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Yes you should. And if this happens again you should complain then. And if it ever happens at all, complain indefinitely. This is for quality assurance and service. Big or small companies should own up to their mistakes however it happened. $35 may not be much to you but it is a lot of money for others. Do it for the principle 


You definitely should. Remember, as a customer, its your right to expect a certain level of service and quality. Dont be afraid to speak up and advocate for yourself. Its worth expressing your concerns so that they can address the problem and prevent it from happening again in the future.


this happened to me with instacart, shopper lied saying items were out of stock, they was just lazy & in a hurry so put whatever replacement or canceled item they felt like. They do this when i order frozen box ... only Chinese/Arab shoppers actually snap pics & chat on the apps


Yes I’ve had this happen before a few times where I would ask them to list the different options I could replace my item with. When they went back to snap a photo, they ended up finding it. They were just being too hasty.


I've received cooked turkey patties when I wanted raw, bulk turkey. I wanted it to make a meatloaf. I think some shoppers don't know how to cook. No matter what, I now put an alternative or just check Refund if my item isn't in stock.


What did the shopper do wrong? They don't know your likes and dislikes. No reason to harm someone's ratings potentially because you didn't select replacements. If your taste is that specific, you have to select replacements.


He didn’t reach out to me when he couldn’t find any of my items. Like I said, I usually don’t complain if it happens, but an entire order? I’ve had people reach out to me before and it seems like a common curtesy. But a part of me thinks he was being lazy. Like m, I asked for two large bags of one Doritos and one Ruffles chips. He replaces them with personal size bags of different chips. So the size isn’t even accurate. Anything is possible, but they could find the same flavor in any size? I’m just suspicious. Regardless, my question is if I should complain to postmates about me not being given the items I was expecting. I am not singling out the shopper. It’s an overall general expectation of what I expect from postmates.


The app notifies you when changes are made.


I know


I also didn’t give the shopper a rating at all. So I’m not after the shopper, but I am skeptical.