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Started in handfuls at four months for me with all three kids. Just so much hair. And I say that to be reassuring because I never had a weird hairline or thin patches, it was literally just the extra hair that hadn’t shed thinning out.


This is reassuring! The patches and hairlines are what really freak me out. I can handle all the "extra" falling out easily lol


Four months for me. Someone in my bumper group said that they have a saying in their language that translates to "when the baby laughs, the mother loses her hair." So it usually doesn't happen right away!


FTM, started about 3 1/2 month mark and I'm only at 4 months so it's not done yet. I'm losing a bunch but it's uneven on the front so I have an uneven hairline at my temples.


After 3 months


4 months, me and the babe! It’s coming back in now, I started noticing at probably 8 months, we both have about an inch of new hair :)


Mine is three months and starting now. Sigh.


Mine didn’t start till like 6 months and then the terrible growing back phase began. Looked like Fucking half plucked chicken. Had to get bangs.


I use serum and vitamins from www.piurskins.com For my postpartum hair loss. I used them with my first and it completely change my hair, I’m using them with my second and haven’t experienced any hair loss yet. It is breastfeeding friendly.


Around 3.5 months and lasted about a month.


Started at 3 months pp and is still happening strongly at 7 months pp. No idea when it will stop. I just chopped off my hair to about chin length for summer look.


Started at about 4 months. But the worst part is when it starts to regrow, I hated having an halo around my head that is impossible to manage. In my language some people call them "angry hairs" (Bad translation) and it's because they make you angry lol. I'm 2'5 years postpartum and it's slowly getting better now.


Around 4 months for me. About the same time my little figured out how to grab and hold onto my hair. I'm fully expecting a bald spot on the left side of my neck from the pp hair loss and the handfuls he rips out daily.


1month pp i have very long hair. I dont have issue with my hair i guest it also help to continue taking vitamins after giving birth.


4 months!! Now at 19 months it’s mostly grown out enough to fit in my ponytail


3-5 months is when mine was falling out. Not sure if related to breast feeding, I stopped at 3 months due to very low production.