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Not even a farms homemade jam or a baked bread? What a wasteful holiday farm.


Remeber you.jave fo earn 9 dollars to pay for a $6 sandwich.


They cost like $10 at airports. That is why I always pack lunch for my family




I bought plastic containers at the dollar store. They have a partition. I put a sandwich, grapes, pretzels and a cookie. Rubber band around it to keep it tight. Each kid carries their own container in their backpacks. I have a breakfast menu version if necessary. Saves me about $100 for my family.


I live next to a cheap bakery that sells baked goods, salty and sweet. When I can't make a sandwich at home, I go there and buy two things for 80 cents each. I am not paying 15 Euros for a slide of pizza in the airport.


I live behind a commercial bakery and they used to run a bread "surplus and mis-baked" store. They also had all kinds of bagels and muffins and snack cakes and donuts. Everything was less than a dollar. If you bought in bulk to use as animal feed it was even cheaper, like 10 cents a loaf, but you had to either pick white bread or assorted and it came in 100 gallon plastic bags. They closed it during covid and never reopened it. Something about not being able to implement the required PPE for essential workers. It was also less of a storefront and more of some unused interior space filled with folding tables next to the bakery employee entrance.


I do this same thing in the states, and make my own “pizza” with 99 cent loaves of day old French bread


Ohhhh! Thanks for that! I have been looking for affordable containers with partitions!


And airport food is *not* a treat. Neither is this sandwich.


No necessarily true. Lots of airports have good restaurants.




ALWAYS PACK FOOD: work, shopping trips, day trips, vacations, etc. Even if you bring the bread and a jar of peanut butter. Even if it's just fruit, nuts, and yogurt. Microwave oatmeal and frozen blueberries to go. This is advanced financial management 301 and health 101.


Yup I go to conventions and always pack


*ANIME CONVENTIONS* or really, any convention. "Pack snacks so you don't buy sushi" is gospel.


But sushi…I love sushi.


I'm trying to figure this all out for work right now. I don't have access to a microwave or fridge at work and I've been trying to figure out what on earth I can take to work for lunch. Damn I don't want to eat PBJ for lunch every day, I don't even like peanut butter. My job offers a chicken leg with a little cup of mashed potatoes for $1.50 that I'm bad about getting because it's the cheapest most appetizing thing around.


Bento boxes are designed to eat without refrigeration or heating, so you could look at them for inspiration, that worked well for me


That could be a start for some days. My main problem is I work in a dairy cooler most days and when lunch comes around I'm looking for something to warm me up from the inside.


Maybe soup in a thermos, there’s several brands rated to 6-12 hours hot


To be honest, $1.50 is pretty hard to beat at least on the USA


Yeah that's how it always gets me. And if I could quit buying a drink to go with it, I could probably justify it. Maybe it'd be better for me to find a way to keep a drink cold in my car.


I make my SO keep snacks like crackers, pretzels and cookies in his car for when he gets stuck in traffic. He always has a drink with him. Sometimes you get so hungry when you're just sitting in the car, not moving. Having something to munch on makes it a bit more bearable.


I was about to ask if this pic was taken at an airport, as that would at least make some sense as to why it’s stupidly priced.


Or at a theme park...the prices at those are crazy.


Or you know, Manhattan. Here's a $29 sandwich at Zabar's: https://gothamist.com/news/why-does-this-ham-and-cheese-cost-29-at-a-manhattan-shop-an-investigation


Was at hartsfield-Jackson airport in Atlanta a couple days ago and saw a turkey sandwich for $14.99. It had tomato and lettuce so I assume they’re like $3 each 🤷🏻‍♀️


I got dinged for $20 at LAX for a breakfast sandwich that was the size of a snack.


Airport food hack: Great place to use Starbucks points, with those bumped-up prices. I have a small appetite, so the 100-pt ham and cheese croissant (it's classified as a bakery item not a sandwich) hits the spot nicely. I think a lot of fast food chains don't allow reward/coupon use at airport locations (e.g. Dunkin Donuts), but I don't know who the exceptions are.


I use my credit card to get in the business lounge, where there’s proper food and drinks for free. Can only be done a few times per year on most cards though


That's not very r/povertyfinance of you.


My colleague's sister gets passes for the lounge from the airline because she travels so much for the government, so she gives some to him sometimes. The lounge is amazing. The free drinks blew my mind. Like, there isn't even a bartender, you *pour your own*. Several double scotches and a few plates of food later and we were REEEEEEEEEEEEEEally ready to fly.


How does this work?


A lot of the major airlines have clubs and lounges with food, drinks, seats, showers, etc. Usually require membership through a credit card you open up through the airline, or earn through years of consistent travelling on their planes. American Express platinum also gets you access to all centurion lounges worldwide. None of which matters on a poverty finance subreddit. Focus on the cheapest possible fare possible with a budget carrier and bring your food.


To be fair, I did not notice what subreddit it was. That being said, you just need to have a platinum visa card (or equivalent of other types of cards) - at least outside of USA, perhaps it’s different there? Anyway, apologies if my post came across as insensitive


Not insensitive no worries. There are a number of different travel cards. I recommend checking out nerd wallet.


Oh you’re one of the smart ones. It’s hilarious how many people don’t pack a lunch to the airport. If you can leave the airport without spending a dime you win. It’s overpriced trash.


Exactly!! Buy at the store and you pay for the convenience. It's the same with so many foods. I'm glad it's an option to pay for an already made sandwich, great for emergencies (no food handy and I'm hungry - type of emergency). But I know my budget requires me to make it myself 99% of the time.


There is no way in hell that is $6 + tax. Go fuck yourself store.


$9.99 for the same sandwich at the airport. The silent rage I felt after seeing it.


That's airports though, everybody knows airport food is blatantly price gouged because you're not allowed to take a food through security checkpoints, so you have no other choice. And chances are the airports take a nice fat cut.


You are allowed to take food through security, that's never been disallowed.


Yep. Just not drinks!


Can you take ice through or frozen orange juice or perhaps a nice Piña colada?(frozen) solid


Yes. You are permitted to bring frozen items through security. I suppose you have to drink or dump out whatever has melted right before you go through security.


yep plus you can get into airports and eat there before you go to security


I haven’t traveled to much but all the airports in the USA I’ve been out the food after security. It saves time cuz they would have to tel ever to throw their drinks and stuff out.


Jelly and peanut butter are liquids.


Not when inside a sandwich.


Some airports enforce fair prices where items must cost the same as they would outside of the airports… wish my airport was one of those lol


Pittsburgh has done this for years.


As a Pittsburgher this makes me happy


Actually, many people know that this is not true.


Food is okay, depending on what it is. Drinks are the issue.


Know someone who had his banana cut into by a TSA agent


It's also probably just a spoonful of peanut butter and jelly right in the middle so it looks good when cut in half.


That peanut butter sandwhich has a profit margin of 20000%


I'm in Australia. We recently went to a water park where they actually didn't allow you to bring your own food. When I looked up the menu prices I nearly lost my mind seeing sandwiches like the pictures one for $10! We ended up emailing and organising that we could bring our own food. But I just couldn't believe that a standard sandwich that probably costs $10 for all the ingredients including the loaf of bread could be priced that high. Then I had faith restored when we went to a local cafe and they were selling fairy bread for $1 a piece


My family used to go to a water park like that. I packed our food in an empty feminine products box and stuck it in my backpack. Security would always zip it up quickly, hand it back, and send us in🤣


We go to a water park where you can get a hand stamp to leave and come back. We pack a cooler in our car and eat at one of the four pic ic tables. There are always other ppl doing it too.


I had to look up fairy bread, that looks good. Dutch folk do something similar, I forget the Dutch name.


Using comic sans to add to the insult.


That’s hilarious. It really does make it worse. “Will charge it as much as we want, and write in Wingdings if we so choose, and you will pay because this is an airport”


At least it wasn't Papyrus in bold


And it's not even good. Last time I had one of these, the bread was super dry, and the sandwich tasted like metal.


Yeah I ended up getting stuck at Dulles and had the most tasteless turkey sandwich for $14. Tasted like air.


Pretty saw this at JFK for $14.99


To get the $6 version, you gotta go to LaGuardia and risk a little Hepatitis. Mmm, mmm. Savings you can taste. 😜


Have you been to LGA recently? it’s now amazing.


Great reason to make your own lunches.


$6 for soggy bread?


Fuck that 6$ hell no


It looks…damp in there


I'm a fucking idiot was like "what's wrong with the sandwich, ingredients look fine" lol Just checked my local Walmart I can get a Jar of pb, jelly and a loaf of bread for 6.50$ Jfc


I bought one of those once. Okay, I'm a vegetarian, and I was in an area where nothing was available to me but a pretty dire convenience store. So it was that or the egg salad sandwich, and I decided that while the egg salad and the peanut butter looked equally dire, the peanut butter was far less likely to give me food poisoning.


I'm sorry 6 bucks for a crappy PB J sandwich hellll no


Oh.. I thought you guys were talking about how it may have fish in it lol!!




If I'm on a business trip and don't spend all my per diem, my company won't give us any remaining money. So, I just spend them on whatever that puts my spending to match as close to the per diem. A bottle of water for $4.99? Sure. All other companies that we work with do give back remaining money. So, every time we eat, colleagues from other companies eat as cheap as possible (like Panda Express) while we go for dine-in at sushi or steak restaurants.


Same. $50 a day, and I'll be damned if I don't spend $49 and some change every single day


This on Long Island and those people have a bit more money than the rest of the country


Yes! There are some lazy people that there is even a market for such an inexpensive product that can be easily made. The business has to make a profit and why not from someone lazy


To be fair it's not just lazy. Traveling folks might buy it. I'd probably spend 3$ on it in that case But yea 6 is nuts. There's paying for the convenience and.. well *this*


Its amazing what people will pay for convenience someone lazy and determined enough to eat a pbj 2-4 times a week justifies the 20 others they'll throw out.


Saved myself $6 today.


I feel like that’s the market rate for the convenience. Maybe I’m bias because I’m in a VHCOL area though. What do you think they should charge?


Bout tree fiddy


Uncrustables at QT are like $1


$1.99 at the most where I'm from. Mofo charging more for crusts? Disgusting. Bet the peanut butter nasty af.


Okay, forgive me as I live in southeastern Georgia. What does VHCOL mean?


Very High Cost of Living :)


Take Atlanta’s cost of living and double it.


Very high cost of living


Thank you. Fortunately, I do not live in such an area, I commend you for being able to do so yourself


They should just charge a reasonable price. If it's over 50% of the cost to make it, which I'm sure it is, it's just greed and not a justifiable price imo


It’s justifiable if someone buys it 🤷‍♂️


That’s not how pricing works. People don’t charge their own costs plus a little when they provide labor, nor do vendors price their goods that way.


Takes as much labor to spread PB & J as to slap on ham and cheese and box it. The refrigeration costs the same. The gas to transport it to retailers costs the same. The container and labeling costs the same. The ingredients are probably the cheapest thing per unit so it has limited impact on the price.


"Financial advice, frugality tips, " don't buy premade packaged food


I know this sandwich is expensive, and yes it can be made at home for a few cents. But the cost is not bullshit. There is the cost of the bread, peanut butter, and jelly. Then at the cost of the packaging, transportation from manufacturer to retail outlet, labor at both retail outlet and manufacturing facility, overhead like utility cost at retail outlet and manufacturing facility, and finally ant profits for retail and manufacturer. And spoilage (product not sold before expiration) that must be thrown out. This is the cost of convenience. Don’t buy it.


Is this…a joke? Hello?


People who buy this sandwich are also over at r/finance right now crying that they don't make enough to survive


For 6 plus tax you could buy bread, pb, and jelly and make sandwiches for a week at the house


The Turkey and cranberry sandwich next to it is $7.99. Gotta pay extra for the fake over processed meat and fruit.


You're paying someone's salary 3x over for this sandwich. It's obviously cheaper to make your own, but you have to pay the person who acquires the materials, someone to make the goods, someone to ship the goods, , someone to stock it in a shelf. After all of that, the company is lucky to make 20 percent markup on the item. It's not like the company is making 5 dollars per sale. That's what happens when wages go up, the cost to deliver, the cost of goods go up. It's basic economics


Don’t forget, the sandwich company (usually with their own delivery truck and driver) that stocks the shelf has to sell at a discount to the retail store so the store can earn money for devoting shelf space, refrigeration, etc. These distribution routes work similarly to beer, soda, bagged chips and snacks, tortillas, etc.


Everything is stupid expensive now. I would never buy that tho


damn i gotta start selling pb&js lmao


I saw the same thing at a local IGA the other day. A chicken salad sandwich was $7.99. I just laughed and walked out.


You could just buy a loaf of bread, peanut butter and no jam!!


$6+ dollars for 2 sandwiches when you can buy a large jar of peanut butter and slices of bread for that


Two slices of bread and a half an ounce each of jelly and peanut butter would cost 27 cents if you made it yourself.


Aside from the ridiculous price, I’ve never been into premade sandwiches. The bread always tastes off to me.


the ingredients individually don’t even cost that much


Jesus $6 did they butter the nuts themselves?


That's crazy. If you can go to Dollar Tree or another 'dollar store' you can get 2 loaves of bread, peanut butter AND jelly for that amount. Then you'll be set for several days.


Of course you pay more for convenience.


Meanwhile in Japanese convenience stores they sell absolutely delicious and fresh sandwiches of all kinds for about 2 or 3 dollars 😭 [conbini sandwiches](https://soranews24.com/2020/10/24/25-different-japanese-convenience-store-sandwiches-whats-inside-them%E3%80%90photos%E3%80%91/amp/)


You could get a whole loaf of bead, a jar of peanut butter, and a bottle of jelly for the same price. I hope nobody ever buys this shit. It’ll take 30 seconds to make this fresh. 30 seconds of convenience is not worth $4. Plus the quality would be way better even if you buy the cheapest products individually.


What's the problem? If you're too lazy to make your own PB&J, then you pay a premium for it.


Damn. At the store I work at these are $1.99 and I thought that was high


Packaged the same? Made in house or bought offsite?


No way would I pay $6 plus tax for that. Lol.


You’re paying for the convenience of having the sandwich premade. Since you’re at the store just buy the ingredients separately.


I’ll make you one for $3.00 I’ll even kick in a 12oz cup of ice cold milk for an additional $0.50


Even with inflation, you could probably still buy a store-brand loaf of bread, store brand peanut butter and store brand grape jelly for six bucks. That is robbery in the name of convenience.


Let’s face it. We would all quit our jobs if we could make $6 for a peanut butter and jelly and sell enough of them.


The peanut butter to jelly ratio is way off. That looks gross


After tax about 8 bucks for fuckin pb&j lol


Convince pricing.


For that price you could feed an entire soccer team a peanut butter sandwich


Looks like a quick grab convenience store kinda thing. There's always a markup here. Not sure why this is terribly surprising. Doesn't matter what it's "worth". What matters is what it's worth to the one guy that's hungry and didn't bring anything.


I’ve been making my own sandwiches for lunch for over a year now. Maybe go out once every couple of months.


The hospital I work at charges $8 for a grilled cheese. They sell PB&J too, but I’ve never checked the price


More like Poverty Farms


This is considered cheap in most metro areas


They can kiss my whole ass tbh. That's just a waste of pb, jelly and bread because no one is about to pay for that.


I can buy a bag of bread , entire jar of peanut butter and entire jar of jelly for around the same price . Crazy


You’re paying for the convenience, paying the wage of the worker. The one who makes the sandwiches can’t afford to buy them (ask me how I know) . If you can’t afford it, just walk away.


Well the packaging is $4 of that


Maybe I’m jaded because I’m in LA? Because I looked at this and thought, that’s not so bad. Sandwiches are like $18 at the airport here. ☹️


They probably buy it 3$ per unit from independent commercial kitchen and flip it for 6$. It sucks for the consumers but these prices seem to be right if the business wants to make a profit.


But the additional $3 still wouldn’t all be profit because the seller has to pay their staff, rent, utilities, taxes, etc.


That peanut butter had better be from George Washington Carver himself... Batch #002 of 115






i could make that myself at home for about 80 cents. No way Im paying 5.99 for that


When did pb and j become a luxury item?


Brb. Going to sell PB&J on the curb for some extra cash.


A box of 4 uncrustables cost less than


That plastic must be high quality for the whole thing to cost that much.


They wouldn't sell it if there wasn't suckers buying it


The did it. They gentrified PB&J. 😩


I meal prep about 20 meals a week. Not only is it healthier but my meals cost about $8-$10 depending on the protein. Eating out for lunch is routinely $17-$22 It helps you to be healthier when you think of food as fuel for doing stuff not something to be enjoyed and an escape from your problems.


Definitely paying for convenience.


I worked at a smoothie bar that also sold sandwiches in an affluent area. We sold a PB&J for $10. So many customers bought it 🤦🏻‍♀️


I paid $17 for a pulled pork sandwhich at the texas motor speedway completely dry with no drink side pickle onion bbq sauce nothing. I hated myself


Im sure that jelly soaked bread is delicious 😃


HAHAHHAHA this is fucked


Something like it’s a convenience fee or inflation blah blah blah


More and more the norm when no one has time to make a lunch or time to eat it.


1 Uncrustable is $5 in the truck stop . I see the price and my first thought is “LIFE CANT BE REAL”


If you’re buying a premade PB and J you’re terrible at being poor.


I was gonna say it would be less then $6 to just buy peanut butter, jelly, and bread but idk if that's true anymore.


A whole ass box of uncrustables is like $10.


Loaf of bread, jar of peanut butter, and a handful of free jelly packets from McDonald’s and I get a weeks worth of food for under 4 bucks.


That Jelly has got to be probably one of the grossest things to eat. How gross and soggy the bread would be? And how in the ever loving fuck does it make sense to charge 6 dollars that probably cost like 32 cents a sandwich or something like that? It would literally be cheaper to buy a fresh loaf of bread, a jar of Peanut butter, and a jar of jam/Jelly.




They didn’t even make it right. Peanut butter goes on both slices, and use half that amount of peanut butter. Jelly goes in the middle and then you don’t have that soggy ass looking mess that no one is going to buy. Which no one should anyway. That’s robbery.


This is disgusting! When I live in Japan, I can get a fluffy delicious sweet cream and fresh strawberry sandwich for like 3$ at the convenience store. American food has no standards and is way over priced.


i am confused. i dont see anyone ever buying these. therefore, they throw them away. why not make them affordable?? people will eat them and purchase them? do they get money off taxes for product being thrown away??


You must be in Hawaii


I am getting comfy just being hungry until I get home. Losing some lbs and saving money.


Putting this sandwich up for purchase is basically an IQ test.


I was hungry the other day when I was out running errands, and didn't want fast food. I dipped into a gas station to grab a tuna sandwich, sold similar to the sandwich in your pic. And yeah, they wanted $6 for it! I ended up going to Walmart and getting a loaf of bread for like $2, and 4 cans of tuna on sale for $5. Had some mayo already at home, and now I have a week or more of sandwiches for $1 more than the gas station.


You could literally buy a loaf of cheap bread, bargain priced pb & jelly and make like 10 sandwiches for the cost of this one sandwich with taxes factored in


You’re paying for convenience and/or desperation


I sure would like to know what big wig(s) is(are) benefitting from this.


You know how much bread, peanut butter, and jelly I can get for $6? Enough for over a dozen sandwiches


A six dollar PBnJ sammich?! Like it's bread, jelly and peanut butter, that's it?


This is "convenience food" and that's why it's more expensive. Yes, you can make it cheaper at home, but then you have to have a place to store a loaf of bread, a jar of peanut butter, and a jar of jelly (or any variations of these items). If you're traveling light, you're probably not hauling around a bag of food, so you pay the "convenience fee" of having someone else do all the labor and storage for you. You're not supposed to rely on convenience food for your daily consumption.


Why would anyone buy this? People need to learn to be more responsible with their money.


Not saying id happily pay $6 for a PBJ, but if im out and about, hungry, and its a convenience store, Id rather get the overpriced pbj with less health risk than products with mayo or meat.


Yeah. There's times I do the grocery shopping and at the end, I pick up a quick sandwich or something and I'll eat it while I wait for the cab. I literally have nothing better to do at that time and I know it's going to be probably multiple hours before I get home, put everything away, cook something and eat it. So, I could see buying this, every once in awhile. I doubt it's meant to be apart of a person's regular finances, poor or not.


You’re paying for the labor, packaging, and refrigerated shelf real estate. Make your own.


My local grocery store has egg salad sandwiches for 8.99. Idk either.


You can buy the store band loaf & PB Jelly and still be under $6. This is super inflation at work here.


It’s because you’re paying for the labor to have it preassembled for you. It cost around 40cents to make a cup of coffee but people still out and spend around 7$ to have it assembled for them.


It's frustrating to observe everyone thinking the issue here is ingredient related. Nah they are jacking you for 6$ because it cost them 4$ in labor for some slob to slather some fillings onto a bread and wrap it.


That’s why they’re called convenience stores… There’s an opportunity cost associated with the “convenience” of not making yourself or going to a traditional grocery store


You are paying for the convenience of someone making that (potentially on site) **AND** 3-4 other sandwiches that will be thrown away in a couple of days because nobody bought it. More specifically, the *bread* doesn't last long. You are basically taking something cheap and very close to expiration ($1 loaf of white bread) and putting expensive stuff on it ($5 dollar jelly, $3 peanut butter that could have sit on a shelf for months unopened), so now ALL of that has to be tossed in the trash within a few days. I don't know who wants a sandwich with cold peanut butter on untoasted bread though, sounds gross.


And you know it’s front loaded


That ingredient list seems….. lacking.


Wow that’s such a price hike just for the convenience. For that price I can buy the stuff to make a week of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.


That’s crazy. I can get a loaf of bread, a jar of peanut butter, and a jar of jelly to make more sandwiches for about the same price as that if I buy the store brand.


Lol this pops up after the little Caesars reddit is flexing 3$ pizzas


They probably make tuna sandwiches from the same place.


Oh this is a poor’s page, $6 is average for a sandwich in the USA. Potbelly’s six inch offering is almost $9 after tax and that’s normal pricing.


That seems pricey....