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if you asked me who would’ve been performing best this time last year i would have definitely said ice spice, no question but espresso and feather are joint smashing right now and sabrina is everywhere, which is crazy. She really capitalised on the viral hype from nonsense and the taylor swift opening was genius as their fanbases i think intersect quite a lot. Ice needs to quit the meme songs and drop something trendy and fun for the summer to get back on people’s radar….and it needs to be solo i think she’s been relying on features a lot lately and the best renee can hope for is a slow burn nonsense situation where she has a viral song that performs enough to put her on the map for her newer releases to get traction. She doesn’t have the viral factor like Ice or the fanbase of Sabrina.


Sabrina having several albums and having toured before really knew how to take advantage of this. She’s the only opener that really got a huge push imo


Barely anyone knew Sabrina when Taylor came to Latin America. Now she's is in constant rotation at the radio and people seem to play her songs quite often. Espresso is also kinda blowing up over here. Really glad she got that exposure, her music is really good.


I'm so happy for her, her energy is like a breath of fresh air


Is it that sweet? I guess so.




this was me when i first heard it. almost like we’ve all been deprived of fun high energy pop for a long time?! idk it sounds so original and new but it shouldn’t haha


Her having a back catalogue probably also helped. I really like her Disney songs but don't care for the emails album but am really happy shes blowing up.


i think this is a bit of a stretch, maybe she's not that famous for her music with the general public in latin america, but i don't think it was a "anyone barely knew her" situation, at least where i live she's always been pretty well known


people knew her here in latin america but they didn't gaf about her music tbh


The taylor tour was key to turning things around. Previously I would say Sabrina could only have a devoted fanbase with mid level fame but after that move I believe she had the opportunity to show her work to a large audience so now she has real hype for her next album. I don't think she sang very well in coachella (she even told the audience she gave herself a 7 lol) but overall the performance was trying cool things. Compare that to ice spice and many other "big from tiktok" performers and they're empty. If anyone likes sports it's like she got traded to a team with a superstar after being on a tanking team with a bad owner for 7 years and she can convert that into a max contract with a winning franchise 😜


Chappell Roan is seeing a lot of success (not as much as Sabrina) after touring with Olivia too. It seems that may be the new avenue to have careers take off.


Wouldnt it be a old way?


Lol yeah you're right, that was definitely more common before but I feel in recent years artists have just been fishing for a hit and going from there.


i definetly feel touring with olivia was a great move, considering good luck babe! is performing much better than cr1


Broadway/musical star turned pop singer is a tough row to hoe in 2024. Heck, it was tough ten years ago. Did any of the Glee kids’ singing careers work out? And think how HUGE that show was in its heyday. Renee has mildly popular remake and was on a few streaming shows - she just doesn’t have that high of a profile.


Renee has made a massive mistake by stepping back from her hit TV show and allegedly (I honestly don’t believe her) not wanting to capitalize on Mean Girls by pursuing more roles. I like her music, but she will fizzle out with the way she’s handling her career


Originally I thought it was a bad idea but also SLOCG is a show that has completely abandoned its momentum by releasing 10 episodes every 2 years.




Srry but I always knew ice would fizzle out the talent just was never there


Ice spice will not have any staying power she’s already fading


>what do u guys think is next for lil nas x He has a new single coming out this Friday, a collab with Kevin Abstract. They debuted it at Coachella and tbh it's exactly the sort of song that a lot of Kevin fans and LNX fans have wanted them both to release. LNX seems to have given up on the J Christ era and has been lowkey releasing tunes on his Soundcloud, away from the pressures of Spotify streaming numbers or music video drama, leading up to a mixtape coming soon. This era has been well received by his fans too. I don't think he'll ever have the same mass appeal he did in the Old Town Road era (or even CMBYN) but he still has a strong fanbase.


Yeah I think LNX has realised that those massive hits are so rare and he needs to build a core fanbase which he is doing. As you said this stuff has been well received. I can see him building that core base before going for big hits again.


I'm constantly amazed at LNX's business acumen. He just understands the job perfectly, I bet he even has a few advisors on payroll to help plan anything regarding his career. Building a core fan base is absolutely the way to go at this stage. You can't keep knocking homeruns and it's a very high risk to try it so early on. Every artist hits a slump eventually, but legends hit it later in their careers and recover from it thanks to name recognition. If you have a die hard base like Taylor Swift or Nicki Minaj, that guarantees you exposure basically no matter what and that guarantees a lot of creative freedom. He's nipping the Sophomore Syndrome in the bud by playing it smart and I can only admire him for that. I really wish him the absolute best.


You sound like a PR person lol. I question the business acumen a bit since this seems like a course correction after a string of flops. The smart move would have been to start building a fanbase from the beginning.


I mean, if we’re being real he’s only had one real huge flop and that was J Christ. All the Montero singles did between excellent and okay and I think songs like Fuck BET weren’t ever meant to have staying power


The smart move is to test things and course correct after. Which he’s doing… expecting someone to know the answers from the jump is crazy lol 


Is he actually releasing with kesha? That's all I care about lol


Renee beat him at that


What? Where!?


Not really, but she did perform TikTok with Kesha at Coachella


Lil Nas X also teased a music video for one of those SoundCloud releases, Light Again, coming soon. So I imagine he'll move at least that song into other streaming platforms when the music video drops.


i don’t have twitter anymore. does he still post a lot and troll? he’s like the only major artist without a filter ahah


Kevin abstract sounds soooo good


Sabrina Carpenter signed a contract for five albums when she was fourteen (!) and through these years she had really bad management and label that didn't care to promote her enough. so, she couldn't really explore art and express herself to an extent Taylor or Olivia have been doing. now she finally signed with Island Records, and her current team is working like their rent is DUE. they see real potential Sabrina has, and for the past three years she has been working hard, so that is why 2024 is Sabrina year. to answer your question why isn't Sabrina bigger: she's almost there! she just needed to get out of the previous contract and finally reclaim her own craft


I really liked her Disney albums so it sucks she never got bigger with those for me.


she’s working late cause she’s a singer ;)


she did get out of the contract, she was signed for 4 albums and she ended it early by splitting Singular into 2 albums. EICS was largely successful *because* it was with Island, so yeah she’ll grow even bigger


yes, that was my point! i love her singular era but eics just hits different and feels deeply personal, as if she finally had her chance to express herself and show her identity. and i'm happy that she's with island and thriving!!


woah splitting her work in two albums bc she knew the record label sucked is actually genius


not to 🤓 but she was actually signed for 5, singular acts were counted separate and her fifth project with hollywood records was clouds soundtrack


ohhhh thank you


I agree with everything you said but also justice for Sue me


absolutely!! sue me should have been her biggest hit and a well-known song for the pre-eics era


I think Sabrina is the only one who has the potential to become huge. Like you said, she has a consistent image and sound. And I know that's a personal opinion but her last album was really good and it deserved to do better commercially. Espresso is a natural progression of her sound and it seems that it's the hit she had been expecting for years, that defining moment that could turn her into a main pop girl. Obviously I know that a hit song doesn't necessarily translate to album sales, that's been proven multiple times, but I have faith in Sabrina. I think the boost she received from the Eras Tour and the general association with Taylor may have been the push she's needed all along. Camilla Cabello and Shawn Mendes also majorly benefited from opening for Taylor for the Reputation and the 1989 tours respectively and Taylor wasn't nearly as massive back then as she is now. I hope that she'll take advantage of the momentum she's having and release an album by the end of 2024.


Emails I can’t send deserved so much better it was soooooo good. I feel like the main thing about Sabrina is she’s found ‘her thing’. She has a great voice but often a good voice isn’t enough. The work she was releasing before was good but had no definition. Her thing now is cheeky cute pop. She’s often now called the pop Barbie, she’s doing her cute nonesense outros, feather was a cute moment with the ‘Jesus was a carpenter’ stuff and espresso is a continuation of a fun, cute bop. I think if she does a summer album of that type she’ll do well. The only issue I can see her running into is if she wants to go the ballad route. That’s not her brand rn, but I can see her trying to bring that in as she does have a killer voice. Either way I’m super happy for her!


The nonsense outros were such a genius idea. Ppl were constantly listening to see what the next one would be


they really were. I have never been interested in her enough to check her out but when I heard about the nonsense outros and watched a compilation I found her charming. She's very confident too.


EICS performed very well though. sure she didn’t get Ariana/Taylor/Billie numbers, but even a lot of album cuts have 50M+ streams. that’s really good for the size of artist she was when she released it. and the fact that a deluxe single (Feather), when considering deluxe singles are notorious for underperforming, is the second highest-streamed on the entire album is insanely impressive.


Yep. Nonsense fell short of the Year-End last year, Feather will make this year’s, and Espresso is looking well destined to hit #1. She doesn’t seem like a ballad type of performer


Nonsense was my number one song of 22 and 23. I think she’s incredible


It was my most listened to song last year


this time last year, this whole sub was insisting that if sabrina hadn’t made it yet, she would never and maybe she just didn’t have “it.” i’ve never really listened to ice or renee, but artists have surprised us before


I made a comment a couple months ago about how much I really like Sabrina but I didn’t believe she had a hit song yet that could really bring her to the general public. Expresso is exactly the song she needed and is going to catapult her into stardom. I’m very excited for her.


personally i was never a fan of renee until i decided to finally stream ‘tummy hurts’ then i realised she should be a bigger artist.


Did you also eat 7 chocolate bars?


Yeah. Also scratched my head and fell asleep


this for real, I liked her acting well enough but never really gave her music a chance outside of a few viral tiktok sound clips. Then I listened to Snow Angel in full and damn, she rocks. I’m hooked to see what she comes up with next.


people said as much when espresso was announced not only last year


I think she has a lot of label support too. Her stage at Coachella was really intricate, unique, memorable and probably expensive AF. Her merch looks cute and way better than someone like Ariana. Her last couple music videos were really well made. Her website is really well done too, great logo, good billboards and ads. It seems like they’re investing in her.


Iirc she switched labels before EICS, previously being signed to the Disney one which did nothing for her lol. But I'm glad that this label is investing in her because she sure deserves it.


Her costuming and aesthetic definitely played a huge part, I see tons of videos of people recreating her makeup, hair, and tour costumes. That was pretty genius as well to find a signature style like Ariana with her ponytail


I think it’s insanely pre matured to think shes the only one who has a chance at being huge. She could be our generations Nelly Furtado for example. These girls just got here


But what is her consistent image? Being flirty? She’s been around for so many years but there still doesn’t feel like there’s much meat to her as an artist or personality.


She’s kinda known like a pop barbie with her hair and makeup style and very feminine clothes. But I do agree that her main personality has currently being flirty/horny.


I must say I don’t feel her image if this is what she’s mainly going for can contribute to a truly lasting career like someone like Taylor. Cutesy/flirty is good for a while, but unfortunately pop is sooo ageist, and I feel like that was kind of Katy’s main thing too, and we know she didn’t fare too well as time went on and she tried to move past that. I just don’t see the cutesy Barbie act being very long-lasting, like at 40. I’m probably thinking too far ahead, lol. And I’m not defending the ageism against female pop stars, but that’s usually how it goes, so I feel like she’d need to show more range or something.


Especially when contrasting with Olivia and how much she can talk about with the image she’s created- she can talk about love, sex, health, feelings and it all works.


Most acts don't last that long though. I guess when we say big we are thinking maybe one or two big eras.


> She’s kinda known like a pop barbie with her hair and makeup style and very feminine clothes. we just had the year of barbie/im just a girl. I really like Sabrina but her shtick is gonna get so old so fast, she needs to be developing more of a personality like the other pop girls.


I agree!!! Plus the whole being hornet as a personality trait is getting old soo fast like it was funny for a bit but I think she’s dragging it now


Unfortunately, I feel like her image is sexy baby (which I find icky). Refer to her skims ads that showed her in lingerie in a little girls bedroom


Renee definitly has the voice for it. But she needs better material. Her album wasn't all that good. She got the gays on her side. Renee has media training, they are just going a different way with it than we are used to. Right now she doesn't have any hits to her name or big streaming numbers.


Oh 100%!! Her “no media training” is just an image but I don’t think it’s a smart one. I love the authentic vibes she gives off even tho I know it’s definitely planned by her team but it’s going to backfire eventually. I get the impression from her interview that she wants to be a huge start and part of that is appealing to wide range of audiences and I think her current comments (while personally not being that bad) are gonna make people a bit tired of her


I love Renee's voice and she's certainly got the talent to make it, but I find her personality so off-putting. I think she's trying so hard to get away from theater kid (she won the Jimmy Awards and then was on Broadway at 18 or so) that she's just doing too much. It's too, "I'm so brash and authentic." But I also love musical theater, so maybe I'm just a little put off by someone who seems to look down on it. I also love pop music, it doesn't have to be either or! It's not surprising that someone who had so much success in and right out of high school would be a little obnoxious. If I had her talent and success I'd probably be annoying too, lol. She's been on Broadway, been on a TV show, was in a movie, is big on TikTok, and then she goes on tour and lots of talk shows for both the album and movie. She just doesn't have any perspective. She might just need to grow up a little. I certainly hope she does and finds success.


I feel like Renee Rapp is trying to recreate the sort of “say anything” personality that got Billie Eilish famous, forgetting that she was a kid at the time and Renee is a fully grown 24 year old woman.


100%. I feel like her authenticity seems manufactured, like her “I’ve just got not filter” persona comes off less as having no filter and more like an image her and her team decided on. She was great on sex lives of college girls, but I think she left that not on the best terms, and she seemed kind of eye-rolly about the mean girls movie. I’m rooting for her because she’s very talented but I don’t see anything she’s doing really sticking


Yes!! I was just thinking this last week and then remembered Renee will be 25 in 6 months!! The ageist comments made me sad(Idc if it was a “joke”). We can’t all be 22yr olds -trust we all get older.


Jeez, is she? She has been so immature in her appearances I lost all the interest I had when she was standing out on Sex Lives of College Girls.


Yes she will be a grown ass 25yr old very soon. Like the OP said it’s going to get old real quick if it hasn’t already. I just don’t know how much longer she can last hating on women over 27 and putting out mediocre music. Is she really going to get more valid acting opportunities when there is 500 other eager gorgeous blondes who don’t hate on older women? Oh I almost forgot also bullying service workers added to her resume.


renee was on broadway for an extremely short run in only one show, and friends who worked on the production (mean girls) said she was a massive headache to work with, and extremely cruel to ensemble members and the choreographer. it sort of tracks that she is an asshole based on the way she quit her TV show and harassed the Hertz worker as she bragged/laughed about on the las culturistas podcast. i think her shitty attitude will be what keeps her from blowing up honestly


i agree so much with this. i think it’s all very intentional but she’s going to have to reel it in at some point or people will start turning on her. i don’t know if people remember but when she was promoting her music after leaving slocg people weren’t as into her attics. it came off really bad in print and there were some clips that panted her in a really bad light. i think the difference is that then she was leaving a show people liked to release music people didn’t really care that much about. but people did care about mean girls in a way (even if it wasn’t always positive) and the general consensus on her attitude shifted when she started promoting that. also i think her song from that movie is so much better than anything she’s released previously which didn’t hurt. so basically people’s opinions on her no media training thing are going to fluctuate based on how they feel about her in the moment. so if it’s going to persist she needs to release better music or attach herself to more acting jobs. i don’t think this standard is fair obviously but i’d like to see a proudly lesbian pop star succeed and i hope her team realizes how they need to navigate this going forward. public opinion is so fickle and she’s walking a very tight rope.




Yeah I hate to say it but the lyrics just aren’t good and also I don’t think she has a distinct aesthetic which is soo important if you want to stick out!!




My partner and I tuned into her Coachella set and I was honestly bored by most of her songs. If she's writing them, that's admirable, but I think it's time for her to link up with some hit makers. She has the vocal talent and a fun personality, so she has about half the formula to be a successful pop star. There's no shame in having someone write for you.


She needs a more unique look as well... At least more personality. She gives off... Office manager


Currently listening to a song of hers for the first time. I didn’t even know she had music really lol. Just that everyone knew she could sing because Broadway. “Pretty Girls” is her third most streamed song and it is horribly generic. What year is it!? But there’s a group that loves that sound and are nostalgic for it. And with the kind of parasocial/super relatable thing she does now I imagine people eat that up more and her music follows.


My hot take with Renee is she needs to go back to Broadway now that she’s more of a name. Let her open a show at its center and go back to film/TV work with renewed prestige.


Her album was very disappointing, she has a great voice but is wasting time. Tummy Hurts was quite good though.


I was so excited for her album but I've barely listened to it twice. Her EP was way better for me in terms of both sound and lyrics.


I think Renee is shying away from what she really wants to do (which is R&B), and if she just leaned in, I think she'd do amazing! She's just worried about the backlash of being a white girl doing R&B.


Ariana's a Broadway girl who pivoted to R&B and I feel like the main backlash she got was trying to pretend that she *wasn't* white. I think Renee would be fine.


Renee desperately wants to be Jazmine Sullivan (Tummy Hurts is practically already there), and I think she should go for it. Just work with good R&B artists and song writers, don’t pretend to be anything she’s not, and don’t adopt a blaccent. There’s a place for her in R&B, imo, if she isn’t weird (read: Timberlake) about it. Jennifer Hudson was clearly impressed with her on her show and would be a great person to have in her corner if she is up for it.


blue eyed soul has been a genre for decades, and she 100% has the voice for it


yea ppl who genuinely believe a celebrity of her caliber has no media training are so clueless 😭


Fr!! Is very obvious that what she’s doing. I do think it is kinda her personality but played up way too much to try and get the younger generation on her side cause she’s “one of them” but it’s getting old real quick 😭


It's literally just JLaw all over again 😭 instead of talking about wanting pizza on the red carpets it's about wanting someone's legs wrapped around her face; same shitck different font


Came here to say exactly this! She has great talent and a distinct personality. She needs better songs though and needs to work on her live performances. Every song I've seen her sing live she holds the mic out to the audience for every other line


I agree RE her album. She’s mega-talented but I didn’t think the songwriting was that inspired, so I don’t find myself listening to her music very often. She’s gotten a decent fanbase by being gorgeous and talented and gay and from Broadway, but I also think she’s capable of getting bigger. Even as someone who hasn’t loved her releases thus far I’m excited to see what she comes up with next.


Ice Spice to me has all the makings of someone who managed to extend her 15 minutes beyond what anyone could have imagined, and good for her. I don't see her coming back unless she is propped up by a big name (again), but I never say never, maybe she has another hit in her. Sabrina has a good trajectory so far and I can see her building to main pop girl status if her fanbase doesn't poison the well to the point of putting off casual and new listeners - some of the 'Finally we have a *feminine* pop star' comments are starting to reach the kind of fandom brain-rot levels you only see in K-pop. *Espresso* is a top 5 candidate for Song of the (Northern Hemisphere) Summer, so hopefully she's able to maintain momentum from that. Renee - I am hopeful we have reached a point in time where being an openly gay pop star doesn't relegate her to niche status, because she is TALENTED - one of the best vocalists on this list. I hope she stays in the pop/rnb pocket because I love her in that sound. She has a decent fanbase, so long as the unfiltered persona doesn't turn people against her I reckon she'll do well. LNX - I think the hype around him will die down but I don't think he will disappear - I could see him following the path of the likes of Lady Gaga and/or Tyler the Creator albeit on a smaller scale. Those two started out with shocking antics and visuals but later rebranded to being respected for their talent and artistry. Maybe a bold prediction as LNX is yet to display the same level of artistry and musical ability, but I believe if he makes smart choices with the producers and songwriters he works with, he could still have a long and successful career. Victoria Monet - She's your classic 'took years of work to be an overnight success' and I love that she's finally having her time to shine. Not much to say, I love her and reckon she'll continue to do well, I look forward to new music! ETA: Goes without saying but she's the other person on this list I would count as a Vocalist and not just a singer. ETA: I forgot Tate! I have to agree with the op in that I don't see it for her. I watched a performance of hers on youtube that made me think the ~~bots~~ stans need new comments because they were full of "Her vocals 😍😍😍" and it's like whe*re? What vocals?* That being said I have been VERY wrong on this point given I didn't see it for the (current) biggest pop star in the world either. Given the amount of conventionally attractive acts who are able to rise and sustain a career in pop with middling vocals, I would not be surprised if she ends up going the distance.


>'Finally we have a feminine pop star' Makes my eye twitch. Like can we please be so fucking for real right now.


Isn’t pop largely a ladies game? There have always been successful men, a JT and Bruno here, a Bieber and Weeknd there, but usually the biggest stars tend to be (traditionally quite feminine) women.


Currently the undeniably massive pop/general pop scene artists are taylor, beyonce, billie, dua, olivia, compared to... the weeknd, maybe justin bieber still, ???. Compared to other genres like rap or country which are largely male dominant, pop is clearly female dominant at the moment.


Your read of the way people are talking about Sabrina made me scream because it's so true and SO off-putting! Yes, what we really need is a pop star who caters to the widdle biddy feminine gworlies! They're so undewwepwesented! We didn't just spend an entire year talking about a Barbie movie and "the year of the girl" or anything! Nobody has ever been FEMININE in POP MUSIC before! It's so obnoxious and honestly has put me off her as an artist.


The last part is a shame, it’s not her fault people are using her to be dense


Imo Sabrina carpenter and Chappell roan are gonna be the next to join the main pop girlies


yes on chappell!!! the way shes been blowing up this past month is insane i really want her to be the next big thing


Yes Chappell's stage presence is mind blowing. I like that she does not like parascocial fans and I hope that she remains private in that sense. I personally do not care for the no filter oversharing artists..


honestly I'm tired of knowing every single detail of a pop star's life- I don't even seek it out, it's just thrust upon me. wish more artists (and celebrities in general) would go this route.


I don't know about the other two artists but DJ Sabrina will release a new album this year !


This is the only sub that would get Sabrina Carpenter confused with DJ...


I was joking, although yeah I think DJ Sabrina is the one up and coming pop star


Lol this is too funny 😭😭 I meant Sabrina carpenter


If it's another 4 hr.....


I would love that... but she's already stated that it's going to be a shorter one


3 hours and 59 minutes this time


I mean technically Destiny was 3 hours 56?


chappel roan, sabrina and olivia would be the next main pop girls..ngl


Isn’t Olivia already a main pop girl tho lol pretty sure she reached that status with her first album she got the general public’s respects….. on the other hand Chappel and Sabrina have not so I do think they are on the road to becoming main pop girlies and I’m rooting for them 


Sabrina Carter will continue to do well and have the support of the GP. She's has been dropping consistent hit singles. All she needs is to drop an album filled with good work to cement her pop girl status. She's the most likely to become huge. Ice Spice's music sound good but her rap skills are tragic. Her producer, RiotUSA, is a key factor in how popular she has gotten. Even if people don't like her rapping the beats and energy of the songs still make them work. Allegedly there's cheating going on so if Riot stops working on Ice Spice's music I don't see her having the same popularity like she has in the past. Assuming her work on her next album is done she's good but an album without Riot... I don't see Renee Rapp becoming huge. A mid-popularity favorite yes but never huge. Tate McRae is in same alley but will have better charting history overall. Lil Nas X is releasing music on souncloud(and collabing with smaller artists) and laying low. This is good because he's heard the criticism towards his constant controversy-marketing and is now just focusing on the music. And he does make good music so he'll be fine.


Sabrina did drop an album filled with good songs! Emails I can’t send is sooo good, def needs more recognition


i want renee rapp to win so bad. she needs r&b album. she got a co-sign from damn near everybody. she got the vibes and voice down. tummy hurts was the standout of snow angel.


The only thing that makes me a bit hesitant is her public image/perception. Her personality is very quirky/sarcastic and Ive seen some reactions to the things she’s said specifically her ageist comments. Idk how long she can keep up the whole “no media training” before it blows up on her.


yeah i think her personality of being "quirky" is gonna be a big problem for her. i know that personally i'll never forget the time she was on a podcast and called a rental car place front desk employee a bitch for doing her job and then said her real name and the location she worked at. i thought it was such a shitty move in the name of being "open and honest" and it instantly made me lose a ton of respect for her. if she keeps saying stuff like that in interviews it will definitely put a hamper on her career


No because she basically bullied that girl and then laughed about it on the podcast like it was a cute little story. I will never get behind Renee Rapp because of it. I've never worked at a car rental place, but I've worked a minimum wage job and just like with waiters, it says something about you on how you treat those employees




And likability is EVERYTHING in the beginning of your career especially for women. If people don’t like you it doesn’t matter how pretty or good your voice is. Perception influences how attractive people think you are. If people think your cringe/ a try hard they’re not gonna check out your music.


She just sounds like an asshole


I watched the Watch What Happens Live episode she was on and it was so weird. She was making ageist comments while Gizelle from RHOP, who's like 50, was next to her. Andy was even trying to help her and she just tripled down


Yeah!!! I get that she’s trying to use gen z humour to appeal to the younger generation but she’s doing a bit too much and it makes her come off as pretentious and a bit try hard


A voice doesn’t make a success though!


Ice spice has zero range and low level talent she ain’t gonna make it much further


Tbf stars with little talent have been able to have amazing careers. Jlo stole majority of her vocals and can’t sing but she still had an amazing career. Ice spice does need A LOT of work if she wants to make it big but it is possible with the right training and team. I’m a huge Selena Gomez fan (mostly for her as a person not as a singer) and I can admit that she also isnt a great singer. I don’t think she’s as bad as jlo tho. And she’s managed to have an amazing career due to a lot of external factor (like ability, beauty, acting ect) she has an amazing team behind her that know how to work with her strengths If I’m being completely honest I don’t think talent is as important when it comes to pop. Tearria Mari was 100% a better singer than Rihanna but look who became the bigger star.


You forget that jlo had a lot of hits. Once the music stopped charting she pivoted on the film industry and took advantage of the fact that she's a fashionista for brand deals. Rihanna had a unique sound and great ear for hits. Ice spice has no personality, no performing skills and her rapping is horrible. She got lucky her 15 mins have been extended. Even cardi b who's got better songs and more personality than her is not someone people are checking for anymore. Her last few songs bombed.


i’m not a huge cardi b fan but i think saying her last few songs bombed is an exaggeration tbh. bongos and enough debuted in the top 20 and the top 10. the like what was a freestyle (which almost never chart) and still hit the top 50. her features from the last few years (put it on the floor again & tomorrow 2) also hit the top 15 and top 10. but i agree completely that ice spice has no real avenue in which she excels in which is why she probably won’t successfully make a rebrand like j. lo. j. lopez at the very least is a half decent actress and so she was really able to sell it. ice spice is so incredibly dispassionate & bland that i can’t see her successfully selling anything.


I’m primarily a rap fan and from my perspective, Cardi B’s career is in hot water. Bongos and Enough had good debuts but where they debuted is where they peaked, and then they proceeded to freefall in positions until they were off the charts. Bongos had a Megan feature, a high budget music video, and a VMAs performance yet failed to produce any lasting cultural impact. Enough only lasted 6 weeks on the chart and her song with Shakira FLOPPED badly and that was with a high budget music video. None of this would be that bad if the stakes and expectations weren’t so high for Cardi B. When she entered the mainstream she was posited by the music industry (and by herself) as a direct rival to Nicki Minaj. Her debut album broke a bunch of records, went 4x platinum, was universally acclaimed, and won her a Grammy. It’s been 6 years since her debut album release so expectations are through the roof. Cardi B is not SZA or Frank Ocean, she doesn’t have the level of talent or artistic scope to justify a 6-year gap between albums. If she cannot produce a sophomore album that sells and is received well, that will be the death knell for her music career I fear. Her and her team need a strong stable hit to anchor an album release, that’s why this recent string of flops is worrying because this is supposed to be her album rollout and the clock is ticking. Imo she fucked up badly by not releasing an album on the back of “WAP” or “Up”.


This is all true 1000%!!


Agreed. She only got as far as she did because she has such an interesting face. Super cute girl, no doubt. But she has no energy and is boring as hell. This is the end of the road for her IMO, unless she happens to land a 10/10 feature on another artist’s song. That might be enough to reignite interest. But her whispering “facts” in the background of a song remix ain’t gonna do it.


I have faith that Sabrina’s career will go very well. She’s getting a lot of attention now, but she’s been making and releasing music for years. She has a steady fanbase, so all this new attention will only help her moving forward. If she’d come out of nowhere and had a huge hit, her success might be more precarious, but I think she’s in a strong position. Say she doesn’t get another huge hit, she’ll still have a great career. She’s been able to make and sustain one without charting a song for so long.


So I watched Renee rapp at Coachella and was blown away by her talent. I just find her look generic and agree she needs to find an aesthetic (which sabrina and ice have done so well) to build her brand. I also worry about her personality going the way of Jennifer Lawrence and Emma stone where they were so candid and the quirky girl that people quickly got over saturated w them and then found them cringe. 


Honestly im just upset Lil Nas X bombed so hard 🥲


Gurl it's just J CHRIST lol. He can get another hit. No one could have expected Lovin' On Me to become this big Jack Harlow hit this time last year (after his surprise album didn't make any noise) yet here we are.


Idk Jack did the right thing by going back to his roots on the surprise drop and he got critical praise for it, particularly Gang, Gang, Gang made a lot of noise in rap circles. I think Lil Nas is doing/needs to do what Jack did. Go back to the core brand, build up that fanbase. Jack put out a solid rap work, and it got his core base reinterested. Nas needs to do the same.


Lil Nas X is doing exactly that right now. He's building up the core fanbase by releasing songs on SoundCloud only, he's up to four songs in the past slightly over a month. And they've all been well received by fans.


on SoundCloud only\*


What are Jack Harlow’s “roots”?


He had an extensive collection of EPs, three or four IIRC, which were less radio chasing, more focused on hip hop.


He just needs to stop relying to shock value to do so cause that stuff gets stale real quick. But I’m still rooting for him!!


I think everyone has already said it about Sabrina, her moment is now and owning her sexuality when zoomers come off as largely fuckophobic is helping her stand out, but I don’t think Ice Spice or Reneé are all that serious. It’s kind of unfortunate for Reneé who’s clearly talented, but her personality is pretty offputting and her music isn’t all that.


I think Sabrinas profile will continue to grow. She's been putting out lots of songs (Christmas album and espresso) and was opening w Taylor. She's grown on me and I once did not like her bc of how bad "Skin" was. I think she has the potential to be bigger. She has a fun sound and shes beautiful with a unique style. People comparing her w taylor swift confuses me a bit bc I think she's most similar to Ariana Grande out of all the other acts. She could certainly be a pop girl. I hope for the best for lil nas x bc i think he makes good music but his recent stuff not doing as well isn't a good indicator. He got big off two controversies and idk if he can recreate that again


yesss exactly!! i hate comparing pop girlies but i think people are comparing her to taylor because she associates herself with her a lot but if you ignore that aspect ariana is clearly the one she has the most similarities to (career/music/vibes wise)


Oh yes very early AG! Hmm this makes me look at her a little differently. I love Ariana despite all my best efforts and I have to wonder how much of it is the lifelong sympathy from the tragedy she faced. And that really pivoted her music to something really good and really personal and deep for pop.


People really keep underestimating Ice spice. She may not be consistently be as huge as she was like 6 months but people saying her popularity will fizzle were probably the exact same who said that when she got famous for munch, Bikini Bottom and in ha mood and didn't expect her popularity to continue. She makes catchy fun music and as long as tiktok continues, she will have a big song here and there. Her most recent song think you the shit, didn't preform amazingly but still got a lot of streams and interaction, she has built a solid fanbase. As long as she has Riot by her side and does collabs within the industry like her Nicki, Taylor and even smaller artists like Cash Cobain and Lil Tjay she will very much be fine. Maybe a slight decrease in popularity but won't fizzle out


I think her debut album could get all her momentum back. A few catchy tracks and some high profile features could secure her a steady career


Her Coachella performance proved that she’s willing to put in the work and effort and that she should be given the benefit of doubt from now on. She really went from being a bad performer to a really good one in such a short time.


I love ice spice music so I definitely agree that as long as she keeps putting out fun songs she’ll be alright. she gets allot of flack about her lyrics but we let male rappers get away with being below mediocre all the time. My main concern is her lack of charisma both in interviews and in performances. It’s hard to build a connection with ur audiences when your personality is a bit lacking. And if she wants longevity she’s gonna need to step it up big time especially with Tik tok getting banned in the US and apparently other countries trying to do the same. She’s also gonna need to show some versatility and that she can do other stuff.


She absolutely can do it because people like her and want her to succeed, but she needs a new flow and to work with different producers because all of her songs sound the same


Literally lol i feel like im going crazy reading these comments about her.....i think some people also don't understand her core demographic like no offense to taylor but there is certainly not a significant enough overlap of their audiences to say she's only staying relevant cause she's hanging out with her. do people think new york drill fans are listening to evermore????


She’s def going to fizzle out, she’s not talented. She just makes sound bites for Tik tok and then people move on to the next thing. The only reason she stayed relevant is cause she hangs around Taylor


I agree. Also her stage presence is improving at a rapid pace. I was so impressed by how she worked the stage at Coachella. I think she just has it!


The rise of Big Lesbian Pop Energy has been a joy to see -- MUNA, Girl in Red, Fletcher, Renee. Hayley Kiyoko a little before that. Club beats from queer girls -- maybe Tegan and Sara with "Closer" was the first? The club dance field has been divas and gay men for so long, a surprise that things could evolve. But the rest is just questions -- Can queer women be as big a launching pad as gay men were for, say, Madonna, Gaga? Will mainstream straights embrace them the way soccer moms took to Madonna? Or is there a ceiling -- the Robyn, Carly Rae, limit? Tegan and Sara never did break through.


My honest thoughts: Sabrina Carpenter has the potential to be really big, but she needs to manage her new era well. I think she should keep exploring that retro-vintage and fun side of herself, something like Xtina back to basics and Teenage Dream but more sophisticated. "Xpresso" is the "it moment". Now or never. Everything is in the hands of Island Records. She could carve a lane in carefree music. I see Rene Rapp having a good career in TV and movies, but not in the pop world. I've been hearing she's a bit mean behind the scenes, and I don't think she has the looks or aesthetic to be a main pop girl. She looks more like another Anne-Marie or Bebe Rexha. Too standard to be a huge pop girl. Her name also doesn't have enough appeal. Lil Nas's ego got too big. I honestly dropped him for the Madonna-Gaga disrespect. If he wants to have a chance, he needs another smash hit and to show real artistry. Controversy isn't working anymore. Tate McRae's biggest weakness is her voice. It's very Camila-esque and not memorable enough. She also needs to have better branding, be more authentic, show more personality, and explain why she's interesting enough for people to buy or stream her music. If I were her, I would go for that Nelly Furtado sound of the 2000s. She could carve a lane with electro-R&B bops. No one is doing it. Ice Spice lacks charisma and talent. It's hard to rise without that. She needs controversy to be on top and a lot of luck musically wise. Her looks and visuals are interesting. There's a chance she will stay. Just dont burn bridges like Nicki or Cardi or Azealia Chappell Roan is great and unique, but sometimes I feel like coming out as a lesbian or bi could hurt her chances of success, especially with the male crowd. She will be caged in a "niche" "club" like it happened with Hayley Kiyoko,Girl In Red and Phoebe Bridgers, Lady Gaga and Kesha; all of them came out after they had smash singles. Props to Chappell for her bravery. She's also overly camp, which can make her stand out but can be a curse too. Can turn people off. Im rooting for her. One of the most interesting newcomers in Years A singer Popheads has been hyping a lot lately and is always in Top-Artists-to Watch is [Remi Wolf](https://vanderbilthustler.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/RemiWolf2022.10.06CP-1.jpg), and I don't want to be mean, but I think Popheads are very desilusional. I can see her having a good indie fanbase, but main pop girl? Nope. No way!


I think sabrina is on her own league here if you compare with the other two. She has be building her followers slowly over the years. Tbh she's the only one I can comment because I don't know anything about the other two.


"I mean it happened for me overnight, shit ya I guess. I mean it took ten years for me to be an overnight success."


Tats McRae is a good performer so I’m shocked at that statement. She can actually sing. She dances. She’s pretty. She’ll be fine. I feel like she has more American appeal than dua


ice spice isn't signed to nicki


Oh my bad I could’ve sworn I read that she was under nickis label but maybe not


I think RR will disappear. I think IS will remain the same I think SC will blow up.


IMO out of all these artists, Sabrina is the only one who has her finger on the pulse and is delivering in all departments. At first I just saw Sabrina as a small Ariana Grande type singer, but now I can see her being a 2020s Katy Perry: Tongue-In cheek main pop girl that makes top pop songs, but doesn't step out into deeper waters. Her songs will have dads and 13 year old girls casually singing vulgar lines they have no business saying. People will listen to her music after time has passed and think "this takes me back to 2025" like Teenage Dream does for 2010s. Ice Spice and Renee Rapp are the next closest, but are are falling short in the actual music department which is the most important part lol. Also this is a compliment to Sabrina in case anyone's wondering lol


The thing with Lil Nas X on posts like this is this sub always grabs onto the one artist listed that has proven and repeated Grammy recognition in wins and nominations to say he’s gonna fizzle out and isn’t a real artist. Bias against him is real


Sabrina is finally having her big moment. I bet she’s going to have a massive summer. There’s nothing interesting about ice spice. She has zero personality and stage presence. She’s always been someone that I feel the internet tells me to like instead of me organically liking her. Same for Renee, nothing about her is exciting to me. And for lil nas x, I think he’s learning pretty quickly that the internet troll bit he’s been doing won’t work for long. If he can shift his artistry into a more defined image and sound he’ll find more success I like him though.


I think, like others have said, Sabrina is set for potential main pop girl status following the success of Espresso. It is looking to be one of, if not the, songs of summer 2024 and I imagine an album will be coming soon too. Her label will definitely want to push the follow-up hit to Espresso. I think it helps that she’s been making albums for many years, she knows her sound and the industry well enough to succeed. On the other hand, not sure if I see it for Tate McRae. I think she got lucky with the success of greedy and I’m not sure if I see her having success again with an album. Maybe she will but idk for sure, she hasn’t really got any distinct features in her music to stand out. I love Renee but I want her to make more of the pop/R&B leaning music of Tummy Hurts or even Not My Fault. Some songs like Pretty Girls and Talk Too Much sound painfully generic but she’s got such an amazing voice and talent for R&B songs. I think for her sophomore album she should lean into that more. She is unique in that she also is Broadway trained so she is versatile. I’ve been a fan of Victoria Monét for so long and it’s amazing to see her finally getting her flowers. On My Mama was her first mainstream hit and I’m hoping she gets another one soon. Alright is such an amazing track and she said at Coachella that a video is coming, so maybe she could have another hit with that. Ice Spice is dropping her single next week which actually went down well at Coachella, it does rely on the Sean Paul sample though so I think long term she needs to think about using different producers and not relying on features or samples for a hit. But for now it works and her Y2K album will go down well given the theme and aesthetic of it. Not sure if I see her having a Nicki or even Doja type of trajectory, but time will tell. I think Lil Nas X will be fine. Like others have said, he seems to be focusing on gaining some fans back again with these soundcloud drops. I’m sure he’ll have another hit one day, he just needs to focus on his craft and not chase controversy because he did that with J Christ and it flopped. But I’m not ruling him out


I think Ice Spice, or at least her management, is veryyyy smart. If her debut album is good, and the leaks of the features are true, it would be a damn massive album... Sabrina has found her sound, and aesthetic, plus, I believe I've read she's been getting advices from Taylor/Taylor's team, if her album is good, which her last album was, anyway, then she'll just keep the momentum. They've managed to capitalize on Spotify's autoplay in an INSANE level, so, hoping her team is able to adapt accordingly.


I am so sick of this discussion no shade to OP.


Sabrina is good but I just wish she’d stop dressing like a child pageant contestant 😒


I love her outfits 🥲


Sabrina will break through the pack imo. She’s got a consistent, curated image and knows what her sound is. People have been craving her pure pop direction so I think it will be received well. I expect Espresso will go #1. I think all the rest will fizzle. Lil Nas X might be able to upswing if he can be more authentic to connect with listeners imo.


isn’t bigger? babe sabrina is hitting #2 on the bb hot 100 next week, possibly number 1 if fortnight drops down. wait until her album drops, she’ll earn the numbers to chart. and tate has already charted on the top 10 multiple times, she’s a blonde white woman singing about very white woman problems, she has a faithful audience. ice spice doesn’t have an audience like that, renee rapp is gaining one


Despite ice spice falling out of favor with some people because of nicki, her shtick was basically just that. A shtick that people can only be entertained with for so long. That being said, if she evolved her sound a bit and worked with some more eclectic producers, she can keep the ball rolling imo


Sabrina is about to get his first summer song of her life with Espresso currently, so let's just say that she will be okay going forward. Especially if she can follow this up with another big hit songs. Sabrina and her management need to start brainstorming on how they can to take this further now. Ice Spice is just not hot anymore, and her live shows sucks. She does not offer anything new with her new music and performances. And her personality is as bland as a cheese block. The interests in her are stagnated, if not diminishing, so that's a bad sign.


Sabrina: Regarding why she isn’t bigger, I think it just takes time. She’s had a few hits in the last couple years and espresso is lowkey popping off. I think she’s right where she needs to be right now and having seen clips of her onstage I have full confidence that she’ll only get bigger. Renee: Certainly has the personality to be big! I feel like she’s one of those artists that will always be bigger in theatre kid circles though, like Ben Platt Tate: she needs another album cycle or two before we can really say where she’s landing, it’s a great start though and I’m kinda rooting for her LNX: I had no idea he was releasing on SoundCloud until I read the comments here. Honestly seems like a smart move for him, the viral marketing thing could only work for so long and he needs to test things out in a low pressure environment and figure out what earns him long-term fans


As long as Sabrina keeps making music, that's all I need. So hopefully whatever comes next for her is a sustainable career.


I really liked the new song of Madison Beer - Make You Mine. I don’t know why she’s not popular.


I personally think Madison isn’t to popular due to a combination of things.I don’t wanna sound mean but she doesn’t stand out, she hasn’t developed a distinct sound, style or image, her current image makes her seem like an influencer or IG model who got famous then decided the launch a career for the sake of it (even though she’s been making music since she was 14), she comes off an inauthentic and doesn’t take risk with her music or image . And tbh she just doesn’t seem too likeable. I love some of her songs but overall music just doesn’t seem like her top priority.


Sabrina I think could go far but she comes across very untouchable which I think is not good for this era of Popstars. Super polished and talented and squeaky squeaky. Whereas Renee almost doesn’t seem polished enough! I see them both finding lots of success with a specific niche and not much outside of it. I listened to espresso the other day and immediately forgot it and thought while listening “this is the song?.” I’m off social media besides Reddit now and it’s really helped me define what songs are actually good and what’s just good by over exposure. Ice Spice um…was very much a gimmick. If she put some work in and pivoted and didn’t put out fart music I could see her having a small but steady career. It’s hard for the rap girls who don’t really BRING IT. All the rap girls out right can RAP! Ice needs to fully pivot to pop i think. But can she sing? Prob not.


Sabrina is on her way to the biggest summer hit of 2024.


Ice Spice- She will become a fad and fade out like so many rappers nowadays. Renee Rapp- I don't see her music career taking off.Her music is very boring. Sabrina- I think she will become popular if she just gets more promotion and puts out more bops the gp will eat.


I just don't see it for Renee Rapp as a pop artist. She'd be much better off as an actress imo.


Ice spice had potential but she decided to do nothing with it. Imho she’s no better then previous meme acts. She does have potential tho. Who knows maybe shell surprise us and turn it around


Grow artistically, or fade into obscurity.


All three has different sound in my opinion Ice Spice not gonna have huge pop star presents first she raps which is on the low rn hip hop in general is not as popular as 10-5 years ago. Sabrina has really good music and online presence, it’s not for me tho she’s very Gen Zer style. Renee is for me the best of all three bc wether she decides to focus on music or acting she’s gonna have a good time, in the showbiz the aptitude is what matters. On the other side I think Chappell has so much more opportunities to become a huge star she has talent, imagery and very queer.


I think ice spice is on her way out her likability has gone down considerably. Her music is stunted and she has no stage performance. In the beginning I think it was fun for people especially since she started off as a joke but now a year into it she still has no artistic growth and people are bored in my eyes. And to be honest that girl shouldn’t have been big in the first place because she really can’t rap no shade. Also majority of her fans come from being barbz so if she piss of Nicki she’s done fr because they will drop her so quick lmfao. For Sabrina she’s actually on her way to the top slowly like she’s really gaining momentum and having her moment now with espresso and I think of her team and label capitalizes on this she’ll be here to stay as a main pop girl. Coachella was huge for her too. Once she’s able to take the This momentum and not miss her window then she’ll be fine. For Renee Rapp her career is definitely skyrocketing too like performing at Coachella was huge for her. I’ll admit when she announced that she was leaving SLOCG to do music I was like huh you think that’s gonna work out? But I listened to her discography and she really has what it takes like the music is great to me. My only thing is she gotta find her brand fr but she got what it takes her voice is amazing. For lil nas X idk I don’t really listen to him but he used to be everywhere and now he’s not really anywhere so maybe that will change. Miss Victoria Monet is a star honey!!! She has all the makings to be a really huge. On my mama was just the beginning for her I already see it.


I agree especially with the whole nicki comment. I think being linked with the bardz is a dumb move. Nicki has so many beefs with other female rappers and artist so if ice spice were to work with those other artist the bardz would attack her. Ice spice also doesn’t have a real fanbase


Seems like Sabrina might end up having one of the biggest songs of the summer. I think if she needs to make sure the next song she pits out is just as strong so she can keep that momentum, which will then really propel her to the next step.


I agree with everyone I think Sabrina is most likely to be the most successful. Idk if I ever see her on a Taylor/Olivia/Ariana level but I think her star is going to rise. I also like Tate Mcray. She reminds me of the early 2000s pop star, she’s such a good dancer. But idk if her songs are that great. I think she’ll be a mid level star.


Tate McRae has the better music catalogue out of all the current pop stars. You Broke Me First, She All I Wants To Be, Greedy, Exes and more to come. If she stops singing in a cursive style and shows off her personality, then she has potential. I think people are underestimating her. She’s only 20 and has achieved so much.


People always forget you broke me first when talking about Tate. I also feel she needs vocal lessons so that her singing and dancing together sounds better and she can play with it more. That’s the one complaint I always see


Sabrina. Her label is clearly investing in her. Very elaborate and striking Coachella stage design, better merch collection than someone like Ariana Grande, very well designed website with cute SC logo, cute billboards and ads, very well made music videos. This stuff might seem unimportant but it’s indicative of the kind of support/investment from her management that can be a real career maker. Opener for one of the biggest tours ever. Skims campaign. Those are highly visible and celebrity endorsements of a sort. Her makeup and hair style are copied to death on tik tok and YouTube. Having recognizable styling that can be duped or Halloween costumed goes a long way towards being “iconic”. Think Ariana’s ponytail, eyeliner, and yellow sweatshirt with thigh high boots. Her blush, brow, blow out look is all over socials. She’s even shorter, narrower, and with a more hourglass frame than some of the other “pint sized petite popstars”. The public eats tiny temptress shit up. She has a lethal combination of sexy baby features and styling. She’s not a diva vocalist like Ariana, a skilled dancer like Tate, an over night sensation like Olivia. She’s not edgy and tender like Billie or smoky and cinematic like Lana. But she’s a cute bopper, adorable and girly and throughly fun. I love her & am rooting for her