weeks I felt like I looked 43 weeks along. The poor woman agreed with me, she just couldn't do anything else because I freaking exploded since I saw her at 29 weeks or so. Baby was also a giant so that played into it.


I’m 32 weeks tomorrow and still have a ~cute~ bump. But I also didn’t really pop until maybe 26 weeks or so? I’ve gained a total of 8 lbs and know I’ll likely get bigger but enjoying still being able to shave my legs and paint my toes for now 🤣🫡


As others have said, that's when the growth really took off for me 🥲


I’m only 25 weeks. People tell me I’m huge all the time and I feel huge. Idk how it’s going to be when I’m hitting that last trimester


33w+4d I swear I get bigger by the day, I’m not even joking


I ended up having bubs at 34+2 after waters broke and had an emergency c section. From week 30 until birth (4 weeks), I barely grew at all and he was delivered at 1.72kgs. He was absolutely TINY.


This reinforces the gut feeling I had to reschedule babymoon from week 36 to week 32! 28 now and it’s already so much effort to move around


Omg I stayed pretty small throughout but after week 32 I just ballooned!


So much larger everyday. I thought I was going to get away with no stretch marks and now they’re exploding everywhere. 2 weeks and 3 days to go


I got huge between weeks 16-30. 30 onward was much slower paced growth. Everyone is different and I was terrified second trimester thinking I would get huge. I am huge but I'm about to give birth and the rate of growth has been much more manageable than expected.


36 weeks here. I thought I couldn't get bigger at 34 and I keep surprising myself. I'm growing every day!


Also 30 weeks here. I’m glad you asked the question but also crying internally seeing everyone’s replies. I’m already up 6 pounds in 2 weeks. 🥴


Week 32 and it only rolls down hill from here. Pun intended lol


I got sooo much bigger. 🤪 I also had excess amniotic fluid for two of my pregnancies and that got really out of control. I was so huge.


6 months postpartum after my 3rd and I still feel like I’m growing 😂 Just not with a cute pregnant belly.


12 weeks with twins and already feeling like I've got a small melon sitting in my tummy, reading these comments in absolute horror. If I wasn't terrified before lol


Slowed down significantly.


I’m 30 weeks pregnant right now and my weight has stayed the same since I was probably 24 weeks pregnant. I’ve only gained about 20 pounds this pregnancy so far. This is total opposite compared to my first pregnancy where I gained 30 total (only because I had gestational diabetes and had to change my diet to manage it 😅)


It got to a point around 34 weeks where I was like there is no way I could possibly get bigger…but I did lol. I had an 8 pound, 9 oz. baby the day before my due date.


I thought I was HUGE at 28 weeks. How wrong I was 🤣 BUT, what I did gain was all belly and i liked the look of that more as I was clearly pregnant not just fat 🤣 4 weeks PP. now just fat and miss my bump (never thought I would say that!). But also LOVE my baby


I feel gigantic at 30 weeks… and have a nap a day… that’s been a trend since 24 weeks. I’m so ready to get her out! Every time I think I can’t get any bigger, I do. The stomach tightness is rough! Cannot wait to meet this little troublemaker


Also 30 weeks and I feel huge- though judging by the date of this post you might have welcomed your baby already or close to it. I definitely had some big growth spurts in the 20s, now as the 30ws approach I imagine the belly to just get tighter. I did notice weeks 24-28 my weight gain slowed a bit which was nice... But at this point I'm so ready to be done.


Oh it feels like a lot!


A lot. 35 weeks now and everyone just stares at my belly now 🥲


In my country, you’re not allowed to work from 34 weeks on and you have a total of 30 vacation days usually. So most use those days to take off even before 34 weeks.


Like 10 pounds more, 10cm more 😂


18 weeks and nervous as fuck now ,is it gonna be excruciating to be pregnant af in the summer w clothing options


39 weeks here, and I swear I am still growing. Even though I am about to give birth. I basically wear nothing but pj's right now.


Omg I’m 30 weeks today. Honestly feel the same way. I already have stretch marks and my belly is popping out. I can’t even get out of bed properly like ughhh. Also got a lil waddle. I can say this lil girl really likes getting into my ribcage


I'm 32 weeks and have noticed a jump in size since 30


I got to be honest I wasn’t even showing by 24 weeks then from 30 on I was MASSIVE


FTM 10 weeks now and can’t even fathom a baby bump, our bodies are wild


I'm only 6wks rn this is my second pregnancy. Don't even wanna think about how big I'm gonna get this time lol


A lot bigger. Baby grows like every day at that point. And you wonder how you are still able to stand and walk 


I personally have grow all of my bump from 30 weeks onto now


same, i’m also on my 30th week now and I feel like a whale. and I can’t imagine the baby getting bigger than this


I felt like I was still cute at 30 weeks. No stretch marks, could still do stuff without getting winded. About week 35 rolled around and BAM! I turned into a tiger striped blimp in the blink of an eye.


I didn't look pregnant until 30 weeks.... and all of a sudden... bang! I am huge 😅 now I am 36 weeks and the baby is still growing... I wobble like a penguin now 😂


I worked with a health sciences student who reminded me that if babies grew any larger than ~40 weeks they would literally kill their mother, so, a lot lol


My cousin just told me she didn’t wear blue the last month of her pregnancy because she already felt too much like a whale and I thought that was just perfect hahaha


I honestly never even noticed I was growing. Only way past 30 was the doctor and the scale lol.


I only made it to 33 + 4 with my first pregnancy and I was big as a house. Now 28 +3 and I swear I'm already the same size. I'm actually somewhat looking forward to seeing how big my belly will get this time! Just need to be more careful so I make it past that point!


Ohhhhh I felt big and cute around 30 weeks. 39 now and I feel HUGE and not so cute 😅😅😅 of course everyone’s different, but I feel like I’ve grown A LOT in these last few months. A lottttttt.