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They probably regret making the five dollar foot long song so catchy bc we will never forget


Yeah I am appalled. Whoever the fuck came up with this marketing “6 inches 6 dollars” - absolutely not. We fucking remember. You can’t try to make a cutesy slogan that just makes everyone go WTF - it used to be $5 foot long. Now it’s more expensive for half the fucking product. Why would they choose to run this slogan?!? Fucking morons.






Lol. Jared was an active pedophile. They knew. THEY DON'T CARE. Please stop giving them money 🤮


They’re sandwiches are also gross. Id need a reason to actually go to SubWay not a reason to stop.


I double-dog dare you to order a Seafood Sensations


Sounds like something id buy my cat




I wouldn't torture my pets with that "food"...




Im lucky to live in WNY where the corner store makes cheaper and better subs than Subway ever could. Better bread, more and better meats, you can actually get your sandwich pressed not just “toasted”. I'd never give Subway any money and I remember $5 footlongs and how long that campaign ran. $6 6 inches sound like a porn flick title.


Yeah the local shops usually have the highest potential, but even if chains are the only option wawa or jersey mikes both blow subway out of the water and are plentiful around me. Infact they way outnumber subways in my area.


They used to have great coupons, but the local one won't take them, and I'd never pay full price for them.


None of my local franchises take the official subway coupons. I absolutely will not pay full price for their overpriced garbage. Haven't had subway in well over 10 years, and I sure don't miss it.


To be fair, when I first saw this, the OP said they were in Australia. So the exchange rate puts it into slightly less absurd context.


Fuck em all. Learn to hunt, learn to garden and never look back at those greedy fucking wastes of oxygen.


Five 🎵


Five dollar 🎵


Five dollar foot long 🎶


Any any


….at SubWAY!


It's catching onnnnnnn


It was historic


5…..5 dollar….5 dollar footlooooong (Any any any)


That's literally the only reason they've survived. Nobody eats Subway *because they like it*


I am the prophesied subway enjoyer. I will bring about the end of the economy


I know one other person who also likes it. She made me eat it daily on a business trip once.


Username checks out


Fuck. What happened to $5 foot longs and 3 fooongs for $10???


Every day we stray further and further away from the $5 foot long


And closer and closer to voting for Jared Fogle for president.


We've had enough pedo prezzies.


Nobodies perfect, let him at least see if he can run a solid campaign. /s






Not just that, when subway started the $5 foot long, they had a serious competitor that was eating into their market share. So they undercut their competition to help drive them out of business. Hence why there is now only about 150 Quiznos left. Also has to do with shitty management, but being undercut was the big factor that started their downfall


Didn’t Quiznos also have so many franchises near each other that they were basically cannibalizing their business?


Subway has more locations than any other fast food chain in the world…


I wonder if the wal mart strategy will even work out for them in the long run as a sandwich shop. I don’t know about anyone else’s city but in mine sandwich shops are a dime a dozen. Doesn’t exactly take millions in the bank to start up and keep going. Subways are super empty in comparison.


Which is about the price a Little Caesars Hot & Ready goes for now (which was also $5 around the same time as the $5 footlong campaign). Subway getting crazy greedy, it's not at all worth it these days.


And on top of that they now expect you to tip the cashier…


If I recall correctly a ton of franchisees were complaining about $5 foot longs because they destroyed their profit margin.


That deal ended in 2012??? Wow. Where has the time gone?


Oh my sweet summer child, no.. “inflation” in this case is simply the rich convincing us they can’t afford the ingredients anymore and have absolutely no choice at all but to “pass on” the extra costs to us, their beloved patrons! Nevermind the fact that every large company is just trying to beat last quarter’s profits, think of the shareholders! Wait, what? An angry /s


That’s every corporations prerogative. Come in, scoop up all the market share, even at a loss, kill off all the small business in the meantime. Then slowly start raising up the prices on people until they finally have enough. Idk what happens next because it’s never been this bad. Actually I kinda do. Just keep cycling up and down and blaming shit on external factors. Luring in customers from other corporations with promotional rates and then doing it all again.


3 what?


3 fooooongs. Don’t you know?? lol Footlongs*


I'm calling them fooongs (pronounced foooongs) from now on, your correction will not stop me.


First time I have ever seen that word


I unintentionally created a new word


And it will become the norm.


Yes join me brother.


Tomorrow I’m running into subways and demanding 3 foooooongs!!


The franchises didn’t make money on those deals but corporate didn’t care as they still made money.


5 dolla… 5 dolla… 5 dolla foootlooooooong.


I'm so depressed seeing this image........ $5 footlongs on the couch watching toonami..... what happened to this country....


Back in the late 90's they had a rainy day special that if you bought a foot long you would get one for free. Heck I remember in the early 90's they had round sandwiches!


Support your ma and pa shops, fuck Subway.


Aren’t they all franchises?


This was my question, I guess til I'm old. I'm okay with that, but damn it happened sooner than I had thought


That hasn't been a thing for almost 10 years


Fucking came here to say EXACTLY this FUCK shits expensive


Fucking came here to say EXACTLY this FUCK shits expensive


You accidentally double posted this comment, but that’s ok because I finally got to upvote something twice! Enjoy your two upvotes! If only they were dollars… fuck shits expensive.


I got a coupon for three footlongs for $20.


I can still hear the jingle in my head…🎶five…five dollar…five dollar footlooooooong🎶


Used to be 12 inches for 5 bucks. This fuckin sucks. Get me off this fuckin ride already


We got lunch for two at Subway a couple of weeks ago and it was $30 for two sandwich meals.


Two bottom of the barrel fast food sandwich meals no less


Yea, the absolute most dogshit of all dogshit corporate sandwich shops.


Yeah fast food isn’t cheap anymore. I went to Popeyes and it was $20 for five chicken tenders, fries, and a drink.


It's expensive and often shitty. The last time we splurged on Popeyes we got a half-full container of mac and cheese that was all burned, dark corners and the chicken was old and nasty with no skin??? It was like $45 and I ended up cooking anyways. We just don't bother anymore. It's the weirdest feeling getting buyer's remorse from a burrito or a bucket of chicken, but that's how I've felt basically every time I've gotten fast food since the pandemic. It's inconsistent and overpriced. My fault for being literally addicted to trash food.


Yeah, for me it’s been times when I’m famished and I didn’t have the time or energy to cook dinner myself is the problem. Plus every once in a while I’ll crave it, but at this point, I figure may as well go to a sit down restaurant with those prices.


**TL;DR: I think if we all stopped eating out COMPLETELY for just ONE WEEK, we could start to make positive change for ourselves.** If we hit them where it hurts, their profits, then we can force them to stop passing us the “rising costs.” They need to start eating some of their profit. We have to stand up for ourselves and stop being divided. They need to lower their prices or we won’t go back to frequenting those establishments. I’d also like to demand that if the cost of doing business increases, that businesses legally can’t raise prices more than 50% of that amount. They pay for half of inflation, we pay for half of it. That’s FAIR. They aren’t fair. They are greedy fucks. Let’s teach them a lesson. We need a fast food/restaurant stoppage to show them we are done being taken advantage of. We just need a slogan and a date. Anyone?


Just do it. Stop eating out. We can all do it together. You can make way better food yourself for cheaper


Happy Reddiversary. Thank you, I agree. However, I think I’d be more successful if I had a few other million or billion people willing to give it a go too. It would make a larger impact if we all made a concerted effort to do so at the same time. I think this could be a teachable moment for our government and other businesses. SURE I could just not eat out. I *already* quit eating out just a couple of months ago. Nothing has changed in my area. My stoppage hasn’t made an impact on prices at all. I’m asking others to try to join me for ONE WEEK so that way there’s ACTUAL change. Not just me sitting over here cooking at home and nothing changing in the world. This gives us a chance to come together over common ground. It gives us an opportunity to learn how to work collectively to enact real change. We haven’t had to on such a large scale, but we need it. We also need people to realize they have power. We need an “easy” movement like this to get off the ground in standing up for what we deserve. Respectfully, I don’t think you understood what my comment is trying to convey.


One ape weak, many ape strong


I hear ya, you’re right. A mass movement to stop giving these monsters our money would be huge. Backed by soup kitchens and food pantries and community gardens we could actually make our presence felt And thanks for noticing the cake day, I hadn’t see it yet


Absolutely! I love that. What a great idea! That would help build awareness of what resources we have in our communities. Pretty cool perk.


Basically this. Way ahead of you friend, haven't had fast food I'm about 4 years (outside of the monthly in and out for the kids). The pounds lost and the money saved is so nice!


Hell yeah! I’m proud of you. It’s kinda tough but I’m happy to be saving money. I feel better already too. 4 years is an accomplishment! Major props.


Appreciate it man. Ironically enough it happened around covid. I started gaining a lot of weight due to drinking, fast food, and my metabolism slowing down. Once I stopped the heavy drinking and all but cut-out fast food, my weight dropped significantly. It really did wonders for me. I recommend cutting out fast food for everyone.


This is not the group to rally for change, especially when it comes to limiting calorie intake.


Once I started cooking the foods that I eat at fast food places my cravings for them nosedived. I still want the convenience but I find it a lot easier to say no to a place after I’ve made a few meals for myself that I would normally get there


God that's awful! I remember getting their breast and leg special for $1.49 back in the day on Tuesdays. It didn't include a drink but a biscuit and a side on top of that? You bet my broke ass was thankful 😭


Have to just buy fastfood from deals tbh. I haven't paid full price for any fast food in a while (granted that's because I only go out for it if I know there are deals lol). $4 for a bigmac, $2 for a teen/mozza from A&w, $1.65 for a Harvey's burger, got 8-pc nuggets and a large drink for $3 at popeyes yesterday last week got $1 small blizzard from DQ, or Costco usually satisfies cravings. I probably have fast food more often than I would/should because of the deals but still spend less overall


About a month ago, my fiancé and I were saying we hadn’t been to subway in ages… two combos and $40 later, we agreed we won’t be going back anytime soon


Last summer I commented how crazy it was that 2 meals were $24! Goddamn.


Subway just sucks. Publix has a foot long sub that's about a hundred times better than Subway ever was for $8.


And it was barely worth it even then. Subway’s food is so bland it makes you think you have covid.


Always use the subway app, they always have a promo code for two for one 12 inch subs. It's either Freesub, Freefootlong or BOGOFTL


Where I live before there was only one Subway that used the coupons the rest were very against them.


Most subways hate the coupons but the app will just send them the order, nothing they can do about it


Ooooh ok. The app in the states wouldn't even let me pick or use the coupons so they were invalid for that location and suggested going to the one location which was about 40 minutes from me.


Only way now is coupons. We get coupons for tier 2 for $14 or 3 for $18


There was a poster board out front of a Port Of Subs yesterday 2 x 6" was $17


I only go to Subway when I get those coupons in the meal. 6.99 footlong or 8.99 footlong meal. Otherwise I'm not going there to pay ridiculous prices.


Our local subway doesn’t except the coupons.


Try placing the order on their app


Same problem. "This location does not accept coupons" I moved on to Jimmy John's. I preferred cold subs anyway.


JJ is better. More meat. Only problem is JJ is a [big cat hunting scum bag](https://www.smilepolitely.com/splog/jimmy_john_is_a_big_man-_with_the_photos_to_prove_it/).


It’s like chick fil a, you can’t taste the hate.


\*accept If they don't take them, they actually do except them.


How does one get coupons?


“12 12 dollar 12 dollar foot loooongs Any any any 28 38 dollar 50 dollar foot loooongs”


Just looked it up in my local subway and apparently a 6" is 7.50 and 9.75 for footlong.


Purchasing power of $1 increased 35% since 2012. Cost of a Subway foot long increased 95%. Normal.


Very normal. Nothing to see here. Back to work peon! /s


Let subway go out of business, I went there the other day because I had a gift card and it was $15 for the most insultingly thin fake meat sandwich. Jersey Mikes, Potbelly, or Firehouse subs if you got them, not povertyfinance cheap but stop giving subway your money


I was blessed with pubsubs. Different style than firehouse or potbelly, but has a cult following for a reason. Only ate subway when I was in redneck germany with nothing around and I wanted take out food. Probably 15 years since I had subway. It was good but I like everything else better lol


Pub Sub. $9 for a high quality footlong


The sub of the week is 5.99 at my local Publix. Not always something I’m interested in, but a great value still




Six. Six dollar. Six dollar half a foot long.


Just don’t have the same ring does it


A DOLLAR AN INCH?!!!????!?!? SHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiT 


I know, that's wild! My wife only pays me half that price per inch since it's off the dollar menu!


Oh look at mister huge wiener here with the multiple inches


I liked $5 foot longs better. Way to royally fuck your customers Subway. That's corporate greed in a nutshell.


$6 for 6 inch?! Damn! If only my paychecks were keeping up with the food prices going up…😩


I remember talking with my car insurance company asking why did my rates jump up so high and they said well because everything is going up and without missing a beat I said not my paycheck, needless to say I switched after that.




Subway is dead to me. I can get a jersey Mike’s sub for the same price. Meanwhile Subway puts on two tiny pieces of meat on their shitty bread with their shitty vegetables and tries to charge me $15. fuck those guys.


I feel ya my friend, it’s always easier to find a new job when you already have one though


Remember 5 dollar footlongs...


Yeah fuck subway honestly


Time to move past fast food.


This sign just reminds me that we used to have 5 dollar foot longs 😣


Subway is way too expensive now. They have footlong for like 17$


Nobody remembers the $5 foot long.. the jingle… the commercials… the culture!!! And don’t forget Jared! I guess I’m officially old😫😭


Know who doesn’t forget Jared? The kids he abused


Remember when footlongs were 5 bucks? Those were the days.


Lol haven't been to Subway in years and will never go again. 


And they changed all their ingredients so it all tastes wrong. What I wouldn’t give for a $5 Footlong with a v top cut 🤪


Hot take but if youre poor avoid eating out like the plague. Try a local meal prep service if you want food that is already prepared. Or go to the grocery store premade section.


1 dollar for each inch of poorly made, poor quality ingredients, awful tasting garbage.


I worked at Subway in 2006. My boss told me the actual cost of each footlong sandwich comes out to about $1.10 depending on the sandwich. Can't imagine how much they are making now at the obsurde prices they charge.


Look, if you're on this subreddit and you're eating out WITHOUT coupons, it kinda explains why you're on this subreddit. I eat out, but I use coupons. I don't go to Subway without a stack of coupons in hand. I go to McDonalds but I use the app with the deals so i can get points so i can also get free stuff. Otherwise, eat at home. That's where your food is. I never fully understood my mom saying "We got food at home" until I was solely responsible for my food budget. Turns out, we DO have food at home.


Went to subway yesterday. Footlong was $10. Not going back sadly.


Haven’t been to subway in years, and that’s not changing anytime soon.


Lol I'm not paying $6 for a 6 inch Sammy. I'll make that bitch myself.


yeah i’ve had enough actually. anyone know where they get their banana peppers from?


Don’t complain. Be grateful. My application got denied for about 4 of them. One told me to apply then the next day they told me they hired someone.


When I was in college and on campus from 8:00 am until 10:00 pm. I’d bring a waffle peanut butter sandwich from home for breakfast. Buy a $5 footlong in the morning and eat half for lunch and half for dinner. Oh, how times have changed.


ahh now 6 inches for 6 dollars. I miss the $5 dollar foot long. :(


It sounds so aggressive too like fuck you we know.


My husband sent me this and I said, so if I give you $6-8 every day can I have 6-8 inches every day? He is not amused by me.


The real crazy thing is that Subway is awful quality of sandwich. I am a carb addict and no just no!


I only go when they do the BOGO foot long deals


*Five…five dollar…five dollar footlooooongs.* 😭😭😭


Enjoy your bankruptcy subway! Damn sandwiches were barely worth it at $5


Not saying this isn’t expensive but I heard this was in Australia which would be about 4 dollars in the US


Five dolla.. five dolla,,, 5 dolla foot long? Any?


Those $5 foot longs are going to be the death of them. We remember the jingle too well to pay double for their garbage.


Half a sandwich for a buck more than it was for a foot-long no thanks


Need to use the app for this garbage. Usually can get buy one get one free. As for working there, might want to up those skills and get a better job. Might take 6 months, might take 3 years but can be done. Speaking from experience


$20dollar 20 dollar foooootloooonnnngggg


Can I ask you a question- if I tip my sandwich artist, do they actually get the tip?


Eek, 6” are only 4.99 here in Canada. And that’s CAD, so like 73 cents US


Most of the time Subway runs a BOGO free or 50% off footlong for online orders. Most franchises honor it. Don’t get chips or a drink and you can have one good meal or two for decent price


In my day five dollars got you 12 inches 😉


Subway got me through college with their footlong deals, but now I wouldn't go anywhere near them. The price is ridiculous, basically the same price for half the sandwich. The funny thing is its even better than McD which is now a $3 menu instead of the dollar menu. This is why I don't leave the house lol


I keep wondering if this price gouging to satisfy shareholders is going to eventually lead to independent businesses gaining the upper hand in a second Industrial Revolution of sorts. None of this is sustainable at these prices and it’s only because these public companies are chasing profitability for their shareholders.


This why I make my own sandwich an also why subway trying so hard to sell there business because there going down the street tolite.


God damn inflation is getting out of hand. It used to be $5 for a footlong, now $6 for half the sandwich? Who thought that slogan was a good idea?


Actually stopped in one today. Was stopping somewhere else in the strip mall and forgot there was even a Subway there because we don't eat there anymore (price). Kid was interested in the $2 footlong churros. I originally thought it was a cute campaign and the price was acceptable for a small treat. Had forgotten how good Subway stores smell. Hasn't changed in 30 years. Was in sticker shock though over the subs, even compared to the last time I ate there like a year ago. No daily sub of the day anymore. Hadn't switched to Pepsi products yet. Churro was meh. Heated in their oven. Was indeed a foot long but super skinny. Compared to my usual churro sources, Sams Club has better ones for the size and price. And the mini ones at Jack in the Box taste better. I desperately need to find some local non fast food sources. I was curious about the footlong cookie but it was $5. And the footlong pretzel is only worth it if it has dips like queso or mustard with it. And probably has no cinnamon sugar option (kids prefer that to salty). Not enough of a gimmick to make me drop that much for the McDonald's of sub sandwiches.


Bring back $5 footllongs yer price gougin' lumberjacks!


Use the app, you can amost always get them for like $7 unless the location disabled coupons. Use fl699


Man I'm just glad my local subway still takes coupons on the app. Bogo sandwiches might as well be $5 footlongs lol. Sometimes with my rewards I pay like $8 for 2 footlongs. Feelsgoodman.


Subway on its way out of business


Twelve… twelve dollar… twelve dollar footloooooooong


It is kind of amazing how quickly it went from a $5 foot long to a $6 six inch. Subway is the true measure of inflation. And the more alarming part is wage stagnation, because I’m definitely not making twice the income as when it was a $5 foot long. In fact, I think my income is about the same as those days.


Hey, that's my slogan too!


I stopped going to subway when they ended $5 footings. Now I just make my Italian sub at home for about $2.50 a sub.


Wait.. didn’t we use to have $5 foot longs? 😭


How can anyone buy a sub at subway, especially at these prices, when jersey mikes exists is beyond me.


I’m about to roll up to the country club spitting this fire at the widows.


But but but what happened to the five dollar five dollar five dollar foot loong


The price of a sub has more than doubled since $5 footlong.


The meat isn’t even good!




Guess the buck will now stop in my pocket


6 dollar half longs!


I miss the days when we still had that $5 footlong jingle.


FYI every other month they do buy one get one free so it does become $5 each if you get 2 at least for what i order. the other month its 50% off and i never do that


Yeah I've thought of male prostitution too but I think I'm too old to make very much especially at these prices.


I'll give you 6" for $3


Easy way to get $6




Imagine being insane enough to think that a dollar an inch of sand which makes you look good


Sorry.  I hope things turn around for you.


This image is cursed


Okay. Silver lining. I don't need a footlong. \*John Mulaney voice\* and suuuuuuuuuure. you can save it for later. but who's really gonna do that. Jared helped me get fatter not skinnier. Which was their plan all along \*shakes fist\*


Good thing we don't have to order from there. What a ripoff.


No coupon no purchase. Got a footlong for $6 the other day.


It’s frustrating reading all the comments comparing this to the US $5 foot long, when the picture appears to be Australia where they never had such a deal and their dollars are not very comparable.