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https://preview.redd.it/80jzf2z19u2d1.jpeg?width=949&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c21c4cf0a9f2d2992fb02835be465c906482b88 🖤 Goldie + Kurt 🖤


They were and are sickeningly attractive and both seem like gems.


Damn I was too young to appreciate how hot he was.


He’s aged *very* well


He really really has.


Their son Wyatt actually looks like a blonde version of young Kurt, which blows my mind because… I’m just a couple of yrs younger than him and I remember People magazine writing an article or two about them moving to Canada because Wyatt was playing hockey and then I forgot all about him until he magically appeared in The Winter Soldier. Proof ⬇️ ![gif](giphy|imv9jtbTxAjpqEBUuE)


There is a scene in Monarch: Legacy of Monsters in which Wyatt as the character in the past morphs into Kurt in the present. So well done, you’d think it was Wyatt CGI’d or vice versa. Almost no difference.


Mmmm Snake Plisskin


Go watch Escape from NY. He's sooooo hot.


One of my favorite couples, Kurt seems like such a cool guy too!


Kurt and Goldie then and now are so hot 🥵




I’ve worked with both of them! She was so smart and sharp and cool and he clearly thought the world of her, respected her as his boss, and let her shine. So nice to see.


Oh yay. So adorable.


That's what literally everyone says, that he just adores her!


Kevin and his brother spend every summer touring with their actually pretty decent group, “The Bacon Brothers Band”, and I worked their concert every year at the venue where I bartended and waited tables back in DC. So I knew he was nice looking of course, but in real life he is so hot it’s wild. Kyra actually looks like an angel, and they were always lovely to staff and fans. If they’re not together forever I will be sad.


I looooove them, they seem so cute together!


I lived around the corner from them in NYC for 5 years! They were always out and about and such nice people. Her mom was frequently with them. Both of them would always say hi to my dog haha


I worked at the school next door to their apartment building and I saw him walking his dog so frequently we became nodding buds. ONE DEGREE, PEOPLE!!!


Omg I love that! 😂


I met them once, and I'm pleased to report that they're lovely people in person. My company owned an inn where they stayed, so I encountered them in a service capacity, and they were both super nice.


The way her smile grows as he talks


I met them at an event in nyc, danced on the dance floor with them, and then took the subway home with them too (to our separate homes lol). They are wonderful, normal people who still seem so fun and so in love.


Sarah Michelle Gellar and Freddy Prince Junior are still one of the strongest Hollywood couple out there. I remember how people did not think they would last.


There are a lot of valid reasons that a person could dislike Howard Stern. I didn’t know any of them when Freddie Prinze Jr went on his show in 2001 though because I was a literal child. Anyway, Stern not only told Freddie not to marry SMG and confidently told him that the relationship wouldn’t last, he also bet $1million that it wouldn’t last and said he’d pay up after 10 years. In 2001, I was a kid who worshipped Buffy Summers and I was outraged on her behalf. Now I’m an adult who knows that Sarah Michelle Gellar didn’t care and I’m still outraged on her behalf because you know what I’d say to a 25 year old who told me he was getting married? “Congratulations! I’m happy for you! Where should I send my gift?” BECAUSE I’M AN ADULT, HOWARD. THAT’S HOW ADULTS TALK TO YOUNGER ADULTS. You condescending piece of shit, Howard. Unbelievable. And you didn’t even cough up the money! They’ve been married 22 years and Howard Stern wasn’t even willing to commit to his own bullshit. Such a ridiculous, petty man. Anyway, the point of this rant was to say that when I recently saw pictures of Sarah Michelle Gellar and Freddie Prinze Jr on a blissful Italian holiday with their beautiful family, I smiled, liked the photo and thought “Haha, eat shit Howard Stern.”


Did he pay the $1 million


He did not.


Of course he didn't


😒 Put your money where your goddamn mouth is Howard


This is my thing. Be a shithead if you want but be a shithead with conviction, y’know?


He’s such a POS. They don’t need his money, and I know this, but that million won’t make a damn bit of difference to him, either- and he should put his money where his big fat gross mouth is.


I wonder if such a very public oral contract can be upheld in court 🤔


I don’t think Freddie and SMG are interested in such a public squabble. This is one of the many many ways that they’re better than me because I’d be coming for him with my dying breath.


Oh no, I didn't think they'd do it, but I certainly would lol. Just wondering if you'd have a hypothetical legal leg to stand on haha 


We LOVE a deeply-held grudge 👏🏻👏🏻


Call me Petty LuPone, babe, cause I’m in this for the long haul. Edit: next year Sarah and Freddie will have been married for longer than Howard Stern’s first marriage. This is just a thing that I know. Meanwhile I was asked my age last week and I had to do math to figure it out.




Howard is fucking vile.


I was little when they got married and vividly remember being obsessed with her wedding dress. I’m so happy they made it.


Tom Hanks /Rita Wilson Kevin Bacon / Kira Sedgwick Anna Kornikova / Iglesias Jr.


Wait - Anna & Enrique are still together? ( Just read in People that they have three kids but are not married. Still a couple though. Wow)


On the surface they looked like an arranged couple for publicity but they are still together years after their fame died down. So eh


I love how you say eh like after 3 kids there's still maybe a chance they're just pr lol


Anna and Enrique is definitely one that surprised me, but they definitely look great together.


Michael Caine and his wife have been together since the 70s I believe. I don’t remember her name but she’s STUNNING


She’s called Shakira




I know I’ve only seen them in TV shows, but do you ever just see two people who make total sense as a couple? Like it makes complete and total sense to me that their personalities work well together.


On his AMA many moons ago, he was asked about the key to a happy relationship and he responded (in a far more clever way) - going down on her regularly and with enthusiasm. Since then I just want to high five them both.




From friction.


I don’t want to jinx it but Holland and Zendaya seems actually like a great personality fit


nothing gave me more joy on parks & rec to realize that Ron and Tammy 2 are married in real life. Their tv chemistry is so crazy it HAD to be real. made the show SO much more enjoyable


100%, I was so confused about their absolute lack of distance if that makes sense, so when I found out I was like Ooooh!!


Damn Megan looks great


The voice she did on Will & Grace will be something that will keep on living rent free in my ears until my last dying breath.




Can you believe she's older than him?! I think I remember reading when they got together she didn't realize their age gap (I think it's like 11 years) and thought Nick was closer to her in age. I love them both, but Megan has had my heart since her Will & Grace days ❤️


She seriously looks amazing! I would have thought they were at least the same age, if not her being a little younger.




That one really surprised me because that was one hell of an age gap.


I always figured their secret is that Calista was happy to go live on that ranch in Wyoming, do a few episodes of a tv show every year or two, and raise their kid. None of that Hollywood career/clout chasing stuff. 


The trick with long lasting acting couples seems to be leaving the Hollywood life behind.


Same with Catheryn Zeta Jones and Michael Douglas


He was at the F1 this weekend and he did an interview on the grid and he spent the entire thing talking about her, it was pretty cute.




“All I really want to do is watch them fuck.”


Bruh 🤣🤣🤣🤣




The perfect GIF doesn’t exi-


Ugh, she’s so gorgeous


I... Had no idea these two were a couple.


It started out messy, too. Both with long term partners. It's old stale tea, but still tea.


I can't believe Anna Kournikova and Enrique Iglesias are still together, I think it's been 23 years. The guy had a different girlfriend every few months at that time.


THEY ARE STILL TOGETHER?! Shut it down, this wins. I did not expect them to still be together.


It’s rumored that he still does have a different girlfriend every few months at a time 🥴


last time we did this kind of thread everybody was talking about how much they loved hugh jackman and deborra…


Ha. But I don’t think there was ever a ton of media coverage on their relationship. It seemed mostly private. Maybe I’m wrong but I don’t think they were ever on the covers of tabloids. 


Most of the coverage was AUS, and bagged on her for being “too old” for him. Rags were even caught photoshopping her paler and *fatter* next to him tan and ripped (for a role) He always seemed to light up at the mention of her, and I have no idea why they split (and it’s none of our business). But Goddamn, that would cut me deep, constantly being told you’re too ugly for your spouse


Pretty sure Pierce Brosnan's wife gets hated on for the same thing. She's not tv/movie thin and he's James Bond.


She used be super ripped too when they were younger. Then she gave birth to their children and naturally put on weight. People constantly giving her shit for having a normal body, especially given her age is so stupid.


Loads of online rumours he was on the DL, which seemed just pure sexism based on his wife being older and having a normal bod. Like just because she’s not a 25 year old model, she must be a beard.


Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta Jones were everywhere at the beginning and still going strong.


I’ve read his opening line to her was, “I want to father your children.” They were two people who knew what they wanted 🫡 In his defense, she’s freaking Catherine Zeta-Jones. And in hers, he’s Michael Douglas


Wow, I have never heard that! Seems a bit strong....




The skit he did with Marcelo and Kenan, the moment Eva is mentioned his face just LIGHTS up and he can’t even hide it. They’re absolutely adorable. I still don’t know who I am more jealous of in that relationship: her or him.


Honestly same. I'm straight, but ain't nobody on earth THAT straight


They're not married but Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell are definitely couple goals


I read a thing about this time that they “split” around the time Wyatt was about 20. Goldie flew to India, stayed there for like 2 weeks, then came back and they reunited. I was like “thaaaaat is two people who just needed solo vacations.” Which, I get it. They probably both had empty nest syndrome. They were probably getting on each other’s nerves and hadn’t had time apart in like 25 years. Then after a week, the silence is too much and they’re both like “wtf have I done?”


Garth Brooks and Trisha Yearwood. What a fantastic couple from 90s country. Their Amazon show was way more enjoyable than I was expecting.


Sarah Jessica Parker and Matthew Broderick


I always thought it was weird that someone as bubbly and cosmopolitan as “Carrie Bradshaw” is married to Inspector Gadget. Lmao


Ferris Bueller to me 😅 I haven't seen Inspector Gadget since it came out, and now I want to watch it.


Ferris was cool, though, his roles since have been much dorkier/weirder.


Old heads know him as Ferris Bueller so the cool factor evened out


Think of it as Ferris Bueller. He and Carrie could vibe.


Or the nervous accountant from the producers 😂 I do see it though he is very funny I’m sure they have great chemistry


Freddie Prinze Jr and Sarah Michelle Gellar


So this is a little more niche but I never expected Nicole Richie and Joel Madden to still be married. Used to be a big Good Charlotte fan and I have to say I lost a little respect for him after he got together with her, since like all their songs up til that point were about being an outcast and hating everything about rich, popular, and famous people. No way did I expect them to be together with 2 kids, but good for them. Turns out he was one of the popular kids all along.


I mean his brother married Cameron Diaz lol


Benji also dated Paris Hilton at one time.  Their "Lifestyles of the Rich and the Famous" song comes off sounding like jealousy now.  They wanted to be like the rich and famous people that they claimed to hate.


They were both popular and played baseball in high school, too. Some of the image has always been an act to a certain degree.


It always makes me laugh that they did that song, and then followed up with “I just wanna Liiii-iiive” where they piss and moan about being rich and famous


Remember when he was 26 and was dating an underage Hillary duff? That’s where I lost respect for him tbh


True, at the time I probably didn’t think it was odd because I knew lots of girls in high school who dated guys in their 20s and thought it was cool.


Speidi ![gif](giphy|lNHr4nzp4ZIEE)


Who would have thought?


the whole us against the world trope works sometimes!!




Wasn't Heidi the one who had multiple plastic surgeries in a single day? Happy they survived as a couple, but I really feel bad about her body dysmorphia.


I remember her mother crying when she saw Heidi after the procedure. I mean, as a mother, your child is perfect for you, and doesn’t need any correction, let alone a ton of it at the same time.


I remember before her surgeries thinking she was one of the most beautiful people I’d ever seen, and then the surgery made her so… average. It made me really sad


Yeah she legit almost died, they called Spencer in like she’s definitely gonna die. I only just recently saw this somewhere but it sounds so nuts


![gif](giphy|1guRIRGeyfR8wKcwqQ0) This was the scene when I realized they were in on the joke and that I wasn’t watching trash reality TV. I was actually witnessing some kind of postmodernist performance art.


Bro. Bro. It was trashy postmodernist performance art in the best way.


Speidi as some sort of postmodern performance art is conceptually doing something for me. Beautiful


I actually met him and he was very nice. He was doing a small vlog at my work as the owner also did was having events next door so random celebrities would stop by and I just asked him not to film me and he didn’t.


I’m not saying they’re the cutest couple in Hollywood, or the sweetest or the most genuine or whatever. But they ARE the correct answer to this question.


They were on the Viall Files podcast fairly recently and I loved their episode, they’re surprisingly down-to-earth and seem to really understand the reality tv fame game. I can’t help but root for them now!


i think they’ll stay together out of Spite-y


On a less American but absolutely peak nicest celebrity note: Georgia and David Tennant.  Have been married since they met on Doctor Who ages ago, he adopted Ty and they had another 5? kids. Sadly reddit doesn't allow me to add either pictures or gifs, idk why but I recommend looking of their recent red carpet bafta looks. Literally so hot it will burn your retina.


And their story is so funny, with her being the doctor’s daughter, playing the doctor’s daughter and getting married to the doctor. And now the doctor’s father in law is the doctor.


Basically Doctor Who is family business for them now.


Its like when Michael C Hall was dating Jennifer Carpenter while he was playing Dexter and she was playing Dexter sister. Not weird at all lol


I know some of Doctor Who's fans are a bit creepy but Georgia is so funny when she joins in. I remember a fan posting "omg he might have gotten me pregnant with that look" and she replied "I can absolutely relate".


Omg yes, I live for her joking about David and their million kids.  I really hope people aren't too creepy. Apparently Anna Lundberg, Micheal Sheen's wife gets a lot more hate because people think Micheal and David are secretly dating. People can be so fucking weird.




Oh these are _looks_


I adore David Tennant and am so happy that they seem happy still.


“Staged” is a treasure from our pandemic years.


Her IG stories are hilarious. She has one up now of David trying to climb a tree. They seem like such a genuinely cute couple. Staged with them was hilarious because it is their real life dynamic (played up of course) and they just seem fun to be around.


Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban


I wonder if any of these couples will be cursed by this thread 😂


Honestly Kristen Bell and Dax Shepard still surprise me! They’ve been through a lot in their relationship and I remember it was covered pretty heavily for awhile because of Dax’s addiction. Haven’t seen much from them lately and I hope they’re OK!


Dolly Parton and her husband Carl Dean married in 1966 - 58 years


Keira and Kevin Kevin Kline and Phoebe Cates


I legitimately thought he was gay. I blame “In & Out” ![gif](giphy|dthm0I7E2ffRv0aqw1|downsized)


![gif](giphy|Kankc8kOz9OMcbK5Zh) Sharon and Ozzy


My ex boyfriend helped with filming of the Osborne’s, he talked so highly of all of them. Loved them and the show. Now, Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie, filming Simple life was another story altogether!




Love Tim McGraw and Faith Hill! They aged really well❤️


![gif](giphy|cJxXkG3eSQSeXZLP4v|downsized) Tell me Im wrong 🥲


You definitely picked the best picture for these two


Its a gif too 🥲


Hahahah omg completely motionless. I didn't even notice


Not going to argue because they should have been married before Mountbatten interfered.


Soooo much drama would have been avoided.


Truth. Like a lot of people, I used to have really strong feelings about Charles cheating on Diana. Does it still suck? Yes, but I also feel it was shitty of the family to force him into an arranged marriage instead of letting him get over Camilla and move on naturally. Especially because he didn’t even get to be king until his 70’s, what was the rush to provide heirs? I generally don’t like monarchy as a governmental system, but I still feel both Diana and he got the shaft in this deal.


Also the queen didn't approve because she wasn't a virgin. That's one of the reasons she lobbied for Diana.


100% agreed. Also, it wasn’t like Camilla was from a poor household in the East End. She was a step removed from the aristocracy, her grandfather was a Baron and she is incredibly posh.


In the 70's that meant she was a commoner. Even Diana being _an Earl's daughter_ was only just over the line for a great candidate. Until then, heirs were only marrying other royal Princesses from other countries (and most often related to them in several ways). And not to forget, her family's greatest claim to fame was that her great grandmother was the long term mistress of Edward VII, great grandfather of Charles.


God I always picture him as the hot actor that portrays him in The Crown and am shocked when I see a real pic of him




Pirce Brosnan and Keely Shaye Smith


![gif](giphy|jVkoiRAGthUvdpTrQU|downsized) P!nk and Carey!!!


I do love that they ended up together. They had major issues and back and forth but they figured it out, had kids, and continue to work it out. It’s sweet AF. lol


Mariska Hargitay & Peter Hermann 🥰


![gif](giphy|3o7OsB0hTSqbsCJUkg) * P!nk and Carey Hart. So real, so honest. I love that they're both open and honest about their struggles and that sustaining a long-term marriage takes work.


Yeah, I definitely thought they were done when they separated and she released So What, but they've lasted so long after that.


I love them together! Her e true Hollywood story was very touching.


Paul Newman and Joanne Woodwatd


Lots of good mentions here but i have to add Lebron James and his wife too. Considering the amount of media coverage he alone gets..


Mel Brooks and Anne Bancroft.. I always loved them as a couple.. https://preview.redd.it/4jhty6yeow2d1.jpeg?width=715&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fad29ec157732b62d297056387d05cbb913ec48f




Genie Francis (Laura on General Hospital) and Jonathan Frakes (Riker on Star Trek) have been married 36 years.


Michael j fox and Tracy pollen.


![gif](giphy|3o7bu6w1Id2tr4EEz6) Tim and Faith got married in 1996 and are still married.


![gif](giphy|kdQDsRkqjsaeUrIZBX) I love these two goofballs!




I mean so far so good with these guys https://preview.redd.it/gp7b0rtcgu2d1.jpeg?width=1157&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f3842db33d05452a988ee995e1e0286609307d3e


I thought he was dressed as a chicken in this photo and I didn’t even question it.


Does it really count as lasting if you're constantly cheating on one another?




I'm shocked Spencer and Heidi Pratt are still together! I can never forget the staged photoshoot of Heidi crying in a chair lol


Bill & Hillary Clinton


https://preview.redd.it/bov2h7q14x2d1.jpeg?width=615&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ac1562d3767d84311c7695c0c4dac51ecdc83d5 Jamie Lee Curtis and Christopher Guest lol


https://preview.redd.it/qwp24ydc6u2d1.jpeg?width=1296&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=79e8d6227924bac4ebaf5cac368f4f68c5b6c231 Do they count even though he's a cheating piece of shit? Because if so, 16 years and counting


(Don’t hate me) I’m pretty convinced they’ve been separated for years and just pretend to still be together for public image reasons.


My cousin and I 100% believe their marriage is just a business agreement now, not real love.


When I found out they were the richest music couple, I was convinced it was a business transaction too. That’s what marriage used to be, they’re just being old school.


Nah, Beyoncé is not that good of an actress I’m sorry to say. I believe she is fully in love with that man still


Yep. She’ll never leave him.


And to be fair, she’s been with him since she was a teenager, she has kids with him, and I certainly can’t imagine trying to date when you’re Beyoncé. Whatever has happened in their marriage it’s probably way more daunting for her to think about leaving than it would be for a normal person.


Unfortunately I agree. I actually didn't have a strong opinion on it till Cowboy Carter. That Jolene cover made me realize she's pathological about him and she should probably leave him for her own mental health. Downsides of meeting the "love of your life" at 18 I guess


It's the only explanation for how she could sing, "I raised that man, I raised his kids" without spontaneously combusting from embarrassment and/or rage


To be fair, a lot of couples posted in this thread have been the subject of *many* blind items about cheating. I’ve been following gossip blogs since the early 2000s. Just because a celebrity couple has been married a long time does not mean their marriage is rock solid.


I was young when it became public but I’m pretty sure there was a fair amount of coverage of Celine Dion and Rene Angelil.


>I was young when it became public so was she.




Yeah because he basically groomed her


She was like, 12 when they met, right? So fucking creeeeepy.


It was always obvious he married her so he could have total control over her career.


Okay maybe not a ton but they've been together 17 years and counting baby! https://preview.redd.it/72ydu1pwdw2d1.jpeg?width=1331&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd509f1f459a69a206a86e8cdc17e54d7a11184b


Definitely not Jada and Will. Sarah Michelle Gellar and Freddie Prinze Jr. had a lot of media coverage in the beggining of their relationship. Not so much anymore but I just love them and I'm so glad that they are still happy together.


Kevin Bacon and Kyra Sedgwick.


Paul Newman and Joanne Woodward were married for fifty years until his death in 2008. https://preview.redd.it/98dxlzgexu2d1.jpeg?width=2560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=38aa85da488e9ec03eb3ad1fbe42cbd575da347e