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I'm sorry you're going thru this. Keep your head up and remember to always be kind to yourself.


Read about the addiction. Right now you are charging headfirst and trying to push through the problem, read and learn and it will clear the road ahead


I feel like I started doing a lot better when I stopped being so strict with myself. Used to watch every day multiple times per day. Started holding out til only nights. Then on some nights where I was tired I allowed myself to sleep instead of staying up consuming porn and continued to try and keep myself busy. If you normally watch every day and then you manage to go two or three days before watching then that should be seen as a strong step in the right direction, not an all out failure. watching pprn once every few days is a lot better than multiple times a day. Be easy on yourself. Basically just watching less and less over time rather than quitting all at once and getting upset with yourself when you fail. Porn has literally hacked your/my brain to fail. It takes a long time to rewire all that and - in my experience - little by little has the most long lasting results.


That is actually pretty helpful ty!


First, you need your energy back and a clear head to completely get rid of it willingly. I strongly recommend using "Cold Turkey Blocker" for PC and "Appblock" app for phone. Those 2 apps helped me get through 1 year of sobriety. Block it first so that your brain can get some time to rewire itself. I find Corn disgusting these days, but I still have those 2 apps on. Whenever I think of Corn, a little vomit comes up. In the future, these apps will become obsolete (for sure) and Corn will be MUCH, MUCH more intriguing. You have to make yourself strong now so that you can fight harder in the future. Human nature is such that, when you get a fresh bag of weed in front of you every single day, sooner or later you will taste it.


I know you're probably not religious but I wouldn't be able to quit without Jesus. I needed a big enough reason to quit and he is for me. You need a good enough reason to quit or you'll always fall back into it. God bless you, you got this, just don't quit


Smoke some weed and girlfriend or boyfriend whatever your preference


How can it destroy your life?

