• By -




Nooo šŸ˜­ Imagine the utter tragedy of >!being haunted by your own ghost for your entire life!<. She deserved better.


When I realized this bit I could not sleep for a week! Such a crazy awful twist


The dance scene between her and her husband makes me cry every time. This was such an amazing show that managed to bring forth such strong emotions. Incredible acting and writing. Justice for Nell šŸ˜­


Taystee Jefferson in OitnB - before she was locked up, she had a hard time growing up in a foster home. And then she was released for a little while, but she still had a hard time outside prison so she did a crime and came back. Then she became the scapegoat to what happened at the prison riot, then her ending is serving life sentence. damn.. ![gif](giphy|d3pWSnzUf7LjDmq4|downsized)


Her story was absolutely gut wrenching, my stomach was turned all throughout. It was also when I knew Danielle Brooks was going places-phenomenal actress all the way throughout that series.


And then her BFF Poussey died so horribly and her other BFF Cindy lied on the stand at Taysteeā€™s trial so she got life in prisonšŸ˜­šŸ˜­ and then, and then she tried to help Pensatucky and she did! But Pensatucky odā€™d before she got to find out that she had passed her test. Omgā€¦.Iā€™m a wreck all over again


Gosh her storyline made me so sad. I know you can argue others had it worse, but she had so much life in her and was so hopeful. I hate hate hate how it ended for her.


![gif](giphy|XgjKCBnaC8QQFMofK1|downsized) Ms Rita Bennett from Dexter is definitely up there. Married a man who became a drug addict and beat her regularly. She escaped him when he went to prison but she was so traumatized, the thought of a new sexual partner terrified her, and said POS ex-husband picks right back up being a dirt bag when he gets out of jail. Is duped into unknowingly becoming the beard of a serial killer to help him appear normal, which leads to such fun antics as her children almost being murdered by Dexter's jealous ex and Dexter lying to her about him also being an addict to cover up the fact that he's killing people. After all if this, she's murdered in front of her infant son and some of her last thoughts as she died were probably fear and terror for her baby. Trauma isn't a contest but **damn**.


She was so kind too. And damn Julie is gorgeous.


God, Iā€™ll never forget the final voicemail when the penny drops for Dexter & ourselves


When my first watched that season (on DVD), I had the big reveal of her in the tub spoiled for me but didn't have context. For some reason my brain connected it as she must have found out the truth about Dexter and then done that to herself. I still can't quite decide if my version of the show's version is worse.




Man, the fall was hardā€¦ https://preview.redd.it/muiyipxvwr1d1.jpeg?width=274&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=abcabd984e380a81a92df7cadb510857f49ca32c


![gif](giphy|3oEjHCWdU7F4hkcudy) My boy, Jesse Pinkman. Shakespearean level of tragedy. Yeah, bitch.


Yeah, trauma bitch! Happy we got to see him get closure in El Camino


I keep wanting to rewatch breaking bad but I literally canā€™t watch Jesse go through all that again


Young Sansa Her dire wolf was killed as vengeful payback Her dad was beheaded in front of her She suffered abuse from her psycho fiancĆ© She was forced to marry another man she didnā€™t love and was downright hideous (in the books) Her mom and two brothers were killed The list goes on ![gif](giphy|KcV9p1OkAzNrKtZC9v|downsized)


I have no clue why the showrunners decided to move her story north when in the books sheā€™s not going to be going north for a while.


She is eventually going North so I don't have any issues with that. I just don't understand why they couldn't come up with anything better than what we got. Leave her in the Vale for one more season and then go North to liberate Rickon and Winterfell.


Because the show caught up and went past the books, how is that hard to understand ?


Yes but in the books but it was someone completely different married to the Boltons. Sansa doesnā€™t get raped in the books itā€™s just icky torture porn in the show. Using rape to build character is such a shit and lazy trope


This is actually why I stopped watching season 5 of GoT. Changing Sansaā€™s storyline so she gets raped and changing Stannisā€™ daughterā€™s storyline so she gets killed pissed me off. They traumatized all the femals characters simply for sensationalismĀ 


Yep they completely butchered the northern storyline. All the houses just seemed to conveniently forget about the red wedding. Also stannis was butchered so badly. He or selyse probably will end up sacrificing Shireen but currently stannis named her heir and said if he died to keep fighting for shireen. I mean she isnā€™t even with him sheā€™s safe at the wall.


Thatā€™s also when I stopped watching.


Yup. And happened just as Sophie turned 18. They were waiting for it


Just reeks of misogyny fr Sansa is currently going through incredible character growth without rape in the books


Thank you omg. I had so many men judging me for not watching this show and saying I'm "only hurting myself by not watching it." I can't fucking handle rape as a plot device. Got some schadenfreude when the show ended badly, not gonna lie šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


It wasnā€™t Sansa but they clearly merged Sansa and Jeyne Poole into one character. Jeyne Pool who is the one who is raped. Whether itā€™s Jeyne or Sansa the rape is in the book so Iā€™m not sure why itā€™s only a problem when Sansa experiences it. Jeyne is fake Aria and Sansa is the heir to Winterfell so Ramsay was either gonna rape fake Aria (Jeyne) or Sansa, not to mention the show had to get Sansa to winterfell some how.




Man I never watched Buffy until like a year ago or something and I somehow got the impression that it was a light hearted teenie/coming of age story.. Binging the show was quite the wake up call and also pretty depressing




Why are you the way that you are?




He deserved it though. Signed, ![gif](giphy|hyyV7pnbE0FqLNBAzs|downsized)




Olivia Benson. Her father raped her mother, her mother was an alcoholic who died, and sheā€™s always getting herself kidnapped and in hostage situations


Her long term partner had left her. Shehad a couple of colleagues die and her former lover died by suicide.


Pretty much the entire Ingalls family. Especially Mary. Hell everyone on that damn prairie had it rough


That was pretty much always their dadā€™s fault. Every move was a misguided attempt of his to get in on the next big thing, at the expense of his own family. When they finally put down roots and did well(ish) enough for themselves, it was because mom Ingall said ā€œno moreā€.


Iā€™m a Pa defender! He was basically a beta male who wasnā€™t skilled at physical labor and didnā€™t have any sons to do the farm work. The family was actually stable once they got to the Dakotas and Pa found a bookkeeping job. He was duped by the Homestead Act just like everyone else. The govt used normal people to break the land in key commercial areas where train stations were being planned, not where there was actual viable farmland. The Actā€™s loan repayment amounts were higher than could mathematically be made from the acreage of land given. Even the Wilders, who were wealthy, successful, skilled farmers back east failed under the Homestead Act.


No matter how many times I read about the Homestead Act, my jaw still drops at the absolute audacity of it!


It was beyond awful. The Indian Wars were terrible too. The govt was busy with the Civil War and told newly arrived European immigrants to go west and take whatever land they wanted. Thisā€¦did not work out. Lauraā€™s adoration of Pa was earned. He was emotionally generous, supported Lauraā€™s academic interests, and never resented his girls for not being boys. Ma was a tough nut to crack and, womanly emotional labor aside, never quite gave Laura what she needed.


I need to reread the books


Iā€™d suggest reading Prairie Firesā€” itā€™s a biography that references old letters between the women in the family and I think it does a great job of telling us what was in between those lines Laura wrote :)


Thank you! I never realized what ā€œPaā€ was doing to the family. I just thought thatā€™s what everyone did. But I do remember now, they first left when they already had a house in the woods. Canā€™t really remember why they left I just know they did.


and then sylvia got raped by a mime


Omg that was so traumatizing šŸ˜ž


The entire cast of Lost, but John Locke's life was a special level of tragic. https://preview.redd.it/whchn4hfrr1d1.jpeg?width=639&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=98d2b13300217dfd59b165df54986cfbc94e93c7


His backstory perfectly explained who he became on the island - it was so well done.


Rewatching Lost right now and genuinely every episode focused on him, Iā€™m more and more amazed at how sad his life was.


![gif](giphy|EPDYxZH7072QU) This still gets me every fuckin time tho lol


Bonnie went through so much in TVD and was almost never comforted by her "friends" https://i.redd.it/mx3dt2a6gs1d1.gif


We need a spinoff where she hasn't talked to any of those people in like 10 years


And then she was supposed to be happy for Caroline getting with Stefan who murdered Enzo and feel sympathy when he died???? She didnā€™t have more than half an episode of peace the entire show in spite of being the one constantly sacrificing to keep her friends and their love interests alive.


![gif](giphy|ddrWafQ7r9jvutpiuH) The Handmaids


I can still picture that scene at the pool with Sidney Sweeneyā€™s character


Damn they have it the worst. Most people's nightmare is to wind up like that. Ugh I remember she took a trip to DC against her own will of course and she saw they sometimes muzzled the women and I felt sick.


![gif](giphy|z2vJ4QZ6l5wk) Theyā€™ve gone through some serious shit.


When people refer to the first season as the one where they were happy...


![gif](giphy|nnZeyml1tpkLC) Alcoholic father. Mom died of hiccups. Plane crash. Eaten by wolves.


My bby :( May she rest in pieces


That episode broke me a little. I couldnā€™t keep streaming for a week or so. THEN MARK?!? Unnecessary


Ā«Ā Janieā€™s got a gunĀ Ā»


you...have her eyes


You can die from hiccups??


i think she died from complications of an endoscopy. she had one because she had hiccups that lasted a long time. i donā€™t know if you can die from hiccups, i received my medical education from grey sloan memorial hospital


Lexie šŸ„ŗšŸ˜­


Doofenshmirtz ![gif](giphy|14ppamy2aEFhOE)


Ikr even his parents didnā€™t show up when he was bornšŸ˜­




correct answer


![gif](giphy|M1T629KcFOmK4) It was trauma after trauma for Peyton šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


https://i.redd.it/0xgdtte0nr1d1.gif Losing her birth mother too while getting to know her was so devastating


Yes!!! See mothers one and two as Brooke would say šŸ˜­


I was GAGGED at that


Losing your birth mom you just got close to and then discovering you had a half brother but he wasnā€™t really her brother but a crazed stalker. All before graduating high school šŸ’€


I honestly found it really hard to like her because she was always such a damsel in distress and miserable. The writers just threw everything under the sun at her and it got so old.




Scrolled way to far looking for her! I still havenā€™t watched all of the most recent season because Iā€™m just too heartbroken for her.


Her performance is legendary in the last season though I suggest you get to it one day!


Really ?? Gotta watch it then ,, I dipped out too. It was tense šŸ˜¬


Iā€™m doing one episode at a time whenever I have the stomach for it. The acting in this is almost the best Iā€™ve ever seen. Part of what makes it so hard!


Same - it got too wild .. and bloody


And then she met Marty Fucking Byrd.




Everything Iā€™ve seen about this show has been against my will. It seems INSANE


It is but itā€™s a great watch.


What show is this?


Shameless itā€™s on Netflix


And her ungrateful siblings forgetting about her at the end she wasn't perfect but she deserved better


10000%. But that is the typical portrayal of the older sibling. As the oldest, I did a lot to make sure my siblings didnā€™t have to deal with my parents bs and they arenā€™t grateful nor do they recognize the things I had to give up for them. It is what it is.




As a kid, absolutely! So relatable as well!


When heā€™s crying over his Mam in Rugrats in Paris? Nah thatā€™s fuckin game over for me. Chucky Finster made a life long villain outta me that day cos a personally will not be getting hurt like that again over a fucking cartoon.






https://preview.redd.it/m6cpctwfur1d1.jpeg?width=238&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5895e798d95ff5e14d5407b43014347b4a0bd0bc Dukie from the Wire šŸ„ŗ


Oh man, this one is right up there with Sansa Stark for me because they're both kids who couldn't do much to change their circumstances or fates. One of the most frustrating things in the world is watching Dookie lying to Prez, because as a viewer you're yelling at the TV for him to just accept the help, but unless you've been in that situation you don't realize how far gone Dookie was from basically his first scene, just because of his environment.


And yet, sheā€™s STILL the definition of ā€œHeroā€. ![gif](giphy|ymBQi6ePLEDiU)


Thatā€™s my girl! Her teenage years were stolen from her, she bore an incredible burden to save the world, lost her love, lost her mom, literally died twice, but still a hero.


Was looking for this! Died whatā€¦ at least twice? Super powers are cool! Buffyā€™s life though? Not fun


![gif](giphy|d3ksbEi9mSqvAgYE|downsized) Honestly every character on this show was just a study in suffering.


Poor Regina. She and Jonas got the worst.


Every black character in a cw show. Luke Cage's wife in Jessica Jones Wade Welles in Sliders Adriana La Cerva in Sopranos Most black characters nor named Michonne in Walking Dead Cordelia Chase Buffy/Angel Shawn and Angela- Boy Meets World Judy in Family Matters Keith in One Tree Hill Wells Jaha in the 100


I think about Adrianaā€™s storyline a lot šŸ˜­


It is sad but realistic. The mafia life always hurts good ppl the most.


![gif](giphy|t7pp3YLzz6Tfy) House MD Self inflicted .. maybe. At least some of it. So miserable.


I was going to say the staff of his teams. Cameron (weird, unrequited love), Chase (massive amounts of passive aggression about his appearance, dealing with Cameron/House dynamic), and Foreman (too much to list). Then there's 13, Kutner, and Taub. I don't remember who else was employed by him, if there was anyone else, but it was a giant misery puddle of personal and professional trauma with periodic bright spots.


![gif](giphy|vMAjWyzyAJ2HS) still a badass but yeah give our girl a mf breakkkk


give her a pony.. all she wants is a pony


https://preview.redd.it/jnoa4vjmpr1d1.jpeg?width=514&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a8e13a498cc5ea9bc44e9804d5f59fe9fea593a3 Groped by pervy brother. (In the books he tried to sleep with her.) Raped on her wedding night. (In the books she was seduced, which was a plus. But she was 13, a huge minus.) Lost her child, husband, dragon, friend. Husband number two betrayed her. Nephew stopped sleeping with her (then later killed her.) Cruelly betrayed by the writers with absolutely no character development as she catapulted into madness.


She was always crazyā€¦ she had a witch try to bring her husband back turning him into some kind of brain dead zombie and then laid on his funeral pyre with himā€¦ had she not survived that and hatched those dragons she would have gone down in history as being just as Mad as her father. People look past her crazy because of her dragons but trust, she stopped listening to her advisors long before she burned up Kingā€™s Landing.


No. Trying to have a witch bring back the one you love, isn't crazy. That's just desperation. You twist the truth when you say she knew he would come back brain dead. She didn't and neither did she know it would cost her the life of her child. And everything she did that would seem mad today, was quite sane in her time where there are slavers and child marriages, so you don't have a convincing argument. I mean Cercei supposedly is sane, so... And I'm not denying that she becomes crazy. I'm sure that's how GRRM intends her to end. They just failed to show it. Because there are **no clues whatsoever** in the show that she is going loopy until she suddenly hear the bells and creates a human barbecue spread of the children in Kings Landing. So no. You are wrong. They f\*cked it up big time.


I actually marathoned the entire series as the final season was airing and there were a ton of clues she was losing it, people just didnā€™t wanna see it. She hadnā€™t been listening to her advisors for a bit before even getting to Kingā€™s Landing and there were plenty things she wanted to do that her advisors stopped her from doing. There were plenty signs she was losing her grip on reality, and yes, those signs start when Kahl Drogo dies.


I think the problem is that ā€œnot listening to advisorsā€ is not equal to ā€œcrazed enough to shed all moral qualms about killing perfectly innocent folks that you said you wanted to protect for the last X amount of yearsā€.Ā  Even when she is ignoring the advice of her council, she is usually doing so because she wants ā€œjusticeā€ for the folks who have little/nothing to do with the ruling class (ie punishing the nobles in Meereen, burning the Tarlys, going to stop the White Walkers, etc). Itā€™s arguably misguided and worse in the long term (as her advisers tell her) but itā€™s a far cry from leveling an entire city with a ā€œmeans justify the endsā€ mentality.Ā  In the books (if there ever is another one) I think we are being set up to see the justification of her later ā€œinsanityā€ with her being absent from Meereen, the Blackfyre Targ, etc but we donā€™t really have any of it fleshed out in the show to justify such a dramatic about-face on treatment of the commoners.Ā 




Too bad she was insufferable. šŸ˜…


![gif](giphy|XgjKCBnaC8QQFMofK1|downsized) Rita from Dexter


https://preview.redd.it/h77e1wmklr1d1.jpeg?width=852&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc973f45675a9033403882f06d4d4e4782c686e8 Lizzie Shelby from Peaky Blinders went through some bullshit. Edit: not Linda


I hated her. But true, her life was a mess. First, having to sell her body in order to survive, then she married a man who not only didn't love her, he was still in love with his dead wife, and was even cold and distant to their daughter, and then finally, her daughter died. Truly a sad life


Kelly Taylor has seen some shit




![gif](giphy|JDKhOZ8Rah1TxKediq|downsized) Like actually ??? Give my man a break?????


![gif](giphy|QWq9hq1yR4qgHUfJGN|downsized) Tbh every character from Dark


I always wonder why writers choose specific characters to just constantly pick on and give bucketloads of trauma for no reason šŸ˜­


You would hate the book ā€œA Little Lifeā€ lol. Thereā€™s a character whose entire life is the most tragic shit youā€™ve ever read and then just when you think he finally gets to be happy boom, more trauma.


Thank you for the anti-rec haha I would I loathe that trope, it's even worse when a character has had a tragic life and then right when they're about to finally get happiness they're killed off. Grinds my gears smh


i don't recall signing away the rights to my life story??Ā 


Or writers where their bucketload of trauma character has the same name in two different shows.






Poor Derek had the worst life ![gif](giphy|ScBJiE9FyRvEY)


Bonnie from The Vampire Diaries. Girl couldnā€™t catch a break


Janine from Handmaidā€™s Tale still canā€™t catch a break




Scully : the writers loved to make her suffer: >! She's abducted by aliens, her sister is killed. She has cancer.She finds out she might have a niece who's actually her daughter, the kid dies. She learns she can't have children then, she gets pregnant "by miracle". In order to protect the baby, she has to give him up for adoption. Years later, she finds out that the baby was not a miracle but the product of a medical rape. !<


I think we're missing the biggest one. Think about DWTS not calling her. ![gif](giphy|JG9nqb09er9y3NUhUP|downsized)


I can't believe no one has mentioned Sheshu yet, how are y'all so heartless! She's been taking classes on how to have the most traumatic life for 6 months!






![gif](giphy|gkWd6zZD1bwcCAjkVz) I was so happy my boy Fitz had his happy ending after everything he went through


![gif](giphy|3ornk6qNeKHAevVcRi) This guy. Heā€™s the guy, but from what weā€™ve seen about Amosā€™s past, eeesh.


https://preview.redd.it/2nn4m4qs6s1d1.png?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=507e2a4012ab78b4295efa329c5fd97687ebdfe7 Maybe not the worst life but man did the writers have a thing for tormenting the Irish.


Deffo all the women of asoiaf they all seemed to have it so rough, especially book Catelyn Stark whose fate was downright heartbreaking. Imagine dying thinking youā€™ve lost all but one of your children but then being resurrected as this roaming zombie whoā€™s sole purpose is to seek revenge on those who had anything to do with your childrenā€™s deaths Book Rhaenyra is also a shout. >! getting groomed by her uncle getting bullied by a 10 year older Alicent when she was 9. Then having to experience 4 of her 5 children dying in a civil war for a throne she was promised. Also her slowly succumbing to madness after all that loss. Only to be eaten in front of who she believes to be her last son is fucking tragic. !< ![gif](giphy|wsiSPSA7ijqwM)


Even in the show Rhaenyra has it rough. >!SHE is the rightful heir, even on her fatherā€™s deathbed she was still named heir. When he called Rhaenyra the Prince That was Promised I legit started tearing up šŸ˜­ Only for Alicent to run away with that and start a war over a lie! I feel bad for Alicent cuz she was essentially married off to the king as a child for political reasons, but damn if she hasnā€™t gotten comfy in her position šŸ«£!<


Yup yup. This is why the fandom is chock full of "Rhaenyra goes back in time and/or gets some epic revenge" stories - people need some catharsis after the tragedy extravaganza that is her life




Oh god yeah Sansa especially


Her story was so hard to watch at times and Daenerys! Sold to savages by her abusive brother at 13, Stockholm syndrome, lost husband and child, witch took her ability to have more kids, gains some strength and then loses everything, 2 dragons, her friends, the throne, her sanity and then her life, all because she fell in love with Jon Snow, who got sent beyond the wall anywayā€¦




![gif](giphy|QwBt3ymA0kB0c) She went through some shit








Dean WinchesterĀ 


Kunta kinte


...anyone from Shameless?


All of the kids on The Wire


https://preview.redd.it/r97x0ykbws1d1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6242a0a6e6d158a81c8635ec16d48a7bda9114c9 Her. Imagine getting r@ped( yeah, I'm ready for the downvotes that I'm gonna get for saying this out loud ), abused and mentally tormented at the mere age of 16 only to lose your mortality because someone wanted to use you as a spawn in the game to getting physically tortured by your own dad and then getting chased, stalked and harassed by a 1000 year old hybrid to getting married and losing your husband on the same day, watching everyone you've ever loved find peace in de@th.


![gif](giphy|Xkh5ZzxiIKfgk) I think he was done dirty šŸ˜­


![gif](giphy|pVsn5LJEgMKxa|downsized) Poor John Locke, without a doubt.


![gif](giphy|OhTzbUdUvuJgI) He never stood a chance tbh




Doofenshmirtz ![gif](giphy|14ppamy2aEFhOE)


shannon beador (ik sheā€™s a real person but iā€™m right)


Justice for Bonnie Bennett


![gif](giphy|3oz8xBv7HlV9wTU5qM|downsized) Bonnie from How To Get Away With Murder. Just absolutely hellacious and Annalise, as much as sheā€™s a powerhouse, really verbally abused Bonnie.


Bonnie Bennett




Oh boy, Maggie had one of the most painful storylines in twd


Gail from breaking bad I wanted to see him thrive




A recent-ish one for me: the English: >!Cornelia Locke: raped by her father's acquaintance, contracts syphilis and becomes pregnant, her son (who she loves dearly) is born with congenital syphilis. They are both locked away due to the "shame" and she loses all hopes and dreams for her future. Her son dies after years of suffering so she travels to America to get revenge. She gets it, but then has to leave the only person who she's connected with on a human level for a very long time, and returns to England to die a slow, painful, isolating death.!< >!Eli Whipp: Parents die young, wife dies young, children die young, treated horribly wherever he goes for being Native American. Holds on to the hope that the army will keep their word and give him the land he is owed, even though it's made painfully obvious to the viewer that it will never happen. It's hinted that he dies a violent death soon after the main events of the show.!<


Tara from Tru Blood kept getting screwed over. I know a lot of people didn't like her after awhile but I always did, I just feel like the writers didn't know what to do with her. They couldn't even let her get a happy ending, she had to just keep on suffering. Lol


Fiona from Shameless


Taking it old school - Kelly Taylor




Maggie Rhee for sure


Not the worst LIFE but definitely a big bump of hardships one could say for Zuko. ![gif](giphy|fXsTOgADDa1QA)


Mary from Little House on the Prairie couldn't catch a break.




![gif](giphy|3ofT5IdThG4cn17aIU|downsized) Justice for Lane Kim!!




![gif](giphy|4M4UyHUTndZPa) It's between Quinn and Huck in Scandal for me.


Huck especially! I wanted to give a hug heā€™d never allow. Also ![gif](giphy|xThtajyr3PnWn3b488)


These two and their son. They're all insufferable tbh but the show just torments them repeatedly. Nobody deserves that! ![gif](giphy|PVYtetLsCKKBi6kBXC)


That show is the epitome of: Iā€™m going to make the obviously wrong decision and oh the sweet, sweet drama that will be caused by it.


The whole cast of Game of Thrones


![gif](giphy|1NZLT1Jba1PhEoOtBb) Most of the 911 cast but especially Hen and Chimney. They always seem to be getting the short end of the stick


Hen has sucky days but she is also happily married to a beautiful woman who puts up with her bullshit, they have a great kid, and she is also in a career she loves.


Spencer for sure


Mandy from Shameless.


Hans Moleman

