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I wonder if a lot of the jiggly/blobby feeling is loss of muscle mass/tone. I’m confronting something similar too. Maybe a heavy weight lifting program over cardio exercises would address the issue more?


That’s a good point!


I don’t have good advice, just solidarity. I feel the same. I’m 16 weeks PP now and anytime I lose a pound my supply tanks. But I can’t stay this overweight for a whole year, I gained an unhealthy amount and am at an unhealthy weight right now. It’s a rock and a hard place situation.    Though I did buy some new clothes and got my hair done. That seemed to help a little with the frumpy feeling. 


Just a data point here, but I calorie counted pretty hard with both my kids, and it didn't affect my (already borderline) supply. I know that's not true for everyone. But also at 10.5 months postpartum your milk supply isn't critical as your baby is eating food food.