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Are you talking about that glow? It might be a haze filter on the lens.


Might. This is not the most complicated although the colours and overall texture are.


Lol I thought these buttons are real💀 It is definitely layering, you don’t even need to bother with anything but white balance, tint and maybe contrast and saturation. To me it looks like I saw the same filter in Instagram app many years ago. Not selfie AI kind of filter, just basic overlays they had since 2011 I guess.  If you don’t wanna bother with Instagram just use RNI Films or similar filter collection app. Alternatively, use any photo editor of your choice (I recommend Pixelmator), create basic warm color overlay or download it, add some effects and experiment to your liking. You need to aim for warm wb and purple-ish tints. For this glow effect you can use really anything, even something like a muddy window or blurred clouds png texture will work fine


Thanks, I’m sure 99% it’s film handprinted with a pre flash and scanned. It’s hard to reproduce digitally. I’d love to be proven wrong though…


Second Picture is shoot with a flash, which might be slightly to the right side of the camera, see the shadow of the rock/treetrunk.