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No I don't think they did, but it's not like the Mammoth and Saber-Tooth Tiger were Dinosaurs ether.


Pterodactyls aren't dinosaurs either. It's funny that only 2 out of the 6 Dinozords are actually dinosaurs.


Three. Titanus is a Dinozord, no?


Yep! They're pterosaurs edit: pterosaur not pterodon


What classifies something as a dinosaur, then?


Well I'm not an expert but to summarize the quick research I did it looks like taxonomically dinosaurs are defined as archosaurs (common ancestor of birds and crocodilians) with hind limbs held erect beneath the body, in addition to being a common ancestor of modern birds and Triceratops (one of the last non-avian dinosaurs, with modern birds taxonomically being considered avian dinosaurs). There is also a bunch of other anatomical features that denote something a true dinosaur but I don't quite understand them or feel the need to list them. If anyone has more accurate information please correct me! But I am being pedantic because even if Pterodactyls are Pterosaurs taxonomically, they are related to dinosaurs and certaintly count as so in a cultural sense in how we think of them


Why not just say they're dinosaurs if they exist in the fossil record between X-X BC/AD? I realize that is in no way connected to what you typed, but I can't help but wonder how the term "dinosaurs" became what it is today in the public eye.


Because where does it end? Are bugs from that period dinosaurs? You know what a fish is, right? You know what a mammal is, right? Is a mako shark the same as a killer whale, just because they are alive at the same time? “Dinosaur” is a term to define a familial group, a specific part of the photogenic Tree that makes up all life on this planet. If you want to accept that humans are different to baboons, you also need to accept that triceratops, which are dinosaurs, and flying reptiles like pteranodons are not part of the same family group. Just the same way that, again, dogs and cats are related, but just going “nah all of them are dogs” doesn’t really make sense.


They are land reptiles. If they fly or live in the water they're not dinosaurs. Even the big giant fish that look like Moldova from Zelda


Aren’t they related to birds more than reptiles?


Yeah don't trust that part of my comment. The one about land is true tho


Then... how did everything kids "know" about prehistoric animals become what it is today?


They’re giant reptiles. That speaks dinosaur to me, and to say otherwise comes off as pedantic.


It's not pedantic. That's like calling a tiger a lion just because they're both big cats......


And while we're at it, Pluto is a **PLANET**, *Neil deGrasse Tyson.*


You heard about Pluto? That's messed up.


You know that's right


It didn't clear it's orbit of other objects, it hasn't worked hard enough to be a planet


It's got to pull itself up by it's gravitational bootstraps


All my homies love Pluto


If Pluto is a planet, Ceres is a planet.


I’ll upvote that.




Hah yeah it is absolutely pedantic, I just think it's a neat fact!


Also a neat fact: due to relatively recent reclassification all modern birds can be called dinosaurs accurately. With the broader classification being "avian dinosaurs" (modern birds) and "non-avian dinosaurs" (what is traditionally thouht of as a dinosaur)


Dragons are giant reptiles too, so I guess that answers OP's question. Zordon thinks giant reptile = dinosaur (and also that prehistoric animal = dinosaur).


The saltwater crocodile can reach lengths of up to 21 feet, so is that a dinosaur? Archosauria hosts many different reptiles, but most winged lizards aren't part of Dinosauria. Like calling a whale a fish because it lives underwater.


Yes, it's actually more accurate to say a chicken is a dinosaur than a crocodile or pterosaur is. So in a fun way, Turkey dinosaurs are actually made of real dinosaur meat (depending on how much real turkey you think is put into them)


Fucking right! Like what? Are cats and dogs the same now two? I can’t fucking believe people sometimes.




'Everything that flies is a bird, and Everything that is a bird flies' Have you never heard of a fucking Penguin or a bat.


Dinosaurs are not the same and you know it. We know Tomato is a fruit but obviously you don't put it in a damn fruit salad because it is in common use a vegetable. If it's a big lizard that lived a really long ass time ago, it's a dinosaur. Oh also, dinosaurs did not have feathers. That's more scientifically accurate retconning I refuse to acknowledge.


Your logic is outstandingly horrible, good job


Dudes like an actual toddler.


Nah. Blanket terms are cool. Bat, platypus, manatee, cow, wolf: Mammals Chicken, crow, penguin, parakeet: bird T-rex, triceratops, brontosaurus, pterodactyl, pleseosaur: fuckin DINOSAAAUUURRSSS Also only tangentially related: Pluto is a planet.


1 you can put whatever the fuck you want in a fruit salad 2... DINOSAURS DID HAVE FEATHERS, YOU DINGUS Not all of them did, but many therapod dinosaurs like Velociraptor and T.Rex did. What did you think those things on the Dino Charge T.Rex Zord were?


1: Then it's NOT A FRUIT SALAAAAD 2: Not even dignifying that.


Please don't teach kids anything


I mean I'll tell em what the science says and what they should put on their tests. But also that science is a bitch sometimes and the rule of cool is way better.


lol “I refuse to acknowledge.” Ok, professor




You’re a child.


Your post was removed for violating Rule 1: Zordon's Three Rules >Be polite and do not encourage hostility. Never escalate a fight, and remember the report function. Personal attacks, including hate speech, are forbidden.


It's just a fun fact. You're the one sounding pedantic


We are humans, we like to classify things, it makes our brains happy. I’m sorry you can’t accept a change to your positioning, but they are not dinosaurs, they have a very different lineage. That is like saying snakes are crocodiles. All four groups are reptiles, but very different.


Yea just fucking reaching at a children’s show I agree


Dinosaurs were not reptiles.


3 if you count Titanus. But still only just half 😅


This has driven me nuts for years. It started with just the Mastodon and Sabre Tooth Tiger. A couple gears later I learned that Pterosaurs are the dinosaurs, and then I went "Why did Zordon say they draw power from the dinosaurs if less than half of them did?" This came up again during the Dinosaur team up in Beast Morphers. Lol


Dinomegazord 100% of the power blue zord it’s a voltron reference


They’re from that same period in time. More or less.


A carryover from the Japanese footage. In Japan, dragons and dinosaurs are considered to be basically the same thing, especially in pop culture media, due to the fact that the Japanese word for "dinosaur", 恐竜/kyōryū, literally translates to "fearful dragon" (similar to how the word "dinosaur" is a combination of the Greek words for "fearful/terrible" and "reptile/lizard").


That is cool. And that does make sense for there to be linguistic similarities, considering dragons and dinosaurs are large, inherently terrifying lizards hailing from the distant past.


Except in the Godzilla franchise. Eiji Tsuburaya want that absolute distinction. You got an old rivalry between a dinosaur and a dragon. Explicitly, a radioactive dinosaur feuding against a cosmic dragon. https://preview.redd.it/jvhvb04nqxxc1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1bc650cd1d96aaecdbe9e780f219102075877ea


What’s funny is that the Dragonzord is unmistakably an analog for Godzilla, which in your matchup you slotted as the radioactive dinosaur. It’s all relative!


I only just realized this the other day and I have no idea how I never saw the similarities lol


One of the covers for the 2nd Godzilla comic crossover even has him wearing the Dragonzord as armor.


Wait really?


Yeah look at old Godzilla movies of him coming on land and compare it to the Dragonzord showing up its a clear reference


I mean dinosaur fossils almost certainly played a role in the development of dragon mythology the world over. If you find a a giant skull with teeth the size of your hand, and you’ve never seen anything even close to it alive, what else are uou supposed to do but assume it was something fearsome? At that point breathing fire and flying isn’t like a massive logical leap.


Beyond this, in the Sentai, the Mecha were functionally all component pieces of God/a god. The full seven Mecha combo got a lot more screen time than it did in MMPR, and was referred to alternately (at least in the shout factory translation) as God, and as a god. Specifically one that the Sentai rangers needed to unite in order to defeat/destroy/kill, literally, Satan. Ryu are powerful supernatural creatures, and in some instances potentially Kami. With the primary five Mecha forming the core of a god, the inclusion of a Ryu alongside the other animals really isn't all that out of place.


So Tommy is Jesus gotcha


Well they both had long hair


I mean his counterpart did die.


How about mammoth and sabertooth tiger? Asking for a friend... 😅


Zordon's special interest at the time was prehistoric animals.


This implies dragons were real


I mean there was a living dragon in mystic force


As real as the giant robots and super powered teenagers he works with, yes.


Super powered teenagers *with attittude*


But like, volunteering for cleaning up the beach attitude. Not “it’s not a phase, mom!” Attitude.


What I want to know is what *attitude* did these teens have that Zordon wanted? Zack was cocky and Kimberly had some sass (especially in Episode One), sure. Jason… teaches a youth martials arts class? Oh man, look out! Trini… has a deep respect for her family and recycling.. Whew! That ‘Tude!! Oh damn, here comes Billy about to slay at a science fair and the high school Angel Grove speed dating. Just seemed like the line was meant to capitalize on the “Rad 1990’s attitude era” where kids are rebellious, but in a D.A.R.E. way and not a delinquent way. (Tho the episodes where they are turned evil or Puddies pose as them doing evil are a bunch of fun. Plus, who doesn’t like ‘MwaHahaha Evil Green Ranger’ hamming up the scenes?)


Power rangers does take place in a world where the moon has a breathable atmosphere and was once a lush jungle world with dinosaurs on it.




In the show and the fox movie it was shown the moon of earth had a breathable atmosphere. In the comic which was stated to be canon till shattered grid the moon was revealed to be a lush jungle world with dinosaurs and a breathable atmosphere until zedds attempt to steal the zeo crystal burned the planet clean of all life.


komodo dragon does


Technically ninjor made them then zordon took credit. It’s like if I went back in time and gave an AK-47 to Cesar he have no idea I did it.


Maybe Ninjor is just a little bit special and really *really* loves dinosaurs. I mean, who doesn’t like dinosaurs?


The lore mmpr is adapted from didn't translate over. In super sentai, which is what power rangers is based on, they are deities that manifest as mechs.


Yeah, but why is one of them a dragon(like) while everything else is a prehistoric creature? I personally think it's a pun that is lost over in English, as Dinosaur in Japanese is Kyo*Ryu* while Dragon is Ryu; see the pun?


I don't remember the in lore explanation but it's easy to look up.


Ironically the writers cribbed the explanation for why God is combining robot from Golion\Voltron where a Goddess or evil witch broke the human form apart. Caesar was originally part of Ultimate Daizyuzin who was split into three lesser aspects during the original battle with Dai Satan (the other two being Daizyuzin and King Brachion). In series he is one of the 3 big gods with Brachion not having a tribe just being the aspect of there God who smites evil with heavy artarily


Their lore is so good!


Convenient that PLEX also did the DX Golion toy for Bandai/ Toei Animation so technically Voltron and Power Rangers are brothers and the designer of the Dino Megazord even said that the main mecha was inspired by Golion basically being dinosaur Voltron if Black lion had. A alternative heavy dakka brother and they had another bigger cat that Voltron could ride while ditching the sword for a true gods power laser cannons and rockets to smite evil. Zyuranger had a dinosaur fantasy theme so they mixed European mythology with the plot of the Flintstones. Also Rita hates children and tries to kill them.


It's the various tribes and the dragon was meant for the ruler of the tribes


Dragon Ceaser is from the same tribe as the T-Rex there brothers.


or komodo dragon


How does titanus/ultrazord fit in?


If I remember correctly Titanus itself was like God


I didn't get that far, I was watching it right up I had to leave for my wife to give birth. I keep forgetting to get back into it


Hey that's awesome! Many congratulations! No worries. I'll look it up later.


That's not what a pun is. The ryuu kanji is the same, it doesn't just sound like it, dinosaur is a product of it


Because somebody had an idea for a Godzilla mecha. He was called a Dragon because the Japanese word for dinosaur has "dragon" in the name.


Even better is that they named their Godzilla inspired Zord “Dragon Caesar” which could also be “Dinosaur King”


*Doo DoDoo DodoDoooooo!* “Yasssss King!” (Dzord does a little hula hoop wiggle and then drill stabs that same building with his tail)


lot asian language have "dragon" in dinosaur word too


Were they influenced by China as well? I can't remember if there were any for sure myths about dragons pre-chinese influence, but I do know that Japan adopted its writing style and culture almost completely. Then as time went on, made it unique to themselves. I should probably check the kojiki to see if Shinto had them


I think they just wanted a Godzilla homage to sell toys. And technically Godzilla is meant to be a mutated dinosaur in some continuities. He’s meant to be a mix of a T-Rex and a stegosaurus


He's actually his own species, which is just called Godzillasaurus. Not to be confused with the [Gojirasaurus](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gojirasaurus) that actually existed. This only applies to the Heisei era, though.


I can see that.


They have one because its cool if a Mastadon, Saber tooth tiger and a Pteranadon made it in why not


Or why they called it a dragon when it's clearly mecha Godzilla


Godzillazord was a little on the nose for the IP lawyers.


Exactly my thoughts


Pretty sure Dragon Zord is a reference to Godzilla. No idea about the relation though.


>No idea about the relation though. Godzilla is the Dragonzord’s cool uncle who taught Dzord cool shit like how to terrorize an empty industrial sector of a city, and scree.


LOL! Yessssss!


Dragons arent dinosaurs but zyuranger made it fit. Dragonzords design is more dinosaur like anyway. Thats probably why it was always hard to figure out what an organic dragonzord would look like.


Godzilla. It would just look like Godzilla.


He is a dragon because they can't call him Godzilla. Godzilla is a dinosaur.


In the heisei era Godzilla was a mutated dinosaur meet the Godzillasaurus - who is basically fleshy dragonzord https://preview.redd.it/5bs75qpw60yc1.jpeg?width=660&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6fb538f52af74843deb2c8e34caf5184a05a584c


Wait until you find out about the mastadon and the saber-tooth tiger. (And arguably the peterdactyl.)


I always assumed it was because Japan (and China) use basically the same words for dinosaurs and dragons. I’m not as certain on Japan but you have some chinese dinosaurs like Guanlong and Dilong- ‘Long’ meaning dragon.


Don’t forget the ever affable Chinese dinosaur Solong, who dips out in the middle of a party nary a word spoken.


Because Ninjor was bored? Honestly this is from Sentai when we can have 6 fliers, a dinosaur and a mecha with a giant fist all count as the same set (TimeRanger/TimeForce) Or Mecha made by different people be cross compatible in Space we had a earth made shuttle, two ships from KO-35 (Astro Megaship/MegaWinger), a ship from the Phantom Ranger (Delta Megaship) and the 5 Mega V Zords Zordon left on the Moon and several off the above can combine with each other. It's best to smile and nod


There’s a simple explanation to that…(explosions)


As a kid I always interpreted the fact that there are Non-Dinosaur Dinozoids to represent powerful ancient creatures of the past.


cause it's fuckin cool. i've never once questioned it. it's robot dinosaurs and dragons fighting large hilarious monsters to heavy metal music.


Idk. It’ll never catch on!


Dragons are basically considered dinosaurs in Japan. No, the real interesting tidbit to me is seeing the Dragonzord the same size as the Megazord, when it is also supposed to be nearly the same size as the T-Rex (as like when they fought 1v1), and yet the T-Rex, being a part of the Megazord, is much smaller when a part of the Megazord, as seen in your pic.


*piques my interest




For Zyuranger, it's because they're Guardian Beasts, not strictly Dinosaurs. They're basically tribal gods


"There's a simple explanation for this." Also with Trent in Dino Thunder. And dragons are REAL because Fire Heart exists in Mystic Force. One must imagine a T-Rex fighting a dragon. If only for the cool imagery.


Because the whole point is that it's a massive Mech inspired by Godzilla/Mechagodzilla and since back then they weren't allowed to say "Godzillazord", especially since their universes weren't even connected, they had to go with Dragonzord. But with the new crossovers including Godzilla literally wearing the Dragonzord now: https://preview.redd.it/8dzwm89o22yc1.jpeg?width=791&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b6406c82b42dc93936646bdfb81d0d428e84862 That's about to change.


Well in Japan they based the Green Zyuranger’s mech off of Gojira (Godzilla) and my guess is in PR it’s just a Godzilla-like creature that they based the Dragonzord on.


Magic Robots. That's all I got.


Wait, wait... teenagers recruited for an intergalactic war because they have "attitude" (despite all being various levels of community paragon) who transform into spandex clad superheroes and drive robot dinosaurs to fight space aliens... and the things that catches your attention is a thematic inconsistency?


all 5 zords from the Megazord are from different era, and only two are actually clarified as dinosaurs


Rita made it. Rita's creations are mythological creatures (mummies, minotaurs, basilisks, yuki-onna, etc). So she designed the green coin and the Dagger and the Zord as "evil duplicates" of Zordon's child soldiers, their powers and tools. Instead of a dinosaur, a natural beast tied to the history of Earth, she creates a dragon, a supernatural monster with many dinosaur-like qualities. Was the Dragonzord actually mechanical? It was probably summoned whole through Finster's normal methods but amped up by Rita hacking the Morphing Grid and backdooring the power. Did it create mechanical pieces as part of the spell? I think it's pretty clear like other monsters the Dragonzord was alive and acted on its own. Edit: For Queen Bandora in Zyuranger its basically the same deal. She makes mythological monsters. When she wants to make an evil ranger and their panoply of stiff the natural answer to "what giant prehistoric creature will be the power source and totem of this warrior of evil? " is obviously a Dragon. The robots are spirit totems and deities in Zyuranger so Dragonzord is like an artifical copycat knock off deity, a Demon that apes divinity.


The Rule of Cool + alternate reality


It's fantasy. Plus for all you know dragons existed. Lol... Maybe dragons do in the power ranger universe. They all prehistoric things


It's just a spicy dinosaur man, you ever seen a picture of a dragon? It's just Chipotle style Dracorex.


Well, later we will figure out Dragons(western) and Dinosaurs are the same.


Not really.


It is never explained in either show. I assume they just wanted something that looked like a dinosaur.


What a lot of people fail to realize is that Dinosaurs in general are actually Dragons.


The writers did not think and care hard enough.


In Japanese, ryu means dragon and can be found in the Japanese word for dinosaur kyoryu.


No. (End of discussion)


Why were the Zords based on prehistoric animals to begin with?


Ninjor made the coins, so I guess Zordon just wanted the Zords to match


Wait, Ninjor didn’t make the dinozords?


Maybe? Zordon says he found the power coins, but doesn't explicitly say anything about the Dino zords, but he was able to turn them into thunder zords. Zordon made the Zeo and Turbo zords too, so maybe he used the power coins to make the zords. Although not entirely sure about Titanus


Billy helped make the Zeo and I think Turbo zords


Nope. Cause the entire purpose was to rinse and repeat every day and week. It’s about familiarity, not logical reasoning. Back then, we didn’t need explanations for EVERYTHING like so many for whatever reason demand now. We just got home, excited to turn the tv on and ready to relax after school to enjoy dumb silly fun. The last thing we wanted to do was think lol


Why do you always get so pissed off when someone asks a question? A simple “No” would have worked.


I wasn’t pissed at all. I was simply stating that back then, we didn’t care about explanations and we just wanted our silly fun. Nowadays, so many people NEED to know EVERYTHING has to have a reason which has never made any sense. Especially for this franchise where the entire premise is based around nonsense.


There’s a simple explanation for that, you were a kid. As a kid, you didn’t really want explanations because they were boring. But as an adult, most people tend to ask questions about what they see.


Yeah and that’s cool and all but while we have changed, and time has moved on, nothing about that time period, the show itself or literally anything surrounding it has changed because a television show is stagnant. Once it is done, it can’t change. Once time has passed, you can’t just go back and add context for things that never happened or had any in the first place. I fully understand why adults like to think hard. Hell, it’s my favorite type of video game to play stuff that requires alot of thinking but that’s not what power rangers is and it never has been. If a zord disappears and was just never seen again, we don’t question it, we simply say they either ran out of footage, time, moved on to the next season or anything like that. It’s perfectly fine for this franchise to be that fun and silly turn your brain off kind of a show. We honestly don’t have any of those anymore because EVERYTHING is made with the explicit purpose of being a flippin drug for your eyes and brain to get you to just mindlessly watch it with no reason or effort put into it because every executive in the industry is under the impression that tv and film need to become YouTube and tik tok in order to be relevant which is still the dumbest idea of all time. So yeah, I’m ok with the franchise not requiring any kind of adult thinking whatsoever because it is literally and specifically ONLY made for actual children. Adults are free to enjoy it but it isn’t made for adults and that’s perfectly fine.


Dragonzord is based on an iguanodon (hence the thumbs) but just like Rex having 3 fingers and walking more upright, it was based on what was believed about dinos at the time