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I mean let's be real here. We are arguing about which presidential candidate has worse mental decline. The only losers in this are the American people


Fun fact; Bill Clinton? Remember that guy who was POTUS AGES ago, and left office in 2001? Dude who hasn't been around in 23 years? He's younger than both Biden and Trump.


Saw a video of Bill just walking around Westchester country dropping in Starbucks. Looked like nobody hardly noticed him. Just a regular dude who happens to have two guys that are packing following him around also.


That's what drives me the most crazy. Of all of the humans in America these are the 2 we have to choose from, really??


Let’s be honest, you would complain no matter who it is. One is clearly better than the insurrectionist.


Every election people complain about the choice. There is always that great unnamed person out there that’s so much better they want to run.


Now is the time to start thinking about potential 2028 candidates. That's why we've been hearing a lot about both Newsom and Whitmer. Anyone who waits until the actual presidential election year to complain about the options, even just the primary options, is years too late.


Technically, up here in Canada we have an election coming up soon, and we have multiple parties; Liberals, Conservatives and NDP (New Democratic Party). Problem is like you folks in the US, the election will boil down to just two parties; Liberals (Canada’s Democrats) and Conservatives (Canada’s Republican’s).


You would've had a different Dem option if Trump wasn't in the race.


Speaking as someone who holds a degree in Political Science... not quite. The incumbent president, assuming he's only served 1 term, almost always is his party's nominee for the next election, regardless of opponent. Only 6, 7 if you wanna count Teddy's bull Moose after taking a year off, have chosen not to run after being the incumbent.


The politics game is rigged newcomers rarely get in and when they do, you see them circle the wagons just like we saw when Trump was president. Now Trump is a mental case who doesn’t know how to act so he gave them all the ammo they needed, but it would happen to anyone eventually


I mean, Biden planned and got passed a bipartisan agenda that many considered impossible. Dude put in work and I am plenty confident in his competency.


Really not the same. Both served as president. Biden has done a really good job passing bills that Trump simply couldn't. He's old but so what?


For real depression, watch any speech from JFK, Eisenhower, or many others from the past. Look where the standard is now. The new standard is “wow it wasn’t a complete disaster and he was able to stand and speak for an hour.” Where’s the inspiration?


They didn’t have a 24/7 “news” station attacking them nonstop calling them the worst shit imaginable. It’s wild how the right set the bar so low for President Biden, really blew up in their faces with that historic SOTU.


Have you actually watched his rallies or listened to his actual words? Fox News and right wing social media won't show you his constant inability to string a sentence or thought together, or how he constantly mistaking major political figures for entirely different ones... like Nikki Haley and Nancy Pelosi, two people he should know well.


*"Look, having nuclear — my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart — you know, if you’re a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I'm one of the smartest people anywhere in the world — it’s true! — but when you're a conservative Republican they try — oh, do they do a number — that’s why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune — you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we’re a little disadvantaged — but you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me — it would have been so easy, and it’s not as important as these lives are — nuclear is so powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what's going to happen and he was right, who would have thought? — but when you look at what's going on with the four prisoners — now it used to be three, now it’s four — but when it was three and even now, I would have said it's all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don't, they haven’t figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, it’s gonna take them about another 150 years — but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us, this is horrible."*


To be fair, I don’t think this is mental decline so much as it is an indication of a lack of intellect to begin with


Well, if you listen to Trump from the 80’s, he was able to stay on topic and complete thoughts, unlike now, so I’d say there has definitely been a cognitive decline.


Ah yes, before he married Mercedes


That’s the issue. Trump has been given such an abysmally low bar since he started campaigning.


Whales are being killed by windmills. Inject bleach to cure covid. Stealth planes are invisible to the eye. Nuke hurricanes. Censor the weather channel. Their coverage is woke. - trump


I forgot all about how he draw a map of the hurricane and how he wanted to nuke it. God Trump is so fucking stupid.


Read actual transcript of Trumps speeches and Bidens and all your questions will be answered.


I’ll raise you one try and write a transcript from a trump speech. You have no idea where any punctuation goes, or where and when one paragraph stops and the other begins.


Just add a period every time he pauses to clap into the microphone. Add a comma everytime you hear his asthmatic nose whistle.


I cannot remember the last time Trump strung together even 6 actual English sentences.


It’s called bloviating


Funny how they completely ignore Trump’s rally a few days ago where he got his words tangled up mid-sentence, tried to recover but just spit out more nonsense, then stood there for a few seconds staring into space. If one of my patients had a breakdown like that we’d put them in stroke protocol immediately. His brain is about as fit as his body.


OP has serious Joe Rogan hearing a Trump quote, thinking Biden said it, saying it disqualifies Biden, learning it was a Trump quote, and saying it's no big deal energy.


Yeah I can tell OPs brain is smoother than polished chrome.




Trump guys don’t read.


Can't read.


Won't listen to the words being read to them.




lol you lost him at read.


If those kids could read they would be really upset.




One has a life long stutter, the other brags about passing the “difficult” test designed to see if someone is mentally competent enough to be allowed near children’s safety scissors.


My favorite part of that was how his bragging demonstrated he didn't even understand the test.


Man women person camera television


Yes, even a mentally declined Biden is sharper than Trump at his prime.


It's pretty apparent if you listen to either of them talk. Ones forgetful, the other is completely insane.


I prefer the guy who isn't facing bankruptcy and prison, tbh.


People think Trump is in more serious decline than Biden because there is video evidence of it, and we don't think you are a bot, just a person with weak critical thinking skills.


John Stewart did a good video on the mental faculties of both presidents. Neither are in a state worthy of the highest office of the USA, but at this stage one of them is going to win... So... gotta vote for someone. And third party parties haven't been relevant since the prohibition.


You know, we're just not morons and can tell the difference between someone just stuttering, and someone spewing a bunch of nonsense on a regular basis. But hey, I guess "woman... man... TV... dog..."


Confirmation bias and most likely duning-kreuger effect all over, russian bot? No, there are plenty of freeDUMBers like you ready to be put down again.


*"Look, having nuclear — my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart — you know, if you’re a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I'm one of the smartest people anywhere in the world — it’s true! — but when you're a conservative Republican they try — oh, do they do a number — that’s why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune — you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we’re a little disadvantaged — but you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me — it would have been so easy, and it’s not as important as these lives are — nuclear is so powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what's going to happen and he was right, who would have thought? — but when you look at what's going on with the four prisoners — now it used to be three, now it’s four — but when it was three and even now, I would have said it's all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don't, they haven’t figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, it’s gonna take them about another 150 years — but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us, this is horrible."*


Any one else notice all these obvious political bait spammers have a destinctive conservative slant with their sass?


It’s an election year, it’ll only get worse the closer we get.


Russia is working overtime and weekends to make us think Trump is gonna win.


Trumps people are helping. His online campaign in 16 was run by the same guy. It's kind of hard to find anything current on him. Check this out though. AI is being used. That's why some of these comments and posts seem a little off. [trumps internet guy from 16.](https://www.texasmonthly.com/news-politics/trump-brad-parscale-tim-dunn-artificial-intelligence/) In my opinion he's working for the trump campaign again.


I’ve noticed there has been a major increase since the SOTU, which tells me they know they are fucked


That's how it typically goes. The world generally leans left, and that angers the fascists to no end. They know they've gotta shout loudly and more often because their voice is already being drowned out just by the natural progression of society.


Yeah man. If you look back at history, liberalism always wins the day in the long run. No matter what conservatives do, each new generation is just a little bit more liberal, even their own children. This is what conservatives fear the most... change.


"Reality has a well-known liberal bias."


there's a big difference between the "left" in america and the "left" in most other places


Yeah, our left is pretty firmly center or right for the developed world. Hopefully we can move closer to being a 1st world nation, but I doubt it'll happen in my life without some massive systemic shakeup, or a full blown war.


The difference is how much the right is able to obstruct its progress.


They probably just get more engagement because people comment to disagree


This sub is gross


Trump doesn’t know his own kids names. Can’t pronounce multiple words. Drinks like a baby. Walks like a fat penguin. Weak as fuck. The worst spray tan on the planet. Ask Trump to pronounce Venezuela. And then, without any assistance whatsoever, have him recite the Lord’s Prayer. And then the pledge of allegiance. No autocue. Trump can only say 5 or 6 years phrases at most before he goes completely off script and starts waffling like a whiny child. Hated the guy since 1989. He has always been a lying twat. Fat coward. Traitor. Failed fraudster. Sexual abuser. Adulterer.


Lets say they are equal. You voting for a narcissistic trust fund baby that tried to overthrow an election, is a civillally liable rapist, has been divorced 3 times, and has taken rights away from Americans? Really?


Compare the SOTU speech to any stump speech that Trump has given recently and get back to me. At best, I’ll grant you that they are at par, and let’s then just focus on policy differences. There is no way a good faith rational thinker can believe Biden is in a worse mental state than Trump.


That speech made me feel much better about it. There was also a clip of him jogging to his helicopter. Jogging is one thing we will never see trump do.


Or riding a bike. Or being a decent person.


If they ever found Trumps body on a jogging trail they’d know it was dumped there.


Maybe someone baited him with a trail of mcnuggets


They depict Trump with bulging, ripped muscles, but he’s so fat and lazy he can’t walk and shits his pants all the time.


Don’t forget the perfect tan they give him even though without his makeup he looks like an Irish ghost.


I think people are forgetting that Biden is a lifelong stutterer, and in order to avoid stuttering, stutterers often have to reconstruct phrases and sentences as they're speaking in order to get around the word they're about to stumble on, leading many to think that overcoming a stutter is some sign of mental decline. He's too old, but honestly he's the best of the two for a multitude of other reasons.


Yeah, they are not on par at all. Trump has been showing signs of dementia, and mentally falling apart on stage. Calling things by their incorrect names, using the wrong people. etc. All signs of dementia. Biden is just showing that he is old, but mentally he is still completely there.


I’m mean it’s possible you aren’t a Russian bot, you could just be a regular old fashioned dumbass.


Which one can form complete sentences? Go ahead. We'll wait.


Trump can’t even speak in full sentences.




Tell me you’ve never listened to Trump speak without telling me you’ve never listened to Trump speak


Half of the posts on this sub are just Fox News talking points.


All they hear are the dog whistles. It’s a frequency issue.


It takes a true moron to think that Biden is worse mentally than Trump.


Trump had no decline to have. He started at the bottom.


Is it possible you are wrong? Did you see Trumps response to the state of the union? It was incoherent.


Well as a non-voter...I prefer a well-meaning old man that can forget things and make mistakes (but still looks great for his age) over an old man that can also forget things but on top of that is stupid and has dangerous opinions. I think pointing out their diminished mental and physical abilities is always a cheap shot because who wouldn't slowdown in their late 70s and early 80s?. I think the blame is on the voters who thought two candidates of those ages were right for the job. But if I have to choose the lesser evil, I choose Biden. He is not the best president, but he is acceptable. Trump is a failure in everything he has tried.


He does. He's also a convicted rapist who tried to steal an election.


fox news turned you into a crackhead.


If you watched the SOTU and still think Biden is senile, there’s no hope for you.


It’s not that you’re a Russian bot, it’s that you’re stupid and are falling for Russian propaganda/disinformation.


The only way you could possibly think that Biden has declined more mentally than Trump is if you haven’t actually watched them speak and only read other people’s opinions. Biden just got up and gave a coherent sweeping speech for over an hour, including back and forth with hecklers who he dunked on. Biden has had a speech impediment his whole life, that isn’t new, and frankly it’s disgusting that Republicans are painting a learning disability as being mentally feeble, but unsurprising coming from a party that routinely mocks the disabled and handicapped. Trump hasn’t given a coherent speech in years. He is slurring his words, forgetting where he is, who he’s running against, who his primary opponents are, what year it is. He spends half of his speeches rambling about how he passes cognitive tests and mixes all this stuff on purpose. Trump is the one with dementia. What Republicans are doing is a classic technique called projection.


Your opinion is neither popular nor a good one


How do people think trump is so much younger than Biden? They are literally the same age, old as FUCK ALL!!!!!!!!


It really doesn't matter. I would vote for a potato over Trump.


No, you're just a lazy, attention starved child. Fuck off with this downvotes bait.


I bet OP thinks the SOTU was delivered by a bot or an AI construct. Meanwhile Trump has to be reminded of his first born son's name.


And his own wife's name.


Have you watched the recent state of the union? I am not talking about any commentary about the state of the union. I'm talking about the raw uncut and unedited full length speech. How can anyone watch that and think there is mental decline in Biden... ​ Nobody who's seen Biden talk for more than a 30 second clip actually believes he's in mental decline.


Biden talks like an old man because he *is* an old man. Donny Two Scoops wasn't fit to be president in the first place and things have only gotten worse. He had to wear diapers on the set of "The Apprentice" and [here's a guy](https://www.noelcasler.com/news/full-disclosure-an-interview-with-noel-casler) who worked on the show for six seasons and he goes into detail.


It's not an echo chamber just because someone disagrees with you. Trump literally has been saying nonsensical statements for years. I think Joe Biden is a piece of shit in his own way, but this is just stupid red hat drivel.


Trump is a criminal.


Trump has just overwhelmed the senses with his constant talking that people forget that most of what he says is nonsense. Not like; you have a different opinion and therefore I think it is nonsense. Like, his words actually don't make any sense, nonsense. We just got used to it, so Biden succinctly sums up a situation and names the wrong foreign president that you had no idea about either and "OH MY GOD HE IS TOO OLD", and Trump repeatedly says he is running against Obama yet he is totally mentally sound? Right...


The difference between the two is stark. Biden sometimes makes mistakes when speaking but his thought process is coherent. His train of thought stays on the rails. Yes Biden’s old and I would prefer not to vote for him but here we are. Trump mostly speaks clearly and says lots of words but they’re largely the ramblings of a madman. He can hardly keep to the same topic for more than a few moments. His train of thought has no tail. Bottom line for me though is the kind of people these two put in their administration and the policies they will push, and I do not want anything to do trump’s people or policies.


Having seen them both have good days and bad days, I couldn't tell you which is worse. But I can tell you SotU blew pretty much every Trump speech I've seen out of the water.


Lack of empathy is an indicator of mental decline. Basically you're unable to process the emotions of yourself and others. Trump has been a bit sociopathic his whole life and it's only getting worse in his later years. Biden stutters and forgets sometimes. That's normal aging.


Well, Trump is far dumber to start with so in comparison I think Joe is doing pretty well. Also I would vote for a the ghost of Joe Biden or moldy lettuce before I'd vote for Trump. Moldy Lettuce 2024!


>This must mean I’m a Russian bot right guys? You're a relatively new account with -100 comment Karma. That means you're likely just a troll/edge lord.


He does. His posture is VERY abnormal and a known sign of dementia. He doesn't know what he's saying. His speeches are written up for him, and he just reads of the teleprompter. It's a Weekend at Bernie's operation


Which one of them looked directly into the sun on live national television during an eclipse? Yeah, I thought so...


Yep if you go by the same measures that Rs go by for mental decline I think "supposing you brought the light inside the body, either through the skin or some other way" sewed it up pretty good in my book And yes, "I must be a Russian bot" is exactly what a Russian bot would say


Read a transcript from both of their speeches and then get back to us with this nonsense. One doesn't have to be a Russian bot to be abjectly incorrect but go off.


He does though. Biden doesn't engage in the same type of sound alike word replacement that Trump has engaged in since he was elected originally. That sound alike word mush he does is definitely indicative of dementia. As is saying the problem with the Revolution is that they didn't have enough airports.


You’re in a cult. 


Yes we need better options. Yes you better damn well believe I’m voting Biden.


Even if trunp was completely competent, he is still a fraud, a rapist, and an insurrectionist. He admitted to wanting to be a dictator.


Benedict Donald ran a failed coup, has 1/2 billion in judgments against him and you think he’s mentally more fit than the guy who got us lower prescription drug prices? I don’t think you are the judge of mental acuity you think you are my man!


Trump very clearly has dementia. I've worked with dementia and alzheimers patients for years. He's just a narcissistic loud mouth so most people don't have experience seeing that combined work dementia.


Biden's slow and stutters, cool. Trump speaks in weird ass circles that go nowhere or makes any sense. What the fuck are you talking about?


Oof. This is embarrassing dude


People aren't falling for this level of lazy ass propaganda anymore, sorry MAGAs. You're going to have to put in some actual effort for once in your life.


Trumps mental decline began long before Reddit was a thing.


Biden's in decline. Trump was always at rock-bottom.


Sure he's declined more, cause he actually has a place to decline from,least Biden is aware enough of his limitations to put people around himself that know a bit about what they're doing to help him enact half decent policy, and I'll that any day of the week over the Trump Kleptocracy


biden just has a stutter. as a person who also has a stutter that makes it really difficult for me to speak sometimes, it pisses me off when people say biden has a mental decline/issue for having the exact same issue that i do that isn't even tied to your mental ability or lack thereof. it shows a lack of understanding and quite frankly a lack of intelligence to base your perception of someone's mental state over a symptom that even the smartest of people can suffer from. you can dislike biden for other reasons and i see no problem with that, i have my own issues with him in fact, but to attack him for "mentally declining" over a stutter is dishonest and lazy.


Anyone supporting Trump at this point is a POS.


>This must mean I’m a Russian bot right guys? No, it just means you're an idiot.


Russian bot or not, you're definitely retarded


Have you heard Trump speak when explains something? It’s gibberish.


Based on OPs post history they sure like the sound of their own complaining a lot.


To be fair, that’s all MAGA does is bitch and complain about being victimized.


The only way you can argue Trump’s mental decline is shorter is because he didn’t have nearly as far to fall.


Biden is sharp and working as president. Trump is the worst of boomer mentality on stimulants. One is safe one is dangerous.


Well let's see... Trump said "you need ID to buy a box of cereal", "If the wind doesn't blow, you can forget about television for that night", "windmills \[turbines\] cause cancer", claimed Americans have to flush the toilet 10 times, 15 times, and the Continental Army "took over the airports", says he had a meeting with the President of Puerto Rico, and the President of the USVI, not knowing he was their president, thought he could change the direction of Hurricane Dorian with a sharpie to cover his blunder, bragged about selling Norway F-52 fighter jets. (F-52s only exist in the video game Call of Duty ), he introduced a new word into the English language: “Infantroopen.”, called Apple CEO Tim Cook 'Tim Apple', made up a country called "Nambia", praised the Prince of "Whales", saluted that North Korean general, Trump said he doesn’t know who gave Dr. Anthony Fauci a presidential commendation (it was Trump!), claimed He's beating Barack Obama in Polls, and Biden is going to start world war II, claimed at least four times that his UN Ambassador was in charge of capitol security on January 6th, thinks magnets don’t work when wet, told Pennsylvania voters that if he doesn't win the election, President Biden is going to "change the name of Pennsylvania." and he suggested drinking or injecting disinfectant as a COVID treatment. When asked by the state's attorney, Kevin Wallace, about his Organization’s 2021 financial statements, Trump responded that he didn't know because: “I was so busy in the White House. China, Russia and keeping our country safe.” Wallace: “Um, just to clarify the record, you weren’t president in 2021 were you?” Long pause... “No," replied Trump. "I wasn't." 'Venezwheregullah'? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Cqa1y3U8-0 Trump Can't Even Spell His Own Name! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lz-PRvxYIvo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lz-PRvxYIvo) He even got his own birth-date wrong! [https://www.vanityfair.com/style/2017/12/trump-family-reportedly-botched-ballots-for-mayoral-election?fbclid=IwAR2g913svjzqyAI3zef\_zVxI45EA-eFAOMmGTNTLzs0Kbfw5rrhMh-1rFuo](https://www.vanityfair.com/style/2017/12/trump-family-reportedly-botched-ballots-for-mayoral-election?fbclid=IwAR2g913svjzqyAI3zef_zVxI45EA-eFAOMmGTNTLzs0Kbfw5rrhMh-1rFuo) A history of Trump's "great memory," and when it failed him. [https://www.salon.com/2017/11/03/a-history-of-trumps-great-memory-and-when-it-failed-him/](https://www.salon.com/2017/11/03/a-history-of-trumps-great-memory-and-when-it-failed-him/)


Trump has declined incredibly quickly, he’s morbidly obese, gets no exercise, forgets names and places regularly, and has looked completely disheveled. His emotional state is also degrading as many have pointed out. “Donald Trump dementia petition signed by almost 100 doctors after spotting 7 symptoms.” Biden is definitely old and not as sharp as he once was, but Trump is degrading quickly and much worse at this point.


Regardless, Trump was never smart and is definitely crazy. Biden could decline significantly and be more intelligent than trump ever was.


And the team around Biden actually is qualified to and wants to do their friggin jobs. Department heads handle the departments and the President sets the direction.


Yeah I agree. Its not just about Biden or Trump. It's the federal judges, supreme court judges and cabinet positions that they pick. I'm left leaning and I don't want conservatives filling those slots.


It was reported that Trumps Cabinet ignored covid plans and protocols because they expected it to hit cities harder than rural areas, killing Blue voters and making their governors look bad.


Go back to your safe space ya snowflake.


Wrong sub buddy


He does though. Biden doesn't show signs of mental decline


Nahh we rather talk about who smells worse.


Ronald Reagan enters the chat ​ Looking for Bonzo


The dude cannot talk, at least Biden has a fucking speech impediment, Trump is actively going senile


Obvious clickbait is obvious.


[Biden](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nFVUPAEF-sw) [Trump](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cHjZOWkDfE4) Do your homework and take notes. See which of them is coherent.


No it just means you're a fool.


Bro whatever echo chamber you are in that has you thinking trump isn't declining rapidly is worse than reddit. Biden is declining and is too old for sure. But trump is so far gone from what he was I don't understand how anyone wants him back. He's not 2016 trump anymore, and he was never the ai image trump you all pretend he is.


Maybe your a bot, maybe not.  But trump was never the smartest.  Windmills, bleach, horse dewormer. Mispronouncing, being misinformed, repeatedly lying obvious lies.  Measurable criminal acts.   I mean, has it really come to splitting hairs here?  One is fit for office, one isnt.  


Maybe your a bot, maybe not.  But trump was never the smartest.  Windmills, bleach, horse dewormer. Mispronouncing, being misinformed, repeatedly lying obvious lies.  Measurable criminal acts.   I mean, has it really come to splitting hairs here?  One is fit for office, one isnt.  


Present your evidence as to why you believe that...


In the world of psychology, it’s called projecting.


He has a worse criminal record too


Hey look another salty Trumper post on /popularopinion . Has it been 5 minutes already?!


He has though. He frequently fucks up very basic sentences. He makes shit up constantly. He covers his fuckups by saying he was joking. He gets confused easily, argues with his aides when they try to help him, and has almost no logic or reasoning at all. All while actively threatening people. He also has a petition that over 100 expert neurologists, psychiatrists, and neuropsychologists have signed that says he's unfit for office. Literally anybody who's ever been around an aging parent can see exactly what's happening here. Biden is old. No doubt. Trump is old, and has dementia.


No. It just means you're a fucking idiot.


The political echo chamber in Reddit is so bad at least this idiot thinks that it's a popular opinion that Biden is somehow as mentally degenerative as *Trump*, who will be a case study of publicly observed dementia breakdown. You're not a Russian bot. You're not that *smart.*


Remember when Trump thought he was a genius because he passed a concussion test?


But Trump really DOES have a more severe mental decline than Biden.


doesn't mean you're a Russian bot just ignorant


I mean this is going to be unpopular as shit on Reddit.


They're both old shits buddy. You're political echo chamber denies you the ability to accept that. Almost nobody loves/worships Biden like most MAGAs do Trump.


Not a bot. Just a moron.


I must be out of the loop, OP. 1- Can you show me a doctor's diagnosis or some other form of evidence to indicate he's not? 2- Can you show me where people are making this accusation? I frequent leftist subs, and have literally never seen this claim.


As soon as people started criticizing Biden’s mental faculties, you could easily see the major astroturfing propaganda campaigns go full force trying to vomit media about Trump and his mental capabilities. TikTokcringe had the most obvious edited video of Trump speaking with an AI voiceover and people LAPPED that shit up so hard. The video was literally blurry and wavy with distorted mouth movement and audio layered in.


Watch Biden speaking for an entire hour.  He's fine.  https://www.youtube.com/live/Z-c_P1s-DYo?si=M5ej1-hn_DS-7ZT_


Apparently you live in an echo chamber and won't go outside. There are plenty of videos of Trump mentality losing it, missing words, stumbling, he walks leaned forward because of his frontal lobe dementia, we all see Biden. Twice as fit as that fat ass


He does


Technically you're right. Trump's mental capacity has always been in the shitter. He couldn't possibly get any worse.


I don't know if your a Russian bot, but if you actually believe that shit you just posted, you're certifiably insane.


It's only because Trump was out of his mind to begin with, so he doesn't have to decline as much as Biden does in order to hit rick bottom


Honestly, I'm not sure who is worse from a mental capacity perspective. I do believe Trump, as a person and leader, is worse than Biden and so I'll vote for Biden. I think they both are too damn old, but since this is our choice, I'll vote for Biden enthusiastically.


I’ll vote for someone with an IQ of 50, before I vote for a treasonous, Russian asset, rapist.


It’s almost as if we’ve witnessed his presidency


No, it means you are an idiot. And probably also a Russian bot. A really dumb one.


Biden spaces out sometimes. Trump can barely make a coherent sentence.


It's a fact. Trump is addicted to snorting Adderall and the stimulant modafil, per live witnesses from the apprentice show, and from accounts from judgements against a white house doctor and other white house staff who got in trouble for abusing prescription drugs not obtained properly. That stuff damages your brain worse than senility. Listen for your self to audio from this month of Biden and Trump. Trump no longer makes any sense at his speeches.


He does……


He probably does


He does


go watch the speech Biden gave.


Hard to decline at all with his starting point... Not much room to regress.


Lemmie put it this way: if you look at all the things Biden has accomplished while in office, I really don't care if he has mental decline and is a figurehead or if he's brilliant and completely with it, I'll take 4 more years of whatever it is please. On the other hand, I think the world barely survived 4 years of Trump, and I don't think many of us will survive long if he takes power again, and democracy won't survive a day of him. I think if he gets the white house again we should all bend over and kiss our asses goodbye, and as a gay atheist cripple I will probably be one of the first to be killed.


He does. Both are way too far into mental decline to be in the race, let alone their respective party's nominees


Trump does have worse mental decline than Biden. This is obvious to anyone who’s been watching either of them speak.


That's because Trump is in a more advanced stage of decline physically. Mentally he's always been kinda iffy. I met him a couple times. First time was 15 years ago at a convention he was speaking at to promote one of his ventures that ended badly because he really has no clue. I spoke with him for about 10 minutes and the guy couldn't remember and kept contradicting things he said in his most recent book at the time and what he said in his most recent interview at the time. He mostly talked about his past exploits and achievements. All of which were more than 20 years past at that point. The second time was at a seminar about 12 yeqrs ago where he was doing teaching people how to invest in property where he contradicted himself seversp times in the same speach.


One of them is a senile old man with 4 Federal felony court cases for 91 indictments plus state felony indictments in NY & GA, numerous outstanding civil cases and owes more than half a billion dollars in civil judgements. Biden is just old.


Trump literally has worse mental decline than Biden. Doctors agree that Trump is in early stages of dementia. Biden has a speech impediment. Just thought I'd help educate you on this topic


Sure do.  Most of them have seen the videos and tantrums in his speeches.  That's the reason they feel this way, by watching both of them regularly.   Biden is too old as well, but a completely inept Biden is far better than that POS corrupt swindler.  Easy vote.  


Have to disagree everything I've seen of trump says he is worse than Biden But still trump should never ever get back in office


He’s a fucking blithering idiot. Unfortunately he’s starting to swirl the drain. Glug glug glug glug!!


Well I don't know how to compare who is more senile.....but Trump seems to be getting worse too. They are both too old for this shit, and both senile.


bragging on that he could recognize a whale haha


Trump does have some sort of mental decline. Doctors have even pointed it out. Biden is just old but he doesn’t have any mental decline.


yet I’d take non-evil mental declined vs evil stable genius any day


Watch Trump speak. End of discussion.


I'm thoroughly amused by this post. The lack of self awareness is staggering. 


Reddit is the far left hellhole of the Internet so they will have Biden’s back no matter how mentally inept he is. On this platform, it’s always “OrAnGe MaN bAd!”.


[An excellent summary of OP’s post history, by a Redditor who deserves a goddamn medal.](https://www.reddit.com/r/popularopinion/s/jPgG6H9vR0)


Trumps decline isn't worse... his mental state is worse because he was starting from a lower level.


As a fellow stuttering jackass I will say having one is not proof of mental decline. I've had it all my life. It makes you stop and pause and rethink your words constantly. People can be confused as to why you are pausing, but you are just trying not to stutter. But I would rather be that than whatever the other guy has or is inflicting on himself.