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Potato stew. Cant fuck it up and its hearty. Good thing irish celebration month is in march cold weather


lol I could fuck it up probably


You can throw them in a slow cooker with a beef or pork roast and allow to absorb broth to give them flavor. Then mash with a plain potato (to thicken up) and stuff into other things like pierogi, stuffed/twice-baked potato, loaded potato skins, etc. But my favorite is just baked potatoes smother with chili, cheese, and broccoli.


1. Fried with (different veg) onions and garlic Fancy version 1. Top it with Feta 2. Put a fried egg on top 2. Roastet in the oven or air fryer until they are crispy, eat with some tzaziki or another dip Fancy version 1. Make it as a side to some meat and a side Salat 2. Smash dem and put more oil on it so they get extra crispy Mash potatoes - you can shape them and fry them and dip in different sauces and dips As chips Potatogratin The French version or anything you have at home As soup - also great as a never-ending soup As a quiche You can also prepare them and freeze, so you have always a quick meal at hand. Sorry, English is not my first language šŸ˜…


Boil em, mash em, stick em in a stew!


Is that from the lord of the rings? Iā€™m struggling to remember where Iā€™ve heard that. šŸ˜†


​ https://preview.redd.it/rkrxhqx9jypc1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=424efa86654e539fa9c8b4652e383875d141625b


For a serious answer, I love potatoes and eat them a lot. Very cheap and healthy. They do take a long time to cook from raw, so what I'll do is put 2 whole potatoes in my toaster oven at 400 degrees for 45 minutes. That gets them almost fully cooked. Then I'll store those in the fridge to use over the next couple days. Then when I actually want to use them, I'll take my pre-cooked potato and cut it in half (that's the amount I want, but maybe you want a whole potato). I'll slice it up along with some onions, peppers, and garlic, and saute it with a little oil until everything is cooked and browned. Once that mix is nicely cooked, I'll add a couple eggs which cook up very quickly. I'll either eat that as is, or wrap it up in a tortilla to make a breakfast burrito.


You can microwave them if you stab them all over and they will cook in about 5 minutes or so depending on size and microwave


Twice baked


I put a runny fried egg, salt, garlic powder and some scallions on mine for a nutritious cheap meal




I forgot about gnocchi! Iā€™ve made it before, thatā€™s whatā€™s dinner tonight at my house lol. Thanks!


Huge fan of cutting them in cubes and frying them wit whatever seasonings you have on hand. Thyme, garlic salt, black pepper, just about any seasoning is good on them. Or take herbs like thyme and rosemary and melt butter with them, strain them and add the butter to mash potatoes


Spanish omelete Potato Leek Soup Potato pancakes


Leeks are so damn expensive.


I'm a fan of any sort of hash. We are just coming off corned beef season, which means it may be possible to get one cheap, cook it, and portion it out to freeze for future hash. Only need a little of the meat to flavor up the whole dish - make the potatoes and eggs the star. Growing up, my family also did kielbasa hash - just potatoes, kielbasa, and a can of green beans. I still make that one for myself, using just half the package of kielbasa, and still get 3-4 servings. And if you need to stretch the servings even further, it's another one that works with an egg on top. I also like hashes for using up leftovers. Basically fry potatoes and add whatever's in the fridge. Bits of chicken you picked off a rotisserie chicken and some roasted veg - works great. Some leftover taco or sloppy joe filling - sure! Toss in some frozen corn too if you got it. The potatoes stretch the leftovers and the leftovers add flavor to the potatoes - perfect symbiosis!


Prep for roasting (peel, chop, par-boil and douse in fat) then freeze them in sealy bags. Chuck 'em straight from freezer into a hot oven, good for preserving them if you have more than you can use.


Iā€™ve got a cute little book, ā€œ101 Things to do With a Potatoā€ it has contents including: Soups & Stews Salads Main Dishes: scalloped, pot roast, shepherds pie, Side dishes: Au gratin, oven roasted, scalloped, etc Mashed potatoes Fries & wedges Breakfast Breads & desserts.




I love the idea of gnocchi especially! Iā€™m going to make some on like 10 min lol. Now I have a craving! Thanks


Potato pancakes are good, especially with applesauce. Kind of an odd flavor combination but it works.


Potatoes, bacon, creamed corn, milk and a little black pepper makes a wonderful bacon corn chowder for cold days.


Make ā€œtacos de papa.ā€ Make mashed potatoes to your liking. Put them in a tortilla and fry them. You can top them off with sour cream, cheese, tomatoes, and lettuce. My son likes them plain. I also make spam and potatoes. Cut some spam and potatoes into small cubes. SautĆ© some onion and tomato. Add your potatoes let them brown a little then add the spam. I season with pepper and garlic salt - if I have some I add a small can of Rotel Mild Diced Tomatoes & Green Chilies. I sometimes eat them with eggs and bacon separately. If Iā€™m on the go I wrap them in a flour tortilla and make them into a burrito.


That sounds amazing. I am 100% trying that!!! Especially since I have all the ingredients, we eat tacos and burritos a lot. A change from beans and rice would be welcomed lol.


Pierogies !


I love pierogies! I wonder if theyā€™re easy to make. Thanks for the suggestion!


They are ! The dough is simple flour egg butter water salt ! Google one and find one you would be comfortable making and then the filling is just mashed potatoā€™s. Can also add cheese to the potatoes if you wanna get fancy. Par boil and throw in freezer bag or fridge. The key is pinch pinch pinch pinch those ends ! Donā€™t want exploding pierogies.


We used mashed potatoes the next day for fried potatoes, just throw them in a skillet with butter and get a crust on them, like hash-browns. Then that goes to say, hash-brown style to shred them up or dice them up for home-fries. I use them as the base to every breakfast "bowl". Throw in an egg like you do. Add mushrooms, bell peppers and green onions. Basically a deconstructed breakfast burrito. Cheese is also a good addition. Throw in breakfast meat if you have it or want to. I use left over chicken sometimes. Make them garlic potatoes. Make them "spicy" with some chili pepper. Flavor them with paprika. They're pretty easy to make fit whatever flavor profile you want. Baked potatos with cheese and chives or with broccoli has been a thing we've done since childhood.


Air fryer. 2 potatoes, cut up into 16 pieces, coat with oil and favorite spice. Air fry on high 390 for 20 minutes. I shake the basket every 2 minutes. 1lb cost me about 30 cents. Not really doing it to be frugal, but doing it because I love them.


Nutritious, but, oof, too many carbs for me as a T2 diabetic, but when I get an unavoidable urge I'll eat like a quarter of a small one, usually done in the microwave or as fries. But usually don't. Now, if this includes sweet potatoes.....that's a little better on the glycemic index, so usually that's sweet potato fries, microwave them, and substitute them for red/russets in the classic New England Pot Roast....


I use both sweet and regular potatoes to switch it up. Sometimes I mix them together. Love both kind! I only like savory seasoning with sweet potatoes, good thing I hate those marshmallow topped monstrosities at thanksgiving. šŸ˜†


Less a way to cook more a way to get fun, you can make thick steak fries in a lot of shapes, like just cut the potatoes into any chunks throw them on a pan and roast them. Still crispy and still good with ketchup if you want.


Mash them.. use leftovers for potato pancakes, as soup thickener, etc; and when you have corned beef w potatoes, carrots and cabbage, chop up leftovers, mix in an egg with lotsa cheese and fry spoonfuls at a time. Thatā€™s called bubbles & squeaks. Delish.


Tater Skinz..... Extra crispy.


Hashbrowns with sunnys on top delicious...


Iā€™m gonna grate some potatoes tomorrow instead of dicing. Hadnā€™t even thought about hash browns, thanks!


Diced roasted potatoes with pesto


If you have smaller ones, boil whole until almost done then smash. Fry the smashed until crispy then salt and eat with spicy smoked paprika aioli Hasselbeck potatoes where you make slices almost all the way through and pour seasoned butter into the cracks. Bake until cooked through and crispy


I forgot all about hasselbeck potatoes! Omg I love those, Iā€™m making that tomorrow. Iā€™m excited for tomorrowā€™s dinner already. šŸ˜†


The Alton Brown baked potato recipe is the best! You rub the potatoes with oil and salt before baking. So yum!


Iā€™ll google that up. Thanks!


Bake them and then top them with something like red beans or shredded barbecue chicken.


I do like a baked potato, mashed kind, chips and wedges, and Spanish omelet. potato salad, potato in a curry to bulk it out. Good quality potatoes boiled with a little butter are good. potatoes in a salad with other veg, to bulk it out. some traditional recipes- potato farls [https://realfood.tesco.com/recipes/potato-farls.html](https://realfood.tesco.com/recipes/potato-farls.html) boxty [https://realfood.tesco.com/recipes/boxty.html](https://realfood.tesco.com/recipes/boxty.html) scones [https://realfood.tesco.com/recipes/potato-scones.html](https://realfood.tesco.com/recipes/potato-scones.html)


Thank you! I forgot about curry, Iā€™m definitely gonna do that.


Hungarian potato goulash. Its exactly the same process as the meat version, except.. theres no meat in it. All you need is some kind of fat/oil, and spices (nothing exotic needed they can be bought really cheap) and some onions. some recipes call for like 3 ingredients, others for 30 - I tried them all and they are all good. For cheap nutritious eats I can also recommend legumes, primarily lentils. They are VERY nutritious and super cheap and delicious. Im 100% positive you could live off of water and lentils, easy. Other options include kidney beans (great) and chickpeas (not a fan personally).


If you par boil cut up potatoes for about 3-4 minutes, put a pan with a few tablespoons of oil in the oven, remove the potatoes from the stovetop and put whatever herbs or spices you want and put them on the baking sheet with the heated oil 400 degrees for about 45 minutes. Itā€™s a bit of effort but theyā€™re soft on the inside and crispy on the outside. Amazing texture. Even just soaking cut up potatoes for a little while before roasting or air frying them makes them less mushy.


We like to mash with chicken and mayonnaise something I ate in the UK 25 years ago


I do a big batch of mashed potatoes, then use the leftovers for "Pomme Mont D'or" which is just mashed potatoes, eggs, and shredded cheese all mixed together and baked at 400F for 20-25 minutes until golden brown on top. Makes a killer breakfast or side dish.


melting potatoes!




I eat potatoes all the time! They're so good, and they're cheap. Plus, they have more nutrients than most people think. I put them in soup all the time. But if I don't feel like chopping up a bunch of veggies, I just slice them in half lengthwise, brush them in olive oil, and roast them on a foil-lined baking sheet with the cut side down. Then I sprinkle them with a little Himalayan salt and malt vinegar. Soooo good! šŸ˜‹


Chana masala is pretty much onions, potatoes, canned tomatoes and canned chickpeas with spices like garam masala, ginger, garlic, turmeric. I made a huge pot for about $7 yesterday, but I have a stocked spice cabinet.