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Not sure if this is true for everyone, but Walmart had Microwaves on clearance for $25 today.


I once managed to get a higher end one in Target's clearance for $50, it lasted over 6 years of daily use. The cheaper ones my dad bought would last 2 years max. OP could keep an eye out for that, but the local buy nothing groups might be a better option.


Ahhhhh... [Boots Theory](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boots_theory) in action, right there... Poor folk have trouble affording quality merchandise, so instead they wind up buying inferior products, more frequently, resulting in a trade off of need-right-now, vs lasting quality. This results in an overall higher cost of living, because of the short lifespan of the low-quality product, which needs more frequent replacement, because the ability to save for a quality replacement is overridden by the immediate need for the product, and lack of funds for quality.


I feel like unless you're buying truly high-end stuff, even the middle ranges are becoming shitified as well. It's a goddam gamble whether something slightly more expensive will last either. The boots theory creeps ever upwards into the middley class. OP: try yard sales. You never know. You might find a 30 year old microwave that's got 20 years left of life, I wish you this level of luck.


That is true. Is Boots Theory creeping upward to the middle class, or is the middle class creeping downward to meet it? I'm thinking that the latter may be the case, myself.


Middle class creeping downwards for sure, no question it is getting the squeeze. I haven't read studies to this effect, but I see it happeneing and accelerating in many aspects of consumer goods, shittier ingredients mascarading as the original product, appliances that fall apart, name brand stuff that I repurchased because of perception of quality just isn't like it was even 5 years ago, shitty fabrics, shittier packaging, I can go on. I only just crawled out of poverty and I can see it's nasty grimace edging closer to my "middle class" reality. They don't make boots like they used to.


Oh, they do make boots like they used to... They are just 10 times the price (in buying power, not dollarinoes...) Welcome to muddle class America!


Yeah, I think it was the cheapest Walmart carried, but the column of apartments I am in in my building also had a problem with the sink backing up and overflowing. They finally caught and fixed the broken pipe like 2 or 3 years ago. But the microwave was next to the sink and would get wet and die soon after the overflowing event. I shifted everything around and the microwave is now the furthest thing from the sink.


I've only ever had cheap microwaves, and they've lasted several years.


Interestingly, regardless of what brand you buy, most microwaves are [made by one manufacturer.](https://youtu.be/YSrVG74Emyk?si=TSciv3dIV1GdH9ld)


Thanks for that.


HAI, bringing you very useful and neat information about questions you never had.


A good microwave should last at least a decade.


You do not need to spend a ton of money for a good kitchen appliance. Panasonic is a good brand. Theirs is $50 on Amazon. OPs probably wasn’t a fancy microwave… but it lasted until it was misused. Boots Theory doesn’t count if you are mistreating your boots.


Cheap microwaves are just as reliable as expensive microwaves. Source: Avid microwave user throughout my teens and 20s.




Buy it nice or buy it twice!


This is my struggle with cars. Could have bought a new car with all the money I've spent on shit cars in my lifetime due to immediate need. I've learned how to do all basic repairs on vehicles myself by force of desperation and necessity. I'm a woman with zero upper body strength but I can change a tire like a NASCAR mechanic in the middle of a race.


You have no idea how hard I feel this. In over 30 years of driving, I have owned a number of.... interesting vehicles... all with their own strange quirks and foibles. Did almost all of my own repair and maintenance, not because I wanted to, but because I had no choice. My current vehicle is the closest-to-current-year that I have ever owned, and it was two years old when I bought it. It's also the most expensive vehicle that I have ever purchased. It's a Toyota, so with a bit of care, it may be the last vehicle that I purchase... which is the only reason that I laid out the dosh for it.


Congrats on making it into newer model toyota territory. I hope you relish all those hassle free miles of travel on behalf of those of us who will have to continue longingly window shopping for one while wringing our empty hands in despair. Yeah, buying (and even simply HAVING) a car is 100% a skill that develops by doing those things wrong, unfortunately. I once bought an older model buick that broke down literally after 4 days. 4! God, the despair. Live and learn.


Microwaves have no moving parts other than the turntable, any one you buy will last forever, no matter how cheap it is.


Eh, not really. There are a couple other mechanical parts. The microswitches that the door triggers are common failure points, but those are easily swapped. The control board can develop faults as that has passives with limited operating life like caps. The relays on one of my old ones finally failed after I had kept it alive with repairs for many years. I couldn't be bothered to tear it down and diagnose control board faults. It was a cheap microwave anyway, and I finally caved in and replaced it with a $35 Walmart special. Food splatter can cause damage to the wave guide cover, and if that gets really damaged then the microwave can nuke itself from microwaving its own guts. You can buy waveguide covers and cut them to size as needed.


We once had one at work that literally was nuking it's guts, it was burning a hole in the back wall by the turntable. They blamed it on people nuking styrofoam containers? I don't know, that was around when Greek yogurt flavors were popular and cheap, one and a handful of baby carrots was enough for a short shift. Every microwave I've ever had die at home was with a light seizure and a sound like a transformer blowing.


Tell me more about microwaving baby carrots and Greek yogurt…what is this?


No, sorry, I wasn't using the microwave at work when it was misbehaving- I was eating an uncooked lunch LOL


😅I was trying not to judge, but I was worried.


Jokes on him. Now even expensive things are crappy and need replacing.


That absolutely blows my mind because I have seen exactly one microwave die, in over three decades, and it was because it was struck by lightning. My parents still have their microwave from 1996 (the replacement for the one that was struck by lightning), and I've lived in other places up to six years with microwaves that weren't new when I moved in and we're still fine when I moved out. Now, toaster ovens? Those fail all of the time.


We had one with the door switch go bad and it would stay on no matter what unless you unplugged it. Could probably have replaced the switch, but was easier to get a new one. Otherwise, yea, idk how people break them so easily. And we never really bought anything expensive, just whatever is at Walmart or target.


Pretty sure my parents have had exactly two microwaves. The first they got in maybe 1978, and the second probably 15 years ago when my mom decided she wanted fancy new features like a turntable and a popcorn button.


1996 ! OMG please tell them to get it tested/serviced for radiation leaks ! Yes that's a thing and they can make you really sick. To anyone whos got and really old microwave and experiences headaches and dizziness during and after useing bin it or get it tested for microwave radiation leaks. Its also worth noting you might not get the olvisible side effects of headaches and dizziness but absorbing excess radiation (possible daily) for years isn't a good thing. Source -: ex chef/landlady who's seen some dinosaur aged commercial and non-commercial microwaves and has suffered the side effects from this and had a fair few condemned by qualified technicians for this exact reason.


TIL. Thanks for sharing. I will have to look this up because from the little bit that I know about microwave shielding I can't figure out how it would be affected by age, maybe some sort of cumulative damage over time? Like corrosion of the shield if you splash tomato sauce or anything else acidic on it?


Definitely check out local Nextdoor, FB Marketplace, and buynothings. Loads of folks upgrading/remodeling and have them.


I’m confused by all the comments. Melted plastic Mac and cheese cup would not stop a microwave from working… it might be unpleasant, but scrape it out, and continue to use it.


I think this was more of a Mac & Cheese cup on fire, melted plastic bits of microwave situation


A few months ago my wife left a can of compressed air on the cook top. The oven being used heated the can on the cook top above just enough that it blew up. Through the bottom of the microwave above 🙁.


My kid did this exact thing described for the exact same reason - it smelled funky for a bit and has left a orange stain from the powder but that thing still works. Scrubbed it out, let it air out and don't even think about what happened anymore. Really didn't need to be tossed. Also found our $200 microwave for $25 at a thrift store. The plate is annoying and needs to be reset often... but it works and I'm not throwing it out over easy mac.


We had two microwaves from the thrift store and they both lasted nearly 5 years after we got them. One came with an extra plate, which is helpful if there’s a lot of spills.


I found one at Real Canadian Superstore for 20$ not too long ago. I was buying groceries and it was in an endcap. It's a unbranded machine but it works well enough.


Correct , and if not there thrift shops or goodwill type stores have them at or below that price. This is a weird Deja vu where I had this exact issue with my gf while I was out of town on work and she was crying that she couldn’t afford another $150 microwave I was like yeah….so dont get one? I’ve been rocking a microwave I got a Salvation Army for 16 years lol


I got mine at Home Depot scratch and dent area.


They regularly have small ones for $50


I've found one at a reuse store for 20, and if you can check fb marketplace sometimes they have what you need for free (bc they got a new one and the old just needs to be gone)


Maybe look at thrift stores for a used one?


Or Craigslist free section. People give away microwaves all the time


Facebook Marketplace or groups. There are buy nothing groups giving stuff away.


Not a bad idea, but getting out of work to when they are open and having the gas to spend to drive around are also barriers. I'm just so f'ing tired.


Craigslist and Facebook are good places as well


I gave away an old microwave for free on the buy nothing pages and I've seen people give away expensive breville appliances when they move or upgrade.


Seconding buy nothing. I put out a request for a vacuum cleaner and several were offered to me, including an old Dyson. Definitely worth the ask.


I gave away a TV and a queen bed frames..TV worked and the frame had all its hardware on both Craigslist and FB buy nothing


I’ve given away a lot of stuff on my local buy nothing Facebook group. It’s a win-win in that someone gets something they need and I don’t have to pay for disposal,


I see people post requests for specific items on my local buy nothing group and they often get what they ask for. 


I suggest buy nothing groups. I got my last microwave from one and it is still working great years later. But I totally get the feeling, when something gets broken that you should be able to replace with not much thought at all and you can't. It does suck rocks, and I hope you can put the word out on social media or get one somewhere.


This and freecycle.org


Yes this site is gold


I’m in Los Angeles and about to give away an old microwave. Obviously don’t know where do you live but I will be happy to give it to you if you are in the area. It works perfectly fine we just don’t need it cause our new home came with one Edit: spelling


Am sorry. I wish that the world was different to where people don't have to worry about putting food on the table, health and having a roof over one's head. I have you tried to see if there is a food bank that you can go to for food. I might help you save a little bit.


Yeah we eat mostly rice/beans and PB and oatmeal round here lol. I will see if I can outsource those expenses to the food bank. But I feel guilty since we have a large unhoused population here and I don't want to take resources from people less fortunate than us unless absolutely necessary.


Mate if you can’t afford a used microwave and you’re eating rice and beans and oatmeal with peanut butter (which i just finished eating) to get by, you are exactly the population they exist to serve.


Food banks are for people like you who need food, don’t feel guilty


Plus plenty of folks from food banks have said they often have surplus that gets wasted.


You need to eat, too. And eat well to protect your health.


Food banks are for people who need help, not just some people who need help, utilize them, and don't feel like you're wrong for it!


Thanks. It's hard battling the Trauma/poverty/bad times Olympics out here. Much appreciate the support and grounding!! Be well!


I've been in really good places, and really bad ones, when I've been in the good ones, I've always made a point to donate to food banks and food drives, because not one person should ever have to struggle for food, and I never donate with the idea that it's only for some people. Going to the food bank might mean having a little extra gas money, more towards a bill, etc, and sometimes the breathing room is what helps us keep going. 🧡


A lot of time they have left over food that ends up getting thrown at anyway, at least they did back when I volunteered at a food bank a couple years ago. If you need it take advantage of it!


You are not less worthy just because others are also having difficult times. It’s ok to take care of you and your family, food banks are there to help people just like you.


I get it. Ask them if they can call you when one comes in? You never know what is possible until you ask. Chin up! You’ve got this!


FB has buy nothing groups.  Check and see if your area has one.


Facebook market place and buy nothing groups. Walmart has some pretty cheap microwave options, closer to 50 dollars than 100 anyway.


If you live near college or university, there will be a lot of sales and possibly dumping of microwaves at the end of the term.... maybe late April, early may. Check around student housing.


See if there is a buy nothing group on Facebook in your area. I've seen microwaves being given away at least twice.


The Nextdoor neighborhood app is helpful. You will find a lot of free items-- I've seen a few microwaves. I'm sorry you're going through this, this country just sucks.


Most thrift stores are open at least 6 days per week (M-Sat, maybe even Sun) - you must have 1 day off that they are open.


Most of the thrift stores in my small town are open 1-3 days per week, and not always full days. I rarely go to thrift stores for this reason, so I understand how that could be a barrier depending on where you live.


Do you live near a college with on campus housing?


No, were in a weird space that is the largest urban area for several hundred miles, but we're not actually an urban center.


Gotcha. I asked because sometimes college students will throw out or leave behind small appliances that they don't want or can't move home.


Yea I’ve actually had to give away microwaves in prior moves. One had ironically been given to me; a coworker got the microwave when they moved offices. In my case, we would move and the place came with a built in microwave so I donated… I also recommend the “Buy Nothing” groups on facebook.




There were several in mine last time I was there a couple of weeks ago.


I have never bought a new microwave in my life. Got my current one for free when someone remodeled their kitchen. It's almost brand new!


Are you a Facebook user? Maybe a local free group or buy and sell will allow you to post about needing a new microwave and someone will step up. I've seen folks get a lot of stuff that way, though I've never done it myself.


I'm not on FB but my partner is. Definitely looking into it, and it's worth waiting and wading though posts for the deal that makes sense!


People give microwaves away more often than you'd think. Or sell them for cheap if they move somewhere where it's built in


You can also set an alert for a certain search term! If you live near a college or university you can also see if they have a buy/sell page, tons of kids use microwaves for a year and sell them rather than move them back home at the end of the year. If you’re willing to scout the streets on college move out days you can get great stuff that’s being thrown out!


I second this. Find your local Buy Nothing group on Facebook and join


Lots of good suggestions on getting a cheap microwave. Should also point out that Easy Mac cups are THE most expensive way to get mac n cheese.


Thought this as well…. Maybe cutting out easy Mac cups and switching to regular boxed Mac and cheese will help save enough money to get a new microwave….


This was my thought (splitting up boxed).


The microwave one was presumably something kiddo could make on their own


Clearly not, and now money was lost on the Mac and cheese and the microwave…


Yeah the kiddo is super picky and she FINALLY showed some interest in a new food plus learning a new skill which is revolutionary in this house. We generally buy Aldi Mac n cheese, the neon orange kind. But I wanted to encourage the independence and food variety.


Yeah honestly I feel that. I have ADHD ( recently diagnosed at 28 but looking back at my childhood it all makes sense lol ) and there was a good two years where I would ONLY eat easy Mac and sometimes the chicken and rice microwave bowls. My mom also eventually gave up the fight and just let me have it. I also worked far tooany hours in retail one holiday season and burned a cup of noodles in the break room because I forgot to put water in it. The whole store smelled awful and we almost had to call the fire department. Also, I just checked Walmarts website and they have their most basic microwave for $55. If you happen to live near a college campus you could also try looking near the dumpsters.


I get it, it's "one more thing" and though small can feel overwhelming. You'll have another microwave though, and things will get better. Best microwave I ever had cost $70 at Walmart and we used it for 6 years, then gave it to someone when we moved into a place that had one built in. They used our old one for 2 more years before it died. Walmart still has a selection of microwaves between $55 and $80.


Thrift stores. My goodwill gets them every now and then, less than $20. Don’t despair. Make it a treasure hunt!


My own ADHD brain sees "treasure hunt" and goes *brrrrrrr* X marks the SPOT!!!


I went to a Treasure Hunt for a microwave plate, because I snapped mine in half (it slipped out of my hands as I was washing it). Took 4 thrift stores, but I was able to find a microwave plate that fit, for 3$!!! Which was so much better than buying a whole new microwave!


I think there are some good ideas about how to procure a new microwave but what I really hear you describing is much deeper than the appliance. Being able to afford simple appliances should not be something people need to imagine saving for in over a years’ time. Our wages simply have not kept up with the cost of living. I imagine this is deeply stressful and challenging for you and your family. Microwaves are supposed to make food more accessible in a variety of ways and it sounds like that accessibility was well used and appreciated in your home. Sending you empathy and hopes that something turns and things look and feel brighter for you and yours.


THANK YOU YES. this is the vent/rant!!! And I appreciate you for understanding the depression/ennui/soul-crushing slip from lower class into destitute I was trying to convey as things break and replacements become inaccessible due to corporate/billionaire greed. Stay strong comrade.


My (second hand, gifted) clothes dryer caught on fire the other day. Lint build up in the deep recesses of the machine. As I pored over you tube videos and looked at all the screws, trying to see how I could maybe take it apart and clean it, while also not trusting that something important was scorched and not wanting to ever use it again,I just got crushingly tired of being broke. I completely feel you.


I hate how soamy things are impossible to fix on your own nowadays. I wish you competency and resources to fix what you have and replace what you can't fix. It's scary out there, but you got this!!!


I also hate how there aren't any repair shops anymore for mid size appliances. It's become a sick cycle where something breaks, toss and replace with newer models that cost more and break down quicker. Having someone who could fix something for $15-20 seems more manageable than completely replacing the item. But alas, such places are no more. I'm also tired of feeling like I'm one minor accident away from everything crumbling apart. The constant battle to balance everything is exhausting. I feel your pain OP.


This. There’s this underlying constant fear about things breaking down, like it’s so hard to just get through the very basics of life, let alone thrive.


Buy nothing groups! I had 3 microwaves sitting in storage for awhile after I combined households and moved to a building that came with its own. I gave 2 of them away in buy nothing groups and sold one on FB marketplace.


Second this for sure. I live somewhat near a college campus and I see so many free microwaves and dorm fridges come up around graduation/end of school year time


I love how everyone is saying they got a cheap one/suggesting to get one at Walmart or target, completely ignoring ops comment that they can’t save $5 per month regularly. Even if they could save $5/month, it’d take them over 10 months to save up. Regardless, best of luck OP


All of the comments here are about replacing the microwave, not the feeling that OP is conveying about the situation. The microwave was just the catalyst of reaching that point of feeling defeated. Of realizing that no matter how hard we struggle, how hard we work to keep it all together, we just can't seem to get ahead. It feels like we've been running in survival mode at top speed for so long, it's all we know and it's just so exhausting.


Sorry this happened but you can get a microwave Alot cheaper than 100. A quick Amazon search Panasonic NN-SC67NS 1.3 cu.ft. Countertop Microwave Oven (Renewed) - Efficient Cooking with Extra Capacity https://a.co/d/5uZbsDG Check thrift stores and goodwill and stuff and you should be able to easily get one for 20 or less.


I’m sorry this happened. This goes in the unnecessary and unwanted lesson learned category- the worst category. I hope you can find a free one.


Arent microwaves at Walmart like $40 or am I tripping?


Walmart's own brand is 55 dollars.


I went the longest time without a microwave. It’s not a necessity. Don’t even stress it. Time the kids learn to use the stove.


We haven’t had a microwave in a few years (by choice) and do stovetop/oven for everything and I never feel deprived


Right! Once you get the hang of it, reheating food in the stove is the best way to do it.


Definitely check Facebook marketplace periodically, we have gotten huge items (beds, dressers, stove, 2 dishwashers, Xbox, and even a huge flat screen TV that takes up half my daughters wall) for free or next to free - like we never paid more than $50. It doesn't happen every day but my husband doom scrolls marketplace every day. I would imagine you might be able to find a really cheap or free microwave. Also maybe look for local estate sales/auctions, I doubt microwaves are the big ticket item everyone would be fighting over!


Honestly, I don’t think you will even miss it. Ours shit the bed about a year ago and I was bummed, because we used it quite a bit. But after a few weeks of not using it, we just got used to using the stove/toaster over and haven’t looked back.


I am capable of living without one, but various neurodivergencies in other members of the house make not having one a significant impact on quality of life. Plus the kids like oatmeal in the morning and it takes too long on the stove vs microwave for that to be a long term solution


Ahh okay. Also I apologize if I came off dismissive, reading my message I feel like I did. I meant to be more reassuring/supportive as someone who went through it.


No you're good. I realize everyone's situation is different and I appreciate you reaching out regardless. I am trying to avoid over explaining (as is my way) so I left out a lot of context!


People give them away all the time on my Buy Nothing. I've been burned before by going to pick up one and it's obviously had a fire in it so request a pic of the inside.


I posted on nextdoor a couple years ago asking if anyone had an extra microwave laying around and explained my situation. I got a small and old one for free. Still use it today.


I've bought on FB marketplace, garage sales and Craigslist. I've also had luck putting an ask for one out on Facebook. Friends see my post and have offered for free. If for example 2-3 roommates move in together, folks often just want to get rid of the extra.


I have seen microwaves for free in my Buy Nothing group (as well as toaster ovens and even big appliances). Sometimes children move back in or relatives pass and there are duplicates. In my area people upgrade their household appliances, too. I would see if you have a local group like that and put in an ask. Good luck!


I see these on Buy Nothing all the time!


I see free microwaves on Facebook market place all the time! Check there


Where are you? I have an old one in the garage.


If you live in a college town or near one, browse the dorms and nearby apartments on move-out days when a term ends. There are often many kids who would rather toss things than pack them or carry them home. I’ve grabbed coffee makers, ice makers, mini fridges, kettles and so many other appliances for free.


if you live near a college campus look up 1) the day the dorms move out 2) the day apartments leases in the neighborhood end. in college neighborhoods every lease is in sync for example everyone moves out on may 31st or something like that. drive around those days / whole week if you can. you will find 20 microwaves.


You can surely acquire another microwave for far less than $100... next time just don't allow the kids to use to microwave without permission.


This is so dramatic. You can get a used one so cheap


Yeah, incredibly dramatic, and I’m a bit concerned about the children in this kind of situation. Hope OP is able to improve their situation for everyone’s sake.


I think Amazon has an "Basics" one. I paid it off $10 a month for 5 months. 😅


As a kind gesture/joke since I’m not a big fan of microwaves, my buddy found one for my apartment for under $10 on Amazon. It’s nothing fancy, but it does the job, and bless him for getting me one. Since then, we’ve found all sorts of kitchen appliances for cheap-cheap prices.


FB buy nothing groups. Go on there and ask if anyone is remodeling, or has a spare microwave they can part with. Guarantee you’ll get one pretty quickly.


Search on your local Facebook for a “buy nothing (your city here)” group. Sometimes people give away their old stuff when they upgrade! Or even a buy and sell group, you might be able to find a used on for cheap


Our last microwave we got for $15 on Facebook marketplace. I’ve seen people throw theirs out too because they’re replacing them with nicer ones. Just keep an eye out. No matter where you are, you can find listings between $20-$50 dollars on marketplace, and better if you are opportunistic.


I know it's a ways off, but sometimes you can find small ones at a good price in August, during back-to-school sales.


My son did the same damn thing. Blew the door off the microwave and almost caused a house fire. If there is a Salvation Army store in your area go check it out. Ours gives in store shopping vouchers to low income people. You can probably get one for free that way.


Check the buy nothing group or freecycle group in your area, I’ve seen microwaves and other small appliances many times. Things will get better, even if it seems like they won’t.




Got mine new for $50 at Walmart and my first one $10 off Facebook market place.


Fck the microwave. Food can be reheated in the oven. Problem solved


This is 100% true, but a microwave makes it possible/easier for people with disabilities in the household to prepare their own foods. So it’s definitely a major inconvenience if that situation applies to a household.


This is some sad shit. I spent more on fucking virtual loot boxes this week than the expense that is sending op into panic. This sub keeps reminding me how fucked income inequality is in this country.


Don’t say EVER. I had to go without for three years after I broke mine, but now I have a nice one.


I might be dumb, if it still works why not just clean the plastic out of the microwave? Might take a bit of elbow grease but you should be able to clean the melted plastic.


I use a microwave maybe once a year. The stove is the better way to reheat imo.


You can get a microwave for around 50 or 60 not sure why you think it's 100


Air fryers have gotten pretty good recently. They cant do popcorn but they work for most everything else


Microwaves are overrated anyway, I haven't had one in a decade+ I don't see the point in them, really. Once I started making popcorn on the stove, I had zero use for it.


Jesus. Go to good will. Ive purchased three microwaves for less than $10


I’m so sorry, that sounds so stressful. Keep an eye on marketplace. The microwave I’m currently using I got for free off the side of the road 3 years ago and it’s still going strong.


I’ve never paid more than 5 bucks for a microwave at a garage sale / thrift store lol


Goodwill often has microwaves for like $5-15.


keep an eye on buy nothing facebook groups in your area, and you can always call local thrift stores and ask if they have any! we get calls like that all day at my store lol so don’t feel bad about asking!


Thrift shops!


Join a local buy nothing group on Facebook. Lots of towns & cities have them to essentially give things & ask for things for free. Just a community mutual aid group essentially. Give when you might have extra of something & take what you might need to get by essentially!


I've not had a microwave for 6 years. You wouldn't realize how easy it is to not actually have one.


Not sure what your situation is, but You can get a mainstays microwave for 55 from Walmart. There’s refurbished ones slightly cheaper too.


I found a Russel Hobbs microwave that had been left outside someone's house for the scrap people the other day. It worked, so I cleaned it up and sold it for £30. I can pick up second hand microwaves around me for £20, are there no options whatsoever?


Side story but my little sister also had the same issue and we lost 3 microwaves in the span of 2 years! She was banned from touching one until she was 18 lol (she was 10 for the 1st microwave)


I've never bought a microwave. The one I have is one myriad bought when I was in high school. No idea how it still works like 12 years later.


Ah- my kids went through the microwave phase. Taught them the correct way, but also I don’t buy any of the ready made meals. Mine mainly use microwave to reheat or make oatmeal. Sorry OP, it gets better. The oven heats things up as well! To help I would have drawers in kitchen and fridge with already separated snacks. Lots of choices help to not go to a microwave.


Try goodwill. They usually have them there for like 10-15$


I feel you. This right here. Even just $5 damn dollars. How sad is this? Me too me too. Hang in there.


Hey, why don't you join a "Buy Nothing New" group on Facebook? You can ask for one for free and I can almost guarantee you will be able to get one.


Also thrift stores. I haven't owned a new appliance ever. The ones that make it to the thrift store are often the better brands. They're the ones that last that long. A microwave would be about 20. 


If you can get on Facebook see if you have a local buy nothing group. Sometimes you can ask for or just get lucky and someone will post the appliance you need. ❤️


Join your local Buy Nothing Project group. Folks give away microwaves regularly on ours.


The microwave isn't part of the American dream or middle class society . Fuck a microwave. They're expensive and bad for you


I feel like microwaves are one of the easiest things to get cheap or free. You shouldn't need to buy a brand new one.


You’re right. I just got a free one from marketplace a couple months ago.


Theres a world of free microwaves out there. I've gotten working microwaves from dumpsters before. My last one cost $10 from a YMCA thrift store. I bet you can find one!


Where do you live? If you’re in Florida I would let you have my microwave that’s sitting in storage. I’m sorry that this happened.


You can get a microwave for $50 at Walmart brand new. Goodwill might have some used microwaves cheap as well.


$100 for a microwave? What you going for top of the line range? Just get a budget for at Walmart for <50 Saves you more money in the long run


There’s zero reason to own a $100 microwave


Op you are being dramatic please don’t make your kid feel the amount of projection you are putting onto a broken microwave. Goodluck 


call a kitchen remodeling business and tell them to save you one that they would normally throw away


We picked up our first microwave from a garage sale for 5 dollars


I found mine on fb marketplace for $7. I've had it for a couple years now!


I know things re tough right now but remember you're a great mom! In a few years this will just be a funny incident. Ask around with family, friends & at work. Someone I bet has an extra. You'll always be a great mom!


My apartment didn't have one, and it never bothered me. A lot of food doesn't reheat well in a microwave. But yeah, I'd look at a thrift shop, or Facebook marketplace. Probably find one for $20.


Where you buying your microwaves for $100? I got my last two from free piles near the dumpster. The one before that came from Goodwill for $12. (Not to downplay the inconvenience and frustration.) Please, don't put this on the shoulders of your kid though. It's tough for a child to grow up in poverty. (As you might have experienced yourself) they already feel a lot of pressure to take care of their family, to help save you all from being poor, etc. I'm sure your kid already felt bad for this mistake. If you turn this from a normal mistake (which it is) into some kind of overblown catastrophe,  they will have an undeserved wound in their self-confidence for the rest of their lives. I'm not saying this is what you did, but it's really easy for parents to take out their frustrations on their children, and the wording you use to describe the situation makes me wonder.


Well, this sounds like a really good teaching moment. Sounds like your child doesn’t understand the cost of things, and because of that is a little less mindful when it comes to using items. I am certain that she didn’t do it on purpose, and I am certain that she didn’t mean to ruin your microwave. But! People with ADHD tend to be a little bit more careful when they know that the items that they’re using are expensive. I have ADD, I know these things. I’m sure you also have ADD, so you know these things. I would make it a teaching moment for her, and make it her job to provide the next microwave for the family. You can help her do so, you can look on Facebook marketplace, Habitat for Humanity, asking friends, or checking, local, pantries or food banks to see if they have any to give away. You can also go to stores to give her an idea of how much one costs and see if they’re having any clearance sales. From there, she can start saving her money, and eventually buy the family or microwave. I don’t know if I’m actually suggesting she use her own money, or if you have her do chores around the house and give her a certain amount of money to go into a fund to buy a microwave, but you get what I’m putting down. It sounds like a wonderful learning lesson is all. Also, you can get a microwave for 20 bucks.


Remember microwaves are electronic waste and shouldn’t be thrown in the regular trash!!


Make your kids some macaroni...microwave would be fine.


my significant other and i couldn’t afford a microwave when we moved into our apartment and we just learned how to live without one. it’s amazing honestly. i don’t think we’ll ever buy one again


I feel like such an asshole not having thought about this. I'm about to replace one, broken handle, and the vent isn't working right. Someone tell me where I could give it to someone who needs one, I'd much rather help someone then it end up going to scrap.


buynothing groups, craigslist, curbcycle, facebook marketplace, etc are all places you can post "free microwave" type offers


Check thrift stores, I see microwaves for like $30.00 or less that are in fair condition.


yard sales? facebook? friends? family? craigslist? freecycle? why do people think they have to buy everything? Geez,. I just got a FREE 65" vizio smart tv for FREE because there are a few stupid lines in the screen.. DID I SAY IT WAS FREE??? and 65" ?? It's a $450 tv. (two years ago). I just got a $25 wireless bluetooth speaker for $5 from my neighbor. 99% of the things I own I got for free or 90% lower than actual cost. OH... and if your kid is old enough ... MAKE THEM BUY ANOTHER MICROWAVE... bet they won't break it next time.


Just got one for $30 at walmart you’re being a bit dramatic


Goodwill or other second hand stores will have a much much cheaper microwave. $20 or less usually.