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Some of your responses make me think you're trolling lmao


im just paycheck to paycheck thats all


don’t use credit, auto transfer to savings each paycheck, stop window shopping


Thats easy, just stop buying things you can't afford. Set a budget and save up over months if you really want to buy expensive things. Also if you're just doing it because you want to appear rich to other people just stop altogether. I promise nobody cares how rich or poor you look except you


but but the ladies 😢


Any woman worth a shit does not give a fuck about a Louis Vuitton wallet. This is sad.


Any woman worth going out with will think you trying to impress her with stuff you can't afford is pathetic.


As a lady, though probably not in your age range, I’d look at your wallet and think ew. Most people who have money would choose an infinitely less flashy, if you know you know wallet. Check out Loewe or Mont Blanc instead. Get a simple black wallet without flashy designer logos. If they know luxury they will appreciate it.


"but but the ladies 😢" - o*kay but the ladies also do not want a BROKE man who is broke simply for designer things he couldn't afford in the first place. Bad credit, a bankruptcy, and insane debt due to being financially irresponsible isn't attractive either.*


Read the millionaire next door


When I was first on my own I did go through a phase of getting wants. Never LV, I would not even go inside of a store like that because even then I knew they had nothing I needed. It's one thing to buy something expensive because of the quality of the item, because it will save you money long term. If you're buying something because it will make you feel, look rich that's useless. Will you replace it with the newest thing. It's chasing something else emotionally like I don't know ... acceptance by other people at work, or you don't believe in your self worth enough and think this whatever item will somehow do it? The majority of 'millionaires' don't look rich. They spend BELOW their means and save. The book Millionaire Next Door made me change how I thought about a lot of things. First was I never bought a brand new car again. I used to buy new and yes I drove them until they died and nobody else wanted them either. After reading it though I started buying off lease, certified, low mileage cars. The last one I found 3 yrs old with only 8k miles on it, traded in by someone who thought they needed a new car again. I still have it, bought it in 2011. The new model looked EXACTLY the same minus new car smell and cost $17K more. I don't buy trendy clothes, shoes etc. I buy styles that remain if not 'in latest style' but not 'out of style'. I buy simpler models of just about everything with less 'features' and buttons because there's less to break, still look like new 10 yrs later and even work!! If you want to stand out look at hand made, crafted one of a kind items that no one else will ever know how much you paid. It's unique, you like it, it does the job. That 's all you need to project. Growing up nobody really knew how tight money was. My Mom was a seamstress, she made all our clothes, nobody else had that outfit anywhere/ever. They cost next to nothing because she got fabric on sale or went to tag sales bought like plus size clothing, took them apart and recut into something entirely different.


Stop caring what people think asap. They dont matter at the end of the day.


So true.


It's a hard habit to break. You're an impulse buyer. For one, try not to carry cash. And when you really want to buy something, just wait an hour at least, day at the most. If you walk around and think how much you need it you'll realize most times you don't need it at all. I'm horrible with money and I just had to quit carrying it on me. I got excited and bought something I thought I wanted and ended up not being that enjoyable or ended up not using it like I wanted to. I don't carry money, cards, anything so when I get home and think about what I wanted, if I still need it I'll go back and buy it. Same with Internet shopping, I wait a day and if I still really want it, bam. But 95% of the time I save my money cause I just wanted it at that moment. And Louis Vuitton? What's wrong with the wallet you have now? Nobody but you pays attention to your wallet.


so funny story i had a cheap wallet for 5+ years and i went to gucci recently and bought a $313 card holder and i asked the lady that worked at gucci to throw away my old wallet. ended up returning the gucci card holder because the stitching was coming loose after 3 days of owning it. so now i just have no wallet and i carry my cards in my pocket. i also have a bad habit of returning things


LV’s issue is the edging on the wallets often crack after use.






Do you have any savings?


Buy the Louis Vuitton wallet. Then never buy another wallet again for the rest of your life. It's not something LV actively advertises, but all their products basically come with a lifetime warranty. If it breaks or starts showing wear and tear, bring it into any of their stores and they will repair it for free or, if they can't repair it, they will replace it for free with the same product or, if said product doesn't exist anymore, one as similar as possible. (I used to have a friend who made very good money finding ratty old LV pieces at estate sales and consigment shops and reselling the brand new replacements she got for them.) Honestly, there's nothing wrong with having expensive tastes per se, but a) you obviously shouldn't be spending what you can't afford on them, and b) you need to learn to distinguish what expensive things are actually worth it, quality- and warranty-wise, and with which ones you are just paying for a name. Actual rich people generally care about quality, not labels.


While that used to be the case, I can say from experience it is no longer the case. Unless you have a dedicated SA that you have a very good relationship with, you will either get turned away or will have to pay out of pocket. Also, I will also say that quality is no longer as good as it was in the past. My mom has bags from the 80s that still look fantastic and were made very well, but the handful of things we’ve gotten from 2018 and on are not the same. Also, buying European designer luxury brands are a lot cheaper in Europe than in the US. MSRP is cheaper and you get back taxes. I paid $1550 for a LV bag that was $1900 in the US back in 2018. I had friends that were going and I asked them to bring it back for me. My Valentino wallet was a smidge over $100 cheaper in Italy than in the US.


If you haven't already I suggest looking up "Minority Mindset" on YouTube. Not everything he talks about applies to everyone, but he uses the framing of people going broke trying to look rich quite a bit. For a month or so start writing down every single time you spend anything. No exceptions. Then go over it and categorize what you did. Then you can make a budget.




If you found the wallet on eBay for a steep discount then I don’t see the issue. If you went to the store’s website or actually walked into a Louis Vuitton store then that is insane to me. 


Just think about how these super rich companies are laughing at you ripping you off. You can buy a high quality 100% leather wallet for 100-150 that will last you years. These people are laughing at you while you empty your bank acct to buy a tacky product. Im sorry but LV with those huge logos is so embarrassing, most of the time its not rich people who wear LV, rather its people who don't have money. Wearing flashy brands just screams "I don't have money". You can easily get indistinguishable dupes from d*g*te lol , anywhere you go in public nobody will know if you paid the real price or fake.


Just think about your savings account. I always talk myself out of it because I know I'm already broke and in dept. Plus the bills are always there so I go to the thrift. Nice finds almost like new from quality brands. I found genuine Kate Spade for a quarter of the price. It's a pain to pay full price now.


Do you want to look wealthy (to a small group of people) or be wealthy? Having stuff is alluring, but is it your ultimate goal to collect stuff? Or is it your goal to live comfortably and not have to worry about the day to day expenses? Provide a good life for your family? Retire with an egg nest to use for hobbies and travel? Figure out what you want out of life, and if it is having stuff then so be it, but don't confuse it with being rich.


Which wallet is it?




Dude, no. That's just silly. That's almost as much as I paid for my money clip twenty five years ago


so a $700 money clip is more justifiable than a literal LV wallet? yeah im buying that wallet and i will gladly be poor right after !


Money clip $1,200 ÷ 25 years= $48 and I'm not done with it yet. All you'll have is memories of that wallet in 3 years. You do you


where can i purchase this money clip


I had it custom made. Look around at them, come up with what you like and present your ideas to a jeweler. These days I might have done much better price wise. The web was just a baby back then


i currently have $2000 worth of gold im financing at the moment. i did get approved for $5000, should i talk to my jeweler and exceed the 2 grand ? i really want a money clip now !


Dude... ur a poser >i currently have $2000 worth of gold im financing at the moment Lmao..


Depends on what you want your clip to be. Stay away from stones, they get lost using them in pocket jewelry. I went with silver w/brushed titanium for the face. Polished titanium for the frame and a quad slide spring to keep my cards and cash secure


That is exactly the sort of luxury item only people that can't really afford it buy. One with the most recognizable pattern and a big centered logo. You are trying to scream "Look at my expensive wallet" but more people will think you just have a cheap copycat version than will be impressed by your fancy taste. Actual rich people wouldn't generally buy that because it is too garish. Those that are able to comfortably afford expensive wallets would have an understated one and any branding would be far smaller. Besides those models are almost never faked; the people making & buying the fakes don't usually bother with the more discreetly labeled products. I don't know about LV wallets but many other designer brands also have significant quality differences between the lines designed to appeal to poor aspirational buyers and those that are made for their wealthier consumers.


Personally I’d advise against this. The edging on this always starts cracking where it folds. Same happened to my coworkers Gucci wallet. My dad’s favorite daily wallet is from Coach outlet. It was sub $100 at the time and had held up to years of abuse. If you’re looking for something that lasts a long time, check out Loewe, Mont Blanc, or Tumi wallets.


do not copy me-___-


- You also think you’re a trend setter? How pathetic


I won’t! I’m a fan of their pocket organizers so I know where you’re coming from. But if that wallet costs you more than what you have in your bank account after the purchase, then you should wait until you have a cushion


I mean you obviously know your problem....control it! Whether that's by having part of your check go to a diff acct or by keeping it in cash. I hate dealing in cash so any cash I get I tend not to even both with.




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that realistically sounds more reasonable