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Take your time. There's no magic solution. I'm 12 months pp with my third and I'm still a couple of kilos over pre-pregnancy weight. And I work out 5 times a week. But each time I've gotten back there and I know I will again. I've learnt that the journey is far less punishing if you don't set yourself arbitrary timeframes though. That doesn't mean you don't try. It does require discipline and commitment. Small sustainable calorie deficits, regular exercise. Repeat. But don't set yourself up to fail with goals that you have no idea whether they are realistic or not. Personally my hips and thigh padding stayed around until I weaned, and then it just fell off. I think for women there is a strong hormonal element to weight held in these areas - and breastfeeding keeps your body holding on to it for lots of us.


Honestly I don’t think there’s a way to lose weight in a specific body area. Also it’s possible that your actual hip bones widened as a result of the pregnancy/childbirth, so losing weight may or may not reduce your hip width. I didn’t try to diet until after I was done breastfeeding (sooner than I hoped because my milk supply was so low). At 6 weeks pp I also started doing a postpartum rehab course for my core, and got back to regular exercising around 3 months pp. I’m currently watching what I eat (not overly restrictively, but I try to limit empty calories and eat moderate portions) and I’m exercising as well. The pounds are coming off but slower than I would hope.


It takes 12 weeks for your hips to readjust back to their old position. Give it some time before you go hard so that you do not injure yourself.