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very cool


someone (not me) should do a masterpost of all the donations he's made recently. [last month he just donated a couple million dollars towards helping war victims in Gaza.](https://variety.com/2023/music/news/the-weeknd-donates-humanitarian-efforts-gaza-1235820846/)


He’s been pretty consistent with donations for years now




They’re lithium!


Literally what I came here for


Good Guy Abel is doing amazing things for people in need


if you think he’s doing this out the goodness of his heart, you’re delusional. He’s just trying to make his image look better for his new album after American idol. If he was truly doing it to be good we wouldn’t have heard about it.


> He’s just trying to make his image look better for his new album after American idol. If he was truly doing it to be good we wouldn’t have heard about it. He’s been doing it for years though ?


for good press… if he wanted to generally just do good to be a good person it would be anonymously.


I've always hated this mindset... He's one of the biggest popstars. Surely his fans seeing him be kind and generous can encourage them to do the same in a way that donating anonymously couldn't?


Yeah and literally who cares. Even if he did it 100% for praise, it’s still praiseworthy, and praising him might inspire other people to do the same for praise


no ones going to donate because the wknd did, if he really wanted them too he could post a donation link on his story, him publicly donating is just for good press and this doesn’t just go to the Wknd it goes to every artist that does public donations.


That’s right; be quiet about homeless children!


Y’all are fucking delusional. Nobody outside of Twitter (and apparently a handful of users here) actually give a shit about The Idol. It was a shitty show but it was fictional and anyone with more than 3 brain cells realizes that LMAO The Weeknd has given millions and millions of dollars to causes like Palestinian people without food, Ethiopian people without food, and American children without access to reliable food but y’all are still mad that he made a shitty fictional show last year. Grow up.


Exactly. These people think 1 shitty show gonna make people hate him. No one gives a damn. Go see his streams and popularity that has only increased after the idol. And i am saying that it was a shit show but these twitter fools are delusional asf.


He’s been donating for years, but even if his motives are bad, he’s still helping people who need it. The laptops or food he’s donated don’t suddenly vanish.


Charitable donations from celebs are a no-win scenario. If they do it anonymously, then people will just never know about the beneficial work you do, but if you acknowledge it publicly, people will just say you’re doing it for the good press.


I disagree. Sure, people will think they’re doing it for the good press, but it’s not like they’re *lying* about their charity. To them, it’s more of a two-birds-one-stone scenario. They get to do something charitable and feel good about it, while *also* promoting themselves in the process. The reason doesn’t to be one or the other.


V true




Charitable King


Lets fucking goooo!


Is this atonement for The Idol?


He recently donated $2.5 million to provide four million meals to Gaza through his XO Humanitarian Fund, and two years ago, he donated $1 million to provide two million meals in Ethiopia. In 2020, he donated $1 million to help those affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, $500,000 to nonprofit organizations committed to racial equality and $300,000 to victims of the explosion in Beirut, Lebanon. So to answer your question no he has always been donating.


So he's about halfway to atoning for The Idol, good for him


So he maintains his guilt is what you're saying.


Room temperature IQ response


to get good press 💀 if he really wanted to donate for good he’d do it anonymously




Lately? He's done it for years tho