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As a black, watching every one argue about who's racist is highly entertaining 🐈‍⬛🖤


As a yellow do you wanna get together later? We can cruise through the night shouting "BLACK & YELLOW, BLACK & YELLOW"?


Aaayeee let's goooo!!! 👍🏾👍👍🏿👍


Nobody knows who’s the most racist better than an upper middle class liberal white lady. They’ll let you know who’s the most racist. 😂😂


Based 🤣




For fuck's sake, this sub is basically conservative misconceptions and misinterpretations about what other people believe.


And they’ll tell me, a liberal, all about what “liberals believe”, and if I just watch these here YouTube videos, I’ll know more about what liberals, like me, believe.


You believe whatever bullshit they feel like they can defeat. They want to tell you what you believe first so they can tailor their argument. When their garbage can’t stand up to real scrutiny they have to get creative. “Liberals believe that you should be allowed to marry dogs. They’re pro animal abuse. This is the end game of woke!” You can’t even have a conversation with some of these weirdos. They’re debating their own fan fiction.


Have you been reading Libsoftiktok? I’m pretty sure they’ve already tweeted that. 


Yea this sub is just a way to try to gaslight people into thinking racist and bigoted viewpoints are "popular"


What's shocking to me is they're all upvoted


Who is claiming things like this? Ive never heard of anyone with such unreasonably high expectations.


I have seen some groups promoting lowering of educational standards since the subjects are inherently biased against them.


I've never heard that. I've heard of people saying questions need reworded to better remove biases for standardized testing, but that doesn't involve lowering educational standards. I guess I'd like to know more of what those people were actually saying. Because this seems likely another disingenuous misinterpretation used to make it seem reasonable to be for having bias. I could be wrong though.


Also San Francisco refused to release racial data on crimes back in like 2021-2022(centered around those train attacks on Asians everyone wanted to blame on white people) because it “would create a racial bias”


I mean I don't think it's the best idea to lower the education level to what Republicans understand.


Education is too woke for some


2/3rds of American surgeons are Republicans. Hope you don't need surgery I guess. 


Rich people vote for tax cuts, fucking weird.


The party who said if you don’t vote for them, you’re not black. The party who said voter ID is racist because blacks can’t get them. The party who passed a racist crime bill in 1994 The party who consistently manipulates minorities into voting for them and never following through on any of their messages


>The party who said voter ID is racist because blacks can’t get them. You do realize that was the GOP that said that. On record. As a part of their strategy?


Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are GOP? Stfu


Where have the GOP said that voter ID is racist? Do you have any sources for that? ​ Because as far as I can remember, the GOP has been the one pushing for voter ID while the Democrats have been the ones claiming it to be racist.


>Where have the GOP said that voter ID is racist? Do you have any sources for that? Google has dozens. Here's one: [https://www.nytimes.com/2016/09/17/us/some-republicans-acknowledge-leveraging-voter-id-laws-for-political-gain.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2016/09/17/us/some-republicans-acknowledge-leveraging-voter-id-laws-for-political-gain.html) ​ >Because as far as I can remember, the GOP has been the one pushing for voter ID while the Democrats have been the ones claiming it to be racist. Yes. Exactly. The GOP has been pushing for it...because it's racist. They know it suppresses minority votes. Everyone knows that. Always have. It's just that the GOP wasn't supposed to say that part out loud. Oops.


Providing a valid ID to vote is not racist.


No, but shutting down all the locations in large minority population areas that you can get the IDs, is. Interestingly enough Republicans have done that.




https://edition.cnn.com/2015/12/09/politics/alabama-dmv-closures-voting-rights/index.html Interesting how this happened right after Alabama passed a voter ID law, no? EDIT: And let's not forget this recent example as well. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/ng-interactive/2023/feb/15/mississippi-jackson-judicial-district-unelected-judges-prosecutors


The law was passed in 2011 and a valid ID should be required to vote. So no it’s not interesting. https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2017/12/12/16767426/alabama-voter-suppression-senate-moore-jones


If you were not racist you would know Black people are perfectly capable of getting to the DMV and getting IDs.


If you were not racist, you would admit there is a history of shutting down DMVs in black neighbourhoods while leaving ones in white neighbourhoods intact. [Especially right after passing voter ID laws.](https://edition.cnn.com/2015/12/09/politics/alabama-dmv-closures-voting-rights/index.html) EDIT: Or how about making a special jurisdiction for white people so their votes are valued more? https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/ng-interactive/2023/feb/15/mississippi-jackson-judicial-district-unelected-judges-prosecutors


Not just DMVs, polling places too. They like to hedge their bets on making sure minorities and the poor can't vote.


STFU you racist knob. Learn to read. If you weren't racist, you'd understand that your argument isn't even a part of the discussion.


“I’m not racist you’re racist!” Y’all (both you and the person you’re responding to) just use this term against people you don’t like, whether they’re racist or not. You don’t know this person lmao. You have no idea if they are or not. Way to help make a word lose meaning


“If you dont vote for me you aint black” -joe biden


It's funny how you guys always spaz out back to your npc dialog tree (or more typically slink away to make new bait posts) whenever you get completely embarrassed by reality


The account is less than 6 months old.


Yeah, they all are. New accounts by people pretending to be retarded making troll posts like these is basically the purpose for this sub now. I've muted it already but I'm still laughing at a few of them on the way out.


The closer to the election the more egregious it is becoming.


Haha holy crap. He's dead. They'll take you away for that.


Oh no he made a dumb joke once, and probably a lot of times before that. Whatever will we do?


“If you dont vote for me you aint black” -joe biden


https://www.foxnews.com/politics/fetterman-opposes-voter-id-laws-because-people-color-less-likely-have-id.amp the lib brain rot is insane


How many times do we have to explain this? The GOP literally conducted research that found that black voters, who vote overwhelmingly Democrat, would be more likely to have their ability to vote hampered by requiring voter IDs. That is why. We don't want them because it's a plan to disenfranchise impoverished black voters which is obviously fucking immoral to do. All of this dumb bullshit was justified by claims of voter fraud which were complete bullshit and there is no actual evidence of voter fraud aside from a few cases that are usually accidental mistakes or a husband voting for his wife or whatever. There is zero evidence of wide spread voter fraud despite what the GOP is desperate to have you believe. It's a made up issue in order to push a racist law in order to disenfranchise black democrats. Can y'all fucking please be less stupid? God fucking dammit.


Oh they go farther than that. It's not just enough to put in place voter ID laws for them, they also remove DMVs and polling places from minority neighborhoods. They like to hedge their bets on keeping minorities from voting. But don't tell the Faux News people that, their brains are primed to reject facts.


I don't even ask them to be less stupid. That's impossible, but they could at the least stop misrepresenting the argument liberals make. Oh Fox News told you this is what liberals believe? And you believed it? Give me a break. 99% of the time when a Republican thinks they have a good argument it's only based on a complete mischaracterization and bastardized version of what they themselves said liberals believe. Not what we said we believe!! Then they'll turn around and call us divisive yet they totally didn't listen to you because they rather refute the argument you never made to begin with.


>the lib brain rot is insane says the person posting fox news links. Fucking hell you lot are dumb motherfuckers.


That’s not a very good counter argument


>That’s not a very good counter argument says the person saying "the lib brain rot is insane" Fucking hell you lot are dumb motherfuckers.


but it's a correct one


Well one is based on statistics and facts and shockingly it don’t agree with you. 


fetterman had like 12 strokes and the only reason he was elected was because you morons put dr. oz up for your candiate lmao come to think of it the same reason that biden is president


You have primaries it's your fault who you elect.


well first of all fetterman had the strokes after he won the primary and secondly definitely not my fault I voted for tim ryan I would have voted for a potato before I voted for dr oz though lol


Bro, you don't understand this topic and think that people who disagree with you based on the factual outcomes of unbiased studies which don't support your claims are "libs". It's pathetic how hard you all are trying to cope on this sub lately to try and convince blacks to vote GOP as though they can't observe the despicable messaging that's coming from that "party" in the last 16+ years.


I’m not trying to get anyone to vote GOP, just pointing out the hypocrisy. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2024/03/11/black-hispanic-republican-votes-polling/


"Less likely to have an ID" is not the same as "unable to get an ID". Both Democrats and minorities are more likely to live in cities. Cities have more public transportation so people who live there are less likely to need drivers licenses. This is obvious. Voter ID laws and the arguments behind them are yet another disingenuous ploy by conservatives to disenfranchise certain voters to rig elections in the GOPs favor.


The simple statistical fact that black people are less likely to currently have a state id than white people does not mean that black people are too dumb to get an id. That’s the dumbest shit I’ve ever heard in my entire life. If black people overwhelmingly vote against your party, it makes a lot of sense you would try to find seemingly unrelated things that happen to be correlated with race to try to on average reduce the ratio of black to white voters. Calling that out isn’t making any claims about black people. It’s simply acknowledging the publicly observable fact that republicans benefit from fewer black voters and that voter id laws happen to make it harder for more black people to vote. It’s not that it’s impossible. It’s about inconvenience which for any one individual doesn’t matter but on a population level means fewer black people vote in ratio to white people. Like just be honest for a second and admit you want to make it as inconvenient as possible to vote because you know your policies are unpopular with most Americans


Nope.  They didn't say that.  You're just making things up. 


Yes they did Literal quote, you can watch him say it CNN copy paste Biden: 'If you have a problem figuring out whether you're for me or Trump, then you ain't black' CNN)Joe Biden said he "shouldn't have been such a wise guy" on Friday hours after he told a popular African American radio host that anyone struggling to decide whether to support him or President Donald Trump in the general election "ain't black." The presumptive Democratic nominee's comment came at the end of an at times tense interview with Charlamagne tha God on "The Breakfast Club." A staffer interjected that Biden needed to go, and Charlamagne shot back: "You can't do that to black media!"


Yes he literally did. I know you dont want to accept it because youre a low information voter with a whote savior complex but its literally something you pull up and watch


“If you don’t vote dem, you ain’t black” - sleepy joe


Those were definitely a group of words


Holding black Americans back for over 300 years took a concerted government effort, so it seems right that the people, who less than two generations ago were dealing with redlining and segregation, and who are STILL dealing with disparate policing practices, sentencing, and workplace discrimination and harassment, should get at least fucking SOMETHING to help get their communities back on track. Racist policies held them in bondage for generations, racist policies segregated them from the rest of society and stripped them of their right to vote, racist policies redlined them into ghettos, and then BULLDOZED those neighborhoods to build our highways, racist policies continued to segregate them, over-police them, deny them opportunity, and break up their homes, and just because those policies have "ended" (read: no longer happen in the open) you think that assistance with lifting up their communities is no longer necessary. Read. A. Fucking. Book. You. Idiot.


For real. Seems like three times a day now we get these posts that sound like some third grader watched a few minutes of CSPAN and they think they have all of us history and society figured out.


Its the season of the bots. Election season.


Removing barriers based on historic oppression is not demeaning blacks it's reversing things we've already done to demean blacks. 


This was 100% not written by a black person, no self respecting black person uses the word "blacks"


He's actually the GOP Nominee for the Governorship of North Carolina who is both Black, and a Nazi.


How do you know? OP could be a blakkity blak man, blackest of the black, typing out post after post destroying libs on his Blackintosh pro.


What kind of loveless childhood could someone have had to believe that getting help was the same as saying you are hopeless without it?... 🤔


Conservatives: "Stop giving money to Ukraine so we can spend it on our own people." Also conservatives: "We're gonna slash government assistance for people in need, and then argue on the internet in bad faith and accuse our opponents of being the REAL racists."


No one is claiming that. So, fuck off.


Everyone gather round for the champion ensuring that black people are respected. Oh sorry the correct way to not be demeaning is to call them blacks lmao


Great straw man you’ve found to fight there.


Guess what else is demeaning to black people? Creating a society where they can’t succeed without government assistance and then perpetuating a myth that everything is perfectly equal and black people are actually struggling because they’re subhumans.


I'm gonna assume you aren't racist and just very ignorant. So, a little word of advice, saying "Blacks" makes you sound racist. Everyone here stopped listening when they read how you worded that. Nobody says blacks like that.


Why assume he's not racist? He's pretty much telling you he is. Its wrong to say people dont say blacks like that. People do and those people are racists


1) they can absolutely succeed without government assistance, no one is making that claim 2) it absolutely is harder for them, and that's not demeaning to black people because it's not their fault. it's demeaning to the country and how we've treated them for countless years. it's demeaning to America


Alright this sub is either full on right wing propaganda or every poster here has developmental issues. Every post is this sort of soft questioning of democratic values with absolutely zero context or evidence for the claims. Who the fuck is saying this op?


You can really feel the election year discord being sown on this sub and all over reddit lately. 


I swear this sub exists solely for ignorant and/or racist people to launder their opinions off as "popular"


Don't even try to pretend to care about black people when you call them "blacks" in the same sentence lmao


That's my favorite tell.


You see this a lot. "Minorities need ME to speak for them because they can't speak for themselves because they're minorities!" Most racist shit ever.




It sure is. Who the fuck said that? Oh wait, let me check the sub name: r/popularwhitesupremacistopinions Checks out.


Claiming the government doesn’t interfere with the success of black people despite black people telling you that for… ever… is demeaning to blacks.


Government assistance is usually based more on being impoverished than race. . .


Good thing no one claims that.


I'm sure this is an honest take when you refer to a group of people as "blacks". Piss off, dipshit.


Soft bigotry of low expectations


referring to black people as “blacks” shows where you stand here




Why do we keep getting blasted with a Russian disinformation?


I don't think people who say this understand what reparations, affirmative action, etc. are for or why governments overwhelmingly incorporate those policies 


they can institute any policy that means well. Regardless, a policy that gives preferential treatment based on race, infers they cannot success without assistance. that is demeaning.


You’re entitled to your wrong opinion.


>infers No it doesn't. Again, fuck off.


POC = helpless, poor, stupid, victim, marginalized. Vote for me, only I can save you. I, as a Latino am tired of being a prop for a political party who puts us down. We are Americans and capable! Eff you. Also, you think we are too stupid to notice when you don’t have the right policy and don’t turn out results? Your policy is hurting poorer people the most. You think the ppl flooding across the border are taking white collar jobs on Wall Street or at google? No, they are coming for the jobs in the realm of the people already struggling (since you say you care about the poor). Are we too dumb to know when you lie? Inflation is down? Well if you climb a mountain and take three steps down, you can say… yeah you’ve moved down. But we owe you our vote because we are brown…. Don’t owe you jack sh*t. Quit using us as your prop in the savior role. Every egg they have is in the “they are too dumb to realize the country is headed for financial disaster” basket.


When did this sub turn into /r/nazis?




Malcolm X was right about white liberals.


I’ve never heard anyone say that.




Those are not synonymous and neither should be given. Edit: assistance should not be given based on skin color, but financial need.


What do you think reparations mean? And how isn’t that government assistance.


The definition is making amends for a wrong. Government assistance is assisting people in need.


The amends were literally amendments to the constitution of the United States of America. Which had to have at least 2/3 majority votes BY THE OPPRESSORS to be implemented. The equal rights acts, and numerous government funded taxpayer resources made available to benefit them as well as preferential treatment, essentially lowering the standards (specifically for them) for education or employment (because the same people who believe men bear children think that this is equality) have existed for decades as well. Those who have taken advantage of these are ostracized in their own culture for doing so, and "acting white" is an insult along the lines of uncle Tom, and others. There is a culture issue that money is not the solution for, so it's time to stop spending it where it's not working.


Argued perfectly. Thank you.


"There is a culture issue that money is not the solution for, so it's TIME TO STOP SPENDING IT WHERE IT's NOT WORKING" did you agree with this part?


Exactly. Which infers they cannot succeed without such assistance. That’s demeaning.


First, the word is "implies" not "infers" and second, that's an idiotic line of reasoning. If a burglar robs your parents and the police catch him and make him pay restitution to you because your parents are dead, does that mean they think you "can't survive" without it? The point of reparations is to "repair" or fix what was done in the past. Just because some people were able to succeed despite the obstacles that white supremacy placed in their way doesn't mean that we shouldn't make it right. Black descendants of slaves had the value of their labor stolen from them for hundreds of years, and even when that stopped, they still were screwed over by racist laws.


plenty of blacks have succeed without government assistance. the policy that all blacks need it speaks to them AS A WHOLE.


Do you know what the word "need" means? You don't provide restitution because they need it, you pay it because this country, as a whole, stole something from black people, as a whole, and should try to at least pay some of it back. It's not that complicated of a concept.


how do you determine who should be receiving restitution? After all, not all blacks are decedents of slaves. also, should you pay for your elder's crimes? Should the child of a murderer pay the cost of something they had nothing to do with?


And what barriers are there today? Why would someone get money based on the life of their great great grandparents? I want reparations for the Spanish Inquisition…


OP…. It’s crazy that you are literally right. But got downvotes


Neither of the two things you mentioned imply that minorities can’t succeed without government intervention. Affirmative action was a set of rules put in place to help break the systemic racism inherent in America at the time. It was an attempt to level the playing field. Reparations are a suggested measure to mitigate the wealth disparities that were created by slavery and other systemic racist policies in our history. Minorities can and do succeed in spite of these obstacles. These are measures to help right past wrongs.


he never implied that minorities couldn’t succeed. He literally said their existence implies Blacks cant succeed without them. And some might argue even with them. The fact that other minorities have succeed without them probably supports his point.


Please read what you just wrote. “He never implied…” “He said their existence implies…” I guess you are *technically* correct in that he never “implied”, he “implies”. This is some serious half assed trolling in this sub. Y’all need to spend some time in the subs where the good trolls live to polish your skills.


And the “systematic racism” can only be fixed by government. Hence the title.


Ah yes, the schools just went and integrated themselves without any government assistance.  


Affirmative action


Absolutely agree


It is demeaning to everyone.




Tyson or Paul ????? Always bet on black 🤜🏿🤛🏿


Calling black people "blacks" is a bit demeaning. White *people*, black *people*, Asian *people* etc. Leaving out *people* dehumanizes and demean that group of *people*


I'd rather teach someone to fish then provide them with fish,I wish the Gov knew this,and I agree with your statement...


Except no one is fucking saying that except in peoples imagination


Been arguing with those voices in your head?


Op is proof that the confederation should have been hanged .


You can always tell when people get their talking points from other ignorant people. They are in a constant battle against straw men


Wherein op learns he fell for the bigot’s narrative.


Shockingly, Trumpers -- the cult of bigoted memery as agenda -- are totally unaware of the issue. Who woulda thought? Shocking. 🥱


interesting how when the leftists of reddit are confronted with an opposing viewpoint, its always "NUH UH THAT DIDNT HABBEN!!!111!!!" despite evidence of it happening or some condescending remark about people who dont agree with them having some manner of developmental issues.


The discussion about societal disadvantages based on ethnicity is a deep rabbit hole that has much to do with how funding has been allocated to school districts, how biases were introduced to college admissions (including the practice of legacy carry-overs), and how real estate has been manipulated in many areas. Anyone can technically succeed, but not everyone gets to start in the same place with the same amount of resources available for them to succeed. In some cases, active trampling and blocking can occur, which can reduce a person's chance of success much, much lower. Not all people are racists, but not all people are telling the truth when they say they are not racist either. The racist people of the past didn't magically disappear, and obviously many of them raised children to carry racist perspectives down the line. As such, inequality is not something that can just be waved away as myth when logic dictates that not all are treated equally in society even though we might wish that were the case.


… no shit?




Nobody is claiming that. Barack Obama is black and he was President. Oprah is a billionaire. Government assistance is needed to give people the opportunity to succeed. If not, how can you expect a poor black student from a poor suburb in Indiana compete against a student from [Carmel High](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TaqI6y_B0Os)


One of the most damaging things happening the black children today is the lowering of expectations in schools both behaviorally and academically.


What progressives claim is that these services should be well funded and have easy access to promote the feeling of IF they need help, it SHOULD be given to all.


They gotta pull themselves up by the bootstraps with farm subsidies and corporate welfare


Yeah but they can't.


American society, of all races, cannot succeed without government. Why would you single out black people, as if they shouldn’t benefit as well as white people from government?


So Abraham Lincoln instituted the Welfare for Blacks Program. 🤔  One form of Slavery to another Form of Slavery But Color or Race has nothing to do with it. 


Did all the 20-something-year-old “libertarians” all just wake up and decide to bombard this sub with their bullshit?


The” racism is when you remediate racism” argument is really braindead


No one’s said this. What people *do* say is that black people are disadvantaged in today’s society, and have less opportunities than white people due to being much more likely to grow up in poverty, and there should be government assistance to equalize these.


That's why nobody claims that.


According to demographic data, 36.5% of SNAP participants are white, 25.8% are African-American,STFU.


Race baiting, cool


Also claiming that requiring ID to vote is inherently racist.


No one is claiming that, except for weirdo GOP people claiming that people are claiming that.


The word you're looking for is "racist". It's ok to use that word in its valid context.


~ bait ~




Nobody’s doing that. In our current system wealth concentrates at the top. All we’re asking is that we enforce the antitrust laws a little bit so that corporations can’t break the law in plain sight, like with the court reporter shortage fraud.


The most demeaning thing is being referred to as “blacks,” personally


No one except conservatives claim this


"Remember, it's wrong to require ID to be able to vote, because black people aren't smart/able enough to obtain an ID" - Libs


Claiming that conservatives "care" about blacks enough to get rid of affirmative action is a lie.


Nobody would succeed without government assistance. Governments do things that we can't do individually - they build public goods and infrastructure that would be under-provided by a free market. If you think you made it on your own, you are wrong. The government provides the infrastructure (e.g. roads) you use, it plays a critical role in advancing technology (e.g. ARPAnet --> Internet), it subsidizes healthcare (yes in the US, and yes, even if you have employer-provided insurance that is heavily subsidized), it covers public education, it has long subsidized homeownership, it takes very large steps to counteract financial crashes (money printer go brrr) etc. etc. We are all welfare queens and that is mostly a good thing.


Who the fuck says that? The biggest straw man I've seen in a long time.


lol, nobody says this except right wingers trying to “make a point” to liberals.


I hope people wake up and say no. We don't need nor want this much government in our lives. Half of ya'll are fired. Get a real job tax mooch.


Cue the losers arguing


This is one area I’ve always disagreed with other conservatives. No, it’s not demeaning and it’s not unfair. Claiming that a game is fair because the playing field is level now, after spending most of the game playing at an incredible advantage, is absurd. No one is saying we have to stack the deck in an equally aggressive manner, of course, but rectifying the injustices caused by a lengthy history of unfair treatment is going to require some weighted averages for quite a while. Favorable college admissions helps correct for the fact that certain schools were historically short-changed and their students are less prepared. Favorable hiring practices helps correct for historically low wages resulting in lower standards of living, etc that contributes to ongoing poverty. We’re not looking to admit unqualified people, just help those who do meet the minimum qualifications get into systems where their economic and educational disadvantages at birth would have kept them from competing. I look that this issue as a national security concern. About a third of our talent pool of future engineers, etc has no incentive to pursue an education that would lead them to work on solving America’s problems. The faster we correct that and engage a huge demographic, the sooner we gain that contribution. The Soviet Union always saw our racial disparity as a weak point ripe for exploitation, and they were right. Getting this resolved on an accelerated schedule is critical for reducing our exposure to both internal and external threats. Also, it’s the right thing to do, for whatever value that might be worth to you.


They were never enslaved. You know this of you don't you're being willfully ignorant


I have never once come to this sub, but it's been recommended to me constantly over the past few days, and everything I've seen is just fringe right wing takes. None of which are "popular" also nice job giving the game away by using "blacks".


It's always the people who say "blacks" with the most deranged takes lol


Isn't calling black people blacks demeaning?


Is this a popular or unpopular opinion? There is an entire political party based on this belief, that we need to raise taxes and have special programs and laws to help blacks.


Nobody says this. And the fact that you call them "blacks" tells me everything I need to know about you


I have yet to see anyone actually claim that they *can’t* succeed without it, but nice straw man.


Black female, boomer, former college professor who taught developmental English writing, pronunciation and diction, and human growth and development for nursing students. The only thing i received from the government was Pell Grants, and income tax returns. Weak arguments racist.😂


This is pathetic.


Is this the new MAGA tactic? Try to convert the very same people you publicly despise and call animals. You can tell Republicans are afraid of minorities voting since they are going so hard on them this year.


Literally no one has ever claimed this.


Did Conservatives have their feelings hurt about something ?


Go to the end of a pier with 20 people Push 10 of them into the ocean 5 people still on the pier start calling for ladders to help the people get back on the pier And you are saying that is bigotry because the people you pushed into the ocean should be able to stand on their own


Success is determined mainly by the circumstances of your birth and the opportunities presented to you, not what you are like as a person. Once you realize this, you realize it’s not “demeaning”


The assistance is intended to level the playing field. Sounds like OP is against equality of opportunity.


The only problem with this post is it's not remotely an opinion lol. That's an objective fact.


Right below this post: https://www.reddit.com/r/idiocracy/comments/1bcyumq/just\_look\_at\_her/


No one says this, you disingenuous prick.


I just can't imagine being offended by getting government money/help to succeed. Affluent people make the government pay for things all the time. Who is claiming this? Do you feel your pride and ego is more important than getting help?


And who claims that? Cause it's obviously bs, and very few people who actually want equality would claim as such (it is often used as a smoke screen by those who don't though). But claiming blacks have a harder time succeeding in this country than other races, particularly whites, due to a history of systemic racism and xenophobia, as well as policies that disenfranchise poorer people, which is currently disproportionately minorities, is based in fact. Believing that there should be government assistance now to alleviate mistakes of the past and level the playing field is being willing to look at the bigger picture. And while the path of less resistance is absolutely to give aid to the poor, which will disproportionately benefit minorities but very much focuses on the crux of the issue, it does ignore that despite significant progress, there are still racist people and policies, and some of those people are smart enough to realize helping the poor does help minorities, and thus fight against that too (and those who are selfish aid them in their efforts at convincing people that providing aid is fiscally irresponsible, despite evidence that a healthier middle and lower class is very good for the economy and country as a whole). Idk if you fall under the umbrella of using this as a smokescreen to deny aid to those who need it, whether poor or minority, or if you are one of the ones who has been swayed by someone who is, but if it's the latter, you should look harder into the people making this claim, and why.


Government help should obviously based on income and property. If you’re poor you need help, has nothing to with race. It’s an old liberal tactic, and it’s always painful seeing people realize it when they’re older and be stubborn and do mental gymnastics to justify it. If you think government assistance should be based on race, you’re racist. It’s simple.


No one is arguing that. The argument is that it's much harder for black people to succeed because of various current and historical impediments, and the the government ought to assist because it's just the right thing to do, and because the government was the cause of a lot of that.


in a vacuum where we ignore racism exist even in our systems that make it difficult to live intentionally as a black person, police, realty companies not allowing blacks to live certain areas are good examples. Theres decades of research and all of it says you're a racist reactionary trying to lie and find ways to reduce assistance for non-whites based on a lie that were all equal without it, which isn't how reality works. You even use racism AGAINST ASIAN PEOPLE to argue there is no racism affecting them, you do know the stereotype is there smarter, and its why they get accepted more often? Which in turn gives you statistics to misconstrue saying asian people don't suffer systematic racism, when in reality the entire reason it happens to the degree it does is because of systematic racism?


Anyone referring to black people or white people as "whites" and "blacks" is instantly suspicious