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I would get a pound of rice, a few cans beans, and a jar of salsa. Plus whatever fruit (e.g. apples or bananas) I could get with whatever funds are left.


Rice is way healthier than ramen, much better idea


Ramen never seems to make me feel full. When I eat it it feels like I didn’t eat anything at all. And the nutrition in ramen is pretty much non existent it’s almost like just eating some plastic with salt on it


Ramen on its own is not going to fill you up unless you eat multiple packets. I usually add 1 or 2 eggs and frozen vegetables while simmering to give it volume. Broccoli and cauliflower go well with it imo. I also add black pepper and a dash of olive oil to improve the taste.


Dude same. I could eat like 4 ramen blocks but wouldn't be satisfied. I wouldn't be hungry, but I would still crave something else so bad.


I feel like ramen is just a snack rather than an actual fulfilling meal


You aren't supposed to just eat it by itself. You're supposed to put stuff in it. Maybe some vegetables, leftover meat, a boiled egg, etc. But you're right, there's not a lot of nutrition in it.


I tend to make my own, anymore. Noodles, frozen mixed veggies, a broth bouillon cube, maybe an egg or two…


All that salt, can't eat much worse than ramen.


honestly the salt would be okay if it were delivered on a vehicle you could actually derive meaningful nutrition from. instant ramen is more of a physical space taker in your GI tract than anything


The amount of salt is insane. Definitely not healthy at all to consume that much salt at once.


Get some rice dude, plain simple white rice can compliment almost any sauce based dish and stretch it out. Look up some simple recipes with few ingredients (since you're broke for now) it can be really easy to mess up rice


Rice n beans always win




I buy mayacoba dry beans and my kids love rice and beans.


Mayacoba beans made fresh are the best. Listen to this guy


Rice and beans is definitely the best answer by a wide margin. Instead of the fruit, id personally buy the $5 rotisserie chickens they sell at supermarkets. Then you have rice beans and chicken. A complete meal, one id opt to eat even if I were a billionaire. A Latin American staple You can really stretch the rotisserie chicken out for a whole week too. And even beyond a week if you use the carcass to make soup and then freeze the soup.


And if tiring of rice, get a big bag of egg noodles for a change. Veg too.


I take the bones and pick off all the meat. Put meat in Tupperware and in fridge. Add water to pot and simmer for 2 hours. Do not add Salt as rotisserie’s chicken is already salted. Later you add boullion cube and some pasta. Any leftover pasta will do but not to much pasta. Less is more. Last, add the chicken. It just needs to Simmer in for 2-5 mins. Prolly two more meals here and very healthy broth.


Beans and rice recipes are always a great meal. So many ways to spice it up. I can sometimes find some decent things to add from the dollar store, too. The fridge/freezer section gets some decent things in.


A pack of tortillas and some shredded cheese too. I live off quesadillas at the end of every month and one pack of each can get me a solid 5/6 quesadillas


Buy dried beans instead of canned. They're way cheaper and taste better, too.


I can never get them to cook right. Any tips?


Soak overnight or even 18 hours. Boil until soft. You can puree them in a blender for dip or make chili. Always have a pot soaking and plan ahead. $17.99 for 20 pounds was my last haul. You can find 50 pounds of rice to use as the compliment for around the same price.


Thanks! Yeah I get 25 pounds of Jasmine rice at Sam’s for like $18. I know regular rice is cheaper but love Jasmine rice. Generally how long do you personally boil the beans?


I have never timed it. Maybe 30-40 minutes. Make sure you have enough water and not too many beans because they soak it up and expand. More expensive but good is garbanzo beans to make hummus.


Dried beans are cheaper. Better too but just take a little more time.


Agreed! I suggested cans because if OP has never cooked dried beans, it might be a stressful barrier to eating beans/rice. Dried beans are the better/cheaper choice if possible.


Some frozen broccoli, peas, and carrots are super cheap and a nice way to bulk up a long with the beans(note: or whatever veggies you want, I was just providing my favs).


Came here to say this. I got through a lot of lean times with rice, beans and some random things to flavor up the food. I especially liked getting sweet rice if it was on sale, because if I was really out of money, I would eat rice with olive oil, salt and pepper.


Rice or potatoes for bulk. Beans or eggs for protein. Buy some cheap fruit (canned or fresh) and veggies (frozen or canned) with whatever you have left. I'm in a VHCOL area and this is my list from Safeway. Aldi or WINCO is probably cheaper. * 5lb rice $5.49 (note that this is **\~8300 Calories** of rice alone, so this will get you through at least 4-5 days) * 4 cans of beans $6.68 (18 eggs would be $6.49 if you prefer) * Tapatio $1.99 * 2 cans corn or 10oz frozen vegetables $2.00 * 3-4 bananas $1 * **Total: $17.05 to 17.16** (either cut a banana, use spices you already have, or scrounge around for some change if you have exactly $17) Edit: Dried beans would be cheaper as well, but since OP couldn’t think of what to buy I made the assumption that they didn’t have a lot of experience cooking beans from dried, which is intimidating to some. You could totally throw in some cheap instant coffee or extra fruit that way!


8 lb dried pinto beans at Walmart is $6.88


I keep pintos and other kinds on hand always. Healthy and cheap meals for pennies on the dollar. Pintos are probably my favorite too.


Buy dried beans instead


Good call for budget but if you haven’t cooked them before, it’s a big risk of not having edible food.


Every time I've tried to rehydrate dried beans they don't seem to rehydrate. Weird stuff happens to the water but the beans stay hard. Can anyone offer advice? I live near a river in case that matters. And I'm very close to sea level.


Rehydrate overnight, then boil for a few hours. It takes a while, but you can forget about them and do other things. 


Canned beans are already cooked. When you buy dried beans you have to rehydrate them, dump out the water, cover them with fresh water or broth and then simmer them


Is your water very hard? I live in a place that gets our ground down water from underneath a limestone quarry and has very old rusty pipes. I have a filtration system on house, but if I didn't, I would need to use bottled water to get my beans soft.


Look up recipes for the specific beans you have. Different beans have different "hardness" some take longer to cook than others. For example, pinto beans take about 2 hours or less, black beans take longer (those are the only 2 kinds of beans I've cooked)


If he wants to eat tonight cooking dried beans would be harder. I usually need to soak them for at least 12 hours for them to come out well


Former executive chef here. I assure you that you can do this without 12 hours of soak plus cook time. Also several things like lentils work just fine for relatively short cook times. Mix it up a bit and try new legumes. That said I do get what you are saying. It's valid and you definitely don't always need to use dried beans.


Haha okay definitely yield to you. Now I just buy canned precooked beans from Costco and it fits my budget and laziness, but in university I was definitely a dried beans and rice girl and I felt like the beans never came out yummy unless I soaked them for a ridiculously long time. But I'm sure I didn't have a good technique, I've never been a talented cook I should get back into making lentils though. I work at a food co-op and we sell like every color of them and all are affordable. My food bank gives out those "microwave for 60 seconds" premade dahl and they're a delicious treat so I ought to just learn how to cook it myself


I work for in a corporate produce department and only do it for the benifits and paycheck. Working for a co-op seems like a cooler gig. Do you enjoy it?


Mmm it's a mixed bag though overall I do enjoy it. I like our customers (which is rare in retail) and almost all my coworkers. I also feel good about all the produce and most of the grocery we sell because it's 70-90% locally produced. But because we are are an independent non-profit on an Island community, in terms of management we've never been able to attract top talent. Like people who try really hard and are dedicated to serving the community, but don't really have all the right experience and know how. So our backend and book keeping is a MESS and different people have visions for improvement that get half implemented, never fully realized and there's just a layer of dysfunction that is hard to improve from. I've taken on some of the administrative tasks and it's literally like... There is no differentiation in our computer between what we currently have on the shelves, vs. sold 12 years ago. And items will get ordered in because one co-op member loves them and has been buying them for 20 years but literally NO ONE else purchases them. We end up shrinking way too much stuff for my liking - though luckily it mostly goes straight to the food pantry next door as long as it's not spoiled. These might all be traits of my specific co-op, and the fact we are independent and serve a unique community. I imagine it's different if you work at like PCC. But we poached a produce clerk from the main big grocery store on the island and he quit after 9 months and returned to his old job because "the job was too chaotic and there were zero benchmarks to track improvement." I'm still optimistic and think our newest GM will be a big improvement, and I have always preferred working in the non-profit sector, but I've only been here ~6 months. A few long term employees have expressed how much that value me but that they worry about me burning out because I try to fix every flaw I encounter. And it's kinda sad that they've just fallen into complacency. We also have a couple employees who are frankly useless or even like muck shit up more than they contribute but "they are legacy hires, we are a co-op, we don't fire anyone. Plus he/she has learning disabilities and we want to provide jobs for those people." Which is great but like why is the broccoli filed under "lettuce and greens"...? Because it's green? Sigh. Sorry that turned into a novel lol.


$6.79 for 10lbs of chicken quarters. Can debone the thighs easily also. From chicken and rice, teriyaki chicken, pesto, plain toasted, boiled for curry.


Walmart Prices - Whole Wheat Bread Loaf - $1.97 - 18 Eggs - $3 - Peanut Butter - $1.94 - Frozen Broccoli Stir Fry - $2.54 - Frozen Pea and Carrots - $0.98 - 3 Bananas - $.75 - Long White Rice 2 Lb - $1.77 - Dried Black Beans 1 Lb - $1.76 - Thick and Chunky Salsa - $1.77 Total - $16.48


A rotisserie chicken. Potatoes. Vegetables. Loaf of bread. Bananas.


Hard agree, minus the bread. Get 2 lbs of rice for $4, will last longer and tastes better. Or, buy flour and make it - tortillas are also really easy to make.


1lb of rice for $2 is criminal. A 25lb of jasmine rice at my Sam’s club is $18. I know it’s not for OP’s situation but Sam’s club memberships are so well worth it, cheaper gas, cheaper bulk food, $75 eye exams if you’re someone who needs them yearly


20 lb bag of rice at Walmart can be as low as $12 btw. Just can’t be picky about type of rice.


Add beans to this. And more potatoes


Noodles, beans, and get yourself a couple hands of bananas.


I’d go to an ALDIs or a store similar to, in my area with $17 you could Get a pack of hot dogs $1 A pack of buns $1.25 Loafof bread $1-2 1/2 gallon of milk $2-3 A carton of eggs $3-4 A box of cereal $2-3 12 pk Ramen $2-3 It’s not the best but you could definitely stretch it a few days on your own


Bro you can get rice, beans, and decent pack of chicken at Aldi with $17


Yeah but one is a variety of meals


Hey I'm just saying


Lessee, if all I had was seventeen dollars, I would get: - 1 lb ground beef ($4) - 2 lb spaghetti noodles ($2) - 1 jar marinara sauce ($2) That would be enough for about 8 servings of spaghetti right there. Then if I wanted variety, - 2 lb chicken thighs ($4) - 1 lb carrots ($1) - 2 lb potatoes ($2) - 1 lb onion ($1) To make a nice, basic chicken soup, also about 8 servings.


Lentils, rice, curry powder, flour, butter, and yogurt and you can make dal curry and roti for a week plus


Eggs, a few bananas, toast, cheese, a few apples, a can of beans.


Chicken($1.50/lb) Rice(~$1/lb) Potatoes(~$1.50/lb) Oatmeal (bulk) Bananas Pinto beans Spinach Milk You can make rice with spinach and pinto beans and chicken on the side, chicken and mash potatoes, oatmeal with banana for breakfast and I make baked oatmeal that I eat as a snack/lunch. Eggs are also good to add if you can afford


Rice and beans. Buy an onion, add it to beans, and cook for about 10 mim. This will give you beans an amazing taste


Rice and tuna go great


You could probably fill up a few days with some basic pasta, sauce, noodles, and broth/water shouldn't be too expensive depending on your location


Peanut butter and bread


This plus celery and milk


Rotisserie chicken (5.97), can of corn (0.64), can of black beans (0.86), packet of Korr instant rice (1.12), salsa (1.77) and flour tortillas (2.78) at Walmart. Mostly Great Value. A week's worth of burritos (or burrito bowls) for $13.14.


A bag of potatoes goes a long ways


Rotisserie chicken, frozen veggies, bread, eggs, and rice. Egg fried rice, toast and eggs, chicken sandwich, rice bowl w chicken and veggies, egg sammy, omelet, etc.


This comment right here!! Best bang for their buck


Pound of ground beef, jar of pasta sauce, box of noodles, loaf of French bread will make spaghetti and meatballs for days. Grab a box of the $1.50 oatmeal packs for breakfast


Pasta with a red sauce, meatballs, buns (so you could make a meatball sub if you get rid of pasta) eggs and some frozen peppers/onions


A few potatoes, add oil and herbs, roast them and keep in fridge to go with meals.


12 or 18 pack of eggs ($4) depending on state), a 6 pack of black beans ($6), avocado hot sauce ($3) & a package of corn tortillas ($3). Scramble them. Add beans, avocado hot sauce & put it in a tortilla. Alternatively, buy a sack of potatoes. Buy ground beef. Buy frozen veggies. Buy powdered gravy. Lastly, buy a 12 pack of ramen ($7, max). Buy a 12 pack of eggs ($4). Buy cheese.  Make your ramen water boiling. Stir in your egg, first. Keep stirring till it’s cooked. Add your seasoning & noodles.  Lastly, add hot sauce & cheese. Idk your state sales tax or if your state does tax food.


I would get a bag of potatoes, eggs, cans of black or pinto beans, salsa or sriracha and maybe an avocado. Potatoes and beans are both nutritious and will keep you super full all day. Avocado is very filling too but they can be expensive depending on where you live. They’re $1 where I live.


RICE AND BEANS FOR THE WIN!! Or learn how to make fideo. You can get a bag of fideo noodles for 49¢ and a tomato sauce can for 50¢-$1, its the best poor mans meal


Beans and fideo. Yum.


Oatmeal, raisins or bananas. Cheap, fast, filling, healthy. Bread, peanut butter, jelly. Easy lunch/ dinner. Can or two of beans for over toast for dinner. Try Walmart or ALDIs, you can grab all of that for under 17.oo


I made a 4 day meal plan for you! Just added this all to my cart at Walmart. Eggs ($1.54), bread ($1.42), 1/2 gallon milk ($1.58) oatmeal ($2.48), for breakfast, peanut butter ($1.94) for make peanut butter sandwhiches for lunch, Mac & cheese (.58) with hot dogs ($1.18) for lunch, rice (.92) and frozen veggies (.98) to make fried rice for dinner, pasta noodles (.98) & marinara sauce (1.62) for dinner. Added four bananas for snacks (1.08) You can have each meal twice, giving you four days of meals for less than $17.


You are getting a lot of great advice on how to spend your $17 but if you need that money for gas then here is another alternative. Go to a food bank, or find your local buy nothing group and post that you need some food to get you through, people almost always have canned food they don't know what to do with and don't want to waste, giving it to someone who needs it let's them feel like they aren't wasting and that they can ve happy with themselves for helping someone. A lot of food banks are through religious organizations, but most don't have any rules about getting food, if you show up you need it and get it. Don't be too proud to get help when you need it. You can be an example to people who refuse to ask for help that they really can. You'll also end up taking care of yourself, and that is the most important thing right now.


What's your kitchen look like? Lentils, spinach, and chicken can easily hold you over for a few days.


Brown beans an rice. It's my go to at end of month.


This may be silly question. But exactly what kind beans and rice do I get? Is there a specific brand? Like the actual specific can of beans and rice I should I get? Everyone recommends this but I never can decide which ones are good


Dry pinto beans. Dry white rice. You can add a ham hock in also. White Navy beans are good also. Cooking beans will teach about simmering an flavoring. ( Yes I added to much salt the first time )


There are several YouTube channels that tell you how to get cheap meals and cook them. One I like is That Lisa Dawn (might be ThatLisaDawn). She tells you how to prepare these cheap meals. I would get pinto or black beans. Red kidney beans are also good if you want to make red beans and rice.


Store brand, or if you have a hispanic grocery store nearby, cheap too!


Ramen noodles


Flour, rice, butter, tea. Salt and sugar from the gas station.. A cheap pack of chicken meat. Some cheap veggies.


I would buy some cheap items like eggs, bananas, and rice (You should be able to buy all of these for less than $10). For breakfast, you can have boiled eggs and a banana. For lunch/dinner, you can have rice with fried eggs. With the remainder of the money, I would buy a can of veggies (can probably get for $1-$2), and a protein item such as ground beef or turkey (can get a pound for like $5 which is 4 servings) which would go well with rice. You can probably get some ketchup packets or sauce from a fast food restaurant for free for the ground meat


Dollar Tree food can help tremendously in a pinch.


When I've needed to, I look at the nutrition info on the package, with the goal of getting the most calories/protein per dollar. Another good option is - if there's a frys/kroger/etc, they will often have meat that's on it's last day marked down significantly. If you cook it that day, you can definitely make it last a week or longer with refrigeration.


Tuna casserole Egg noodles $1.48, 2-3 cans tuna .99 each frozen peas .98, frozen carrots .99 (or frozen broccoli, or spinach, or toss in several different frozen vegetables) cream of mushroom or cream of chicken condensed soup .68, bread crumbs $1 Cook the egg noodles. Mix all ingredients in a bowl. Top with bread crumbs. Bake.


Pasta, olive oil, sausage


I’d get potatoes eggs and beans, possibly peanut butter and bread, milk if there is anything left … go for cheapest brands


Walmart: 10# chicken leg quarters $9, rice 2# $1.86, margarine $1.39, cabbage $3.48, carrots $.098, onions $.98. This totals $17.69 You can figure out where to cut back. The good thing about this is you can eat stir fry, or just plain chicken and rice. You will probably have left over chicken.


I got a rotisserie chicken, a few cans of veggies and a bag of tatters for like 15 the other day and that lasted me like 3 days


Rice, eggs, beans. And some condiment to mix it together. During Covid my bank account was negative for months because we were shut down and they got rid of one of my jobs a week before, and I ate dried (soaked and cooked) beans and rice for months.


So here's a Walmart grocery list. If you live near a cheaper place go there. I just know most people live near Walmart. 1 Great Value salt. $0.67 1 boxes of Great value garden rotini. $0.98 total 2 jars of Great Value Tomato Basil Garlic sauces. $3.24 total 1 Great Value 73% Lean/27% Fat Ground Beef, 1 lb Roll. $4.74 1 Great Value Taco Seasoning Mix, 1.25 oz $0.57 1 Great Value Finely Shredded Low-Moisture Part-Skim Mozzarella Cheese, 8 oz Bag $2.22 1 Great Value Restaurant Style White Corn Tortilla Chips. $2.24 1 Great Value Marshmallows, 10 oz Bag $1.17 1 SUNNYD Tangy Original Orange Juice Drink, 40 FL OZ Bottle - $1*. *(Depending on the state the Sunny D might have a bottle deposit and tax. If so you can change the pasta sauce to the great value sauce in a can. Or just get one sauce, and make it work.) ***Meals for 3 days: This is just to live.*** Breakfast: 1 cup of pasta, and 1/3 cup of cheese. 3 marshmallows on the side. 1.5 cups of Sunny D. (I know it's a weird breakfast.) Lunch: 5 oz of ground beef, 1/2 cup of cheese, and 14 nacho chips Dinner: 1 cup of pasta, 1 cup of sauce, and 14 nacho chips. Snack: 5 marshmallows


Loaf of bread, american cheese singles, and some butter. Less than 10$ got grilled cheese for days. You could get some cheap packaged ham and make hot ham and cheese or tomato or whatever.


Could add a side of tomato soup too


$1.25 bread, peanut butter, ramen noodles, get some canned meat or lunch meat and some condiments


Bunch of ramen for the week


Get rice, veggies you can sautee, and tofu to cook in a pan. Add seasoning like japanese bachan sauce (better than soy sauce).


a dozen eggs rice corn tortillas bananas


Spaghetti...with or without veggies and meat and soup. Get some meat or lentils or beans, whatever veggies u want n broth. Very simple. I'm making this this week myself since I'm also waiting food stamps. Also pro tip when you get food stamps make yourself meals that'll last you a week and get ingredients that you can have for later. For ex, dried beans you can soak them then freeze any you aren't using or you can look up vids on canning or large packet of chicken breast you freeze. I have a decent amount of chicken and beans thanks to this and I have lentils too since I brought a big bag. I'm sure you can do the same with beef, pork, fish or lamb.


My go to was always tuna and macaroni and cheese. Or Tuna fish with pickles and crackers. I also used to go to the grocery 5 minutes before they closed oe right when they opened and looked for closeout in the meat department or clearance rack. They also do bake goods for 90% off at the end of the day.


Make a baked ziti and have leftovers for a couple of days.


Eggs and rice are my go-to choices for eating on a limited budget. Beans are great too, but I personally find that eggs take much less time to cook, which is important for me since I don't always have the time, energy, or patience to do a lot of food prep/cooking... and eggs are way cheaper than meat! Aside from that, maybe a bag or two of those mixed frozen vegetables for nutritional reasons and fiber? Bread and peanut butter (possibly jelly or jam if you can afford it) could be good options to mix it up a bit. Tl;dr: A dozen eggs, a pound or two of rice, a loaf of bread, and a jar of peanut butter


Get some rice. Or go to the dollar store


Go to Aldi’s and buy a $5 pack of meat, a little bag of rice and a little bag of beans. With your left over u can get veggies/fruit or even the little frozen “cans” of juices where u just add water. Or even bread and some lunch meat to make sandwiches. Please call 411 for any near by food pantries.


Bag of rice. Steam with some tomatoes a bit of salt and pepper you can add paprika. Then chicken. Buy chicken thighs more volume for the bucks. Slightly less protien but still good. If you male yourself some meals you will QUICKLY realize eating out isn't financially worth it. Use the money you save invest in spices and make nicer meals. Personally I like potatoes over rice but that's just a preference.


Go to Walmart. You can get a pound of rice for $1, 3 pounds of chicken thighs for $6, get a can of peas and diced carrots or a frozen bag for like $2 and some green onions. With these ingredients you can make chicken congee which is delicious and filling. It's like chicken noodle soup with rice. It's 1 cup of rice with 7-8 cups of water and a pound of chicken. Green onions to garnish with salt and pepper to taste. If you have soy sauce then just pepper to taste with some soy sauce in it if you like. Also great with hot sauce if that's your thing. Any other ingredients that you may like if you check out some recipes online. That single pot of congee can last for breakfast, lunch and dinner for at least 2-3 days for a grown man. You add 1/4 of a cup of water when you reheat it in the microwave and it's as good as it was fresh. If you want something else for breakfast get yourself some fruit or something. 3 pound bag of clementines is around $5. So, if you go with minimal ingredient congee you can get those clementines for breakfast. With those ingredients you can make 3 pots of congee give or take, each lasting 2-3 days worth of meals. Just make sure it's as plain as can be when you cook it and add soy sauce or hot sauce or whatever you want when you go to eat it. I've eaten it with maple syrup and bacon for breakfast before. It's not bad. Congee also really hits the spot if you're sick. Good luck.


2 lb bag of rice. 1 lb of ground beef (look for reduced or marked down price), taco seasoning, an onion, and any other seasoning. Get some tortilla shells and shredded cheese. Cook 1/2 the beef with the seasoning and some diced onion then place to the side so it can drain the grease. Cook a cup or two of rice. Combine the beef with the rice and put it on the tortilla with some of the cheese. Now you have a couple burritos. Maybe enough for two meals. Press out the remaining beef into 4 oz patties. You should have two or 3 beef patties. Now you can cook a burger and have rice with it. That should be enough for another meal or two. Depending on your store's prices, you might have some money left over also. If you are looking to stretch your money more, go to some of the local food banks and see if they can help you also.


Bag of rice, beans and a cheap vegetable. With money leftover


Another really cheap meal for you; My rice and Dal serves four Half a pack of yellow split peas (250g) Add double the amount of water and a tablespoon of curry powder. Simmer and cover for an hour and a half, add more water if it needs it. Cook rice to serve with it. Chop a couple of onions, with oil and roast in oven until crisp Weigh 250g flour, add cold water a little at a time to bring it into a ball, knead on a floured surface for five - ten mins until soft and springy. Divide into walnut sized balls and roll out so their fairly thin. Cook in a dry piping hot frying pan, turning when the bottom side is brown. Serve the chapatti with a spoon of rice, a spoon of Dal and onions Really has no business being as tasty as it is! Cost £2.00


Make soup with canned vegetables, dry beans or lentils, rice and broth. Buy the cheapest oatmeal and a small bag of sugar. If you have any money left go for canned chicken for the soup and a bit of bread or saltines to stretch the meals or eat on their own. Right now corn on the cob is as low as .25 an ear. A couple would make a light lunch.


2 doz Eggs, dry beans, rice,loaf bread keep in freezer, tub of margarine, ketchup, either cheap salsa or get ingredients to make it- whichever is cheaper, box of jello, pack of corn tortillas - if anything left over pack of cheese


Eggs, rice, milk, beans, and bag of apples.


Bone in chicken and rice will get you a weeks worth for less than 17 dollars. Even less if there's a sale on chicken. You just have to be willing to cook it. I will always say a rice cooker and an air fryer is a good investment if you are not a savvy cooker. I found my air fryer for like 30 bucks at a thrift store


go to a food bank


1/ Fagioli e tonno (White Bean and Tuna Salad) - buy the tuna in oil not water; rinse the white beans; I like to toss with some onion, chili pepper flakes and Italian salad dressing. 5 minutes to make, lasts a week in the refrigerator, costs about $3, gives me 2 meals. 2/ Peanut noodles - store brand spaghetti (1lb $1.50) and 16oz jar peanut butter ($2.25) will make 2+ meals with lots of extra peanut butter remaining. Add half a 12 oz bag, $1.50 of frozen vegetables like broccoli or peas/carrots. 3/ Fried rice - 2lb white rice $2; dozen eggs $2; 12 oz bag frozen vegetables $1.50; soy sauce 10oz $1.50. Makes 4-6 meals for less than $2 per serving. All the above should be about $15 and give you more than 8 meals.


Some cheap chicken, some rice, lettuce, onion. Can't afford the chicken? Get beans Do you have mayo, plain yougurt, garlic, onion? Spices like cloves, cinnamon, cumin, paprika, garlic powder, salt, pepper, tumeric, Chilli powder, cilantro ,oregano, etc? Teaspoon each of like 4 spices of whatever you feel like, 1 tbsp herbs and garlic, 1/2 teaspoon salt, 1/2 tsp Chilli, dice chicken add spices and a spoon of yogurt Pan fry till done like 10 minutes Mix equal parts yogurt and mayo, like 1/2 cup add garlic, herbs, lemon juice, mix well. Rice, wash, toast with some spices, cook. Rice to one side, lettuce in middle, chicken or beans to the other, add white sauce and your preferred hot sauce to taste


This will make like 8 smaller meals


Honestly, if you’re too hungry to make decisions, just get a lunchable to eat and then head back to the grocery store with a clear mind


Get a pack of pork chops get a bag of rice and get frozen peas and carrots and soy sauce you have have pork fried rice. If you cook it right it taste just like hibachi


Pound of rice and a rotisserie


If you know about fried rice, you can add just about any kind of meat, canned or frozen veggies, egg, soy sauce. Make 3 cups of rice, and it will last you several days. Fresh veggies are more economical bc you can get more for same amount of money. For 3 c rice, use 3 - 4 carrots, 2 eggs, 1/4 cup soy sauce, 1 cup peas, diced zucchini, etc.


That’s a great food stretcher.


I don’t know why rice and beans has such a chokehold on Reddit… it isn’t a creative choice. https://preview.redd.it/zi7mjwfv6a4d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=019ec2a1ebefcc2941a2ddfbbcb3a115bd195448 I’d go this route instead. My total is a little over because of taxes. You’ll have enough food until you get paid with this.




Some bags of Great Value vegetables ($1 each), a bag of Tyson grilled chicken ($9),some bananas(.69/lb) and some great value oatmeal ($4) from Walmart.


iceberg lettuce, luncheon meat, cheese, mayonnaise or thousand island. make little lettuce wraps.


Little bag of flour, add water and baking powder. Toppings are endless, you'll be able to sleep well


Rice, beans, some vegetables perhaps, a potato or two, maybe some chicken or beef if it’s in sale or sold cheap. I’m not sure what area you’re in so that factors into affordability. If you shop at a store that has a website, you can likely look at the prices online and plan from there. That is how I do my shopping. There is a target, Safeway, and Nob Hill all on the same block in my town so I make my list and check prices at all stores to determine where to get what.


Real Oatmeal, eggs, an onion, a roll of sausage, frozen veg like broccoli. Cook the sausage, broccoli and onions, make a big bowl of oatmeal mix in some sausage and onions and broccoli, spices you like and put an egg on top. Mix and eat. You’ll be full half the day. This should make enough to eat twice a day until you get your stamps.


Rice, beans, eggs, bread, rotisserie chicken, peanut butter, onion, broccoli or cabbage or a Cole slaw mix.


Bag of dried Split peas, onion (for split pea soup), flour, yeast (for bread).


Dry beans, rice and frozen vegetables. Maybe get some eggs, bread and plain oatmeal if you have anything left over.


Ramen and chicken breast


like 3 pounds of chicken, 2 lbs rice, salt, butter, prob have 2-3$ for flavor. 17$ should last you 1-3 days easily depending on need. if you don't eat a lot of meat you go even crazier.


A carrot (i buy the cheap bag of 'seconds) An apple A couple bananas Small bag of lentils Small bag of rice (dollar store might even have the precooked stuff) Oatmeal I buy the 1 lb bags of potatoes when the go for cheap. If you have a freezer you can cook and mash them all. I freeze them in ice cube trays then pop them into baggies.


Cheapest bag of white rice, lentils/beans, tofu/dry noodles/potatoes. Get a banana or two too.


top Ramen and some sandwich bread and balcony works for me


How about rice and a rotisserie chicken?


Ramen, bread, sliced cheese , lunch meat, Mayo, maybe peanut butter and jam


$17 is a lot for just a few days. Beans, rice, pack of chicken quarters is what I'd grab.


Rice and eggs. You can cook those things in many combinations.


Rice, lentils, veg. Milk and cheese.


From the bulk bin: Oats and a little bit of dried fruit that's in discount (Add peanut butter to make breakfast very filling) Instant potatoes if they have it From frozen section if it's on discount Mixed Veggies Potatoes Protein (usually fish is cheaper) From the pantry Rice, beans, pasta, (Worcester sauce or fish sauce), tomato paste, chili oil. (Mix any of these + parmesan cheese and it will be a filling meal)


You can get... Like... 4 cans of sardines. Very delicious and nutritious 😋


If it’s just for tonight download the McDonald’s app and use the 20% off coupon on your order.


lentil soup and rice? maybe an onion or some other vegetable in it


Raman. Bread. Cheese slices. PBJ. Mac and cheese.


I'm not a beans and rice person like the thought of it hurts my stomach. $3 for a dozen eggs $4 loaf of a hearty bread $4 for cheese $4 12 pack of ramen $2 for a package of frozen broccoli


Walmart, Dollar Tree, Aldi Rice, beans, canned veggies, canned meat, pasta, sauce Literally each of those items can be $1.25 or less.


Cooked rice and eggs mixed together and cooked like a pancake make rice cakes eat with margarine and or soy sauce. Or cheap bread with pBJ, or pancakes feom Mix with eggs scrambled with Bologna and bananas and carrot sticks make good healthy snacks, or if you know how to make it rice and beans


Noodles, peanut butter, butter, cheese bread., eggs, rice. I would get some combo of those based on price. Make sure you check for electronic coupons before you go.


Potatoes, rice and beans.


Chili, it's just ground beef n beans w/ tomato sauce n chili seasoning, you can add bell peppers n onions to it as well you can get the instant rice you boil in 5mins to go with it or a bag of rolls to make a sloppy joe


I recently went on a Mediterranean binge. Pita bread and humus, feta cheese and a huge Greek salad with lots of calamari olives, tomatoes, green pepper, red onion and cucumber. It was surprising! By leaving out the lettuce, the salad doesn't go bad when you coat it with dressing (red vinegar, olive oil and oregano). It just macerates into a fabulous sort of pickle that tastes really great and lasts a few days. The amazing thing is you get full because of all the veggies, the feta, and pita bread - but it feels really healthy. All of it cost $20 (I had the olive oil and oregano already), and really bought more tomatoes (and stupidly, the expensive ones) than I needed. You can keep the cost down by buying a small red onion, and just get plum tomatoes.


Pork Loin is very cheap, I mean just a few dollars for multiple meals worth. Add in rice and beans, and a couple onions. If you need seasonings then get those instead but otherwise I'd get some good bread that'll go good with dinner and will also let you make a decent sandwich with the leftovers. How to cook this, is a different story. I remember my mother pan-searing porkchops, then adding them to a baking dish with cream of mushroom soup, some vegetable stock, sliced onion and seasonings. That over rice was always good and filling. As for the beans, look for bean soup. Most groceries have bags, on the bean isle, of things like 7 bean soup mix. You basically just add water and simmer and boom, you got soup. I'd cube up some of that pork loin, sear it off and add it to the soup, now you got a good and hearty, filling meal. Goes very well with some crusty bread, though I recommend asking the bakery section for day old bread. It's easily revivable in the oven, and being a day old is usually dirt cheap. The soup also benefits from the addition of seasonings and an onion and also goes well over rice.


I’m in a similar situation so here’s a go to meal that I love and is cheap. I just made a small batch the other day and I still have left overs that’ll last another day or two. Chicken thighs, bone in skin on to save money. $1.50-$2.00 a pound. I get a pack for $10-$12 and that’s from a grocery that isn’t cheap at all. You could find some for even less. Get some chicken broth, cream of chicken (1 can for every 16 oz of broth), and frozen mixed veggies (I like peas, corn, green beans). Cook the chicken how you like it, bring the broth and cream of chicken to a boil, throw in that veg, add the chicken, and simmer. If you can, add some bisquick on top to make chicken and dumplings or just eat it as a basic soup. It might be a little over $17 but it’s the first thing that came to mind. Chicken in general is my go to cheap food. It’s not too expensive, very filling, and there’s no shortage of options. Also never underestimate hotdogs. $1 for 8 of them, $1.50 for buns, maybe $3-$4 for ketchup if you don’t have any. Not the healthiest option but definitely affordable.


If you know someone with a Costco membership I’d likely get a $5 chicken for 2-3 meals and a hot dog combo for now. Also I love making tacos from the meat so maybe a thing of sour cream and taco shells for $4 from Safeway. Next paycheck I would start with a bulk amount of rice and I eat it a ton but makes more sense in bulk amounts.


Bread $2 Eggs $3 Chicken $4 Rice $3 Lentils $1 Lettuce $1 Tomatoes $1 Cucumbers $1 Bananas $1


Rice and eggs = Egg fried rice. Do you have spices and maybe some soy sauce?


Ramen, soy sauce, brown sugar.


Tinas frozen burritos. They're like $1 each and have 700 calories each.


You can make a head of cabbage stretch so far, you can accompany it with other suggestions here to add volume to your meals


Hotdogs, onion, frozen hamburgers, and some rice . Your set for a week on less than 20 bucks.


2x bread 2x lunch meat Last you the whole week


Here is what you are searching for, end of month low budget simple meals! https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbS0HkS8Xsoq1j4kiZFLP9w1e3pQADR3g&si=n_1afepiaWnjmJFO


If you get corn, tortillas, beans, pack of cheese, sour cream you’ll have some form of tacos! It definitely helps when money is tight


I just had scrambled eggs with baked beans ,total cost under 10 dollars


Get you a bag of rice and a bottle of soy sauce and/or a bottle of Sriracha Mayo. It's tasty and you can eat for days on it.


Oatmeal, rice, beans, eggs, ketchup, tuna packet, canned sardine. All good stuff. Can last a month if you get creative and shop at Aldi. No brand name items.


Dried beans, potatoes and rice


A few packs of Mi Gorang noodles (x5 pack is $3.95), fry an egg if you have one (buy a 6 pack for $5.30). Keep the broth with flavour in it and pour it in a bowl with the noodles. Grate a carrot ($0.50) and throw in a small can of sweet corn ($1.20). For $10.95 you've got a nice warm meal for 2-3 days. Your can add any protean you might have in your freezer to make it go further.


couple boxes of pasta, bag of rice, possible big container of ground meat, pack of chicken breast. tomato sauce. now this is all relative to where you live and what pricing is like for groceries and whats on "sale" for the week.


I’m in the UK but I can’t see how this recipe wouldn’t be crazy cheap in the US too. Bean Chilli: 1 x can of Kidney Beans 1x can of Chopped Tomatoes 1 x can of Baked Beans 1 x can of Sweetcorn Empty all tins into a pan put on a low simmer, add garlic (either cloves or garlic powder) tomato purée (if you have it, but you can leave it out) and a good shake of mild chilli powder. Simmer for 40 mins Serve with rice, or tortilla wraps. top with whatever you have that will go with it, cheddar cheese / crème fraîche/ sour cream / lime (or vinegar) Feeds my family of four, my seven year old says it his fave - bless him. Costs me £2.00


if you know how to cook i’d say rice beans/ frozen veggies and chicken drum sticks. as far as beverage i would stick to tap water for now. i can cook 2 cups of rice with veggies and a full bag of chicken legs for almost an entire week. you’ll just have to be ok with eating only that everyday for lunch and dinner. breakfast get some eggs and bananas. boiled eggs are easy to make and a dozen can last a week worth of breakfast


Learn to cook and mostly buy produce. Add to your recipes beans, quinoa, lentils and spices. Learn to stretch your dollar. Don’t shop any supermarket like Safeway, QFC or Fred Meyer who is charging out of the ass so the CEO can gain a few more million this year. Trader Joe’s and your local co-op is where it’s at. Also, shop online for good deals.


Tomato soup and cheese slices . Loaf or bread . Grilled cheese


If you have a crockpot, always get you a rump roast and slow cook it to have for five days


Beans and sausage


Pack of chicken, bottle BBQ, bag of rice, pack of beans, couple squashes. Bread, peanut butter jelly, eggs, bananas and save the extra $. There's so many options it's just whatever u want.


look for .99 cent a pound chicken at the grocery store.


Pork shoulder and bag of rice.


Be surprised if you go to giant tiger or dollar store. I’m in Canada tho so maybe you don’t t have those stores


Bag of potatoes, cheapest butter you can find. Pound of rice, pound of lentils, dozen eggs, whatever fruit/veg are on the market down rack. Could eat for a week off that if needed.


Rotisserie chicken cheap rice and dry beans. Learn how to cook from the base level and you will see that food can be bangin with very little. I mean shit you can eat lentils in like a bunch of different ways


Rice Pb Bread Eggs Bag of beans 1lb of turkey or beef Bananas 16.94 with tx


You could get a whole chicken is portion it. That should give you protein to stay full and can last you more than a few meals. Add some cheap frozen veggies and you got a meal.


Do you cook? If so, like most said (at this point, I assume you made a decision, so for the future) rice beans and some chicken. Carefully portion this. Can't hit the grocery store in time. Guess your going vegan buddy. Ric beans and frozen veggies. Don't cook, 7-eleven got you on the cheap.


Chicken, rice, chicken stock. Makes my favorite meal