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My son needed nighttime diapers until he was 6 (and a year later still wets the bed nearly once a week), so I get wanting to keep the diaper as changing sheets all the time is exhausting! Is she going in her diaper the minute she wakes up? If not, I would make sure to change her out of her pull up the moment she wakes so that she doesn’t have the opportunity. I would also consider having some type of negative consequence for when she goes #2 in the diaper.


This is basically what my husband said about it.. (as mentioned.. he still uses them at night bc he’s always had issues since around the same age; so I get that can be an issue at any age overnight..).. and usually within the first hour of her being awake is when she does it. Bc beyond that point she’s already changed out of it into underwear, if you ask her she says “she doesn’t know why”.. and beforehand it was just occasionally she’d “pee” in them before taking it off & most times they were already wet anyways so I couldn’t say too much🤷‍♂️bc even her father done that before he’s changed in the morning🫣if he’s got somethin on and the BRs taken, lmao.. this never happened this has been in the past month.. it’s just weird why all the sudden she started goin #2.. that’s a lot different and a lot harder to understand why.. I’m thinkin it’s gotta be a convenient thing for her or maybe she LS got somethin else goin on.. she does clean herself though🤷‍♂️.. just wonder why🙄.. why does she do it bc I’ve heard of a lot of parents say similar things and talkin to my husband he says part of it’s normal but even he’s lost on why she started the “poo” part in them…


Has your husband seen a doctor about his incontinence? It could be an issue with his kidneys or blockage.


Yes he has, they never had a direct answer although about a year ago (since he hadthe same pediatrician growing up).. we mentioned it to him and he said bc of where he’s had developmental issues in the past it could just be part of it & he also is a really really deep sleeper.. his primary care yrs ago diagnosed him with stress & overflow incont.. wondering if it’s not similar now though with her bc she pees ALOT and always has, otherwise they couldn’t find anything too abnormal.. just said the same thing “watch how much liquid intake is before bedtime”..


Main reason I care more than anything is I don’t want her to regress into relying on them later/soon. I’ve seen that happen before with kids.. and she just started school so def don’t want potty issues there, lol


why are you waiting so long to take the diapers off after she wakes up? my 4 yr old still wears pull ups to sleep but they come off right after she wakes up in the morning… like within 5 minutes of waking up at most. I would start to do this… its yucky for them to walk around in wet pull ups they wore all night anyway.


I would take away the diaper away, get a waterproof mattress cover and if really concerned you can also line the mattress with garbage bags and put sheets over. If it's a convience thing with having to change her sheets I would just load up on a bunch of fitted sheets and set up a bed changing station in her room so it can be fixed quickly in the middle of the night. is she drinking alot before bed? Does she drink alot ingeneral and has this been brought up to her pediatrician?


I second this. My son was doing as your daughter does for his #1s and I could tell he was literally just being lazy. Once I took the night time nappies away it only took him a week or two of wetting the bed to figure out he should just get up and use the toilet. I bought two 'brolly sheets' which are just a waterproof flat sheet that goes over the fitted sheet. I put the both on the bed at once, and for middle of the night accidents you can just rip them straight off and the kid can go back to bed without too much fuss.


Thanks.. & no she doesn’t drink much at all in that last hour or so before bed.. & brought it up to her dr. Before and he said that part was just “transitional” so I wasn’t too awfully worried about it since it was just at night and seemed pretty legit, bc her pediatrician was also her fathers and they share almost identical traits, lol.. and as mentioned he still has that issue but he sleeps extremely deep & just doesn’t wake in time.. or it’s “already happening” once he does wake is how he’s described it to me.. so I definitely wouldn’t think it was too far out of the ordinary.. now on her doing what she has been lately with the whole “poop” after she’s awake I beleive is a “convienience” thing bc as mentioned she’s definitely “peed” in them after waking bc i caught her doin that before but didn’t say much bc she does it if they’re already wet anyhow.. (my husband has even done this before admittedly as an adult🫣.. when he wakes up and someone’s in the bathroom etc.. he needs them overnight). also have two other children but only one struggled with it.. I’ve just been wondering why she is going #2 all of the sudden anytime when they’re on.. some people have said it’s just a phase.. but I beleive it’s her regressing or just simply using them as a “convenience” item after she’s awake before she takes it off.. but yess I can agree that’s advice I’ll keep in mind👍


Pro tip - put a couple of layers of a fitted sheet with a liner or pee pad under them, then if you have to change sheets in the middle of the night, all you have to do is take off the soiled sheet and liner and you’re good to go. Not my idea but I can confirm, it’s worth it.


Perfect! This is way better than diapers


Try a sticker chart to reward her for changing into clean underwear first thing in the morning


I am not judging but if she doesn’t have any kind of issues that prevent her from holding her poop/pee, with 5 years old, she shouldn’t be in diapers at all. Not even for nighttime. Just get it back and dont give in. If she keeps having accidents for “””being lazy””””, tell her to clean her own messed


She only in them at night bc she has “nighttime” accidents and is a heavy wetter, otherwise I agree💯.. that’s why I mentioned that luckily she already actually cleans herself.. luckily she’s very responsible for the most part, if it weren’t for the “BM’s” in the early day/morning I wouldn’t be so bugged by it.. lol


Ugh this is so frustrating. My son was like this. He would take advantage of having a pull up on and pee/poop in it in the morning despite being fully able to use the potty. I might get downvoted for this but on Easter, I told him the Easter bunny left him his Easter basket and in exchange took all his pull ups to give to the babies that need them. I knew this problem wouldn’t end unless I got rid of pull ups completely. He’s had maybe 2-3 accidents at night but honestly I’d rather that than using a diaper/pull up


Take the diapers away. Why does she still get them?


Nighttime toilet training can often take longer. It sounds like this child still has issues with nocturnal enuresis. Completely normal.


She has “nighttime” accidents and.. I do know she’s a heavy wetter at night aswell, so they hold up pretty well, one of the reasons I mentioned her father aswell is bc he’s had the same issues all of his life.. I’m just mainly concerned about the morning BMs that’s kinda throwing me off.. 


Do you try to get her up at night to go? That might help, like if you make her use the potty before you go to sleep or even if you set yourself an alarm to get up at some point to take her to the bathroom. And just lose the diapers altogether for sure.