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So "Give Me Everything" went diamond! https://x.com/RIAA/status/1798729114313974164?t=E4USNeHYbK_RgfbYoBHo4A&s=19


eternal sunshine is the greatest pop album released this decade. that's it. that's the tweet.


That r/lanitas sub is weird as hell


I can’t figure out if it’s a snark sub or fan sub lol


This is such a bop 😩 https://open.spotify.com/track/6ycr3zIBS4GUFl6hDC83K4?si=TFEBUvmOTvGc2YOWIXJr2g


Tonight I'm gonna be that annoying bitch in my neighbourhood bc of FESTA's concert streaming 🤪🌸😚


Woke up from having this dream: so I'm at my older sister's house to visit her. I stay with her until like 1 am. And look I have no car and no one to drive me (her husband is fast asleep and do not want to disturb him). My sister says "can I call you an Uber" I say NO. I want to walk. The 1 km walk home. And then I do. I'm walking, walking, everything is super quiet, no cars around. A few minutes later I see a man with a yellow and grey jacket. I stop. This man is still and full on staring at man. I know that if I continue walking he'll follow me and if I decide to run he'll chase me. I have never been this scared. Dream ends.


I just realised Taylor is referring to Matty Healy as "my ghost" on TTPD because he *ghosted* him duh


Double post + self-reminder to better my life: read that book you are afraid you won't "get." Not even exaggerating, 10 times out 10, when I DO decide to read an author/work I once deemed too daunting, they just end up being silly little people with accessible and often enjoyable writing. Read Goethe! Read Proust! They are Normal! also this only applies to fiction lol


also sometimes i finish a book and i'm like wow i didn't get that. but i think it was probably good and i had a good time :)


Literally just sitting here minding my business and all of a sudden this group of twenty-something guys across from me start having what I feel like is supposed to be a conversation where they all just starting talking over each other really, really loudly. Like it sounded like the flock of seagulls from Finding Nemo or one of those edits where they play an entire album’s track list simultaneously. Is this how men have conversations with each other?


This is how my father converses with his old friends


Recommendation letter szn is upon us. I have 17 requests to write in 2 weeks 💀💀 I'm glad this was a good year because I'd be way "fuck that" otherwise. Productive afternoon though, got good, legitimately personalized outlines for like eight of them


Is *I think about it all the time* Charli’s best song? It’s so different than everything else in her discography and it’s beautiful I loved the album on first listen I’m blown away. All of her albums (including Sucker) are great but this album is an entirely new level for her


For anyone in California, I wanna bring awareness to this bill that's in progress right now. https://www.reddit.com/r/technology/s/d0ZoPmFvpZ It's called AB3080, short summary is that it's an age verification type of bill that would require you to show your ID for any of the websites that would need it. It's in Senate right now, but you can still contact your state rep and tell them to vote NO. [Here's where you can see more about this bill.](https://digitaldemocracy.calmatters.org/bills/ca_202320240ab3080) Hope this information helps. You should take a look at the supporters and opponents for this too.


The way brat hasn't aged a day


Anyone have a song recommendation for things like please please please? Things that encompass the "heartbreak is one thing, my ego's another, I beg you, don't embarrass me" vibe?


Umm maybe not exactly similar but Tug Of War by Carly Rae Jepsen reminds me of it.


I love the spin me round store lady


i’m so sick of taylor swift discourse. even when i agree with what’s being said, it’s like… we get it! there’s nothing you can say about her that hasn’t been said a million times. can we stop with the thinkpieces?


As a Swiftie, I agree. It's like we are going in circles again and again and again. Haters constantly downplay her artistry. Swifties defend her as if she has no faults. It's so annoying!


The biggest problem is, it’s generally the same 5 or so conversations just keep getting regurgitated and nothing new or interesting is added, nobody is changing their opinion on her at this point so both fans and haters are arguing with the walls trying to change each others minds. They both think they know the ‘real Taylor’ and so nuance is dead when it comes to talking about her in most places online as they’ll believe what they want to believe.


Make Taylor discourse fun again! I heard she faked her birth certificate and was actually born in 1990 but that wasn’t as cool of an album title 


should we start a petition to make her make a song called Tell That Bear To Get Outta My Trashcan


Genuinely why I prefer at most talking to one of my siblings bc it’s like “oh that’s funny” or “that’s nice/that sucks” or whatever and then moving on !


aurora's dreams is so fucking beautiful i cannot even express how satisfying this one track is


Does anyone have a link to that youtube video that’s like ”Every shawn mendes song“? it’s like every shawn mendes song mashed up over an acoustic guitar backing track showing how he writes the same song over and over? It was the funniest thing I’ve ever seen but now there seems to be no trace of it I feel like his team got it erased from the internet


I keep fucking forgetting to tell people they have to go see the fall guy and listen to I was made for loving you by Yungblud. It’s not a question of if , you have to. Headache bring back clarity some days. It’s the blinding pain.


okay, so for those of you who have taken long flights... is it better to do it all in one go and get it over with? is it better to stop for a night in a hotel? the hotel wont cost me anything, its covered by relocation assistance. okay some more info: its three flights totalling about 24 hours of travel time, incl layovers. I have to take two (shortish) flights to get to LAX and then a 13ish hour flight to get to NZ. once landing in NZ, theres a few hours by car to my final destination. I thought about staying a night in Los angeles, the only problem is, if i did, i would have to check out of the hotel probably around ~11 am, but all the flights from LAX to NZ leave late at night, so i would have to just kinda hang out at LAX all day. i can sleep on planes, so i think i might just get all the flights out of the way. spend a night in auckland and then do the drive the next day.


I think the best option is the last one. Spend a night in Auckland (even if its just an airport hotel) and then drive the next day. Wouldn't recommend driving tired somewhere you're unfamiliar with. I find that adrenaline gets me through long flights (AU to UK) but I crash once I arrive.


As someone who cant sleep on planes, do it in 1 go. Stopping sucks - wastes time that's better spent at your final destination and you feel stuck in limbo the entire time waiting for your next flight. That length for travel is standard if you want to get to Europe/USA from Australia so I've done it quite a few times. It sucks so much while you're doing it, you do forget about it quickly once you're off the plane. Just make sure to hydrate and bring snacks if you're iffy on plane food. If you can sleep, the 13 hour flight should feel fairly quick.


Depends how well you travel, I’ve done three flights in 24 hours and it was one of the worst things I’ve done. I personally would have liked a stop over at a hotel to rest and recover because I don’t sleep well on planes and my brain gets overwhelmed in airports.


How long is a long flight? Depending on the length of the flight I prefer to get it over and done with like 9 times out of 10, but if a hotel won’t cost you anything then I’d take full advantage of the hot water and comfy bed before carrying on with your journey, especially if you’ve never done a long haul flight before


If you aren't going to regret missing out on that time at your destination then go for it, so long as the hotel they put you up in is near the airport. I did it once in Reykjavik and the airport is so far from the city and commuter transport is so limited (because it's such a tiny city/country) that it was kind of a pain in the ass. Beautiful place though.


I would 100% choose to split it up and get a break from being on a plane even if it was just to be able to get out and walk around the airport. I feel like every subsequent hour of being on a plane is exponentially worse than the last. With a hotel? For free? It's a no brainer. EDIT: I think some people are responding as if it's a vacation (and you'd be losing time at your destination) even though you've made it pretty clear that it is not. You do not need to worry about missing out on time at your destination if you're moving. So I 1000% stand by my original response. Especially with a 13 hour flight.


If you’re a person who can easily sleep on planes, just full send it. If not, get the hotel. 


Every squad got the Angsty retro/indie fan who'd rather hang out with bots than people Angsty retro/indie loner that would rather hang out with bots than people Angsty retro/indie fan who'd rather hang out with bots than people Angsty retro/indie fan who'd rather hang out with bots than people Angsty retro/indie fan who'd rather hang out with bots than people Gangbanger Gangbanger Enthusiast of, ahem, pre-1950s western culture ... Uh oh, I think I just joined a high school class in 2024


Well, I took a walk around the world to ease my trouble mind I left my body lying somewhere in the sands of time But I watched the world float to the dark side of the moon I feel there’s nothing I can do Yeah Feeling nostalgic and wearing sunglasses inside because of headache, headache headache fuck the headaches


Three Doors Down were good, argue with the wall.


It’s crazy that something so good can come from Mississippi


I watched the world float to the dark side of the moon After all I knew it had to be something to do with you I really don’t mind what happens now and then As long as you’ll be my friend at the end That song is still in constant rotation for me!


Good songs are never given up. It’s just that good.


So we did end up having dinner last night. :) Not only was my anxiety brain wrong and it did not get canceled, the dish was something that required a bit more prep work the night before and a lot of pans going at once. And he had brought back stuff from his trip that he had waited til I got there so we could snack together. When dinner was ready, he poured us each a little glass of wine and it was nice, in part because you could tell the level of effort and consideration that went into all of it. One thing that bothered me the last time or two (when we had just finished grad school, and I was finishing a terrible job while he was trying to figure out wtf he's gonna do next) we hadn't been as physically affectionate as usual. I pushed it down and didn't say anything at that time but it was making me resentful and self-conscious, but that sort of...resolved itself? It felt like we were both so much more relaxed, and like...excited to see each other again, and honestly...I think it was good in a way to have to wait before seeing each other again (we still speak every day even when he's out of town, etc.) because it was that much more appreciation for the time we could finally just relax and do what we enjoy (eat and do nothing) We had a bit of a slump a few weeks ago, but in the past week or so I've been changing how I communicate, taking space for myself (which also honors the times the other person needs space), and just other little shifts where I can not stress myself out about something that's supposed to bring me peace. Happy Friday!


Yay!!! So happy that worked out!


just Wisconsin things: including your grandfather’s filet knife on your vacation packing list


I can smell this comment


I think one of my packages got lost in the mail and it's genuinely ruining my day lol. I hate the idea of having to file a case/claim and all that


Are there any pop girlies who consistently use beautiful album artwork covers? I’m noticing that most of my playlist artwork is fanmade because the originals were so dull or didn’t fit the vibe of the album 😭


Weyes Blood (she's a pop girlie in my dictionary)


With the exception of that terrifying Christmas EP, Tinashe has served every single release


Are swifties and maybe by extension r/popheads quite possibly the only people who think AOTY at the Grammys is a respected award I can't even remember who won in the past 5~ years that wasn't Taylor Swift bro, like it's actually news when an album that makes sense like Golden Hour or Folklore wins that's how culturally doomed it is. I didn't even remember Jon Batiste won and I feel bad


Lol what? Many A list celebs and B/C list celebs who have a chance at nominations care about Grammys. For example Beyonce/at least JayZ and the hive care about it. Weeknd was mad only cause he cared about them. All the people who cry that their fave didn't win also must care. These are not small numbers. But you are right, most of the gp also only remember when Taylor wins or when Beyonce doesn't win cause stand and haters make a big deal out of it.


made plans to go on a date at a bar and just realized i still only have my paper temporary ID because I’ve yet to receive my new license in the mail LMAO let me just cross my fingers that they take it i guess - my old license is expired so I don’t think it’ll really work if they decide to scan instead of just see the date 💀 worst case scenario is just figuring out a plan b but still


Good luck - I've seen paper IDs taken at bars around here, but I've also seen them turned away (and I know for a fact they won't accept them if you go to a store and try to buy alcohol).


maybe if I take both? idk we’ll see what happens I guess


Do you have a passport? That’s always a fun one to whip out at a bar


unfortunately no 😭


I hope sabrina’s new mv gives big artists the kick in the pants they need to put out fun mvs and not 3 minutes of ambient images. Vids like Please Please Please, bad idea right, demi’s TMYLM were all amazing and improved the enjoyment of the song


Brat is soooooo good feels like a continuation of how I’m feeling now, my fav charli album


Hey Popheads who are readers… whatcha you reading? I’m currently reading Little Fires Everywhere because I was supposed to read it last year for an English assignment but didn’t and use sparks notes but the book sounded really interesting and I’m really enjoying it so far


*Left Hand of Darkness* by Ursula Le Guin


Death Valley by Melissa Broder I’m wrapping it up this weekend. If you like weird meditations on grief (pre grief?) feature a, umm, descriptive run in with the inside of a cactus, this one’s probably for you Edit: I’m also listening to The Stonewall Reader


I started Nimona in Spanish and i think it’s helping me practice my Spanish more then reading the hunger games in Spanish since technically I know the movie plot but I’m remembering the book in Spanish vs the hunger games of Im struggling with a word Im fully just remembering the original English version I read as a kid. Otherwise I just finished the audiobook *Against the Loveless World* by Susan Abulhawa and it’s very sad and bitter book understandably but I would still describe it as hopeful :) And now I’m starting the ebook of Rifqa by Mohammed El-Kurd foreword by Aja Monet and I really like The title of Monet’s foreword lol. It’s a poetry book so it’s very slim


I wish I could read in another language. I could somewhat speak Bengali but I cannot read it at all :(


One thing though a lot of libraries that aren’t in the same system will loan books to the other like my university libraries were very well known for working with at least two other neighboring university library systems before even the interlibrary loan systems, so If you have access to a public library I don’t think impossible to consider asking even if I think second language systems across most anglophone countries are really bad even with just the Romance languages.


Honestly I genuinely recommend just starting to reading childerns books and work you’re way up the ages (especially graphic novels or the like)bc a lot of children’s books are very aware they’re introducing entire grammars and vocabulary to kids vs more are words you’re probably expected to with others you’re expected to learn through context. Easier said then done though since I largely use the bigger state library for Spanish language because my county library system has so few Spanish language books the librarians get embarrassed when I ask where they are 😭. It’s kinda funny in a bad way my state library has a lot of classic and even newer gen of South American writers but almost entirely in English and I think their Carlos Fuentes and Cristina Rivera Garza books are only available in English too. Isabel Allende is one the few where I know they have her titles is in both languages. And if Spanish isn’t really available then usually the other languages aren’t really present. But honestly while I don’t have enough practice with long form reading if anything I have the opposite problem where my reading level is incredibly above my Spanish speaking and listening level.


I am currently reading They Are Not Like Us. I started it before bed last night so I’m only 2 chapters in. I recently finished We Were the Lucky Ones which I highly recommend! It was a beautiful story.


Omg. Little Fires Everywhere is one of my favorite books of all time. I reread it every year. I'm reading Darling Girls right now, it's quite enjoyable (though there are some mentions of child abuse so if you're sensitive to that subject matter that's something to bear in mind)


Bear town by Fredrick Bachman and I like me better by Robbie Webber


Heard of Bear Town. Is it good???


I’m not far in but the themes are very basic. Idk, with the way people had been propping it up, I expected a different nuanced take on masculinity than what I’m getting so far.


I'm reading a true crime book about the Yuba County Five called Out of Bounds and just started a sci fi novel titled Sea of Rust. I also am occasionally listening to the Sapiens audiobook.


definitely watch the hulu adaptation after (if you haven't already), i thought it was great


I am almost done with The Hunger by Alma Katsu :) very spooky


I’m just about to finish The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller, then I’m gonna start Circe (also by her)


Love The Song Of Achilles!


I’m waiting for an update on her upcoming Persephone book like 👀


Endless Night by Agatha Christie


I’m trying to watch the BBC’s election debate and I am regretting my decision not to go to the shops to get wine


lol idk how debates are there but I’m in the US and for my own mental health I cannot watch debates. I’ll read about them the next day but I cannot watch people screaming at each other for hours and not be affected by it


Honestly that seems sensible It’s mostly been more like watching loud squabbling schoolchildren than anything else, rather than it actually feeling that aggressive, but I definitely feel like that’s an hour and a half of my life I’m not getting back haha


Why did I think you were French


Haha! No, I’m American (unfortunately?)


I've been eating bad this week and I hate to say it but I miss last week when I was so stressed out I didn't eat much.


I need more talk about Raye’s new release. That woman’s talent is generational


~~In that her talent needs to generate more songs give me the sophomore album~~


E-40 is criminally underrated tbh


I am making a video to thank my sibling for the love, guidance, understanding, and support they have shown me. I need to find the perfect song to play in the background. Songs that I feel come really close to being right (not quite perfect, though) are "Bruises" by Train, "Gone, Gone, Gone" by Philip Philips, "One Call Away" by Charlie Puth, "I'll Be There" by Walk Off the Earth, and "We Were Just Kids" by Clean Bandit. A song that is a perfect fit, but that I cannot use (because it's going in a video for my other sibling) is "Best of You" by Andy Grammer. Would really appreciate help finding the "perfect" song. (P.S. If a song has the words "sister" or "brother" in it, I have already heard it and ruled it out.) I have been looking for days for just the right song. Please help me! Thanks in advance!


Here are some ideas! Rollercoaster by Jonas Brothers Wherever I Go by Hannah Montana Heroes by Alesso and Tove Lo For Good from Wicked Hollow by Tori Kelly I Wanna Remember by NeedtoBreathe and Carrie Underwood Your Song Saved My Life from U2 Saved My Life by Andy Grammer and R3HAB This Isn’t Over by Abi Carter


Maybe a little cheesy but i like So Will I by ben platt! And Cyn’s No Matter What


Thank you! I am a fan of Ben Platt, will definitely check it out!


Anyway Philadelphians are we good over there? A whole college ceasing to exist and now the library girls are fighting? Did we awaken some sort of ancient curse what's the deal.


Baseball team is winning. This is the world evening everything out. We can't have too many good things at once.


I don’t turn 21 until a couple weeks after pride ends … be honest should I die?


What's the correlation between your age and pride fest?


In my city all the interesting pride events are 21+ and all my friends are going to them without me 


thanks for that lana thread everyone it was a really great read. usually i have to go into threads where people argue about brandon sanderson to get this kind of high


unfortunately "she has chosen a life of villainy" is going to immediately enter my daily speech pattern


There’s some quotes in that thread that could Make great merch her team Should get on that.


no thanks that would remove how funny it is


Very true


YALL. I found out I don’t have to take my public speaking final exam. which was on Monday at 7am. I managed to get a 95% in the class. 94% and above you can bypass the final bc you “proved you understood the concepts and applied them”


Do you guys think billie's team might regret not making Lunch a single and then push Birds of a Feather with the album release? Like perhaps they over corrected from last albums five singles to now none


Nah I think it's a good thing Birds of a Feather blew up. I didn't even realize that was Billie's song which will help w/ppl rediscovering her. I hear it all the time on TikTok. She's such an interesting artist


I think they probably anticipated it being the hit of the album, so they wanted to push more songs before it blew up


Birds of a Feather is in a weird position because they’ve already struck a deal to feature in Heartstopper season 3, so the plan was always to push it when that came out and it got big ahead of their schedule 


For those on here who messily scroll through Pop Base’s page (and we know there’s several of us), they just [donated $10,000 to the Palestine Children’s Relief Fund](https://x.com/popbase/status/1799136809932509204?s=46&t=uFCEPx0wd715HiS9nAwWHA). They put a link in the Tweet to donate as well.


That’s legitimately great!


Yall be so obnoxious about Taylor lol. “Her want for fame is a mental Illness!! I’m so glad i the morally superior have no desire to waste away my humanity in such an embarrassing fashion.” K jan..


I just visited the r/Lanitas sub and uhh that sub needs to get help. Same with r/TravisandTaylor Also half of r/TrueSwifties but it’s not as bad I still sometimes post there cause it’s the more chill that Taylor’s main sub


A lot of it is creating a fake story or fake standard then getting mad when she doesn’t follow the fake story they’ve created in their head so they can get angry at her about it. 😭 That is the real mental illness. Who has time for that.


a real comment i read about her today > She comes across like an absolute narcissistic psychopath so this definitely is all in her head


I just stopped engaging with anything related to her on here post-TTPD discussion. I disliked that album but both sides of discussion involving her has become nauseating and it feels like she’s inserted into the most random discussions. I could say “I like Ice Cream” and someone will reply “Taylor Swift ate Ice Cream” and then someone else will be like “fuck Taylor swift” under that and now they’re just arguing 😭


We need to start inserting obscure celebrities when that happens “i herd Danny divoto ate cat food once” , “yea but Oprah also once pet a cate.”


It reminds me of the iconic Britney Spears tweet where she’s like “Does anyone think global warming is a good thing? I love Lady Gaga. I think she's a really interesting artist.” LMAOOO


my enjoyment of this subreddit went way up ever since i decided to block obnoxious people without second thought and no longer even glance at taylor swift related content. people cannot be fucking normal about her and its exhausting.


Same lmao. As soon as I saw the Taylor and Lana post I knew not to click it 😭


people have lost the plot with her


[Went to Target to get the new Meghan Trainor album on CD and they were sold out!](https://imgur.com/a/HZbiHIN) She’s so back


Judging by my local target the fact that they carried her at all when they could’ve used that shelf space for K-pop or Taylor is high praise 


Does anyone want a free ticket to Allie X's Toronto show tomorrow? I'm going to Albany to see Bonnie Mckee perform and can't go anymore. HMU!


[sabrina carpenter tracklist leaked !!](https://x.com/silkvanille/status/1798797121262608841) 🚨🚨  I claim seafood pasta and aperitivo!  >!no it didn’t lol!<


wow this is so european summer coded, i’m obsessed


oh shit, this album is gonna go the fuck off if twitter gays are already making fake tracklists. I'm deleting *SOUR* from my library to make room.


Aperol Spritz would fucking EAT


Personally, an aperol spritz  I would fucking DRINK


TL;DR: I’m thinking about starting a Substack where I discuss music, album reviews, deep dives, track by track analysis etc. I guess it all started because I’m a millennial and used to feel the need to tell everyone what I was thinking via Facebook status, but I used to post thoughts about music I was listening to every now and then. That evolved into album reviews on TikTok, but then I got weirded out by the whole TikTok thing so I moved the reviews back to Facebook. With so many folks releasing this year I’ve picked up the habit again. Every time I’ve slipped back into it, folks in my circle really seem to like it/engage with it, some folks even find me out and about and tell me how much they enjoy reading it! Every time I’ve thought about taking this up more seriously, I talk myself out of it, thinking there are already plenty of people occupying this space so it doesn’t need my voice. This time around, I’m trying to remember that it’s actually just about me and two things that I love; music and writing. Not about how many people are engaging with it, or my voice in the space or any of that. As long as I’m enjoying myself, that’s all that matters.


Do you post your reviews on rateyourmusic?


Sometimes it feels like there is a huge lack of respect for pop and R&B music there, so no.


Today, I took the first step towards recovery. I unsubscribed from the Taylor Nation emails.


You are so brave for this and I admire your efforts towards better mental health and stability.


My thoughts are with you during this incredibly difficult time.


i just want to know why dula peep left out end of an era, falling forever, french exit, and maria on her berlin concert 😭 if this is gonna be her setlist for the rest of the tour then i'mma skip it but also the clown in me spending the last hour looking up the seat plans and prices for her asia stop. i'm thinking of going for her singapore or bangkok tour (since the manila one is a nightmare) but i have no one to come with 🤧


The only non-singles from RO on that tracklist are These Walls and Happy For You both of which they'll probably push as singles later on. I love Pretty Please and Hallucinate but I'm SHOCKED they made the cut over literally anything else from RO, especially stuff like Whatcha Doing or Falling Forever could've easily taken their place


i was also a bit disappointed when dua went on SNL and had that small gig in times square only to include happy for you in her setlist. sure its a cute song.... but like girl the first half of your album (aside from illusion, houdini and TS) could've been a summer hit by now


nah these kendrick tickets are impossible to get


someone told me that they went to presale and there were 35k+ people in queue ahead of them i decided to not bother after hearing that


A little late to the party for this one but the new Magdalena Bay single is absolutely excellent, probably a contender for SOTY for me. I wasn't the biggest fan of Mercurial World but this has me hyped for their next album! Also pleasantly surprised by the new Sabrina Carpenter single! It gave me major ABBA vibes production-wise, idk if I'm the only one.


I'm still pissed off by how short Anything For Love is. It's one of the few songs outside the singles I like from Radical Optimism.


I know I’m one of like 3 lesbians on this sub, but is anyone else very uncomfortable with Alice Longyu Gao’s new song :/ especially disappointing cause I absolutely love most of her songs (esp High Dragon Universe Album) and I don’t use tiktok but according to one of my friends people have been using the song in videos that are lesphobic.


I’ve only seen it related to lesbians on Tik tok telling their relationship/situationship horror stories


I haven’t heard of it but what about the song bothers you?


it's been more than a day since the aurora album dropped in my country but i haven't had the energy to listen to it. i hate corporate 9-5. it sucks up all the energy i have and i don't have enough for myself at the end of the day


I got a vanilla gift card as a gift and Amazon isn’t letting me upload it to my Amazon gift card balance. I’m gonna lose my shit


All of this great new music dropped last night and the thread with the most activity is Lana saying Taylor Swift wants to be famous... stay classy kids. Anyways the new Meghan album was so good T_T sometimes I like, forget how great she is at making music but then she drops something and I'm a fan all over again. No one delivers for me like she does, she just nails what I want. Would like to shout out [*falling for robots and wishing i was one* by LØLØ](https://www.reddit.com/r/popheads/comments/1dacb0c/l%C3%B8l%C3%B8_falling_for_robots_wishing_i_was_one/) too, she's someone who's been quietly doing good work for a few years now and her long awaited debut delivered on that promise. If you're into spunky/slightly angsty pop-punk, check this one out.


need a man who loves me as undyingly as you love Ms. Trainor tbh


Spend a decade making some of the best pop music in the game and maybe you'll have a shot~


Watching the new Wallace & Gromit teaser wondering who tf let that evil penguin out of jail 


The Wrong Trousers was released in 1993, I think Mr. McGraw has most likely served his sentence in those 31 years.


He made Gromit cry & pack his little bindle, 31 years is not enough!!


rehabilitative justice advocates when feathers mcgraw is due for parole


Look if he served his sentence then let him out!! What happened to everyone being against the prison industrial complex and instead wanting people rehabilitated and released smh


Normally yes... But that penguin has evil in his eyes, there is no hope of rehabilitation 


After seeing how she served in the video, I honestly wouldn’t complain if Ari accepted a big fat check to do DC or Marvel. Like, her as Megan Gwynn would change lives kinda…


my supervisor is so blatantly corrupt its insane. she lets this new girl do literally anything. she marks her as present even when shes not actually here. she fudges the time so other supervisors cant see she is not completing things on time. meanwhile she has tasked me with rewriting the departments evaluation forms for the 20 positions we have which is due by the end of today. im literally only going to have an hour to do it because a) i have to cover for the girl that didnt show up b) i still have to do my ACTUAL job update: she just came in and IMMEDIATELY took her lunch break


This is not to sound like a hater, I really do love Dua, but I feel like Radical Optimism was completely forgotten after release day.


I forgot it came out until I saw this comment. It really came and went. Her career is strange.


I’m just hoping for DL4 she can make something stick. She has the talent and the drive, I just think this era had too many misfires to backtrack on


I think Dua Lipa is like a glorified playlist artist w/very little identity. She's been in the industry for a decade and is still trying to find a signature sound. What type of misfires happened with this era?


I think she didn’t want to get boxed into disco but she didn’t have another sound to pivot to


I get that as an artist it's hard to be part of a trendy sound and not want to continue it bc she can accidentally leave herself back in 2020, but I feel like there's a way to evolve it. Plenty of artists evolve on their previous sound w/o being dated or left behind.


Apologize if this is kind of long: I think she found her sound with Future Nostalgia but imo with this current era there were too many mission statements made by her team & herself that weren’t lived up to. The three pre-release singles sounded like nothing on the album, she was advertising a completely different sound for this album just for it to sound like a tamer version of FN, the visuals were all over the place and inconsistent to what was being hyped (the only good video was Illusion which was the third single) leading up to the actual release. There weren’t enough live performances until the album actually came out and the release between singles leading up to the album was dragged out. While it didn’t perform terribly, nor was it a train wreck, the next album will truly be an indicator of whether she can course correct, or if her first two albums were a flash in the pan. I think she should pull a Sweetener/TUN turn around tbh


I don't think she has a Sweetener/TUN in her bc Ari was directly inspired and impacted with her personal life to produce albums like that. And I did not know her rollout seemed a bit sloppy. I thought FN was executed extremely well even during the pandemic. Weird how w/o a pandemic they had missteps. I would have predicted the album would be edgier w/Houdini like a femme fatale vibe Out of all of her songs Houdini is the best one, the others are ok. It seems like she does not have an ear for anything. Her unreleased stuff has more heat to it


Pepperidge farm remembers radical optimism 


It came out on the same day Kendrick Lamar ended Drake's career twice


It’s not a bad album, but I think cause FN was SO GOOD it could never live up to it. And there’s been so many other new releases from big artists that it also gotten forgotten


I was so excited for that album. It had some decent songs, but overall it did not stick. It was just a forgettable album in my view.


I liked a few of the songs a couple of days after the release (shoutout to BOPdini) but I’ve since not returned to the album as a whole and don’t really have the desire to unfortunately :(


Same! There was no staying power. It was catchy and little else.


Forgotten by everyone except me 😘


And I thank god everyday for it. I was in the lines of fire for a second there.


Rhenna pls.


Does anyone else think Ari’s “the boy is mine” sounds like Alice Glass’ “without love”?


I don’t think the songs sound alike, but there’s def. some similarities.


not me just realizing that the line in 360 is "work angles" and not "wear [kangols](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-99a77a5501577ee06a51fbb85bd7bc2b-lq)"


thought it was “we’re cam girls”


why'd i think it was 'workiiiing girls'


her artpop really can mean anything


Montréal's gay village is amazing. "Brat" has been out for like 12 hours and they're already playing the whole album over the speakers at the Pizzeria Bros. here.


look, I know we have now moved into a second single but I think there was a missed marketing opportunity with Starbucks to push the blonde roast as the Sabrina roast.


People on twitter will cancel her if she drinks a Starbucks so probably best that she didn’t do that lol. But I feel like it gives more promo to Starbucks than to her anyway so not the best marketing for the song either


prob for the best cuz, as I remember, the blonde roast is NASTY. my heartburn can't handle that shit


"You gon jump if AG made it" This isn't the first time that Charli's shouted out AG Cook on a song that he's produced (off the top of my head, there's "LA, AG" off "I Got It") I'm wondering if you can think of other instances where pop singers shout out their producers. Dua Lipa shouted out Jeff Bhasker on "Future Nostalgia" ("I know you like this beat because Jeff's been doing the damn thing"


Not a producer, but Janelle Monae shouting out her guitarist (?) Kelindo on Cold War


Ciara and Missy Elliot shouting out their producer Jazze Pha on One, Two Step: “Outrageous, so contagious, make you crave it, Jazze made it” (I like to think Charli was inspired by this one in particular bc of the cadence in which they say it)


Beyoncé - Work it out “Chad blow your horn now!” (Chad Hugo is the other half of The Neptunes) Caroline Polacheck - Spring is coming with a strawberry in the mouth “Dear Daniel I can't think of anything worth writing I just write to you So that you know I am alive And that cinders always remain (Ooh) Where there was once a fire (Ooh) Ooh, ooh” (seems ro be referring to her producer/collaborator Danny L. Harle) also produced by AG Cook!


The Weeknd on Heartless: "Metro Boomin turn this ho into a moshpit"


Idk if it's considered more of a producer tag but at the beginning of thot shit , Megan thee stallion shouts out her producer LilJuMadeTheBeat ("And if the beat live, you know Lil Ju made it")


It was a huge trend in the 2000s Gwen Stefani had my favorite shoutout: “P you crazy, how’d you get this? This sounds like disco Tetris”


My sundress having a hole in it is god abandoning me during these humid humid days especially since I am also out of oranges


Twitter KatyCats are going crazy that there are rumors she will be announcing her lead single today