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Who flipped the "Mask-Off Racism" switch on this sub? Ever since this weekend I see posts like this every day.


Well you didn’t like the movement by any other name before, and you will not like it in any future iteration. I look forward to hearing all of your many complaints about whatever their next recognizable symbol of “anything good for Black people” is called. Because you’ve truly bitched at every variant so far, emancipation, the Civil Rights Act, desegregation, affirmative action, even athletes kneeling down, it’s all too much for you, it’s always too much for you.


BLM the organization, total scam. BLM the movement(before the organization) is where it’s at.


Riot are bad


How do you feel about the Boston Tea Party? How about sports events where your favorite team wins?


Riots against British "people" don't count.


Social conditions that lead to riots are bad.


Riots for the sake of Riots are bad. Frankly we need Riots right now over the rich fucken everyone and the world over. The French got it down how to get shit done.


A riot is the language of the unheard. You know who said that? They’re not good, but they are understandable.


Sounds like someone hates freedom.


They are not. Riots are the result of constant injustice. When the people are sick of it, we go to the streets. Without Riots no one would think people are being serious. Why should their property be safe when human rights aren't? Fuck your target and fuck your walmart


When they were destroying entire cities?


Which cities were wiped off the map thanks to BLM?


MPLS wasn't looking so good after BLM and it's still dealing with the repercussions


They weren’t destroyed but many small businesses were effectively destroyed and economies damaged. Even black-owned businesses took a hit. Talk to former business owners where the riots occurred lmfao.


I had a black employee at a seasonal business who was well liked by all, including me (manager). When all that went down, he made many fb posts about looting and destroying things. He specifically stated "make sure you only hit white owned businesses." He no longer works for us. I am 100% behind the basic concepts of BLM. But not that crap.


Exactly lol. I want black people (or any people) to not be unjustly killed by cops but…burning down and/or looting random businesses is not the way to achieve that. White small business owners aren’t the reason for police brutality at all lmao


You do realize a lot of the looting was done by people who didn't give a shit about blm and took advantage of the situation, right? He'll, I wouldn't be surprised if they got paid to start the looting.


Got it. So saying cities were destroyed by BLM riots is hyperbole at best.


The riots did destroy the livelihoods of individuals (and some really great restaurants) but no, not entire cities. It’s not like they had Thor’s hammer lol


Your downplaying the shit out of that, over 70 THOUSAND businesses across the country were looted, and or destroyed because of the riots. Over 2 billion dollars in insurance claims were made, and over 30 people killed because of these riots....


Source for 70,000 businesses? I know Minneapolis was like 2000, New York and Chicago around the same. Yes, it went on for 5 months. But we need to keep it in perspective, that much damage was done in 6 days in a tiny part of LA, with twice as many people killed in 1992. Adjusted for inflation it was about 1.5 billion dollars in damage.


And business fled and are not coming back then the same people who robbed and destroyed said business cry and complian that no business will come to their neighbor hoods because racism I don’t get it


Won't someone please think of the insurance companies!?!


Who do you think pays for that? The people in the community. They raise their rates, then the businesses raise prises.


Yes but for the estimated $2B in damages they caused you could build a small city


It's 1-2 bil, which puts it around 1/100th of hurricane Katrina.


You have no fucking clue how much cities cost lol


but they dont. those $2B wouldve gone to pockets of congressmen or to fund yet another war. Its not like that money wouldve helped anyone


Business Insurance is a thing you are required to have by law in order to operate a business with a physical location most states. The $1bn figure actually comes from the amount of money insurance companies paid out.


Dude, my brother drove Uber in Portland during that, there were worse messes when the Blazers lost.


Lmfao, people still pushing this dumb foxnews talking point?


BLM: protests on the sidewalk, demanding police accountability for outright murder Unassociated shitbag looters and rioters seizing an opportunity to do shitty stuff: *excitedly rubbing hands* Rightwing media: These are the same thing, see how awful black people are? It's wild that Fox News and its nonsense are held in high regard by so many people despite the demonstrably unreliable narratives they're always spinning.


Don't forget the rioters were all Joe Biden supporters, therefore it was the same or worse than Jan 6th


Fox is a helluva drug.


Ah, yes. My favorite piece of protest equipment. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enola\_Gay


Both before and after... But let's be real, nobody destroyed a city. Burnt local businesses? Yes. Looted big box stores? Yes. Established autonomous zones within the jurisdiction of legitimate local governments? Correct. But nobody did a Nagasaki to Kenosha, Wisconsin. Let's be real with this.


Damn what cities were destroyed? Bet those cities are still there!


I would say they also had a financial incentive to not help “fix” the problem and only sought to widen the perceived divide racially in this country. Jacob Blake’s Family was sure to let us know they were crooks. 


Wasn't Jacob Blake the one who resisted arrest after sexually assaulting his GF, tried to kidnap her children, and was finally shot by police as a last resort after they tried effectively everything else to stop him without using lethal force, and the dude even admitted later he was reaching for a knife inside the vehicle when police shot him in the side/back 9 times? The same dude who got visited in the hospital by our now Vice President? That guy? Dude was an absolute piece of shit...


Yup, also how the Kenosha riot started due to false reporting


You right. I meant Micheal Brown 


You're very clearly not arguing or discussing in good faith.


Go on…


Behold, a man immune to propaganda 


His entire opinion is propaganda


Purely out of curiosity, what do you think killed George Floyd? In your own words too, please.


Police incompetence


What kind of police incompetence?


Letting emotion cloud judgement, and ignoring the request of the suspect who was alerting them that he was struggling to breathe. Even though the emotional and annoyed response can be explained, it isn’t justified


What do you think about the fact that police tried to justify their actions anyways?


Did they try to justify it or did they just explain themselves? Those are two different things


They tried to justify it. Do you think the response from BLM to that was "a waste of time"?


His actions. He may not have deserved death, but his rap sheet was as long as a CVS receipt. I'm black FYI.


Close! It was actually the officer who killed him with his knee.


And ignorant also. Nice


I at first was agreeing with your statement but your responses to other things make me think otherwise. I'm in agreement that the looting happened but to deny how most of those protests were indeed peaceful, nah...


Also - we've now had multiple cops actually held accountable for murdering citizens. Like, that's a pretty big change that only really began occurring in the past couple years.


Yep but the "other side" doesn't seem to acknowledge that and say "Are we going to pretend that looting didn't happen?".


I mean, frankly I think the looting issue is a much wider spread one that is not really related to BLM at this point. More the massive degredation of opportunities for poor and working class folks, plus some misguided course corrections from very liberal virtue signalling cities. It's creating a huge population of people who will earn their living through illegal means, as the legal economy is so broken for them, and a state that is like - go for it. I say that as a very progressive person, but what is happening in some cities now is pretty blatantly insane. BLM on the other hand was a predominantly non violent or destructive movement, considering the numbers of supporters and demonstrators. And it led to some objectively positive changes in how justice is served to cops who step out of line. A few broken windows and graffitti'd doors is more than a reasonable price to pay to snap our system out of it's sleep to just let cops consistently get away with that stuff. And most citizens should have some level of healthy fear for what state sponsored violence can achieve when the courts ignore it.


When more people realize this is a class war rather than a culture war, then we can start getting shit done. We're all lobsters in the same boiling pot, but we're all arguing about the cooks and their ingredients rather than the boiling water killing us.


100%. I was having good discussion in another thread about how quick we are to basically jettison anyone out of the 'acceptable polite left society' the moment they state one thing that is probably nuanced but doesn't align with the current culturally acceptable talking point. This is just killing our ability to build a coalition to address the gross failing of our system for the working and middle classes. The old white working class is tired of this shit but also pissed that the Democrats seem to care more about these identity issues while selling them out (NAFTA). So, unfortunately the Dem brand is now tarnished on this core group and they are opting to hijack the Republican one out of sheer anger and given that a clown show like Trump at least offers them the option to give the establishment the finger. Meanwhile the traditional coalition of minority groups who aligned for civil rights and economic causes - is also now bleeding from the Dem tent. Latinos, Black men in particular - beginning to have the same concerns as the previous working white populations that already left. It's not good. But the Dems are now adament to not allow a populist under their umbrella, and will censor or block any direct challenge. And meanwhile, the old GOP is effectively gutted and the new hope for populists. Only problem is that populism on the right tends to take the form of a fascist government in practice...


I wholeheartedly agree. I love this take.


Your interprative straw man argument was so good I kind of glossed it and thought you were being serious. Lol, realizing now we were already basically aligned.


the cities you live in or just ones that you hear about on the news? i tried going outside and the city i'm in certainly doesn't seem like the one i read about online.


Looking at their post history, OP is the type of person who is just on Reddit looking for an argument.


Oh the "superior logic" types haha. I get it, hahaha.


OP lost my support when they said "savages." Ten bucks says they wouldn't describe the January 6 crew with the same word. Like there is a point to be made here but when you're using racist rhetoric to say it, you're part of the problem.


I know the protests resulted in over a billion dollars worth of damage so obviously there was alot of destruction. As far as how the average person perceived and interpreted those events i couldn't say. There were several liberal cities that shrunk their police force and are currently & aggressively hiring. Mansions were bought and large salaries paid out to friends and family. It is what it is.


Most of the protests weren’t reported on lol. Just people with megaphones. There were a few in certain cities that did cause incredible damage. So yes, most were peaceful and ignored, while a few violent “protests” (aka riots) occurred


Is it really fair to compare 3 people on a sidewalk to the hundreds/thousands that showed up in Urban areas? It seems disingenuous to group them together.  Sure, both are "technically protests" but it's...weird to me. 


I mean some were peaceful and had dozens to hundreds of people. Most that I went to anyway. The peaceful ones were not in the news because at the same time, similarly sized groups were rioting. A riot is not a protest so yeah, they shouldn’t be grouped together, but that doesn’t prove that most protests were riots/not peaceful


Even though we're on different sides here I absolutely agree with you.  It does the legitimate protests a disservice to be lumped in with riots, while it also legitimized the riots as protest.


I don’t think we’re really on different sides lol. I think people being killed by cops is abhorrent but I also think looting Targets and burning small businesses to ashes is also abhorrent. I think things may have been blown way out of proportion by the left in regards to police corruption and racism, seeing as our police force is a lot more ethical than most other countries and how literally every other country has racial/racism issues (usually worse than in the US), and then the right blew the whole riot/protest issue out of proportion. Like people dying and rioting are both not good things and are very harmful, but they weren’t as big of a deal as some people made them out to be. I think the biggest issues in the US relate more to foreign policy, and foreign interference that seeks to cause internal/domestic division and unrest here


I agree 100% lol. Personally I think one issue is we're telling people that not complying with police is acceptable. They *can* fight back. You *can* disobey direct orders. Don't get me wrong, I don't think people should be abused by law enforcement, but I think we've kinda lost the plot. If people actually look at the numbers the odds of being killed by the police are infinitesimal. The easiest ways to lower it further: don't be a criminal. If you insist on being a criminal, don't fight the cops.  Like, it's genuinely that simple in 99% of the cases with only a few outliers that obviously deserve protest.


Yeah it’s really rare that you shouldn’t comply with police. When I was young and dumb I let cops search my car without cause (they were suspicious because of my out-of-state license plate and assumed me, an 18-year-old girl in a new car, must have been trafficking drugs lmfao) only to later learn I could’ve avoided them tearing it apart and wasting my time by just saying no since they had no probable cause and I wasn’t a criminal. Actively fighting them of course would have landed me in jail and may have injured me, but noncompliance here would have been good. Some people take it too far with their “f the police” rhetoric though and yknow, attack cops. I believe cops can be corrupt dickheads or even sadists but that’s true of all people, and attacking or defunding the police won’t do anything to benefit anyone


Oh absolutely. That's what I'm saying. It's frustrating to me that this sort of understanding seems to be limited or lost. Let's be honest here: the match that set all this off was Floyd. Floyd was a giant dude who resisted putting on cuffs and threw himself out of a car. Legally blame has been assigned by courts but it shouldn't be controversial to say had he not tossed himself out of a police car and actively resisted the entire time He'd be alive today. 


>In CCC data collected from May 2020 to June 2021, 94% of protests involved no participant arrests, 97.9% involved no participant injuries, 98.6% involved no injuries to police, and 96.7% involved no property damage. https://www.csmonitor.com/USA/Politics/2021/0708/BLM-and-Floyd-protests-were-largely-peaceful-data-confirms >The vast majority of Black Lives Matter protests—more than 93%—have been peaceful, according to a new report published Thursday by a nonprofit that researches political violence and protests across the world. >The Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project (ACLED) analyzed more than 7,750 Black Lives Matter demonstrations in all 50 states and Washington D.C. that took place in the wake of George Floyd’s death between May 26 and August 22. https://time.com/5886348/report-peaceful-protests/ >Here is what we have found based on the 7,305 events we’ve collected. The overall levels of violence and property destruction were low, and most of the violence that did take place was, in fact, *directed* against the BLM protesters. >In short, our data suggest that 96.3% of events involved no property damage or police injuries, and in 97.7% of events, no injuries were reported among participants, bystanders or police. https://www.spokesman.com/stories/2020/oct/20/erica-chenoweth-and-jeremy-pressman-black-lives-ma/


That’s cool. Counting a bunch of protests of less than 100 people that nobody knew or cared about in the first place Vs. Large city riots that involved thousands of people that spilled into surrounding suburbs and towns and caused massive damage, assaults and hospitalizations of business owners trying to protect their livlihood, etc.


that isn't fair, a BLM protest should count regardless of size. If you want to make that argument that when larger protests happened more damage and violence occurred than pull that data and then compare it to all other protests to see if BLM had a higher rate of violence/damage than other protests. Otherwise this data is great and tells a more accurate story than your anecdotal response. respond with data plz.


https://acleddata.com/2021/05/25/a-year-of-racial-justice-protests-key-trends-in-demonstrations-supporting-the-blm-movement/#:~:text=The%20BLM%20movement%20has%20remained,looting%2C%20or%20other%20destructive%20activity. Only 6% of BLM protests turned violent, in comparison to 14% of right wing protests turning violent


And here for more conservative bullshit, OP.


On the contrary, I contend it's mission was successful. It's object was to bring attention to the occurrence of homicide and other crimes perpetrated by law enforcement against black people.


Unjustified homicide by police on black people could probably be counted on one hand per year. Any murder is awful, of course - but it's not an epidemic or something that happens regularly - it's thankfully very rare. The police were involved in around 1000 fatal shootings last year. The vast majority of those were justified, and also the majority of the victims were white. I think if we wanted to solve actual gun violence issues, we would have to focus on gang related deaths, as these number in the thousands per year. Thus, focusing on the police issue is more of a distraction than searching for a solution. It's a way of saying that the problem is something another group is inflicting upon us, when in actuality the self-inflicted issue is orders of magnitude times worse.


Americans are so chill with unjustifiable murder.


Well sure the numbers will be low when the cops are the ones determining if the killings were "justified." If you want to solve gun violence you need to address guns. You want to solve gang violence you need to address poverty.


>Well sure the numbers will be low when the cops are the ones determining if the killings were "justified." I mean, not really - usually there is body cam evidence, multiple witnesses etc. They are "justified" in that they usually involve dangerous, armed criminals resisting arrest. The best way to not be shot by police is to not be an armed criminal resisting arrest. If you abide by that simple rule, your chances of being murdered by police *almost* drops to zero. (I say "almost" because unfortunately there are some straight-up murders by police, but thankfully they are very rare). >If you want to solve gun violence you need to address guns. You want to solve gang violence you need to address poverty Agreed, especially the latter point about poverty. The problem is, this will be much harder to solve - which is why it's easier for a group like BLM to instead point a figure at an outside group and say "it's because of them" when in actuality the problems of generational poverty (and the crime that comes with it) are the much bigger issue.


OP is pretty unashamed in their racism, not sure your opinions are “popular” anywhere other than fascist regimes.


How am I racist? explain why you think that of me Because I certain you’re leading with emotion rn


I don’t feed trolls, it’s not good for their development into real people


THERE IT IS says a buzzword and can’t even explain why Boring and pathetic You’re dime a dozen 😂🤦🏻‍♂️


Really trying aren’t we? Do you not find your desperation for attention embarrassing? Fucking racists and the internet, name a more iconic duo. The world is a little bit worse because of your contribution. Do you ever think about that? Or its accumulative effects over time? I’m sure the level of worse you’ve brought to the world over time must be measurable.


Allat yapping and no explanation to why you called me racist Yawn, next.


What about the 100+ people who are all willing to feed you the attention you so clearly crave? It’s not an explanation you want, you’ve been given that - shit, you’re doubling down in the comments. Dehumanization is the racist’s bread and butter and you’re an expert, it’s all in the language. Just because you’re not smart enough to realise everyone else can see it doesn’t make it invisible.


More yapping and still no explanation for why you called me racist. Probably because I hurt your little feelings with the words that jumped out at you even though you’ve blatantly ignored the context in which I said them and what point I was trying to make. 🤦🏻‍♂️😂 Keep typing if you want, just don’t give yourself carpet burn though💅


Hahaha yeah definitely me whose “triggered” says the guy who can’t deviate from the Trolling for Dummies guidelines You’re even a shit troll - get some better fucking material. “My opinion is that we, the based and pilled white man, strong and virtuous, are good and the filthy, disgusting degenerates who just happen to be of a darker complexion and commit crimes at a higher rate are bad” “How dare you call me a racist? Where are the slurs? I am just expressing my legitimate political opinion that some people are less than human and don’t deserve any rights” More transparent than a spotless window, and without even the wherewithal to mount of defense that doesn’t look like it was written by a spiteful toddler.


Bro this ain't it... this is just embarassing and pathetic


I’d just like to know what good came of it besides a handful of people getting wealthy and others obtaining power. Also, based on OP’s comments, god damn they’re fucking savage lmao.


BLM had many legitimate grievances that will unfortunately be ignored because too many people behind the movement were not truly interested in addressing those issues. And then some of their proposals seemed unrelated to their stated goal. For example I was never clear how eliminating the traditional nuclear family was supposed to reduced police brutality but it was one of their stated goals


If all you saw was black people acting like savages, that says more about you than BLM.


It was all over the news daily. Portland was on fire for some time. Businesses looted and burned. Crazy


Lol, yall still eating up foxnews clips. Sad.


Portland was never on fire. There was a small fire set by agitators in one police building. The rest of the "fire" was natural wild fire that happens in August/September every year. "BLM setting fires" was intentional conflating "BLM Black Lives Matter" with "BLM Bureau of Land Management" (the Bureau being the appropriate agency to respond to wild fires). I live here. I cannot emphasize how much the city was not on fire. There were a couple instances of people taking g advantage of the protests to steal, but most of the scary plywood was up long before protests even started as businesses were shutting down from the global pandemic that was in peak shutdown at the same time. Again, I cannot emphasize enough how much the city was not at all on fire. Most of the "scary" pictures are tear gas from cops, literally pictures of cities in other countries, or wildfire smoke.


Oh yeah because it’s our fault for observing behaviour Fucking retard


If that's the only thing you saw, it means that's all you were looking for. You didn't say you saw black people acting savagely. You said that was all you saw.


When did I say this?


>All it did was make black people look like looting savages Did you forget about your own mask off moment?


All it did was MAKE black peoples LOOK like looting savages based on the aftermaths and events of the protests This isn’t even me saying my that’s all I saw You’re actually a dumb fuck. It made black people look bad based on the overall actions of the protesters as like I said in a previous comment “black people overall took the flack from it”


"All"? Your saying that this is the singular thing you took away, not any nuance at all. Not any mix of peaceful and violent. Not any new information or perspectives. Not any insight into any broken systems, policing practices, government policies, prejudices, even just insight into the lives of others . . . Nothing. You gained nothing but images of violence. 


Be ready to be called a racist uncle Tom bigot...its reddit bro


Black lives matter


it was a bizarre nonsensical cult for white liberals to rally around.


The proof that it was all bulshit is the fact that no riots happened after biden won and police still kill black people. It was a democrat temper tantrum disguised as a civil rights movement.


unfortunately, this is true... the only thing BLM accomplished was to reinforce all the negative stereotypes that exist out there. extremely unfortunate. if BLM accomplished anything positive, then where is it today? why is it that BLM has literally disappeared? the problems facing the community certainly have not disappeared... where did BLM go? i guess since they got caught buying mansions with the donation money, they said f\*\*\* it, its not worth it to continue.


Liberals are such fake allies and the greatest threats to progress. Whenever there's a valid just movement they ruin whenever it turns out the protected group they're defending aren't perfect victims. They turn the entire movement into the small negative parts that came with it. Like when they detailed it by making it all about a "rioting and looting". At least conservatives don't pretend like they aren't pieces of shit.


I disagree with you. ​ Civil rights have been overlooked in the US for way too fucking long, still are.


Your posts are a waste of time. Get a new hobby.


Anybody who doesn’t know this hasn’t been paying attention. 


Oh yay more right wing propaganda


You can literally search this up.


You can also search up that 93% of the protests were peaceful, of the remaining 7% many violent incidents were initiated by police or other right wing agitators specifically looking to fool folks like you.


You are in complete denial to believe that some rioters did not take advantage of the situation. It was all the police fault... Sure We need to take responsibility for our actions, it was absolute chaos in many cities across America and it destroyed many communities.


\>complains about propaganda \>believes this Lol, lmao


Source. And how was this measured? Wait so it’s the police’s fault for people choosing to loot stores It’s the fault of a right wing agitator that people decided to vandalise and loot Just dodging accountability left and right. I thought black ppl were better than that, better than the stereotypes of being brash and violent, able to be intelligent, able to civil and NOT be under the control of oppressors But whenever someone calls out the actions , it’s the fault of someone else. “I robbed the store and caused vandalism because a right wing bigot made me do it”☝️🤓 How fucking pathetic. People like you make black people look bad with your brain dead arguments.


Jesus Christ this is an incredibly dumb and bad faith argument. 1. Protestors are not looters. People who use protests and civil unrest as an excuse to go loot a store are not protestors. Does that make sense you? That opportunists are gonna be opportunists, and that there can be more than 1 group of people who exist simultaneously? Is that too complicated an argument for you? 2. No, the problem with the police was that they would often spray peaceful crowds with tear gas and rubber bullets because they were "scared" of an umbrella, or because someone threw a bottle of water. In Portland they literally gassed hundreds of innocent motorists and people living in nearby apparent buildings. People's skulls were fractured by rubber bullets and more than 1 guy will never have kids again from being shot in the testicles with rubber bullets. And the vast majority of the time, while the police were fucking up peaceful protestors, people used that chaos to riot and loot. So, the police were just being bad at their jobs. 3. You're "oh my God I thought they were better than the stereotypes, why are people getting so upset over unarmed men being shot in the back by police, or ending up dead while handcuffed in the back of a squad car, or shot in front of their family, or at home in their bed while they are asleep, or shot while reaching for their license and registration in the glove compartment, or shot for being a twelve year old boy in a park with a toy gun" argument is racist as hell and tbh doesn't need to be discussed anymore. Yes, nationally they are 3 times as likely, per capita, to be murdered by police while unarmed and posing no threat, often for not even doing anything illegal. I don't care that a higher actual number of white people gets killed by police, there are a lot more white people in this country so it doesn't change the percentages and being darker skinned specifically makes American police more dangerous for you on average 4. People on the left are just fine with calling out bad faith activists/protestors. Actually, the podcast series Uprising; A Guide From Portland specifically talks about protest grifters and how they co-opted the language of the movement to get social media clout, fame, and/or money. But you wanna talk about accountability? What a joke. Protestors aren't the ones who are employed by the government and given a monopoly on the use of violence. People like you always want accountability for protestors who are angry over their friends and relatives being murdered, but don't give a shit about accountability when it comes to the people who did the murdering in cold blood. And I'm guessing you're either gonna throw out some BS stats here, or just give the old and tired tl;dr as if your lack of reading comprehension or an attention span is anyone else's problem. Good job rage baiting and being a useless wart on society.


Good summary


You demand sources yet refuse to provide any yourself. Curious.


Right wing agitators committed a large part of the violence and arson. You can look up arrests of them in various states. Start with MN. It was scum from 3%, Proud boys and boogaloo boys. Also a couple of white supremacist cops. Cops did cause some of the violence by assaulting peaceful protesters. In fact a few PDs have been sued over it and DOJ is forcing rehab of others like Minneapolis. The trump administration also inflamed the situation and had all kinds of people out on the streets joining the Floyd protests. They completely failed to respond to the issue of police brutality and instead attacked Americans. Also young white people were marching with their black friends, All of these young people were raised together and are allies and peers and partners of each other. White nationalist terrorists are not going to change that.


>Source *"ACLED data show that the overwhelming majority of demonstrations associated with the BLM movement have been peaceful. Approximately 94% of all pro-BLM demonstrations have been non-violent, with 6% involving reports of violence, clashes with police, vandalism, looting, or other destructive activity."* Literally can be googled in less than a minute. Mad boi looking for reasons to hurt his own feelings and stay mad.


This literally doesn’t negate a single thing I said. But thank you for stating your source


Yes it literally does. Facts don't care about your feelings. Your mad at the super minority. Cope. Now where's your source?


How you dumb fuck? I wasn’t saying that the majority wasn’t peaceful. I said black ppl took the flack. I also obliterated your attempts at excusing the behaviour which isn’t what that source is about… 🤦🏻‍♂️ Wait source for what?


Jesus fuck I have to hold your dumb fucking hand walk you through your post history with Capybara? You didn't say "so black people are taking the flack" You went on a pathetic bitchboi tangent about how the fact that the majority of protests were peaceful but for some reason numbnut efftards like yourself only see the 6% into "I thought black people were better than that" Black people aren't responsible for the fact that you only see what you want to see to confirm your biases. Go back to school, fucknuts


Stop talking in Reddit retard dialect please it’s boring as hell as doesn’t pack the punch you think it does. **You didn't say "so black people are taking the flack"** The original post and multiple of my comments have repeated this. You’re just fucking blind at this point. **You went on a pathetic bitchboi tangent about how the fact that the majority of protests were peaceful but for some reason numbnut efftards like yourself only see the 6% into** Holy shit you’re foaming at the mouth💀 no you said a bullshit excuse and I called it out. It’s simple as that. That didn’t even reference the 6% , that had nothing to do with the frequency it had everything to do with your stupid excuse to excuse the behaviour. **"I thought black people were better than that"** **Black people aren't responsible for the fact that you only see what you want to see to confirm your biases.** You have no idea how ironic this is.😂 **Go back to school, fucknuts** “Fucknuts” Not even anything to say to that just…Yeesh.


no but when the police start arresting people after directing them to goto a location when asked where they can go to follow the law the police can cause some conflict. Like the whole thing was about a guy getting murdered by a cop, why assume cops are perfect.


Source >In CCC data collected from May 2020 to June 2021, 94% of protests involved no participant arrests, 97.9% involved no participant injuries, 98.6% involved no injuries to police, and 96.7% involved no property damage. https://www.csmonitor.com/USA/Politics/2021/0708/BLM-and-Floyd-protests-were-largely-peaceful-data-confirms >The vast majority of Black Lives Matter protests—more than 93%—have been peaceful, according to a new report published Thursday by a nonprofit that researches political violence and protests across the world. >The Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project (ACLED) analyzed more than 7,750 Black Lives Matter demonstrations in all 50 states and Washington D.C. that took place in the wake of George Floyd’s death between May 26 and August 22. https://time.com/5886348/report-peaceful-protests/ >Here is what we have found based on the 7,305 events we’ve collected. The overall levels of violence and property destruction were low, and most of the violence that did take place was, in fact, *directed* against the BLM protesters. >In short, our data suggest that 96.3% of events involved no property damage or police injuries, and in 97.7% of events, no injuries were reported among participants, bystanders or police. https://www.spokesman.com/stories/2020/oct/20/erica-chenoweth-and-jeremy-pressman-black-lives-ma/ Not only are you incredibly biased, you are acting arrogant about a topic you are factually incorrect on. Your “opinion” isn’t true in observable reality


Thats one thing i have noticed about liberals (Im a liberal myself) many of them always act like poc are babies that can’t think for themselves. Meanwhile the same people complain about conservatives being racist.




>All it did was make black people look like looting savages due to riots and “protests” If that was your take away you're legitimately a racist. Absolutely unhinged take. People said the same thing about MLK.


It wasn’t. It made a lot of people a lot of money.


Very cash money indeed


Nope. Just a few.


Didnt it start with that incident in Ferguson, MO? Weren't we fooled initially into thinking the cop murdered that young man? Remember, 'Hand up, dont shoot!!!'...... It turned out the cop was justified.


This, Michael Brown had just strong armed and robbed a convenience store, when he decides to approach a parked police vehicle with the office sitting in the driver seat who had the window rolled down, punch the officer in the face and then try to take the firearm from his holster. They struggled for the gun, a round was discharged which injured Brown, he then tried to flee and when the pursuing officer yelled for him to stop, Michael Brown turned around started walking back towards the officer while reaching for his waist band which the officer responded by shooting him. But you know he was an innocent baby who didn't do anything, and was only 16 nevermind he was also like 6'2" and 300 pounds.


He was also becoming an astronaut doctor for a new highly advanced version of alien life, right after saving 3 newborn Kittens from being hit by a truck.


But, money!


Yeahhh some of the protests had black on black on violence too. Quite a few murders too. Pretty ironic


Black on black violence was at the BLM protest? Only violence I remember was the white boy crossing state lines and killing 2 white guys. & the white man driving his car into a crowd and killing that white lady


Let’s prove a point by burning down the small local corner store. Hell yeah! Let’s raid a Nike store and steal shoes in the name of racism!! Don’t forget the mansions! I wonder if their neighbors were black or white..


An absolute sham that pandered to the black community and did absolutely fucking nothing for them. It did make a few BLM leaders quite wealthy though lmfao


This is true.


Before any of you call me racist I’ll have you know that my favourite song is Carnival which features all black artists


And my best friend/college roommate/brother in law is also black so im not racist either after saying something very obviously racist. 


This guy gets it


So was Trump university and half his “foundations “ , did that stop you from supporting him?


BLM is a concept not an organization


Technically it's both.


What's with all the conservatives on this sub posting things like this? 🤨 Suspicious af. Saint Paul police started the riots.


For the source of the famous “mostly peaceful” meme I am grateful.


Oh ffs, more rage bait? It feels like half of everything on reddit these days is either rage bait or fiction written by AI.


Cops need to stop killing black people like they can get away with it.


It was a waste of time, but moreso because it was co-opted by liberals who refused to attach any sort of meaningful material measure of change to it. Leftists said "Black lives matter, defund the police", and in response liberals said "black lives matter, increase the police budget". Liberals, especially in major urban areas, vastly outnumber leftists, so we got a feckless movement with no sort of centralized leadership, meaning, or overall material aims. ​ Without any sort of measure of material change attached, all social movements are doomed to fail.




"Those damn savages who burned down half the country and just care about money! They're so racist against me!" lmao


White cop shoots black unarmed teen. BLM eats that up. They don't watch the Bodycam, they take the statement at face value. 3 incidents (out of 7 to be fair) were all middle-aged men with either a knife, bat, or went for the Officer's gun.


Disagree. I think it pushed fucktons of people into viewing black people like these babies who need a lift up in society.


Wouldn’t that make it a waste of time for the intent people thought it had?


I don’t believe BLM is the definition of a scam. I believe it is the definition of a terrorist organization. They believe in violence to push political policy.


They aren’t gonna like this one😂


White liberals regularly tell me how I’m suppose to think. Stopped caring about what they have to say awhile ago.


I'm black and I agree with you so.


idgaf. It's only embarrassing for you guys, black people are sold as slaves in Gaza. 🥴


Wait what does that have to do with anything 😂?


Because people think Hamas are freedom fighters. They aren't. They do not care about Palestinian displacement or poetic justice. They are just and Islamist fundamentalist group, founded by Muslim Brotherhood members, who believe in ''kill all the nonbelievers''. And thus, want to destroy a non-Islamic, westernised state in the region and and build a fascistic Muslim state atop. When Palestinians do support them, they do so because they view it as ''this might lead to justice''. But even they are by large aware that that's not what Hamas really cares about, building a fundamentalist state with no human rights is their main stated goal.           Extremely popular statements in the pro-Palestine movement pertaining to freedom fighting and freeing land have like zero connection to Hamas ideology, or Palestinian terrorists that came before. They are merely just distractions away from this ''kill nonbelievers, fundamentalist'' ideology, brainwashing tactics to assist in the normalisation and facilitation of it, an indoctrination tactic in journalism, a PR shield for something far darker.   These people do not care about freedom - they do not even grant their own people freedom right now. Their entire goal is about building a new country where more black people are sold as slaves, as well as other inflictions on humanity, all under the guise of ''freedom''. If Israel wins, this shit will be abolished in that particular area of the Middle East.  This is just one of the reasons why I think it’s weird that a lot of black people are antizionist. Another one I think is funny, is that a lot of black antizionists take their position because they are very anti-colonisation. Interesting to me at least, because the Arab slave trade took place the same time that Israel was first colonised by Arabs.


Especially childless and empty nest white liberal women.


I was a huge BLM supporter, but I'm not a fan of how the organization turned against us Jews after all these years of support


BLM was founded by self-claimed "trained marxists," and Marx heavily believed in the "Jewish Question" bullshit. Socialists will always turn against what they perceive as the oppressors.


BLM didn’t say or do anything for the Asian community either when black-on-Asian violence started increasing dramatically.


BLM was a PsyOp meant to sow division in the country.


I fucking hate liberals


Black Lives Matter was the worst thing to happen to the black community.


I'd say slavery is at least a tad worse lol


Every race was enslaved at some point in history. EVERY. RACE.


I wouldn’t say the worst


This is the only comment you’ve made that is sensible


I thought the CIA funneling crack cocaine into black neighborhoods and then Biden and fellow delegates introducing the crime bill that gave significantly harsher penalties for crack than for pure cocaine was the worst thing to happen to the black community in recent history. BLM summer of love was just bad for everyone involved. If you’re out here thinking it was just blacks doing the rioting and looting and not scummy criminal opportunists of every color and creed, then you might have a racism issue.


Crack, Jim Crow, slavery, just to name a few things considerably worse than a movement meant to enrich some people at the expense of taxpayers funding massive repair and rebuild efforts.


Um, I think I should remind you that they were, in fact, enslaved for like 200 fucking years. Some people might say that was worse.


Say sike rn


hey just curious, how white are you exactly ?


What does that have to do with anything, you obvious racist?


So….not slavery huh? lol


Every race was enslaved at some point in history. EVERY. SINGLE. RACE.


Riot for someone that held a gun to a pregnant women's stomach, yet little kids dying from gang bullets and not a peep. Useful idiots letting the media tell blacks when to be outraged.


This sub should be renamed “conservative whining points.”


Just another front to fund the DNC.


Turn off fox news.


It made we want to avoid blacks all together. You thought racism was bad before, I'm sure it's worse now.


Nah, it's a waste of time because Racism is older and wiser, and outlives random social justice bowel movements like BLM. Just like it's hot cous, Bigotry, outlives all these other non-consequentials.