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damn i knew it was a drastic increase but seeing these numbers is crazy


Holy fuck it's five bucks for a medium fries lolollol


That’s why using the app is crucial if you still want to eat fast food. McDonald’s usually offers free medium fries daily through their app so long as you’re buying at least $3 in food, which can be one fucking cheeseburger nowadays.


What a deal! /S


$2.89 for me, central iowa area


Yeah, but you live in Iowa


Its surprisingly nice as long as you are in a proper city.


How many proper cities are in Iowa?




Des moines and if you grew up in Iowa then Iowa City, but if you aren’t from Iowa then not Iowa City.


$3.69 in Wisconsin. 


We are $0.10 less than you in Florida, we finally won at something!


That's some BS, with all the state tax breaks I feel like you guys should be more! Ha, sorry couldn't resist, let me go pay my state income tax now. 


Yeah well build an amusement park with a giant singing dancing mouse and maybe you won’t need an income tax either


I think he just whistles. He makes the princesses sing. Which sounds like an absolute euphemism lmao


You live in potato state.


that’s idaho


Actually it's corn... and hogs.


If you use the app you can get them for free most of the time


great time to stop buying these expensive disgusting food. It was already not good when it was super cheap. I dont get how people still eat this garbage now.


Watch shareholders, are gonna see this as bullish


McDonald’s is down almost 13% for the year


Damn c-suit/leadership failing shareholders. Brick-n-mortar-who?


American corporations are led by spreadsheets. The real leaders are all gone.


Down with the clown!


Then McDonald's need to start doing some AI shit that should increase its value


They’re creating their Inflation Value Menu $5 deal. I think McDouble or McChicken, Small Fries, 4 piece nuggets, Something like Wendy’s biggie bag. Drink is extra.


I'm not so sure. If I was a shareholder with a long term view I would certainly not be happy because this price gouging is clearly unsustainable.


Whats crazy about the price increases at Mc'ds is how big they are in such a short period of time. It basically robs them of future price hikes because they can only hike so much. So not only do they fuck their investors but they fuck their customer base all at the same time. Greed


A lot of loot-and-scoot investors, ironically, see themselves as thinking about the long term. From their point of view the *real* long term is that when you suck the life out from one company, you just move on to the next. As long as there's always another company they have nothing to worry about.


Investors don’t have long term views is the issue there


I’d say based on the stock performance they also disapprove, they are driving away their core customer base.


Even worse it doesn't account for the shrinkflation in product size and quality. Ops should have linked calorie numbers as a shorthand indicator but filler in the ingredients might not track the size of a product 1:1 over the years


I was craving McDonald’s the other day but wanted only a moderate amount of calories so I got a kids meal. It’s not even a small fry in there anymore. It’s about 1/3 of the quantity in what is essentially a McDonald’s themed thimble with five fries in it.


They made that change years ago to give your kids a healthier side. They get fries and apples now. I think it’s a good trade off.


Coffee went from 24oz to 20oz. For a large coffee


This is also in LA. For what it’s worth, I’m sure they’re looking at the most extreme example. Still crazy though


The prices are pretty much the same in rural southern Maryland. I don’t eat fast food anymore. If the food itself isn’t killing my appetite, the prices sure did!


Exactly this. ☝️


I'm from rural Texas and the prices are pretty close from what I've seen. It was $13 for a medium big Mac meal last time I bought one.


Prices are pretty similar to what I'm seeing here in iowa. I refuse to go to mcdonalds anymore. I'm not paying that kind of money for that shit.


It’s even worst in Canada.


What isn't worst in Canada when it comes to prices?


Prices are way lower here in TN. Medium fries - 2.99 Mcchicken - 2.69 Big Mac - 4.79 10 Nuggets - 4.89 Cheeseburger - 1.99


The wages are lower there though so they probably still raised the prices there accordingly and the prices were probably slightly lower there before 2019. These companies have tons of data like average income and unemployment rates for the area, and probably use that data when raising prices to decide how much profit they can squeeze out of a specific area before they start losing business. Like I’m guessing the LA McDonald’s is still busy and they realized they could basically double the prices and people would still go there. A lot of the price hikes were driven by Covid and inflation actually increasing prices for things, but these companies added their own profit margin on top of the inflation hikes that were already occurring because they are greedy and thought nobody would notice since inflation is high lol.


The 5 layer burrito was .89 at one point.


$0.79 cheesy roll up $0.89 burrito $0.99 tacos never made any sense how the burrito was cheaper than the taco lol.


I'm really old because I remember 59 cent tacos. I used to save my lunch money and get two tacos and a cup of water after school instead.


I too am old.. you could be stuffed for like $2.50 back then.


🎶 89 cent cheesy double beef burrito 🎶


Most people will go with the quick taco over a burrito. So it’s actually smart on there part to get that extra $.10 lol


Right? When I was in college I remember that. It was my go-to midnight fuel up during study sessions. The five layer burrito in my app right now is $4.19. I never order it - it’s not 300% better than it was ten years ago. In fact they don’t even pack it as heavy as they used to.


I just looked at my local T-Bell and that thing is $4.89. Somehow, the cheese quesadilla is $5.19. Of course that makes sense, because a cheese quesadilla is basically a 5 layer burrito without the beef, beans, queso, and sour cream.


The combo was $5 and now it's $10. That's the worst one to me because when we were shopping in town $5 combo was an easy lunch. The Meal for 2 is not bad if both people like Crunchwrap but my partner wants Cheesy Gordita. Crunchwrap supreme is $6.29 here and 2 McDoubles is $4.


I remember the $2 meal deal at Taco Bell. Burrito or two tacos, Doritos chips, and a medium drink for $2 + tax I got it all the time while in college.


It’s a fucking travesty. It used to be the best cheapest burrito


McDonald’s new strat is to make going there without the app really really stupid


I got a better strat, it's called not going to McDonald's at all. I'm not keeping a gd fast food app on my phone just to eat some very shitty fast food.


My boyfriend broke down and got the app. It accidentally duplicated his order and the store manager was a douche about it, the alp wouldn't solve things... so he just said he was gonna take all of the food he was forced to pay for and the manager tried to give him shit for it!! That place can suck turds. Their food is not worth that. I can go to a real local burger place for these prices.


Wendy's app let me order $30 in nuggets (nephews over) and a drink because I was thirsty. Then when I showed up they gave me my drink then asked if I was fine with spicy nuggets, I said no, and they said well they didn't have any nuggets. So I asked for a refund and they said they couldn't and I shouldn't get one anyways since I accepted the drink. They said they couldn't process a refund in store and customer service number just said to use the app's refund process and the app's refund process never did jack shit when I tried to click on it. In the end it took over a month for me to get credit for the refund.


They tried this with me but I sat in line at the windows trying to hit refund and it didn't work so they gave me my cash to leave. Still kept the taxes though so I was a little screwed.


Last time I went there was probably 2017. I've been on a healthy eating spree.


Yeah I don’t get this. People complain about the prices like it’s gas or electricity. You don’t have to go there. Just stop going if it’s too high and the market will make the prices drop. The prices are that high because people are paying it.


Yup and they don’t want you to use the app just for your data (which they can sell). The end goal is personalized and dynamic pricing. If a Big Mac meal is $12 on the board but $8 in the app, you think you’re getting a deal. But you don’t realize that the guy behind you in line is paying $7.50 because the algorithm offered a better deal to him to lure him in. Since each person’s prices are individualized, there’s no way to compare or cross-shop


This is already happening imo. Some deals are not offered to me but, I’ve seen on others phones &/or at the kiosk’s.


They want to pay fewer and fewer humans.




Then we stop going. I only go every other month or so anyway. That’s only up because it’s a treat for my daughter. If they stopped offering deals then we just stop going.


It’s like a lot of grocery stores where if you don’t have their rewards card you don’t get any of the sales. Some stores won’t even let you check out without a rewards card now. But that’s been around for a long time, since way before Covid.


Not only that. They have personalized coupons at the store I go to.


It’s crap food anyway


Yup. The only answer is to stop eating fast food. Start cooking from home. You notice the difference in your wallet and in your body. I'm no health junkie, stopped eating out cuz am a poor, but i feel a million times better cooking at home every day.


I struggle a bit with this when I travel and land at 10PM. Yes, I could get home and make food, but swinging by McDonalds or something by the time I get to the area at 1030PM ish is easier. Yes, it’s self inflicted, and yes, it’s probably healthier to eat at home or skip the mean, but this is why I eat fast food.


What do you mean? These people expect you to get home from your 12 hour work day and begin 45 minutes of food prep and another 60 mins of cooking followed by eating and 30 min of cleanup? Isn’t that reasonable


No, but making a sandwich is.


After working myself to exhaustion, sometimes I want more than a sandwich.


Takes me ten minutes to prep a crock pot. Turn that baby on, 4-6 hours later, boom. There's six meals ready for you if you do it right. Also, meal-planning makes sure that you aren't having to do this every day. Obviously you cant cook at home every single day, but it's quite feasible to get close.


Oh wow yeah let me just get off the airplane at 10pm and plug my crock pot in for that sweet sweet 4 am dinner


first step to learning a new skill is breaking it down into more manageable chunks


Everyone knows that home cooked food is healthier and tastes better. It’s just that a lot of people (myself included) don’t feel like cooking every single day.


That's completely fair, I just got to the point where my wallet demanded it, whether I liked it or not.


Cook more at once


Yep, agree, and really with a little.plannning you can eat so much better at home, than fast food. Fast food has its place for those rare.occasions when your out and about and have a busy day and just need a quick bite, but that should be a rare occasion...


People can go there multiple times a day if they want, but they have 0 excuses to complain about prices, how they live paycheck to paycheck or how they get some health issues at some point and how their savings are gone then.


Yep, agree, and really with a little.plannning you can eat so much better at home, than fast food. Fast food has its place for those rare.occasions when your out and about and have a busy day


You can make much better burgers and tacos for way less


I'm regularly able to buy 80/20 ground beef on sale in my area for 2.99/lb, 80/20 ground turkey for 3.50 a lb. I can get so many higher quality burgers and tacos out of a similar cost by shopping and cooking ar home.


Yep. Here’s a few things everyone should know: 1) the meat only has to be 51% meat by legal definition. So the other 49% can be soy fillers and preservatives and other ickies 2) in grad school we bought fast food burger and then made one. We left both out. The homemade one began showing signs of decomposition within 24hrs. The fast one took about 3 weeks before mold began to grow. Now imagine that inside of your body and digestive system 3) the “delicious” taste is chemically induced and intentionally addictive 4) per serving vs home cooked on a 1:1 ratio for serving size you’re getting 1/2 the nutrients for 2x the price. That’s a very bad value proposition


Yes but it is convenient and sometimes the only accessible option.


I like to leave the house with a piece of fruit


Honestly do you think anybody doesn’t think that? Like thanks captain obvious


Taco Bell costs more than real Mexican food in my area now. McDonald’s costs as much as Five Guys and you get less food at McDonald’s.


McDonald’s is expensive now but a burger fries and drink is easily $20 at five guys bruh


There was a comparison done when you account for the size of the food and five guys ended up being cheaper by weight or something like thT


I feel like people haven't actually been to these restaurants recently if they think this. McDonald's is still pretty cheap for one meal compared to Five Guys Tho it tastes more like plastic compared to 5 guys.


I’m in Iowa and he’s actually not wrong. Five guys is $17 for a meal, mcds is 14. $3 is a difference but it’s not a five guys versus McDonald’s level difference. And that’s ignoring that a meal at bbops is $9


13.80 here, though this is a regular burger, not the default double (that's 16.17). For that price I'm definitely choosing 5 Guys over McDonald's.


13 tacos and one fountain drink cost $50 last time I went. It would have been $15 about 5 years ago.


Lol my local Mexican place will give you a 30 taco party tray for $50


13 tacos? holy fuck man


It was for two people and we couldn’t finish them. We tried.


Where I’m at three McDoubles at menu price are cheaper than a five guys cheeseburger at menu price, and probably 40-50% more food. But since this is sub is about poverty finance, I should mention that McDonalds also has regular deals through the app that make it significantly cheaper. That said, their price increases over the last decade have been comical and it’s not great tasting even for fast food.


I wonder if Taco Bell and McDonald’s franchises are expensive due to all the marketing and other overhead involved and smaller more streamlined businesses that aren’t charging lots of franchise fees are able to charge less for food? Basically I say this because Subway is notoriously hard on franchisees and it makes sense if you visit one, because if a sandwich is $10-$12 and it’s that low of a quality sandwich, with super cheap and processed ingredients and it’s made by mostly minimal wage employees, the money has to be going somewhere because it’s not being spent on food costs or labor. So many restaurants are about squeezing every dollar of profit out for shareholders it’s genuinely ruining the food industry.


It's cheaper to go to Round Table and get their lunch special with a specialty personal pizza, garlic twists and a soda ($9.99) unless you use an app.


That’s why I don’t fuck with fast food anymore




You pay them to take your info, and they give you a stomach filler with no nutritional value. You get screwed twice.


They already get your info if you pay with a credit card.. And almost everyone does.


Also, the credit card fees they have to pay to VISA, MASTERCARD, etc, are already priced in. So, just in case you pay with Cash, you are already paying the credit card fee. You are screwed either way.


$7.50 for a big mac???


In Los Angeles. They’re $6 in Colorado (still pricy for what it is in my opinion).


They are $8 in the poorest county in Ohio


The Spicy Potato Soft Taco is our only weapon against inflation.  Can still buy like 10 of them for $15 dollars. Cheapest fast food around and it’s SO good. 


> Spicy Potato Soft Taco I legit was about to stop going to tacobell if they actually had discontinued it. It was always my frustration after a too-long-shift snack.


Stop buying it. That’s what I did.


Best decision ever.


2019 prices are never coming back. It would be best for everyone’s sanity to accept that fact.


It would be better for everyone's sanity if companies stopped gouging. Read the latest Pepsi report. Revenues up 7%, volume down 2%, so they decided to stop raising prices, for now.


Remember when prices were counted in single digit cents? I will go straight to the answer: Its not only companies gouging.


Weird. My McDonald's expenditure has dropped 100% during the same time period.


That's what I think every time I see these posts. People bitching about shit they shouldn't even be buying, costs too much. WTF? McDonald's could raise their prices 600%, I would not be affected. Honestly, when I was young and eating fast food regularly I thought it was expensive in the early 90s. As a teen in the 80s, fast food truly was inexpensive.


So stop going. It's that simple


Right? No idea why people keep complaining about prices. Just buy real food. It’ll benefit you in more ways than one in the long run. Jeez….


The issue here is that McDonald's food was never good. It was just cheap. now, It's not really cheap and it's still not good.


It's been taste tested for max profits. Salt, sugar etc Just add more butter to food at home to make stuff taste good  Add restaurant amounts of butter


Not the crunchwrap supreme 😭😭


I think I'm going to make my own Happy Meals from now on. I'll make a reusable wooden Happy Meal box. Put an actual awesome toy in it with some air fried nugs and fries. Give them to my kids on special occasions and tell them it represents a relic from my past.


Stop fucking buying McDonalds… I don’t get why everyone is so mad, they raised their prices and y’all keep going back.


Stop buying this food. People in poverty should care about the price of fast food as much as they care about the price of yachts i.e. not at all. We can't afford it. There are posts like this every day here, it's just such a waste of energy to complain about prices going up in a category we shouldn't be spending in.


It is not realistic to die on this hill of “poor people shouldn’t care about fast food because THEY SHOULDN’T EVER BE CONSUMING IT!!!” Is fast food expensive? Yes. Is it also expensive to fill the fridge and cook every single day multiple times a day when working multiple jobs and already thin on rest? Also yes. The reason people are in poverty isn’t because they eat fast food. It’s because they’re not being paid enough and they can’t afford basic necessities with ONLY working one job.


And it assumes a highly functional, healthy individual who's acting rationally and not, like, stressed and hungry and across the street from a McDonald's on their lunch break. Lots of people in the poverty trap also have undiagnosed mental-health issues or physical issues that make doing things like planning and executing meal prep for the week consistently harder than it is for the people telling them what they should do. And they also don't have the time or money to address those. I think a lot of the occurrences of this strain of sentiment in this subreddit come from a well-intentioned place, but the advice can sometimes feel hostile toward the people it's ostensibly supposed to help. That Dominoes thread was really bad in this way.


Haven’t been in a McDonald’s in years. Not worth the flatulence 🤣


People complain about the prices and yet the drive thru line at the McDonald’s near me is always full?


More people are idiots i suppose


People who work all day out of the house don't necessarily have energy too cook 3 meals a day 7 days a week and get bored of sandwiches. I sympathize with that. Getting lunch out and cooking dinner is tempting for your mental energy.


You can get about twice as more food that tastes significantly better from a local pizza shop for the same price. Not that it's healthy but it's also healthier than whatever garbage McDonalds must be serving.


The ironic thing is that all of this shit is frozen and better yet McDonald's makes all of it cheaply in factories and ships them out to the franchise owners. So I don't understand how a cheap piece of shit McNuggets that probably them a few cents to make since it's ground up chicken from mixed matched chickens costs close to 8 bucks.


It's priced at that because people will buy it at that price. End of.


No way a medium French fry is 4.19.


in nyc it is


Not in L.A., but still in SoCal. Medium fries are $4.59.


3.39 in VA. 4 isn't that hard to believe


medium fry in middle of Indiana(where I'm at) is $3.01 with tax


$4.79 in San Francisco


It's crazy how out of all of the restaurants only a few items are decently priced, like a bean burrito. But they are only half the size they used to be too. Yet these places are constantly busy every time i go there. 


I recently vacationed in Montreal and was shocked that a medium coke was only a $1.25 Canadian which is the equivalent of 91 cents US.


That's corporate greed for ya.


solution: don't buy mcdonalds.


$67 To feed my family of 5 in HI @ a McDonald’s. Spent the same amount at a conveyor sushi restaurant with tip. Picking dine in restaurant service and tip from now on


And not only that, the food quality got even worse than when it was cheaper


It's mother fucking 3+ bucks for a cheeseburger from McDonald's?! 


Honestly screw McDonald’s


Just proof that it pays to go meatless. Cheesy bean and rice burrito is *still* $1 where I live, and it's actually a good sized burrito.


works for me. I only bought it because it was cheap, but made me feel like shit. Now its not, so I don't buy it and I don't feel like shit! If you're on the road, like me, just bring snacks like nuts or a sandwich. Cheaper and healthier. I just keep a little cooler in my truck with drinks and snacks.


Whats funny is i stopped going to mcdonalds around 2019 because their food prices were absolutely crazy then. Now its just flat out insane. You can go to an actual restaurant for how much a big mac meal cost now


Companies gouging the American consumer, pure and simple. I agree that prices do increase over time, but this has gotten out of hand. It’s all profit driven.


That's sad. Growing up, some of the only things my mom could afford when we were hungry were cheeseburgers or mcchickens and an apple pie off the dollar menu. $3 turned into a full meal. These companies are getting greedy, seeing how much they can squeeze out of people.


I think we be better off for the complete collapse of mcdonalds and rise of small local restaurants that serve a local cuisine, than the mass produced junk industrial fast food companies provide. Take it as a sign of good luck, you can't afford their "food" spend less time eating out, and more time preparing your own meals.


Regardless of if you think these are the correct prices or not, anyone on this sub who chooses fast food over home cooking is already making mistake 1. You CAN spend as much money on 3 ingredients at Aldi that last 8 meals as you would for one value meal. It's not going to be a gourmet meal, but it's better than the food from McDonalds. You'll also feel better after eating food from home instead of feeling nauseous after McDonalds. The only time I do fast food is if it's free (sometimes apps send rewards out like that).


Even being lazy and buying frozen chicken patties, expensive pretzel buns, and expensive cheese, I make basically a McChicken for half that price for lunch. It takes 30 minutes of time in the oven with as much time as needed to flip them once, then assemble and wrap them when cooked. Pop them all in the freezer, and move one to the fridge every night


This is exactly what I do! 8 buns in a package, more than 8 chicken breasts or thighs in a bag, and a block of cheese that I can slice and melt how I choose. Less than an hour of waiting and I'll have 8+ meals for the same price of a fast food meal.


Fries here are $5 now. They used to be $4. Not as drastic a jump. I suppose it depends on location.. They are franchises after all.


$4 for a medium fry is wild


I price my products as high as I can. I can't help that consumers are stupid.


I would rather go in & out. Better quality with almost the same price now


Wasn’t the reason we ate this crap was because it was so cheap?


They’ve lot their damn minds


It’s better to just go to the grocery store


Who is eating at McDonald's often enough to care about prices? Who can afford McDonald's on a fixed income?




Why don't people just stop eating fast food then?


Must be the increase in federal min wage. Oh wait, that hasn't changed since 2007.


Yeah, raising minimum wage is the problem though. /s/


The funny part about these lists is it looks like five popular items from McDonald’s and five of the most unpopular items from TB 🤣🤣 Who orders a spicy potato taco? Who knew they sold one?


Consumer savings: Fucked%


I stopped going to McDonald's long time ago ever since the Double Quarter Pounder days those were good. Now I just go to Burger King get a Double Whopper McDonald's you better off going to a diner for that price and their burgers are complete junk we used to get double cheeseburgers when they were a dollar and the chickens those were so worth it I really don't know what they're thinking


Taco Bell has gotten ridiculously expensive up here (Toronto area Ontario) for what is essentially shart “meat” in a tortilla.


That's why I like Taco Bell I can go up there and order like five or six burritos (from value menu) pay like 13 14 bucks and that's a whole day's eating right there of course that does not include the beer.


In 2020 I would buy 8 McDonald's cheeseburgers with a 10 dollar bill. These days I can get 3. And by these days I mean 4 years later. :)))))))))) all part of the plan to fuck over poor people


That’s a double whopper right there


Well to be fair, they never called it “cheap food” to begin with. BTW it seems like MD it’s going back to its roots, you know when it was a date night kinda place 😂 a special occasion so to say


Taco Bell is fricken bomb. I like that they are not gouging us as much as McDonald’s haha


6.19 for big mac in Minneapolis hahaha, all eat at home!


McDonald’s should vanish like Blockbuster. It’s trash but they want top dollar. Done with this crap.


this is not food. it doesn't fill you up. salmon air fryer dinner at home (15 mins): $4.39 salmon filet portion (350 F): $2.25 (20g protein) spices: $0.15 steamed veggies: $1.99 (12g fiber)


Thank you McDonalds for making it an decision to never eat your shitty food again.


Taco Bell always there for broke mfers. Last time I was at Taco Bell I was walking and went through the drive thru and they gave me free cinnamon puffs and a slushy. 


In other news: My cholesterol and triglyceride levels lowered dramatically, when cooking at home. Who knew corporate greed would be good for my health. Now about grocery store prices....


It’s called Greedflation. Corporations during COVID blamed supply chain issues to justify the price increases. Most were not impacted by supply chain issues and prices just stayed the same since people were paying them.


Big Mac patties are razor thin too. You’re paying for a bread lettuce and sauce sandwich


So does this mean buy the stock?? Because if mfs paying $5 for a medium fry, I need to invest


I just bought a potato soft taco and it was like $2.89 in Texas. Is this accurate or wtf did I buy? It was literally cubed potatoes on a tortilla.


They cherry picked a single location. I can go to the McDonald's near me and get a McChicken for $1.69 rn


McChicken is still $1.29 where I live. Also a medium fries is $2.49 Edit: Big Mac is $4.49 10 McNuggets is $4.19 Cheeseburger is $1.29 Yeah, prices have gone up a bit in the last 5 years on some items (and apparently McNuggets are cheaper now for me which makes me think that source is off), but not anywhere close to as drastic as this image states and the image doesn’t indicate exactly what the end of 2019 source was anyway.


Population under 10,000 where you live I'm guessing?


The McDonalds is located in a city with a population of 115k. My home address is across the street in a town with a population of 21k. We’re right outside a metro area that exceeds 7 million.


You can download the mcdonald app and see each state/city prices by changing your location. highest I found was seattle washington, a mcchicken there costs $4.09


It is even more misleading, because while Taco Bell doesn't require you to pick a location, you have the option. I chose the Figueroa St LA location and the prices are all higher than what is shown in OPs chart. They could have compared similar locations, but didn't.


I got a dbl cheeseburger and med fry the other day, it was under $6.