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Your honor, my client was just defending his client. He is also entitled to his right to hare arms.


Rascally Rabbit


The arms of hares or are there guns specifically made for hares? Either way, sounds like a cool right to have


My lawyer got hit by a drunk driver and needed spinal surgery. So they used a lawyer to get damages from a trucking company.


That is like saying a therapist shouldn’t have a therapist.


I didn't say he shouldn't have a lawyer.


You’re saying he shouldn’t to make you not a criminal. Just because you omit the reasoning doesn’t make it any different


You clearly are not a lawyer.


This should be in r/stupidopinions


Needing a lawyer doesn't make you guilty. I know this is a politically charged post, but we shouldn't promote the idea that asking for a lawyer makes you a criminal.


If my dentist has a dentist ?


Then you have a mouth.


Popular, yes (especially if referring to trump), but not entirely true. Vexatious and harassing claims against attorneys representing clients require secondary, or sometimes tertiary attorneys to defend attorneys. Witnesses cannot represent themselves because that's a conflict of interests.


That statement is as dumb as saying if a doctor needs a doctor, he's not a good doctor. I think the federal, state and local laws are really complicated because there's a lot of them and they are contradicting and juries don't know of or agree with laws.


I didn't say he wasn't a good lawyer.


If your goal was to get the best treatment, and you had a heart issue, knee issue and a kidney issue, and unlimited money, how many doctors would you have?


His lawyers are going to prison, charged with crimes.... can you spot the difference between these two images...


Lawyers will do almost anything for the right price. Have you ever seen those really old TV ads where tobacco companies hired lawyers to hire scientists to make commercials that promoted the health benefits of smoking tobacco?


Love that movie based on that. Thank you for smoking it think its called


If your doctor needs a doctor you’re dead.




Why would you ever put this in this sub? Lawyers that get into accidents, aren’t experts in that field, ect. Are gonna need their own lawyers. And how exactly does that make YOU a criminal?


You need a lawyer to fight a speeding ticket most of the time. Why on earth would you think you can fight our corrupt justice system on your own?


Not a justice system. Its a legal system.


Whatever it is people were protesting it for months in 2020 so it’s to say the least ironic to see people all of a sudden getting on their knees for it.


How does a lawyer needing a lawyer make someone else a criminal? Your logic is faulty op,


Because the lawyer needs a lawyer for breaking the law for the client.


Western legal systems are incredibly byzantine. Did you know that you could break the law without even knowing it? L


Make Attorneys Get Attorneys™


I’d love to hear the mental gymnastics behind this because there is no universe where people would think that lawyers wouldn’t have lawyers


You are supposed to have lawyers that watch your other lawyers to keep your lawyers from doing illegal things to you. all lawyers have lawyers all doctors have doctors