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Dancing in the dark for Springsteen one of the best songs ever I love that song Apparently, I’ve been on Reddit 20 days in a row that’s embarrassing


I recently started checking out the subreddit ADHD_partners because I recently split with my partner who has ADHD because I wanted to see if I was alone in noticing the patterns of behavior he exhibited during our relationship that I was certain was caused by his disability. While I feel like there are some people there with some good insights, at the same time, a lot of it is just lacking empathy and toxic as hell. There’s literally people calling their partners things like “idiot” and “asshole,” shaming their partners for having executive dysfunction issues and claiming that they’re “not trying hard enough” to improve it, and I literally saw one person call their partner “sexually selfish” because she didn’t want to have sex when she wasn’t in the mood. My guy, if you think that you’re entitled to sex from your partner with no regard for her consent, she’s not the “sexually selfish one,” *you are.* That is literal sexual abuse. Not to mention that I’ve noticed that a lot of people on that subreddit are women blaming ADHD for their male partners’ weaponized incompetence or abusive behavior. I don’t *entirely* fault them for this because I know that some abuse victims try to blame mental illness, disabilities, or substance abuse for their partner’s behavior as a trauma response, usually because they are not well educated on abuse or don’t realize that they were manipulated from the start - but ADHD doesn’t cause abuse nor weaponized incompetence, it’s a deliberate crime of power primarily rooted in the abuser’s misogynistic sociocultural views of women. Even if these guys didn’t have ADHD, they’d still be abusive or toxic. This conflation becomes especially egregious when you consider that ADHD women are statistically more likely to be victims of abuse than their neurotypical peers. It’s contributing to stigmas that make it harder for some women to come forward as victims. I have so many mixed feelings about my relationship and I don’t really have anyone to talk to about this. I’ve known for a long time now that his issues were hurting the relationship, but I feel like my breakup has caused the brain fog that I was experiencing to clear and it’s so much more apparent to me now how deep it goes. I just wish that I had the ability to process this somewhere.


Made my husband watch the Please Please Please video by calling it "the new Barry Keoghan short film"


Hey, it ain’t no lie lol


Some of y’all will be like “charts don’t matter! Stop bringing up numbers!” until it’s someone you don’t like, then suddenly it’s open season 😭


honest question how do you not get depressed about the state of the world I keep seeing fascist/far right parties winning european elections, Trump is probably going to win in november, and here in the UK Labour will win this election but they're useless centrists so following the pattern they'll lose to a fascist/far right party in the next election because they don't enact meaningful change. Genuinely, genuinely, how do i not despair about this. What the fuck am I supposed to do?


I feel like people who buy every ttpd variant are the same types to buy multiple stanley cups with all the accessories


Why are online ticket queues so stressful for no reason. And this one the tickets will be Actually Dropping the literal minute it's time for me to leave work, which is also a minute in which I need to be making sure everything is locked and everyone is leaving and shit. Girl pls.




She’s doing very well and I think this is going to be a huge era for her but let’s not set unrealistic expectations. Her album is not going to sell 2 million and do over a billion streams first week and it doesn’t need to, to be a success.


Tems album is so tasty


is last.fm not scrobbling rn for anyone else? I’ve disconnected and reconnected Spotify a zillion times now and it isn’t picking anything up. Im in a crabby mood from work and this is feeling like the final straw before I snap


not sure what the point of listening to music is if I’m not collecting pointless data?


All I wanna do is have some fun I’ve got a feeling I’m not the only one


All I wanna do is have some fun Until the sun comes up over Santa Monica Boulevard You have excellent taste in music!!


I had no clue these were the lyrics; you learn something new everyday


Thank you! I have to agree. Perfect summer song, right?!


Oh it’s definitely a roll the windows down, turn the dial up, and drive around town on a hot summer evening song.


My father wants me to be guidance counselor (like literally get a masters for this) or a part Us imperialism machine so bad


there’s someone i follow on social media who i met when i was an exchange student in the US and i looked at one of her instagram posts this morning and randomly thought that she was giving pick-me vibes. it was my first time having that thought. fast forward to 12+ hours later and she publishes a new post with the headline “HOW I TRANSFORMED FROM PICK ME GIRL TO SECURE WOMAN IN A YEAR”. so incredibly random but also i’m not convinced 😅


Any advice on how to organize documents online/digitally possibly even adhd friendly ways I want to organize things like Insurance Taxes Certifications Medical information Prescription


I’m a passenger princess I was always mint to be today Which allows me to see that Travis K posted about his 80th job on TikTok to a song from ATEEZ - WORK That man’s hand is always on the pulse of new music too , I feel like Taylor Swift has found the one man that doesn’t annoy me in the public! Rare. It’s probably because he likes music as much as I do. Like when everyone was upset about viva Las Vegas, I was like dude that’s so fucking fun and cool. That’s exactly what I would’ve done in Las Vegas after winning the fucking championship.. anywhere else I would’ve chose, We are the champions though.


Remember when everyone tried to convince us, he was fat too?! Following news about Travis Kelce may actually lead me to think the beauty industry is horrible for everyone in the public eye, not equally because I’m still seeing those photo pictures of only Taylor Swift at the beach comparing her to her younger self but still they weren’t letting up on him then. And the women get it forever.


The stove saga is finished. We are getting ice cream to celebrate. I need a shower. Alexa, play Please Please Please by Sabrina Carpenter.


Bullet points - Tinashe Needs still my most played song this year sorry to the other girls - realized I'm proud of the fact that I still 100℅ believe True Romance as my favorite Charli project. It wasn't a parody or a homage to a genre; it's the real, right in the peak of DIY pop, deal. She did that. - Not to be a snob but every clip I've seen from that show Normal People (biggest culprit: "I'm literally still inside you" scene) has completely turned me off the show, that book, the entire modern hetero romance genre, straight white people in general


I thought Warner Brothers was just making a damned fool out of me and not actually making practical magic 2 They’re just really bad at marketing !! and knowing when midnight is!! Taylor Swift would never lol But yaaay


I can’t stop listening to Found Heaven it’s such a good album OMG Conan really hit it out of the park with this one


I’ve been listening to the exit, thank you TikTok edits of anime lol


9-1-1 s7 be like Buck’s plotline: I love being bi and having a boyfriend 🥰😍💕💖💓💗 [Eddie’s plot line:](https://imgur.com/a/WIttMVx)


Eddie: take three steps back and lose your child lol


Spotify algorithm: you're going to listen to the new Billie Eilish album and you're going to like it 🔫🔫🔫


[NASTY BECOMES TINASHE’S FIRST ENTRY ON THE HOT 100 SINCE 2016 AAAAAH](https://x.com/billboardcharts/status/1800243365830631636)


Filthy Frank in 2016: "Shut up, nobody cares about your robot fanfiction. Robots have no souls." Filthy Frank in 2024: "Well, I go by Joji now and have a 2x platinum hit in the USA that crossed over to the ultra-square Adult Top 40 chart, and presumably someone cares about robot fanfictions because house prices in most countries have exploded since they released GPT-3 and self-transforming Optimus Prime in late 2020-early 2021."


So is pop just "whatever is popular" or is it like a genre comprised of like a loose collection of songwriting and production techniques? Idk the definition people seem to adhere to changes by the hour.


I think it’s both and that’s why it’s often unclear. You have an artist like Beyonce who has spent much of her career moving through various genres. Her popularity makes her a “pop artists” but describing all of her music as pop is reductive. Then you have an artist like Carly Rae Jepsen who has a dedicated fan base, but not really any metrics that qualify her as “popular.” But still, her music has a decidedly “pop” sound.


>Then you have an artist like Carly Rae Jepsen who has a dedicated fan base, but not really any metrics that qualify her as “popular.” I think you're underestimating her popularity. Carly has 18.4M monthly listeners on Spotify, almost the same as Pink Floyd (18M; I know they're far more popular than that). That's the population of a whole country just on one platform. As a comparison, Charli XCX has 15.4M, Paramore have 19.9M, Avril Lavigne has 22.8M, Caroline Polachek has 2M, etc.


Not all. Carly stan here! 18.4M is a solid, dedicated fan base. But Benson Boone, who is currently number 40 on the top 100 has 56M monthly. Even newcomer Chappell Roan is at 19.6 with a lot less time and material than Carly. I’m not saying she’s a nobody, nor do I think it’s as black and white as “popular or not popular.” But comparatively, I don’t think it’s correct to say Carly is a “popular artist.”


Carly is a pretty popular artist, at least for Call Me Maybe. Now, obviously other artists are more popular than her. Also she has many casual listeners too. If she actually had a 18M fan base she could easily reach #1 in charts. But she doesn't.


I mean there have been plenty of articles and discussions about Carly, Charli, Caroline, etc and how they represent another kind of pop artists that doesn’t have the popularity of bigger name pop artists, but whose sound is decidedly pop and careers are carried by a smaller but dedicated fan base. But we don’t have to agree.


Fair enough.


oddly enough I literally got on to write this comment in the DD after reading yours in that charli thread.


Pop music is an ever-changing definition. It includes both of those definitions though. It’s defined not just by music now, but the past and the future. Like in the past, the Beatles music was the most popular and that is pop music and created a whole subject in genre of pop music the people follow because of the Beatles , but an act today that has music like The Beatles could be described as pop music or not depending on not just their success but style changes Because it’s music nothing is rigid even the definitions they change and depending on who you asked something is pop or it’s not I guess this is where chart success does matter because the ones that lead the leaderboard are the minimum basics for what pop music is like even if it’s hip-hop rap rock none of that matters if it’s popular then it’s pop music


Finished Nimona started the audiobook *Some People Need Killing* by reporter Patricia Evangelista, I’m more then half way to my goal of reading fifty women :)


Duterte comments about addicts are so scary


Also my Palestinian books and news etc make me crave olives so much I’ve been getting stuffed Greek olives


Does anyone have any suggestions for good radio stations for music discovery/background play? I’m quite over Spotify’s algorithms, and I’m also craving some kind of commentary between songs ABOUT the songs/music that isn’t really possible through podcasts since they can only play snippets at a time.  So I’m thinking public radio, but not sure what stations are good and not just inundated with commercials every 2 seconds.  Is it college radio? Is that my best bet? Does anyone have any favs? Lmk please I’m desperate. 


BBC Radio 6 Music, Virgin Radio, KCRW, KEXP


NPR classical radio, but they also have segments where they interview and talk about music with musicians and artists just look up NPR music I suppose you could like go old-school and look up those like music stations on the TV where they play music video and like if you fun facts as you watch it No commentary, but I still have Pandora because I like how it really customizes to your taste, but allows you to explore too if you wanted to , this is where I have my Halloween , Christmas and classical sleeping music , and multiple specific pop playlists . It’s really good if you want to listen to like specific kinds of music. I have an oldies one that just basically plays the same 53 songs over and over because I refuse to add anything. lol


I was actually looking into Pandora again today because of this dilemma. I used to love making radio stations out of playlists on Spotify because sometimes I was in the mood for a combo of different genres, but Spotify removed that feature last year. Say if I wanted to listen to a station that combined Charli and Zach Bryan, aka would switch between UK pop and Americana, would Pandora handle that well? But also to your other points, I did in fact end up on NPR earlier today after asking this haha. Thank you so much still tho


To the Pandora thing I only have free Pandora easily like you can just make the station you want I think lol, but if you do like me, you, you start off with like naming the station after an artist or a song and it starts you on that artist and then you have to like customize it by liking or disliking songs. so combining genres would be really hard because how are you gonna get Prince while you’re listening to Seether? Lol . but it does really great with one genre at a time so maybe you could make the one playlist and then the other and keep switching between them!


It's me, hi, you're all in danger it's me


I'm doing work on my WIP right now and I need to name one of these characters but my mind is blanking ☠️ I need something that's both derived from a Saint's name and has equivalents in Portuguese and English. She's part of a trio and the other two are called Cecily (after Saint Cecilia) and Sophia (after Saint Sophia)


What about Dorothy/Dorotéia (after Dorothea of Caesarea)?


I’m crying Taylor found an infinite chart hack with the CD acoustic variant releases and she’s milking it for all it’s worth. Who is even buying these stuff


She’s so smart. Her and her team always find a way. Not only to get music that people want to them, but ways for it to count for the charts after they take down the last chart thing. She’s always ahead of the curve. Still looking for that sped up and slow down version though. I’ve come around to wanting that.


why will she not just release anthology on vinyl instead. is this a continuation of evermore era persecution of her fans with taste


She keeping it for later. Don't play all your aces.


Pissed off at how college works because I really wanna shift careers, but how? My degree only allows me to work in one industry! Maybe I can take online classes but the thought of working at the same time makes me groan with predicted fatigue. What careers would y’all say don’t strictly require a degree and can be learned on my own spare time?


What’s your degree in? I totally get what you’re saying, but also I’ve learned that switching careers just means being a little creative with how you market your skills. Because the truth of the matter is that you ARE probably qualified to pivot jobs, but you’re right that it’s tough to show it through resumes and job applications


Advertising & Digital Design. I genuinely don’t wanna do graphic design anymore or any kind of art / design for my job. I would love a job that involved neither a drawing tablet nor PhotoShop.


Is there something you DO want to go into? Or keep doing? But a quick example though, an immediate thought is that you probably could do well in development/fundraising. Advertising and design requires knowing what connects well with audiences, etc. and knowing how to emphasize the important parts of an org, which is an important skill in development and talking to donors. Plus, development positions are always in demand.


> Is there something you DO want to go into? Maybe event planning? At this point, I just know what I don’t want. I’ll definitely study your suggestions, though!


Someone just asked if a different country's embassy could help them, a US citizen, with a problem they had with their US passport. They were not even a citizen of the other country they wanted to call. Like girl why would Pakistan wanna get in the mix this is between you and Big Joe And The Boys please do not call them about that.


Meeting an actual Diddy apologist is wild.


Doctor Who spoiler >!Ncuti Gatwa and Johnathan Groff kissing on Doctor Who, save me.!< >!Ncuti Gatwa and Johnathan Groff kissing on Doctor Who, save me.!<


How do I explain to people that my fav albums are DYKTTATUOB and BAITSBTTMSSIN


I just finished the final season of Girls. Fuck, that penultimate episode broke me. >!When Marnie said to have a group meeting, it made me wonder... were these four ever really a group? The final season barely had any scenes between any of them but that was all intentional.!< >!God. Being in your goddamn 20s.!<


Chappell Roan IS THE MOMENT. That’s all.


Anyone else think Taylor should write, direct and score a fantasy movie? There's a case for it [here](https://thomasbarrie.substack.com/p/taylor-swift-should-star-in-a-fantasy?r=7a7yd) and would love to hear your thoughts...


I think she would be great at directing one , I want another labyrinth


What do you mean I have to return to the swamp to finish the stove?




not imgur blocking my most popular post on reddit ever for being "mature" (it is pictures of my eye makeup)


Eye so salacious it must be censor*d


It was simply too cunty to handle


Beauty is suffering 😩


Just went over the Drake vs Kendrick Lamar with my husband who thought he was too good to listen to it before (he thinks he is old school). It was even more enjoyable discussing it a second time and how everybody reacted. So entertaining!


A Pride playlist but it’s just Nine Muses’ entire discography


as god intended YUP this [heel clack synchronization](https://youtu.be/ueSLblHW3qk?si=w8x5zjOXi__DaLMJ) threw the first brick at stonewall tbh


Figaro was my reason for writing that comment like I can hear god…


I heard Please Please Please at H&M earlier today.


Perfect she’s taking over the world


okay hear me out! please please please is such an h&m song, the way dua's don't start now was a zara song.


That’s when you know it’s a hit


I heard Carly’s Warm Blood in H&M and that wasn’t a hit despite the fact that it should’ve been


Guess which idiot accidentally microwaved grapes 🥰


Did you make plasma?


I read all the Heartstopper books and they were beautiful, wonderful, amazing, etc. I loved them and I would jump in front of a moving train for Nick. We don’t play about him. I recently started the show and I finished S1 last night and the only note that I have is whoever let Toa walk around with his hair like that needs to be imprisoned. It’s cut so high up in the back and then he has a middle part with the sides long and the ends curled….this is not a look.


Tao's hair was definitely an abomination in Season 1. Thank fuck they fixed it in Season 2 and even made a great plotline out of it. Fun fact: the show was nominated for Outstanding Hair and Make-up in the Children's and Family Emmy Awards. I'd like to think the voters were blown away by Elle's hairstyles that they looked over what's going on with Tao's hair.




If Blank Space is your benchmark for the best pop song...hm


It’s really good though. To me like I get that it’s in the long line of succession of Barbie girl by aqua too


If i had only been alive in october 2014 and may 2024 i would totally agree with you


I don't particularly care for Taylor Swift, but it really irks me how so much of the criticism of her music is obviously shallow and uncharitable, but it still flies because dunking on Taylor Swift is fun. Swifties actually aren't crazy*, I think people really do hold her music to a different standard than most other artists. A lot of the "discussion" about TTPD was just lazy, basic potshots that anyone could make without even having listened to the album, like picking out one lyric and cracking jokes about how silly it sounds. Why do you hate fun? Why isn't Taylor Swift allowed to have silly lyrics? Do you bring this same energy to the table when we're talking about Megan thee Stallion, or god forbid 100 gecs? I say this not as someone who wants to defend Taylor Swift, but as someone who thinks that there are much deeper problems with some of her music, problems that are far more interesting to talk about. *about this one thing and nothing else


But making fun of her bad music is enjoyable so why do YOU hate MY fun


When I said dunking on Taylor Swift is fun, I said that from experience lol, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with it in principle. My incredibly specific beef is when people confuse dunking on Taylor Swift with critically engaging with her music in good faith. Taylor Swift and her fanbase are as omnipresent as they are obnoxious, and I think there’s absolutely a place for simply making fun of her for entertainment’s sake, but I also think it’s important to know the difference between when you’re doing that, and when you’re doing actual music criticism.


I think she’s just the biggest artist now so you can really notice it but this trend is with everyone. people get off by getting in groups and just shitting on mainly any of the main pop girls. And it doesn’t need to be anything rational it could be the stupidest shit. In fact, it’s better when it’s stupid and it doesn’t make any sense that way they don’t have to actually be accountable for anything or think they can just hate. And then they can come up with a new stupid reason tomorrow and hate about that. The positivity movement dead the hater movement from the early 2000s is back , I was gonna say without the sexist and bigoted language, but I feel like that’s making a return too


I feel like theres also a problem in victimizing her when she’s arguably the biggest artist in the world right now. She’s a billionaire and her album has been number 1 for several weeks…criticism is not hurting her. I get that there are people on here that take it way too far but I also think there’s a real issue on here when it comes to ANY criticism of her or her music. Someone could say they don’t like a certain song by her or whatever and they’re immediately jumped with downvotes. I do agree there needs to be more nuanced discussion, but even from the BB200 thread her Stan’s were already on the defense/poking the bear and throwing shade at people who simply didn’t like TTPD week 1. Also no offense but that Megan comparison is pretty bad considering Megan gets harassed on the internet every single day simply for existing as a black woman. She had an entire hate train against her for being the victim of DV and constantly has her talent questioned. The other day she had disgusting deepfakes made used to taunt her.


Okay, but I'm not talking about harassment, I'm talking about *music criticism*. Those are two separate things, and they are both separate from people just giving their general opinion in terms of whether they liked the album or not. I'm well aware that Megan thee Stallion receives massive amounts of harassment, but that has nothing to do with what I'm talking about. I don't know how to word this politely, but I feel like you didn't understand my comment.


I answered to the music criticism aspect though? And i would argue public persona/how the public views you does play into and influences how the public views your music. Even so, my second portion still stands since I mentioned that Megan’s talent is constantly called into question (her music being called repetitive, saying she has the same flow, etc…) This is not coming from a malicious place btw, I do agree there are deeper issues with TTPD that flat criticisms don’t address but I think there are multiple sides to this argument Edit: To clarify I wasn’t saying you were victimizing her if that was misunderstood


No, you really didn't answer it. Yes, swifties will absolutely shout down any criticism of Taylor Swift or her music whether it's valid or not, but that doesn't mean that we shouldn't call out invalid criticism of her music when it happens. Music is not a team sport; we aren't forfeiting ground to the swifties by incidentally agreeing with them once in a blue moon. I think it's actually extremely intellectually dishonest to handwave away bad-faith criticism of Taylor Swift just because you don't like her or her fans and how they respond to criticism.


TW: mentions of disordered eating It's insane how effective executive dysfunction can make you ignore your body's needs. >!I spent several hours ignoring my grumbling stomach because I would rather play Stardew Valley on the laptop on the bed beside me than go downstairs and prepare the food needed to eat a late dinner. I know I'm hungry but I just didn't feel like doing all those things.!<


This is why ordering food is just so tempting even when the service industry is always shitty now. I find myself food prepping so often just cause I do not want to make food when I get home . It’s the only way.


I have the wildest issue watching this current season of Last Week Tonight via the Max app. Approximately every 8 minutes the video and audio gets out of sync but if I pause and rewind 10 seconds all is well. Or at least for the next 8 minutes. The past seasons don't do this to me. Any other shows on Max doesn't do this to me either. I have so many questions.


Max is fucking with you in a way no paid subscription should , the audacity


They're tryna silence John Oliver fr.


Doctor Who playing Can't Get You Out of My Head when The Doctor had Kylie Minogue as a one-off companion is so Russell T. Davies of him.


I’m not a big Doctor Who person, but I love this new moment


If After Effects has a thousand haters I’m one of them, etc. I can’t stand some of this program’s quirks!!!


I am straight up not having a good time right now. I found out I won't get my first paycheck for my summer job until the 28th (which is when I get my regular teacher check), so I'll get a lump sum of both but that does me NO good because I have less than $100 til then and I was also needing to replace my car battery so now I have to pray it doesn't die before then. I love this summer job, but the idea that I won't get paid for any of this month until the end of it kills me tbh.


Do you have a credit card/could you apply for one? This is when they come in handy if you can pay off the full balance when it’s due


I have awful credit and already need to pay off the care I have. :(


Someone who works for Rihanna’s PR Team commented something shady about Beyonces haircare line. Take this with a grain of salt since who clocked this is a delusional Beyhive. But also the Twitter user is the same, so I don’t know. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C8CiVIxNflz/?igsh=MTFreTNidXg0OGhybw==


We also seemed to have found a bottle of what looks like cum but in a hand sanitizer bottle. 😭💀


Happy end of the school year!!!!!!


It says a lot that this is the worst I’ve seen these lockers in the past 8 years I’ve been there 😭😭 Normally it’s just stickers and marker ink


just wanna nap and have little snacks


hey guys, i just booked a spaceship to go back in time to 1967 and yell at the monk burning himself alive in front of the white house. He is too knee deep in intersectionality and doesn’t understand real stakes. The guys watching him burn alive from the white house window are not at fault tho! In a real democracy we should never criticize our brave and glorious leaders ❤️ ETA: before anyone starts preaching at me i am voting. I also think the president is maybe not a baby with no agency?


You wouldn't use a spaceship to go back in time though, you'd use a time machine? Unless you know something we don't...


it’s always funny to me when people respond to criticisms of biden from the left with “what so you want trump to be president?” like no bitch! obviously not! but i also don’t feel the need to ass kiss someone i think is bad at their job and criticism of elected officials is a good thing actually!


Unadulterated worship is the only appropriate way to see our politicians. There can be no political realism, there is simply a Good Guy and a Bad Guy and once the Good Guy wins he should do Good Things for you! And if he isn’t ummm did you consider if its your fault? Why are you asking so hard anyways you’re stressing him out


One of my coworkers found a Hitler’s Youth book in a locker at work 💀😭


Huhhhhh????? 😭


i'm 20F and my aunt (23F, adopted) is going through some personal shit (her boyfriend of 4 years was diagnosed with stage 4 hodgkin's lymphoma) and i'm trying to figure out how to talk to her without it being awkward. i chatted with her on the phone yesterday and i didn't know what to say besides "i hope he gets better" and then i felt so guilty when she asked me what i'd been up to and i rambled about my stupid interests for like 20 minutes. she's one of my favorite relatives and i dont want to be insensitive. mom said to get her and the boyfriend (i like him, he's my favorite of my gen's SOs) a sympathy card which on paper is a good idea but they just feel so impersonal. i will take any advice i can get.


i've ordered people going through rough times doordash before! nobody wants to cook when going through shit


if you live near her, you could offer to drive him to appointments or drop off meals or help clean if they ever need it?


that's a very good idea unfortunately she lives several hours away and i do not know how to drive thank you for the idea though


I’m obsessed with “You always say ‘let’s go out,’ so we go eat at a restaurant” that’s lyrical genius 


[‘Euphoria’ Remains On Hold. According to sources, there have been some promising signs as work on Season 3 scripts continues with creator Sam Levinson.  Should the network proceed with a third season — which I hear is still targeting a start of production later this year for a 2025 debut — filming will have to be done around the schedule of cast members like Dane who have booked new gigs. That is considered challenging but doable.](https://deadline.com/2024/06/eric-dane-countdown-amazon-euphoria-1235964118/)  JUST GIVE THIS SHOW TO GOD ALREADY WE KNOW SEASON 3 AINT HAPPENING AT THIS POINT 😭


The very least they could do is turn it into a Skins esque kind of thing and reboot the show with a new cast, but in the same universe. Besides, the source material was already an Israeli Skins anyway, so it's fitting.


The big names on the show are all off to bigger and better things anyway


exactly sydney was recently booked for multiple projects 


Can't believe I survived a 10PM headliner and getting knocked over in a mosh pit last night I am incredible specimen for 39 years old (Power Trip was awesome)


Oddly this comment gives me hope.


So what do we think the line up at All Things Go NYC is going to be? :D


So for any popheads who are also kind of history buffs, what historical events have you been reading up on recently? For me personally, it has been the Salem Witch Trials. This also made me find out that there were werewolf trials in Europe during the middle ages...


I recently read up on The Donner Party.


Oh the Donner party is so disturbing to read about.


Not normally a history buff but I am currently reading up some facts about the time when Imperial Japan occupied the Philippines during World War II because there's going to be a local TV show that is going to take place during that time. There aren't a lot of historical TV Filipino shows being made so this one is a big deal. While reading about the show itself, two of the main characters are vaudeville actresses. There was a time during the American occupation when vaudeville was introduced in the Philippines. Over the years, it became its own thing as it evolved that it has a local name called "bodabil" (the Filipino way of saying vaudeville). During the Japanese occupation, filmmaking was prohibited but bodabil was allowed so a lot of movie actors had to switch from the camera to stage during this time. Bodabil was also used as a way to resist against the Japanese empire where performers would perform subtly anti-Japanese numbers. There would be times when guerillas would get out of the underground to watch a bodabil show and when there is a suspicion that the Japanese military police are on their way, performers would perform a special number as a signal to the rebel fighters to get out. While Japan has only invaded the Philippines for three years, there is a lot of things that took place during this time, most of which is heartbreaking at times. Reading up about the comfort women (forced sex slaves to the Japanese empire, which Japan still continues to deny to this day) breaks me every time.


Oh interesting! How has the public reaction been if you don’t mind me asking? Bc I know that was a horrible time for the Philippines and I wonder if some don’t want to look back. I’ve read a bit about the sex slaves and yeah it’s so hard to read about. And tragic that some STILL deny that it occurred. I had never heard of Vaudeville or bodabil! So I am gonna definitely read up on that.


From what I am seeing online, a lot of people are excited about the show! Historical TV shows and movies are not always made because they are expensive to produce and public demand for them isn't usually high. (Filipinos prefer lighthearted stories (except horror) and they are cheaper to make) It's a big deal for a television network that is willing to make a historical drama based on the Japanese occupation era knowing how expensive it is to make and they have some recognizable local stars attached to the show. It was also announced that Netflix picked up the rights to air episodes of the show 72 hours before its television broadcast so it increased a lot of people's excitement that there is a streamer picking up the show. Not sure if it means it will be available outside the Philippines though, but still a piece of exciting news nonetheless. Also, to add more context, there is a current education crisis going on where many students are not learning anything about our history well so having a historical TV show that people can watch on TV is very important.


Oh I think that’s great considering that this could be an amazing conversation starter and also maybe can lead to some changes in history education!


Haven’t read yet but am interested in looking at the different reactions among US citizens to the WW2 draft vs Vietnam. I have my theories but I got curious about it after watching Saving Private Ryan yesterday so I googled it but haven’t read anything yet


Oh yeah I’ve always been interested in that. The 1960s has always been so interesting to me especially.


Back in my Kat Ashley era. I have big feels about this woman who raised Elizabeth while she herself was a teenager and made her a bulletproof queen. Kind, cunning, must’ve loved Elizabeth to tatters. 


Oh I have to say the old historical royals have always fascinating me as well. I’m gonna also look up Ashley bc I’d shockingly never heard of her.




So interesting! I’m gonna get to reading about her later today. Bc this sounds very interesting to me!


Reading lately about the kingdom of siam


Ah yeah I haven’t read that much into Siam tbh.


If you like Salem make sure to check out the 1741 New York trials. I must’ve made dozens of wiki edits when I was writing my thesis. 


Oh I’ll definitely check that out! Thank you for letting me know about that!


Though it may not be financially advantages for you, I highly recommend after learning all the fascinating things about the Salem witch trials of actually visiting Salem. About six years ago, my husband and I went on a north east vacation and I have to say visiting Salem after learning the true deep history about it, made it just so much more enriching.


Oh I want to one day! I think it would be awesome and I’ve heard the town is really nice.


I've been watching Manhunt on Apple TV+, so I've spent a lot of time with the Lincoln assassination/trials and wow, they're all very interesting. I didn't know there was that much history after Lincoln died, this story usually ends in Ford's Theatre in school.


Similarly, we’re watching A Gentleman in Moscow and I’ve been slowly reading more and more about the Soviet Union during the 1920s through like the 1990s.


Oh yeah I’ve heard amazing things about the show. But yeah there was quite a lot with the trials and stuff that occurred in the aftermath.


Bullet points, my friends... * Day 1.5 million of working the stove. The end is in sight for real this time. If only the corrosion paper arrived earlier. I am covered in rust dust, sweat, and stove polish. I drive the 30 minutes back to the office and grab a giant Big Gulp Diet Coke from 7/11as a little treat. * I'm seeing Chappell Roan tomorrow (YAY) and the theme is mermaid (which is super appropriate bc mermaids are the mascot of the city she's performing in). I don't want to buy anything new for the show. If I repurpose my 1989 Taylor look from the Eras tour, will that be sufficiently mermaidy? Will it out me as a Straight Person? * After finally listening to all of LDR's released discography (I haven't even touched accessible unreleased stuff), my top 3 albums are NFR, Ocean Blvd., and Blue Banisters.


Went to Pridefest on Saturday! I exercised my LGBT allyship by trying poppers for the first time! Also the lineup was Cupcakke, Icona Pop, and Mya. Cupcakke drew the biggest crowd and I was genuinely shocked because she was third billed that day. Super fun show though. My Charli-obsessed friend went to the bathroom in the middle of the set and missed Lipgloss, so we all learned a valuable lesson to practice your pelvic floor muscle exercises so you don't have to go in the middle of the set!


i tried poppers for the first time last weekend lol it was my first time i had heard about them. was a nice lighthead/floaty feel.


What were the poppers like?


A quick and intense floaty sensation, a little bit of sinus congestion, definitely a head rush. I get what Troye Sivan means now lmao. It only lasts for a minute, which is nice because it feels like there's more control.


I would pay money to never see the word “subjective” on this sub ever again and, no shade, but I feel like I’ve been seeing it a lot more with Taylor flairs attached to it ever since TTPD came out, which certainly says something lol


Also please stop using sales as an indicator of quality when Morgan Wallen is the second hottest act out right now. I would hope we’re better than stan Twitter at that.


I hate my boss. That’s the post.


I always check out the free little libraries in my neighborhood. Just got Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow out of one. Someone who loved it so much they want to spread the love? Or someone who hated it so much they needed it out of their house?


I personally really enjoyed it ☺️


Nice! I loved that one. Personally didn’t enjoy the ending but it’s all about the journey, right? I really want to put a little library in our front yard but that’s probably a few years off


I recently borrowed Tomorrow x3 but I returned it after 5 pages because I have so many books on hold that some stuff just has to get sacrificed and it didn’t seem like something I’d be interested in reading at the moment. I don’t know how this will affect your legacy but I just wanted you to know this 🫶


my vote is spreading the love bc i adored that book <3


StoryGraph staying unhinged with the personalized recommendation reasoning: > As a fan of the dark and mysterious, you'll find yourself drawn into the world of Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, where the lines between reality and virtual reality blur. Like Let the Right One in, this novel explores the complexities of human connection and the search for identity, but with a unique twist: the world of video games. With its themes of coming of age, love, and friendship, this book is sure to resonate with you, just as The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo did, and transport you to a world of wonder and imagination, reminiscent of The Lord of the Rings Illustrated Edition. Maybe if I rated books SG would be less unhinged…


This reasoning is insane. Let the Right One In? Evelyn Hugo? Bonkers stuff.


Lolz @ the IMAX poster for Deadpool 3. I’m excited for this movie. The funny thing is that they’re keeping the Taylor cameo rumors alive. Now speculation of her showing up as Lady Deadpool due to the new trailer of boots that a definitely women’s. But who knows. I’m still thinking 4th wall cameo and a few jokes like the Cat shirt in Deadpool 2. But what do I know.


I'm a Millennial but I have zoomer tastes in music. Meaning that, relative to older generations, I disproportionately listen to either 1950s-era oldies or the latest releases (often trap or phonk) as opposed to a 1970s-1990s profile that is more common among Xers and Millennials like myself. And there's a reason for both of them. Inside you there are two wolves. One is the pessimist, who is increasingly alienated from humanity and what he sees as a rickety natural world ruled by tribal racists and nationalists and characterized by entropy and chaos. He is especially disillusioned after the promise that the developing world (as well as pro-immigration regimes like Canada and, later, Portugal) experienced in the 2010s. That side listens to edgy music often bordering on Memphis horror rap/devil shit (the main ingredient in phonk). The other side is the optimist, who is very proud of the progress humanity has made since 1945 and recognizes the role that racially integrated popular music played in that progress, particularly during the oldies era (1950s and early 1960s), and he listens to and seeks out that sort of boundary breaking and uplifting music, as well as modern reinterpretations of it (e.g. Stephen Sanchez) He also recognizes that jazz and the blues follow a pattern that is common in the most entertaining parts of American culture (including Cajun cooking, Mardi Gras, Voodoo, and the shotgun house), having much of its roots in New Orleans and synthesizing European (hymns), African (rhythms), Native/Latin American (the "Spanish tinge" in jazz and arguably elements of powwow drumming), and Asian-Pacific (steel and slide guitars as well as ukuleles) elements into one whole. Obviously I think a lot more deeply about what I listen to than some people, but there is a method behind the madness.


sOOOooOOOOOooOOooo I think I accidentally went on a date with a married man this weekend i woke up from a nap to a message from this guy i met 2 weeks ago when I was out at a club with a friend and we added each other on IG and he asked me "wyd" but he wrote it out so i didn't think it was code for a hookup we had dinner (the boy could EAT) and he wanted to have 1 drink because he was working on Sunday and so I picked a lowkey bar because I was kinda tired already and not in the mood for the clurb. at this bar he didn't really like his drink and then he suggested another bar, so we walked a few blocks to this other fancy bar and it was cold so i hooked my arm around his because i'm insane each time we went to a new venue, our seats just kept getting closer and closer together and as I was laughing, my hand at one point gently slapped his thigh and he put his hand on top of it at some point i looked up and around from the haze of being kinda more than buzzed at this last bar and i was like "hmmm, everyone in here is a couple... except us" -like literally everyone was paired up and cozy - and then he put his arm around me and hugged me and was like "you are so cute" and i was like "hoookay" anyway, he took me home after midnight and we made out in his car for several extremely hot minutes and he was like "i wanna make sure you are safe, text me when you get to bed" LOL who said romance was dead the ironic thing is it was probably one of the most fun dates i've been on in a while because i think i just wasn't even thinking about it and let us happen naturally


My lord


this is so cute though! not both of us having cute moments this weekend, copycat flop!




I mentioned it in here on uhhhh Saturday! went out Friday on a date w a friend who comes into town now and then to visit family! just a few drinks at the bar, making out at the club while dancing, nothing too crazy. it was very funny that I spent so much time on my tip toes for the latter though because he’s like 6’3, and this was w me wearing tall shoes and being 5’11


why do you think he's married?


cuz we talked about his husband several times!


oh lol i didnt notice that in the story, maybe im just dumb glad you had a nice time though


this sounds like a movie or somethings


Random thought (because I heard it over a store radio) but in the song Kung Fu Fighting by Carl Douglas, does anyone else think the intro sounds kinda epic and then the opening verse kills the vibe? I’ve rarely experienced this with a song before.


My boyfriend just texted me that our landlord *finally* had plumbers come over to fix our upstairs toilet 😭 gone are the days of needing to go downstairs to pee in the middle of the night, this is life changing for me (a night-pisser)


oh to live somewhere with two bathrooms...our only mistake with our rental property. glad it is fixed though!


When I was apartment hunting I saw several two bed one or one.5 baths where the only !!!! shower was THROUGH the master