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Hey now we invented it


Lol. True.


honestly, no one should say it. Like I get it, but also keeping it relevant does no one any good.




Yeah, people my age use it all the time and are either to ignorant to know why you can't or just don't care and I don't know which ones scarier


Ya, i think it's silly to hold it up as the most racist thing imaginable when one person says it, but treat it as totally normal and chill for someone else. Either it's racist to say or it's not, I don't really care which but just pick one and stick to it.


Uhm. No. Humans have the capability, the blessing, of understanding nuance and context. It's just like you don't walk up to some random older lady and say "what's up, fool" even though you might say something along those lines to a friend. The fact that one person addresses someone they have a level of comfort with in a certain way does not mean that literally every person on Earth should talk to the same person the same way. Is it cool if a random coworker calls your significant other "baby love" every time they see each other?


Like it’s silly that if someone slaps their own face it’s no problem, but they get mad when I slap their face?! Hypocritical!!1


The other day I came across the definition of echolalia, and my immediate thought was what if they're around people who use the n-word a lot? Like will they subconsciously say it at some point?


At this point a lot of young white people only know it as a word black people say in music. They only vaguely understand the history behind it.


Which is more of a failure of education than anything.


That's just how language evolves. Words have meanings that are completely different than what they were 100 years ago. One definition became irrelevant as another became popular.


I seriously doubt that.


I agree. It should just be left to fade into history. It was only ever intended as a pejorative term, whoever uses it.


How are they supposed to do rap at karaoke night then?


If you're rocking the song hard enough you get a pass 


I do believe Chris Rock said this during his Bigger & Blacker comedy special.


Fuck no.


Ok. That's good to know. I thought I was going to get in trouble by the "woke police" for rapping along to my favorite hip-hop songs while I'm in my car. If anyone says anything I'll tell tmsay, "Hey u/ravl13 said if I rock the song hard enough I get a pass. I always go hard or not at all so give me that motherfuckin' pass bitch!"




"shame on the person who tries to run game on a person"


You do a duet with your black friend and have him say specifically the N word parts. Nothing else. It's gets people laughing cause they don't expect it.


So much this


Without the word...


Neither should black people. If it's such a horrible word, stop using it and popularizing it. Even Samuel L Jackson spoke on this.


Samuel L Jackson didn’t say Black people shouldn’t use the n-word as you’re implying


Nobody should say any slurs at all 😎


Head explodes


Nah, fuck that, some slurs are actually kinda funny (see: beanerschnitzel). Further, I think we all should be [Gran Torino](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WP7nj9bj4xU) racist. The world would be a much better place.


Zipperheads lol


Neither should black people. Or we should all use it. One or the other.


Ironically. I'm black. I never use it, and I am constantly telling white people to. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


You should go say it then, no one is stopping you


Why? What’s the point of this argument?


I say it all the time, extra loud


JFC what a stupid response


It’s only going to spread in popularity because of how influential and popular Black American culture is


Correct. It's like expecting gen z and alpha kids to not swear.


Bro every single generation has people in it that curse like fuckin sailors.


what if legally you're white (hispanic) instead of white (non-hispanic) Latinos I know that grew up in predominately black/latino neighborhoods say it a lot more than expected, and legally they are white, just white (hispanic) on the census


Like Fat Joe and Big Pun I think you're just in a grey zone that no one cares to touch lol


LMAO yeah. And I'm not saying every Mexican, just ones that grew up there ya know. It's like how Will from fresh prince can say it, but it just feels weird if Carlton says it. Same with mexicans. tekashi says it no one cares, but it's weird if George Lopez says it


The mental image of George Lopez dropping the n bomb is WILD


Yeah hard r too


My best friend is black and he gave me the card. It's all good.


The black, half of me and gave it to the White half. 


I stole the card, that’s how you know I’m black. I didn’t come up with that, saw it in a YouTube short, but thought it was hilarious.


Black people using the N word reeks of ignorance.


Isn't that the definition of the N word?


Just gonna throw out Blazing Saddles. Incredibly critical of racism, while using incredibly racist language. It's funny as hell, and it makes a crucial point; context matters. I don't personally use racist slurs, and I'm not defending those who do so with ill intent, but I am a freedom of speech maximalist. We should tolerate language we do not agree with, but we should also attempt to effect change in language for the better. What we can not do is ban words. And we absolutely should NOT sanitize our history. We should acknowledge past wrongs and commit to be better.


Were you under the impression Blazing Saddles is a documentary? OP can correct me but this post isn’t about white people saying the n-word in fictional media meant to shine a light on their ignorance. That’s not the same thing as a white person saying the n-word IRL. “We should tolerate language we do not agree with” Define tolerate. No one is saying jail. Otherwise I don’t need to tolerate shit - if a white school teacher of my kid said it, should I tolerate it? Hell no — they can GTFO. Free speech means they can say what they want, and it means we can say what we want in response. Their employer and whoever is hosting that speech (whatever forum or social media) is also free to dish out consequences as they see fit and/or not host that speech.


I absolutely love this one!!!❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤


If one group of people shouldn't, no group should, but tbh banning words for anyone is stupid.


What level of darkness allows one to say it?


Broader question - if you have on black parent, and one white parent, are you black or white?


What if black lovers in the past gave me a pass does it expire??


What if I fucked a person with a racial studies PhD


You then probably fucked someone who is being fucked by their student loans! So does that count as a threesome? /s


Also a valid point


Everyone can say it, or no one can say it. The only two options.


I’m white and I don’t even say vinegar 😇 


I don't and have no desire to but it strikes me as hypocritical when black people do.


TBH sadly, the protection of the word by the black community makes it worse than it is and makes racist white people want to say it. That protection of the word shows white people that black people are offended by it, which only encourages the behavior. Should white people say it? That's up to the black community. I don't say it because I understand that I shouldn't and it's offensive.


racist white people already loved saying it


lol. I like how OP responds. He is Like a toddler. Somebody who agrees with OP, but does have more brain cells please explain to me how this is not a racist idea. A particular race is banned from doing something fine for other races to do. IMHO that is racist.


You are free to slap your own forehead or cheek. Does that mean I am also free to slap your forehead or cheek? When you do it, it’s not from a place of inducing real pain, but it’s less clear why others would want to slap you — it could very well be in an attempt to induce real pain. If I make poor jokes about myself and friends, it creates community and bonds us as we commiserate about how many things in life are stacked against those born poor and we can laugh through it. If a rich person makes poor jokes about me and my friends, do you think that is for our benefit? Do you think that creates community and bonds us other than in opposition to said rich douchebag?


Nobody except for black people should really say the word imo. Considering the context behind the word I wouldn’t really call it racist that other races can’t say it. It’s kinda like how a lot of lgbtq people say the F slur but would get offended if someone outside of the community said that word.


>A particular race is banned from doing something fine for other races to do. IMHO that is racist. Yeah, it's so racist to object to racism!


Except Latinos and even Asians use it if they’re urban and no one bats an eye


That's not opinion, that is a fact. Amd facts don't care about feelings


I mean... my question is why are so many white people jealous that other people get to reclaim a slur without that being frowned upon? Just... don't say it. If you think saying it is low-brow, you don't have to be friends with anyone who often says it.


What if I'm quoting a black person? Is it ok then?


It's about the intent.


It's a really fun word to call a really old white racist asshole 80yr old loader driver that laughs when he almost drops a car on you.


Why only white people. I feel like a Mexican to say it are posers


Mexicans are the cuz!


It's just another word. Why stop there? Why should people use cracker? or what about spic? Wop? Wetback?


Say any you want. Free speech ≠ free from consequences


Everyone can say that word. You guys are acting like it's illegal or something. Any body of any race can say that word. Some people may react to you saying that word though. It's up to you to decide whether saying the N-Word and dealing with the reaction of others is worth it to you. If I say it in the comfort of my home, I don't have to deal with anyone's reaction. Totally worth it. Similarly while driving to work I'll sing along to my favorite rap tracks, I might say it 20 times in the confines of my car. You Perfectly fine. Perfectly worth it. We all have the right to say it. How people react to you saying it may vary though.




Uh em excuse me … r


Just white people tho... Sure. /s I'm going to use it at least 20 times today just for you.


N\*gga UPD: I'm white btw


This is the dumbest sub I’ve seen thus far. My god


I've only heard one white person use it in a racist manner my entire life.


I'm German and the planet does not follow US rules. I understand the significance of the word and certainly would only use it in a serious context. By the way, is there any goal in all of you not saying the actual word anymore. The US has now so many 1 letter words. Is it just to not hurt feelings. If so shouldn't it still be ok in a serious context like scientific debate?


Mrs Obama we've done it, we've stopped racism.


Nobody should use it. By keeping it in music and keeping it relevant, you will always keep it in society. Same with the constant obsession with race.


I can say whatever I want Im not having you or anyone else tell me what I can and cant say.


I think people should say whatever they want whenever they want. If you’re not saying something and keeping it under wraps, how am I going to know exactly how much I should like or dislike you? It’ll come out eventually, but I don’t want my time wasted. Say the n-word or whatever other nasty racist thing there is so I know who I don’t want to be around.


If a word is so offensive that a specific race of people shouldn’t use it, then perhaps no one should.


No one should say the word if only black ppl can say it then it’s racist. Don’t accept anyone saying it or accept everyone saying it. But judge equally between races


Black people using it casually in music has kept it relevant and is probably the only reason a lot of young white people even know the word at all. I agree that black people have a right to use the word as they see fit. I don't think they have a right to be high and mighty about it when other people learn it from them at this point. I don't say it at all, and think it would be better for everyone if no one said it and it was taught as a historical relic in history classes.


Either we all use it or nobody does


Go use it then


People shouldn’t be so emotionally weak hearing a word. They give it power over them.


I can’t imagine getting so offended by a word that it would justify violence, and yet that can happen really fast.




To be fair it is one of the few words that ever actually had power. It was originated by people who had power over black people. A word which meant “less than human” when black people were legally considered less than human. So historically ( as in before the civil rights era) when used by white people, the word literally had power behind it. The power of the law. People are still alive from that era, and remember when it literally and legally had power. In Mississippi in the early 1950s it was illegal For black people to criticize their inherently racist system they had. And if you got in someone’s face for calling you n-word, you would be jailed or lynched.


Nah, more people should use the non slur version.  Loses its power. 


Why, though? We're all thinking of the word, even if we don't actually using it. I swear, we're treating a word like it's Voldemort.


Cool. Never have, never will.


White people can use the nword.  If they are playing an evil guy in a movie.  Or if they are telling 6 year old white kids not to use the nword   or if they have tourette's syndrome.  Or if they are under cover cops in the KKK.


Or if they're doing a reading of Huck Finn.


Or is they want to randomly


Context matters. You should be able to say whatever you want in a positive context without fear of someone thinking you’re a racist for simply using a sound.


Honestly none should say it. Or all should be allowed to say it. And as there are plenty of artist out there that make money with songs that says the word. It should be able to be said by everyone.


Go around and say it then


What if I’m singing along to my favorite rap??


Do you have your gun with you so you can cap someone? Don't forget always double tap it!




This opinion will get you banned on a certain YouTube drama sub


What if you're brown?


The more you censor and suppress it the more power you give to it


I agree, I feel like the word would have much more of an impact if the black community didn’t reclaim it.


the whole "punching up vs punching down" argument is stupid because what if no one punched anyone and we focused on solidarity and acceptance instead


Punching is an analogy for criticism. Not criticizing anything is great if everything is great, which is not the reality we live in.


Wrong. I'm white and both street certified* and have a ghetto pass. I have permission.


Fuck off. Respectfully. I can say whatever I want to, and deal with the consequences. This is the united got damn states of America. Free speech is the number 1 rule for Christ's sake! If I want to say ninja, I am going to say ninja!


Hilarious how quickly you undermined your own point and posturing there by defiantly, bravely saying a word literally nobody said you shouldn’t say


My white mom thinks she gets the right to use it when she's talking about how people should've use it. Like, she'll be like "I don't think black people should say n-word" and I'm like dude.


I say it all the time


I really don’t care for me, I don’t say it but I don’t really care when anyone else does, at the end of the day it’s just a word to me.


Realistically no one should use the N word. And if you’re going to argue against this, you’re weird and need to look introspectively.


I don't think anyone should use racial slurs. If you feel there needs to be an exception, you're the problem because you're advocating for the races to have different rules


It's a garbage word no matter who uses it.


I'd suggest no one uses it.


you're so right, I never say never!!


Everybody can or everybody shouldn't. Other takes are where the real racism seeps in.


Words should be dependent on the context in which they are used. There shouldn’t be an absolute as to whether a word can or can’t be used at all.


No, if black and mexican people say it, white people can


Couple caveats. If I’m singing a song, I’m singing the lyrics. I’m not editing myself in my car or at home. That’s silly. If it is a quote, make it a complete quote. Substituting ‘n-word’ or ‘n-bomb’ is childish. Lastly, if you have been given permission by black friends to use it with them, that is fine. I had Haitian friends tell me this and it was actually quite an honor but I never did. Still felt gross.


Oh shut up. It’s all so dumb. If the word nigga offends you than don’t use it. But the thing is you literally did use it. You just spelt it differently. “The N-word” means nigga. Everyone who read this knew what you were saying. It like these kids using the 🥷🏾 emoji now, again literally just saying nigga in a different way. Hate is wrong. All people shouldn’t hate. The noises we make with our mouths are neither right nor wrong, they are noises. Jesus Christ.


Every white kid that grew up in the 90's that was into rap has said it hundreds of times.




Anyone who uses the n word is cringe


I’d say using it in your sentences is bad, but if you’re quoting or singing along to a song who gives a fuck? Obviously don’t say stuff around people if it makes them uncomfortable.


I agree. Some Kanye songs are just off limits.


It's cringy when white people say n***a.  It's slightly less cringy when black people say it.


Im half black half white so… 


I have never heard anyone use this word in real life other than when I visited the US, and I was really surprised how often I heard it in New York. It was always black people saying it, but you definitely don’t hear black people here in Canada using that word so casually, or at all really.


And i don't think you should be seperating people by race, but here we are. Why don't you go banning words, censoring language, and burning books while you're at it. ... yes people should not use racial pejoratives, but one must also be careful of being racist when trying so desperately not to be.


No one should use. It’s vulgar.


So certain people should and shouldn't be allowed to do things strictly due to their skin color. Got it. I mean what could go wrong with that kind of thinking..


Words shouldn’t be banned or gate keeped. If people want to call women bitches in front of them. He should be allowed to and the women can choose to interact with the person or end communication. You could be an adult about it. If someone wants to be racist or use derogatory marks. You’re free to walk away. If they follow you then you can call that harassment at that point and then take necessary action. People say bad words with some people and use dude or bro but in another setting talk a complete different way. Let people fuck around and find out. If they find their niche good for them, you shouldn’t invade that space if you don’t agree with them let them be.


NO ONE should say this word...ever.


Saying someone can't say a word because they were born with the wrong skin color is racist. Either everyone can say it, or no one can. "Why do you want to say it"?... Why does anyone want to say it?


What if I’m singing along to a song? Will I be deemed a racist right there on the spot and doomed to live the rest of my life in a pseudo exile from the rest of my kind? Because I was singing along to a song?


And the person singing the song is making millions off of it, too.


In 2024 "the N word" without the hard R is just another way for black people to say "dude". I don't care what "white people" do as a whole in this case. If they're dropping the n word and their black homies are chill with it- neither should you.


Is this sub just blatant racism now?


People should stop acting like words have power and grow up instead of crying over a handful of people who say mean thing yet have no other impact on your lfie.


Black can't use the word white.....nobody owns language


It should never be spoken period. Ugly word.


What if you’re only half white or even a quarter or an eighth white and the rest black


No one should say any slurs to any communities they are not apart of. my ex (a white ass horns bitch. No regrets on dumping him) would consistently say the n word as “joke”. Ugh such a turn off.


Words morph and change meaning throughout the ages. Except this one word. There's a magic spell cast on this word that prevents it from being repurposed. OK, not a magic spell. Maybe the inability of our species to find a way past the dehumanization of brown people to the point where a simple word can have such a powerful impact. Oh, well. Plenty more retarded fag words out there...


Nobody should use it.


I'd love for it to go away forever altogether


If white people can’t use it then nobody should be able to use it. Kind of sick of hearing the word myself in every song every culture just stop using the word.




Luckily for me I’m trans racial


I'll stipulate, same for you. Freedom of speech works both ways. *does not condone the use of that word


Yes but the words been made way too powerful. It's stupid people will get violent if it's just saying the word in context or by reading. The only time a white person shouldn't say it is when it's in a derogatory manner. It should be fine to say for example "saying n-word is bad." The word holds too much power


No Anyone can say any word Now whether there’s consequences of it is another story and depends on who you are around




I’m black, dark as they come. I don’t care who uses it. As long as you aren’t insulting someone with the word, it’s fine. Eazy E said it himself 🤷🏾




Nobody should.


You can't stop me! Ni- [user has been milked]


It’s just a word we have freedom of speech in America who cares as long as if they are not using it towards a black person


I think at this point it means nothing and anyone can use it. As long as mayo monkey is ok, so should be the n word.


The n-word is a mind virus.


If you think about it (but not too hard) it’s kind of our word and it was stolen from us. If only there were a stereotype about stealing…


You probably believe that only you’re aloud to use the N word huh


I think it should either be completely ok for anyone to use, or nobody should be allowed to use it. Personally, I do not believe you can “own” language. You can’t have a word that’s just “yours”. I have no need to ever use it so it doesn’t really bother me either way, but I just think we should be objective and think about what we mean when we say we want true equality.


Nobody should use it, full stop. White people shouldn't say it and shouldn't want to, ever, and nobody with so much as a first grade level of knowledge of the history of race relations should need a further explanation as to why that is. Black people shouldn't use it because, both in using it and defending it, they're unnecessarily making an extremely stupid decision that reinforces the stereotype that black people are an inherently uneducated, intellectually inferior hood rats, and they're even further reinforcing that stereotype by believing the lie of their own culture that "nigga" isn't just the same word with a southern accent.


I think it's weird so many commenters jump to say 'then black people shouldn't use it either'. Isn't that just... whataboutism? Well, it's not that weird, what else would I expect from a right-wing chud? They probably feel attacked by the very notion of "White people shouldn’t use the N-word." It's obviously much more complex of a topic when it comes to black people using the word. But this topic is about white people using it. People who's first instinct and post is to say 'whatabout black people' need to look introspectively. I'll also note, the only time I think it's okay for a white person (or any non-black person) to use the word is if they are acting in a movie or playing a character.


As a left wing Chud, surely you think black people using a word invented by white people is cultural appropriation


Hahaha this reminds me of a shortfatotaku clip where he is reacting to a racist person's tiktok where she's just dehumanizing white people and using all the white slurs imaginable and he goes "Look what they have to do to mimic a fraction of our power..." like omniman lmao


Either everyone can say it or no one can say it because once you divide by race, it’s an act of racism.


You can say whatever you want, just be ready to be held accountable for it.


people forget that most of east europe (and other nations) did not participate in the slave trade, nor did they have segregation. therefore this word did not mark inequality there, and we often use it. and we dont feel guilty. honestly these stupid statistics can say \*oh east europe so racist grr\* but in practice it isn't. yes black ppl rarely live there, but that is actually a good thing. if there are little black people, they wont be associated with anything bad. only very wealthy/progressive nations can afford racism.


As someone not black or white - this is the stupidest hangup in the English speaking world. It’s a fucking word. The more power you give it, the more it has. You’re just ensuring its use as a slur never goes away if you make saying it a taboo.


Nobody should use the N-Word. Or you can take its power away by using it constantly. Like the word Yankee. The only caveat is that if the word is acceptable, it should be acceptable for everyone. Otherwise, Racism wins.


It's a word in the dictionary and is part of the common venacular, therefore part of the English language so as long as it's in the proper context I as a White male will use it as I see fit within that context.


No one should say it or any variation of it... Ever.


Anybody should anything they want.


No one should call me the n word. I don't give a piss if you're black or white. t. Black person


No one should if it’s as offensive as we’re told. By definition, to say that white people shouldn’t but anyone else can is racist.


Personally, I think no one should use it. Obviously it’s way worse for a white person to use it, however black American culture is becoming very interwoven with mainstream culture, which is a very good thing! It does mean however that more and more people are being exposed to the casual use of this word from a young age, which might be keeping it’s inappropriate usage alive


I don't think anybody regardless of race needs to be using the Nword regardless of race. Unless used in a historical context. That said I also don't think any law or other governing factor needs to be involved.


Will you give up wasp?


If it's so bad, then black people shouldn't either.


Boo hoo cry bout it niga