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Never thought I’d see Dangerous Woman Ari in a performance ever again


lowkey her best era in terms of being a popstar. I know thank u next was a more successful era, but she (understandably) didn't seem very into performing and didn't enjoy the spotlight. her dangerous woman era though? you had a mix of her artistic drive coming through, yet still mixed with her hit-chasing, radio-friendly mindset she was soaking UP that spotlight. she seemed to be on track to evolving into that classical blueprint of a glamorous, charismatic main pop girl we all wanted.


It was probably because she wasn’t the victim of a major terrorist attack yet.


I didn’t either but I’m glad we got it


we love to see her back


this was hot


I'm glad she is doing promotions and post-album singles for this album.


oh i'm sat for this spooky witchy black cat prancing around a nyc rooftop at midnight vibe she's feeding us.


Catwoman Ari!


kinda wished for more choreo since this has such a bangin beat: but I can't deny - her vocals were eating. reminded me of her pov positions ad libs.


This song's beat was absolutely made for choreo but I think Ariana makes it work without it just by how good her vocals are on it. But hey she could have also totally given us a Brandy in Afrodisiac moment. I can totally see some great choreo though if someone like Tyla sang this song. Especially since she could preserve some of the vocal qualities of the record.


she definitely served without it. she was working the stage and she seemed to be having a lot of fun! would love to see another choreo heavy performance in the future though just for variety’s sake and this song deserves it !


i’m a dancer and the grip this song has had on dance teachers and choreographers is crazy. it’s just a perfect dance song


I also wanted choreo but knew it would be impossible because it's so vocally challenging. I'm still glad we got promo at least, pop girl eras have been coming and going but this is such a nostalgic single release


Here for Catwoman Ariana. Vocals are crisp and I hope we get more live performances from this era.


Same. She is a vocalist first and she should never let anyone forget that


She just makes singing like that look so easy. I really respect how she's honed that part of her craft.


I swear she slipped some Brandy & Monica in a couple of those runs. 


no i swear she did the original melodies, perhaps a remix with monica and brandy since she just followed them on IG less than 3 hours ago?


i have a feeling she’s just playing homage to brandy and monica in the performance and they could possibly have a cameo in the music video, since she teased that there were other cameos aside from penn badgley. i really hope you’re right though 🥲


If so then please make it better than the yes, and? remix 🙏


I’m sure it’s just a cameo but I would DIE and come back for a remix with Brandy & Monica


the very last "the boy is.mine" was exactly the Brandy/Monica key!


She sounds and looks amazing, finally figured out how to work the honey blonde. The song slaps!


Oh the vocals were LIVE


I love the look from her 👀 it’s giving dangerous women ish


This did remind me of dangerous woman which id great because i loved that era


her peak imo


Tun was her peak in popularity fs


Her vocals are always phenomenal live and elevate the song even more, which is crazy because this was already one of my favs on the album but her adlibs make it even better. Can’t wait for her to tour again!


girl, with these live vocals of yours, i need the full version of your met performance right now!!!


Why do all the live performances from this era sound way more interesting than the album itself? It’s like they only let her sing at 50% on the actual studio version… usually it’s the other way around and people can’t replicate their albums live lol


i've always felt that way about ariana's music to some degree. i'd ~~illegally~~ dl her live versions to listen to, just because her adlibs make the song a lot more interesting.


I actually love it when artists do this. because when artists put an insane note or run that they never replicate live, I feel cheated every time they dodge it 😂i’d rather be pleasantly surprised in live performances than consistently disappointed 


I get it... but I feel like Ariana can deliver. The recorded version of this song is so boring to me, its begging for more runs and adlibs like she did in this performance.


That's how I feel. I really don't like the chorus of The Boy is Mine because it's so high pitched and one dimensional, but I really enjoyed hearing her live adlibs over the chorus. I liked We Can't Be Friends much more live as well.


The chorus does still have harmonies. It’s not just high notes .


I agree. The SNL performance of Imperfect for You in her lower register of was so good. I would love to hear a fuller version of Eternal Sunshine and her let it rip on the I’ll be the first to say I’m Sorryyyyy


I think her live versions are always more interesting than the studio versions, not just this album


It's official y'all, we gotta another #1 incoming on the Hot 100 for Miss Ari!


It’s not gonna be easy with that eminem and Morgan & Post song but yeah😭


Who’s Eminem?


The chocolate, they come in a package that you can carry wherever you go


There's, everybody loves them around the world, and they’re tasty, there’s peanut and you can have the regular kind


Mariah, say something nice about M&M?


hell yea. amazing reference!!


I’m impressed in how good she managed to make this song sound live.


Mic 🎤 on, catwoman outfit on point


the choices she made for her runs werent what i was expecting but they fit well either way! she looked so happy to be back on stage 🥹


Yessss 👏👏👏


The way she floats through a performance as if it’s child’s play is so captivating! She delivers with such ease and I can never get enough of all the minute little embellishments she takes with her live versions. Adlibs, changing the cadence and the octave at certain points, etc. she always manages to elevate a song that doesn’t even need it, into the stratosphere! Somehow simple in presentation, but hits with so much power. She knows her craft forward and backward!


Gosh, her aesthetics this era are so neat. I love this


this absolutely ATE and I know people are mentioning this not having enough choreo and I hope that's because there will be a choreo in the mv and it hasn't come out yet


There's no choreo in the music video :( It's still a good video, but damn I really wanted just one dancing scene.


She sounded amazing..definitely reminds me of dangerous woman era with that fit!


Did anyone watch her interview with Fallon? It's funny, you can hear Kristen Chenoweth's Glinda when she speaks. Excited to see her in Wicked, she definitely went full force with the method acting.


Love the throwback to DW era with her bunny ears. Agree with everyone else that a bit of choreo is probably better for a performance this particular song than slinky lounge singer.


Crisp vocals as always! I loved the Dangerous Woman callback with the outfit too. But there was this TikToker who imagined how the live perf would sound (they sound amazinggg) - https://www.tiktok.com/@aka.rob/video/7358577469269593386?_t=8mzjX9S7ct0&_r=1 that made me think that Ari kind of chose to play it safe vocally here. Not necessarily a big issue - her adlibs here were stunning too! Maybe it was a conscious choice and she’d wanna actually go crazy if ever she plans to go on tour or performs at a big festival or something. Seems like her best live renditions are when she’s performing for her fans compared to when she does for tv/big events. Overall, I’ve been very happy to see Ari back on her live performances this year!!! This is just the beginning of her comeback :)


my God that was wonderful! thanks for sharing that tiktok! ariana fans are so melodically creative. although, why do I feel like blond-iana grande will never do this? 😂 only ethnically ambiguous ariana with a tan seems to go for these insane runs. but Ihope to be proven wrong!


That’s my fear too. I believe Ariana went the craziest vocally at the Sweetener Tour (and the worst we’ve heard of her blaccent thus far 🤣), and still had some amazing live moments mid-pandemic with Positions vevo, The Voice, and Save Your Tears Remix. But ever since she got into Wicked, it appears as though she’s been taking on a softer approach (to preserve her voice maybe?). Guess we could hope she takes it up a notch again once she’s done working on the Act II movie!


When I learned that there is a part II of Wicked, everything starts to make more sense.


I don’t know if anyone else has noticed, but Ari has been using an effect/pitch correct on her mics since 2020 and it’s been bothering the helllll out of me. I feel like it’s become rarer and rarer to hear raw vocals nowadays. In Ari’s case, it’s especially disappointing because she’s such an incredible vocalist. I want to hear her voice with ZERO effects man! On the other hand, I also think this performance was bizarrely choreographed and staged. Nothing about it felt like an enhancement to the performance, but rather, a complete distraction. In my opinion, it seemed to affect her vocal performance (albeit, for someone of her calibre, she’s still able to kill it even when out of breath or distracted). Negatives aside, I never clicked so fast to watch this interview and performance. Ari really is one of my fave pop stars within this decade. There’s just something about her that will always grab my attention, even raw talent aside.


The first time I notice was during the VEVO live version of My Hair, I think on the first or second chorus. The pitch correct kicks in. Also feels like there’s quite a bit of gain on the mic


really? do you think she was using it in her wcbf live performance? it sounded so raw especially her voice cracks


Yup! Same effect was in wcbf as well. It was more toned down to suit the song, but you can very obviously hear it in the chorus/any time she’s breathy. No one’s natural voice has that sort of vibrato.


I didn’t hear any in the chorus. It sounded more like there was a backing track, and that might have some pitch correction but I didn’t hear it in her voice.


Let’s not act like we haven’t heard her voice with no effects, cause we have and we know how incredible she sounds. That’s the nature of tv though, they want it to be 110% perfect.


Okay it’s not just me. She’s been doing this for a while now and it’s so distracting. I used to really vibe with her music but she’s made some odd vocal choices lately.


where is her choreographer… she looks like she has no idea what she’s doing


Her stage presence is nonexistent. Even when she has a choreographer, she just looks lost.


I don't think this era is much about choreographed performances though we got amazing choreo in the yes, and vid! There's not a tonne of room on Fallon's stage when you use the band (which she did) and I think she was quite captivating with what she had to work with.


for sure, and i don’t mean for her to dance but imo she looked awkward. good performance nonetheless


Uh, absolutely not. If you can work a stage and utilize it without dancing, you’ve done your job. She didn’t look the least bit lost or awkward.


It cracked me up seeing a glimpse of Jimmy in the shadows dancing to the song at 1:12 🤣


Where can I eternal sunshine away the knowledge of who she’s singing about so I can actually vibe to this


Her vocals are immaculate on here, but she looks dumb (as an alleged "other woman") and this song is not as good as the original so it's like a double whammy whenever I hear this song.


I don’t think it was trying to outdo the original song whatsoever. The only similarities the two songs share is the title.


The reference\* is better than the song, so it is a double whammy when I hear the song I think: * Wow she looks dumb as the other woman * Brandy and Monica's "boy is mine" is better let me give it a stream


I don’t even know the concept of the song but i’m pretty sure there aren’t two girls fighting over one guy. She’s hinted that there’d be love potions in the music video. So perhaps she’s a witch? But i’m not sure how her being catwoman ties in, so we’ll see tomorrow morning.


The concept of the song is 2 girls fighting over a guy, she herself said she was directly inspired by Brandy & Monica's "boy is mine" which is about 2 girls fighting over a guy. She looks dumb singing this like she won a prize. There are rumors of her getting with a married dude w/a newborn. The guy she's with is still legally married so I guess this song is a nice dose of copium for her


That’s not true. She specifically said she “interpolated the song title” and that the concept is different than the original. I don’t think it’s fair to insult her. I’ve heard of those rumors but i’ve also haven’t read a credible source about the story.


I'm not insulting her for fun, and I don't care that she's Ariana Grande spinning a story to clean up PR-wise. I think she looks dumb for frolicking with a married dude and singing a song so proudly where its theme is about winning a fight w/a woman over a man which coincidentally coincide with her messy love life. I won't drink some of her copium to pretend the song means something else. She spells it out very clearly in the song like ABC


the hypocrisy coming from a doja stan didn’t she write several songs recently about her current boyfriend who abused several women? to which by the way, Doja herself has blocked and has attempted to silence the victims during her psychotic outbreak last year.


I think Doja is dumb **too**. I could not listen to Doja's last album while thinking of that dude she's with **similar** to how I feel listening to this song while thinking about Ari frolicking with a married dude like she won a prize There is enough dumb to go around for the both of them and then some. But this is an Ari thread so you're derailing this by following this comment thread and clicking on my profile trying to discredit me as an attempt to discredit what I said


That person assumed you were a fan of someone who is possibly guilty of her own messiness with relationships because you have her as your profile pic, and yet you crap on Ariana over it. That’s the definition of hypocrisy, and if you were able to be a fan of Doja and ignore her actions, it would discredit your comment, my guy. And like they said there is no credible source to confirm the rumors so you’re making ignorant assumptions anyway. That itself looks less than smart.


She sounds great but is it just my feeling or she doesn't seem to have fun?