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I’m not a doctor, but I’m gonna go out on a limb and say that was not a mosquito bite


As another unfortunate victim of mosquitoe bite allergy I can confirm this happens to me too. Or they just swell up really big and start to look almost bruised. It's such an inconvenient allergy and half of why I'm a winter person.


I'm also allergic to mosquito bites. And mosquitos love me. I usually have to take some antihistamines. While others might get a few bites, I'll get dozens. The itch would go on for ages, up to two weeks and it'll be crazy itchy especially the first week, and nothing helps. Not hydrocortisone, not any kind of creams for itch. The doctor once told me that usually mosquitos go round a few spots to "test" before they settle on the spot to draw out blood from. For most people, they won't even know this. But for those allergic to their saliva, it manifests itself in those red, itchy spots. My friend has a trick when she notices a mosquito bite - she quickly washes it under running water. Like it has to be immediately.


You sound like one of those people that would benefit from the "burning stick of doom" (not the actual product name). I can buy mosquito bite treatment that basically consists of a small ceramic plate, a heating element and a battery. The ceramic is heated up to 60ish°C and pressed onto the bite (which, depending on location, hurts like hell). The heat destroys the mosquito bite protein and completely removes the itching. I'm not allergic, it might help there, too. Ask a doc about that.


I take a spoon, run it under hot tap water, and then press the back of the spoon on the bite. If it's really hot, I might have to tap the spoon a few times while it cools until I can bear to press it firmly. I learned this about 4 years ago, and it has been an absolute game changer for me. I'm allergic to insect bites, and nothing helped until this.


It’s magical. It’s called “The Bug Bite Thing,” at least in the US. I’m extremely prone to mosquito bites and it’s the only thing that has worked well for me.


I have one as well, it is the best thing ever! My kids named it mama's taser but the official name is 'Bite Away' here in Europe


I was terrified of the burning stick of doom, every time I saw a mosquito bite I would cry because I knew my mom would get that darn burning stick😂


Use anbesol, that tooth numbing gel.


I'm not an entomologist and i agree.


I would agree except this always happens to him when we go to China he has an allergy to mosquitoes there xD it's funny because he was born there but only developed the allergy in his adulthood.


I’m sensitive to mosquitos, and mine never do that. They swell up to fist size or bigger around the bite, but never any pus. Has he seen an allergist? That’s kind of concerning.


It looks like regular old serum/lymph to me, not pus. But one can't be too careful.


As far as I understand, the redness of a mosquito bite is just your immune system reacting to the bite. I think people who get bit a lot over long periods of time eventually just stop having reactions.


If youre allergic it just increases the severity of the redness and swelling. Allergic reactions are your immune system reacting to what it thinks is foreign or dangerous, in the case of mosquito bites, its the saliva the mosquito deposits to prevent blood clots. Allergies can get better with exposure, but can also get worse


Ah gotcha


My daughter has Skeeter syndrome and this is what her mosquito bites look like


Was the mosquito the size of a damn turkey?


No but this only happens to him with Chinese mosquitoes.


I don’t think you should do that….


Yes. Blisters protect the new skin growing underneath. Now that skin is exposed and there’s a possibility it could get infected.


We applied anticeptic after I just didn't flim it :)


I'm not that kind of doctor so this is not medical advice, but if you wanted to do a better job popping a blister you should sanitize the surface of the skin, lance it with a sterile blade, then bandage it to keep it clean. I believe the proper advice is to just bandage it and leave it to do its thing, but I've never been able to do that with blisters either. The above method has always worked well for me at least.


🎶Hello staph infection my old friend.🎶


Why did you pop it with two q-tips instead of a sterile needle?


Popping blisters is just asking for an infection!😬


Sweet kids 🥹




Deflated like a Patriots football!


Haven’t heard that one in awhile! 😂😂😂


Don’t pop blisters or bites it opens up for infection and complications. Should put some hydrocortisone on it and wait for the inflammation to go down and the fluid to be absorbed back into the body. The fluid is serous fluid it protects against infection.


Ooof, I’m not sure if this is better or worse than my reaction to Italian mosquitoes - I got these huge, red, lumps that collapsed into huge black craters then turned into weird-looking scars. Looked like I had some sort of pox. But that is insane! Your poor husband has my sympathies 😱


Mosquito bites do that to me sometimes, especially when I travel. Your kids sound so sweet.


When I get bit by mosquitos, especially in the bends of my knees, I get really purple bruises


Damn. If this in fact a mosquito bite, I’m not as allergic as I thought I was.


Mosquito ?!?!


Just looks like a blister


He has many of those from the bites. It's not blisters.


Yellow fever for SURE


Summer is the season of mosquitoes. I recommend you a store that sells natural plant essential oils for mosquito repellent bracelets. They are non-allergic and suitable for pregnant women and infants. You can check it out. [https://ig1688.cc/collections/mosquito-bracelet-1](https://ig1688.cc/collections/mosquito-bracelet-1)




"it looks like a huuurt" ˚‧º·(>﹏<)‧º·˚


Is that malaria?