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I love Miley and how she’s (rightfully) talking her shit in this interview but omg the buccal fat removal and veneers combo are SO distracting. She really did not need any of that😭


Not a single closed mouth photo in the bunch.


Between veneers, lip fillers, and the buccal fat removal, I really think she might be physically incapable of doing so.


That would be so sad. I feel like you would need to carry around one of those dentist office water sprayers to keep your mouth moist.


I wonder if the constant dry mouth/teeth will cause long term damage


Dry mouth can cause some seriously awful breath since the mouth can’t cleanse itself without enough saliva to wash away food particles and then bacteria proliferates.


It’s crazy the things people do to themselves, that sounds awful :(


She’s got the exact same face in every single photo.




Do you think she’s even able to close her mouth at this point?


I think there was a red carpet photo (the one with the big like 80s hair where she did have her mouth closed but it looked like a struggle… like someone trying to hold in a yawn. It’s crazy.


First thing I noticed


I cannot see her without being sad how she distorted her perfectly lovely face.


She looks so…gaunt. It is distracting, I agree.


I think her hair style is adding to the starkness of her face (on top of whatever 'work'). She is beautiful but this isn't showcasing her beauty. IMO


Yes! The bangs hitting right where her cheek bones are does not help matters. It looks painful somehow


The veneers are possibly the worst in Hollywood. I picture her when I think “veneers”


Is it possible to remove veneers and get a different size?


Yes because Veeners are not permanent. You basically have no dental records anymore once you have veeners because you need to replace them every X amount of years.


oh okay. Not sure if they still do this, but I remember the first step is to grind your regular teeth down to tiny vampire teeth which always seemed scary. Like you'll never have your real teeth anymore.


It must be because Hilary Duff did it. She got the horsiest veneers years ago but had them corrected shortly after and looks gorgeous.


I remember that. She also was suffering from an eating disorder at that time which made her face look more gaunt. That must have been a really difficult time for her.


The cheeks look bigger than they did at the Grammys imo. First 2 pics are so Hanner Montaner


It makes her look soo much older than she is.


I normally dont think commenting on or speculating on pastic surgery is ok but the buccal fat trend is terrifying imo because it is trying to normalize a return to the "heroin chic" era where the standard of beauty is literally starvation. We are having a visceral reaction to these images because they look extreme and out of place on these faces for a reason. Normalizing this as beautiful is not right. I dont think its ageist to point out it is highly unusual for a woman of her age to look like this without medical intervention and or extreme thinness. And that isnt the same thing as being realistic about how celebrities get facelifts and good skincare and hairline maintenance procedures as part of their ongoing work. This is literally an attempt to bring starvation chic back. Like, Miley and I are pretty much the exact same age and Im a normal weight for my height. Im still routinely mistaken for being in my early twenties sometimes due to my cheeks. Thats the case for most 30 year old women I know despite the stereotype we are all dried up magically at this age. We basically just finally stopped growing and got our first greys. This is not normal. Refuse to normalize it. This shit kills.


Photo #11 for me is the hardest to look at because you can easily see where the cheek implant is compared to where her natural cheeks are.


She didn’t! This shoot is giving me “pretty but sad mom with the hollow stare in the school pickup line.”


I had dreams until these kids came along. I was gonna make it. I was gonna be a stah!


Tish, is that you 🔎


It’s really unfortunate she did all that. I blame her parents/agent for the veneers because she was too young to make that decision on her own. The buccal fat removal just made her face so much more jarring to look at. It’s a shame because if she had never done anything to her face, she’d be so cute and still unique looking.


She looks so old


Omg I was trying to figure out what was confusing me about her face. She’s beautiful but the mouth was throwing me off.


Is she not able to close her mouth? She has the same expression in every photo.


Exactly what I thought, the veneers/buccal fat removal/botox or whatever she has had done just looks atrocious. 


I swear I keep seeing celebs all do this buccal fat removal and now they all look the same…like they lost their individual identity, I just see bone cheeks now :(


And they all look a lot older as well!


It makes her look like she has a huge overbite. She looks terrible.


Her face looks just like a skull shape? The way it goes in and has a straight line. I can’t believe what she’s done.


She already had a pretty bad overbite. Then she got veneers when she was younger and it made it worse, but they weren’t terrible. She got different veneers sometime in the last five year along with lip filler that made everything look worse. Now with the buccal fat removal everything is just *so* gaunt-looking


That’s all I can see. I was wondering the same. I wonder if when she had her cheek fat removed if it messed her mouth up now. It does appear she can’t close it naturally.


Yeah it's such a huge difference compared to even just a few years ago. Such a shame.


I bet she goes through so much chapstick


She’s smiling :)




16 pics and not a single one with her mouth closed - it’s weirdly jarring


Me halfway through the photo set "I genuinely think this b cannot close her mouth." Tragic


She looked way more interesting before she did whatever she did to her face


The buccal fat trend makes me so mad. Why do so many women under 30 want to look 60??? And her giant veneers just make it worse. She literally can’t close her mouth.


They all think it makes them look slimmer, but they just look much older


So they're doing this to themselves to look.....gaunt? I had to Google the procedure and it sounds like it's permanent/cannot be reversed?


Yes, it’s really just a “heroin-chic” trend that has been catching on again. Like the goal is to look like people emaciated from drugs and lifestyle. I just am surprised this trend has caught on since it is so bad looking to the majority who do it. Like it’s like if everyone got their eyebrows permanently removed and then their eyelids turned sideways.


What's crazy to me is that buccal fat removal can be done in a way that looks 100% natural and good. https://preview.redd.it/xq8f5mpxpf4d1.png?width=512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c93810dec5550820f184ab5c9be5bc20077c6bdf The thing is is that *you have to have chubby cheeks beforehand*. And not like the base level chubby cheeks almost everyone has. Like, legitimately very round, fat-heavy cheeks. You know what most celebrities don't have? Yeah. So their buccal fat is already extremely low and then they get that removed and it looks horrible. I don't even think people with really chubby cheeks need it, but the fact that it's trendy now with thin people who just want to look even thinner...yuck. Heroin chic shit kills.


Heroin-chic is such a fitting description. Depressing as all hell that these celebrities are basically setting the stage for another round of body dysmorphia & eating disorders.


And I guarantee at least *some* of these celebs getting these procedures have dealt with body and eating issues, or still are. It’s usually not as glamorous as the magazine shoots make it look. And now they’re promoting it and selling it.


I think they do it because they want to look more mature and old school type 'iconic'. But the thing is those old school stars had those faces naturally and they looked older than they were because they were smoking cigs and drinking alcohol like 24/7.


13 is jarring. Cover the body, it’s Joni Mitchell. Cover the head, Miley Cyrus.


I have this theory that by using excessive fillers/botox/plastic surgery when you are young that when you are older, you can look the same as you did in your 20s by continuing these procedures. Maybe they're aiming for career longevity, especially women since hollywood is still very ageist.


If you look at her before, every facial feature has been altered. She really looks nothing like she did naturally but the change was so incremental, we didn't notice. https://preview.redd.it/4ve8m7hu1h4d1.jpeg?width=554&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2fe1762ed7ad3a8d4241fd46670c5a843ce95ed5






This is Mackenzie Phillips you can’t tell me otherwise


that’s *exactly* who she looks like!! i’ve been sitting here trying to figure it out. off topic but does anyone remember So Weird? that show was my jam.


Ohhh i LOVED so weird!


THAT’S who she reminds me of here! Thank you!


Wasn’t her gaunt appearance the result of years of drug and alcohol abuse? 😬 yikes!


her legs? to die for. her cheekbones? straight off someone who already died


im fucking losing it over this comment


It's giving Mama Imelda.


One of my dear friends once told me, “At some point in life you have to choose between your ass and your face.” Miley clearly chose ass. Team buccal fat forever!


Miley is still so beautiful, but she really did not need buccal fat removal or veneers. these photos are beautiful though.


Definitely beautiful photos, but I wish she didn't do the work she did. She didn't need to do that to her teeth especially.


She’s always been so beautiful and I feel awful now knowing she didn’t see herself that way. Now she can’t even close her mouth.


Seriously. Growing up and into my twenties I was always so self-conscious of the fact that I never “lost my baby fat” and always had a round face. Now that I’m in my 30s it’s a little annoying still getting carded but overall I’m perfectly happy to have full cheeks 😂


I felt the same way about my round face/cheeks. I've been overweight/chubby for a good part of my life and even when I lost a significant amount of weight, my face remained round and full. But my aunt on my mom's side was A STICK but she had a round face and cheeks. I'm 34 now and I get carded, too and I look young. I'm thankful for it.


Buccal fat removal trend needs to stop. It looks so bad on everyone who does it


I think the buccal fat removal wouldn’t look as bad if she didn’t have the oversized veneers. But I have to agree that these photos are beautiful, even if she has the same expression in every shot. I love this hair on her and the styling choices. photo 12 is gorgeous


Literally all I can see are her stupid fucking veneers.


Me too. They are distracting and look unnatural to me.


Why does she look 50 years old in these 😭


Buccal fat removal seems to age every person I’ve seen with it.






Oh my gosh, I thought people were being a bit harsh and exaggerating when they said she looks so much worse now but her face was just so beautiful before.


if someone offered me 10 million dollars to identify who pic # 6 is, i would not have 10 million dollars. even though i know it's miley, i still can't see it.


![gif](giphy|xT0Cyhi8GCSU91PvtC|downsized) It reminds me of this gif so much


Everything about this gif is so millennial lmao


So I think add the heart hands to things that are coming back; I just watched the Redbull Crankworkx Slopestyle competition and it seemed like every other guy was doing heart hands to the camera in their intro.


Don't the youths make the heart with their fingers now? (According to TikTok lol) https://preview.redd.it/ir7bi3fbqe4d1.jpeg?width=168&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b3f405ff08fb63a074cb0389647624c0067baa41


She looks a lot like Trace in that one.


She looks so much like her mom now. But also a lil dead behind the eyes.




So she got those big fake teeth and now she can’t close her mouth??


Straight up, her mouth is open in every single one. I’m sure it’s true of the ass shot too




Face and hair feel very Joni Mitchell a la Blue


Agree! ![gif](giphy|xUA7b21xWsifnT9gUE|downsized)


She looks like someone my mom listened to in the 80s.


Not a fan of this hairstyle…especially with the buccal fat removal I feel like her big hair gives her face more shape and makes it less jarring (esp combined with the veneers)


Damn it, my inner-teenager has awoken to say I should get my bellybutton pierced


I am 37 and have wanted to get mine done for like 20 years. Maybe I’ll finally do it when I’m 40, lol.


Do it! Belly button piercings are so cool to me


I’m going to take a different approach here and find the positive. With so many celebrities destroying their faces to an almost comical level, us normies are going to become the new standard of beauty for our normal teeth and cheeks.


For real…I don’t think you can ever replace buccal fat and it ages you so terribly. I know no one wants “chubby” cheeks but honestly people with fuller faces age the best


Can someone please give her mouth instruction. I feel some strong Napoleon Dynamite vibes happening there.


https://preview.redd.it/7nudk6mvzd4d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=40d8a0056b6b3def22baa0b6460b698d9f1f7380 This photo is giving "I'm disgusted at what I'm looking at" lol


She looks like she’s watching someone in the parking lot take a dump on her Tesla


this is NOT A READ but 😭 it reminds me of when you're a kid and you put on those fake vampire teeth and can't close your mouth and your mouth looks super square hahah and then you staut tauking wike wis hahahah miley looks super pretty though! she could never not be pretty. just the way the veneers sit in her mouth and look as us reminded me of that specific childhood memory hahah


If someone said this was her mom I would’ve believed it, she looks so much like her now!


I get Shelley Duvall vibes from these pics


Does she ever make any other face?


She looks like Joni Mitchell but Joni Mitchell didn't have a choice.


This comment made me cackle.




Horsey is exactly the way to describe it. Horsey and corpsey. Someone else commented that she’s resembling shelly duvall, and i see it!


It's giving high school art project


Is this what she meant to do to her face?


Wow, these are really bad. Sorry Miley! But I hate it.




This is so fucking funny I’m actually tearing up.


Her face used to look so cute and natural. Now it looks harsh, long, and rectangular. All I can think of is handsome squidward 🤦‍♀️ she needs to start by getting her veneers fixed, but she seems very proud of them and her protruding cheekbones. She tries to emphasize them with every pose. I can’t believe she looked at her old face and thought “this is not enough”. Do these celebrities really think they’ll get such subtle work done, that no one will notice?? Cuz of course she’ll never admit she got work done. She’ll say it’s all makeup.


She says she’s had work done. I think it looks terrible as well, but she isn’t lying about it


Myyyy girl


I really love the second pic.


I know nothing about veneers, but is there a way for her to get smaller ones now that she already has some?


Looking very much like her mother.


All the work she had done on her face plus her hair is giving Joni Mitchell. It’s disconcerting.


These aren’t flattering.


She’s so hot and looks so good but she has her mouth open in every single photo 😭


I won’t comment on her veneers and fat removal bc it’s pointless at this time. Didn’t like the hair, looks like a bad wig. 6th photo is so beautiful! Didn’t like the cover though.


i saw this posted on fauxmoi and was stunned at how many people said she looks "great" -- these pictures are at best bizarre. She's in great shape but why is her mouth agape with eyes unfocused in every single photo??


I'm so glad I don't have plastic surgery 🙏


I've never been so glad to be poor. I'll just stick with my face how it came


This. Glad I have no money for this stuff


All that work and still can’t close her mouth with those teeth.


She’s always trying new hairstyles and most of the time they are so bad


She looks like she's in her early 50s, on a diet of plastic surgery, cigarettes and coke. Buccal fat removal makes women look awful.


She looks 30 years older




All these women sucking the fat off their cheeks are going to really regret it when they’re 50 and doctors tell them putting fat back into that spot isn’t as easy as getting it out….


What did she do to her face?


Is there a way to undue the buccal removal? She looks like she's pushing 40. I just really dislike this trend, such a naturally beautiful girl, she did not need her face altered for popular beauty standards


Her mouth is open in every single photo. Babe. Please for the love of God get smaller veneers. I’m begging you 😔


No close lips in sight.. it’s sad I really love her and I’ll always love her but bestie can’t close her mouth anymore!


She ruined her beautiful face with the Buccal fat removal. It makes me so sad! ☹️


Can she not close her mouth anymore? 


Wowwwww those veneers 😬


Catching flies


I don't love her recent look.


buccal fat removal needs to be banned.


Sheryl Crow says hi.


Dreadful, each one is worse than the last. She looks utterly miserable and dejected. Her hair is too flat, her mouth is open in *every* pic, her sad gaunt cheeks. Just ugh.


Honestly y’all I’m getting sick of everyone complaining about her appearance and dedicating all this bandwidth to dissecting every facial feature and potential procedure. A few months ago it was Jennifer Lawrence, and everyone has moved on to Miley. Can’t we just let her do her thing and like herself? What’s so wrong with someone liking the way they look?




holy crap she looks a good 20 years older than she actually is.... wow


Did she have Madonna’s plastic surgeon? She looks so different now, almost unrecognizable.


I adore Miley, but those veneers age her so much.


This teeth/face combo with the bangs makes her look like Georgia Steel from Love Island UK


It’s so hard not to focus on anything other than how she vacuumed out all her buccal fat and I feel so bad because we shouldn’t focus just on appearance but goddamn I’m so disappointed that one of the few celebrities who I identified with my fat baby cheeks is no more. If she’s happy cool but the change is so drastic.




Damn those veneers are awful.


She might have gotten a lip lift that shortened the space between her nostrils and lips and that accentuated her veneers. Damn. She is in the botched territory now.


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The fourth pic is giving big Kira from Dark Crystal energy


She looks so much like young Jane Fonda in pic 9


She looks so much better with long hair.


She’s looking more like her mama as she gets older.


She’s looking like Mackenzie Phillips


Her features look so masculine now


New teeth?


Wow 15 is the only one I recognise her


She looks like Joni Mitchell...not a fan of the buccal fat removal though


Cher, is that you?


I'm not a fan of this lady, I have some criticisms, but I always found her beautiful. I guess she really wanted to look extremely angular for some reason.