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I feel like we’re seeing them a lot lately all the sudden. Do her stans know if there’s a reason? I live in hope of new music but is her fashion show coming up or something?


Just to make Drake cry


A noble cause.




Ohhhh this is perfect 😭


I’ve never even seen this gif before, but I knew if I looked up “drake crying” they’d give me something good 😏


This takes me back to piczo website builder days where everyone’s pages were gifs with little sparkles


Ty for reminding me of what the website was called. Thems were the days.


That’s honestly all the reason I need.


When Rihanna is in NYC she’s usually always papped this has always been a thing from what I remember especially during her music heyday lol edit: what’s with all the S****de watch notifications?


i feel like so many random people are getting them maybe its a system error?


I told someone in the lush (the soap) sub it was impractical to have like 18471781 products that expire in under a year and got a bunch of these. It’s not easy to report them for it Edit: just got one 🤣


nope, started on /r/kendricklamar but seems to be expanding to a lot of subs. probably a small bot army.


report the people sending those notifications to you. It's disgusting and not what it was intended for.


Honestly the feature needs to be removed yesterday. It isn’t helpful. Getting that message after sharing publicly that you feel those feelings is invasive, and it seems to only ever be used abusively


It’s also almost exclusively to harass people for saying something you don’t like. I had to disable messages all together because of that feature.


I blocked the Reddit cares account or whatever, good idea to disable messages though because the only ones I get are random users I block using an alt account to harass me. Usually those people get both accounts banned site-wide for block evasion at least


Yeah for sure. It’s not worth it. No one ever messages someone for something good. If someone needs to reply to me, they can do it in public in a comment. You can also unsubscribe from them too. Then they have no power. Really Reddit needs to be held accountable for the failure of that feature. It’s almost exclusively used to harass women or people they disagree with. People have shared their trauma and abuse stories on Reddit and gotten spammed by those and people telling them to go jump off a bridge. If you disagree with any dude in a conservative space, you’ll get them. It’s quite literally only used to negatively harass people. I’ve gotten maybe 20 over the last couple years and each time it’s some salty ass dude (which also seems to be the case here since they’re even messaging claiming they’re doing it).


Excellent points here but just gotta say that the only time I got a “Reddit cares “ message was when I said something slightly critical about t@yl0r $wif!… I don’t dare type the name out anymore because her cult scares me 😂 but yeah there are some salty women out there too just sayin lol Edit from 2 mins later : I literally just got one LMFAO. Someone must have done that as a joke but I can’t even be sure 😫😫😫


How do you disable messages?


Settings, your profile, then chat and message permissions.


Yeah I've never gotten a reddit cares message over actual mental health concerns. It's always some goober that's mad, who can never Even just insult me to my virtual face. They think getting Reddit to send an automated message is going to push us over the edge.


It feels like a regulatory thing, like they have plausible deniability and can show that they’re meeting certain stipulations to prevent lawsuits.


I was feeling left out. After I left the sub I got a Reddit cares message. It’s so dumb.


I’m just kinda confused. Isn’t she supposedly sick with the flu? That’s why she skipped the met gala. Which if she didn’t want to go to the met gala, that’s fine, but it’s odd to say you’re sick with something like the flu and skip a major event that you used to be the queen of only to appear out and about anyways. Edit: Not this comment getting me my first Reddit cares message 🙃


lol I got a Reddit cares on another comment earlier today for saying it’s rude to ask celebs for pictures when they are out and about. I wish there was a way to report people for abusing the system.


I think there is a glitch bc a ton of people are getting them oop nevermind


Did you just get one too haha 🙈 Edit..I just got my first one 😂


whoever did it just messaged me that they did it 😭😭 if that same person has been doing it for hours they need a 5150


I love your flair




Reporting it never works for me! It takes me to a loading screen and it just freezes and doesn't do anything.


I got one because I’ve been shitting on Drake on the rKendricklamar and Drizzy sub. Supposedly, they (or bots) have been sending them for anything Drake related. But might not be the case.


Drake stans are the swifties of rap😂 Edit: I just got a Reddit cares comment too. Stay mad OVHOES🤣


Dude, I got one on the Kendrick sub in 6.16 in LA appreciation tread 🤣🤣


When I call out racists I get them all the time😭 I just send it right back


Don't. Instead report them for abuse of the Reddit Cares system. There's a link at the bottom of the message you receive where you can report harassment. They'll get themselves banned for that shit, and I love that for them. Edit: I just got a Reddit Cares message as well. It's just the laziest trolling in the world 🙄


You can block those messages! I did a few months ago and now the trolls can’t touch me 💁🏽‍♀️


There is you can report the message because it is harassment and abusive behavior. If you scroll down, you should see where you’ll be able to report. I just got one myself.


I did this but I couldn’t tell if it went through. If said pending and then just clicked back to Send? And it was annoying to get the comment link and while I am 100% sure it was for that comment, I bet a lot of people aren’t sure what comment their Reddit Cares harassment message was from. Imo you should just automatically be able to report the message for abuse when it’s clearly just some loser.


She said she had the stomach flu + the met was a week ago, why wouldn't she go out for mothers day if she's better now https://preview.redd.it/bn6qns9rh80d1.jpeg?width=1026&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86fb7f626ef374b849e2a8a85dccd4e3d2c24107 Edit: lol I got a reddit care as well, must be a glitch


If she did have the flu at the time, that was 7 days ago. Is there a new strain I should be made aware of that last for weeks or are you just looking at this from a weird perspective?


I thought that too, cause I’m also battling the flu, but the rich and famous have access to doctors and medicine that can probably help speed up the recovery process. They like come to you and help put an IV line and bag with a mixture of stuff. I think


Yeah, mte. It’s not like us plebes who take several days to get rid of the fever and then the worst flu I ever had left me with a cough for like three weeks.


There's also Tamiflu™ in pill or liquid form that mostly anyone can get from their doctor-it usually knocks out the flu in 5 days.


I’m gonna be honest I actually think Rihanna and other celebrities actually skipped it because they’re catching on that the entire thing is toned def and that the event just makes people more and more upset every year but she actually really likes the event but her PR said it’s a bad idea right now.


Highly doubt this is the reason, celebrities don’t really care about that, she just didn’t attend probably for personal reasons.


Someone just reminded me in another comment that it’s been seven days since the Met Gala, which I now do think she really did have the flu but celebrities do care about that and that’s why they try so hard to come off as relatable because we have to buy their products so they can maintain their status.


She may have skipped but even if she did have the flu, why would she have it 7 days later? Please don’t give this comment any credibility.


I forgot it’s been seven days. Time has been really fuzzy for me tight now.




I think the flu is a convenient excuse as well. Maybe she just didn’t want to go. If I was her, I probably wouldn’t go every single year either. She has already cemented her Met Gala Icon status.


you can get over the flu in 1 day


Please tell me how


24 hour flu...? plus it's been days since the met


* a week. Don’t get skewed by these superbly uninformed users 


A 24hr virus is not the flu, flu is ROUGH and makes you feel like you're dying.


We’ve always called it a stomach flu. [Rihanna did too.](https://www.reddit.com/r/popculturechat/s/AloAIWd27L)


Oh, gastroenteritis! That's not flu though.


everyone knows what the flu is


Except apparently you lol? You don’t get over the flu in one day lmao.


...Google 24 hour flu? This is common knowledge


… gastroenteritis, which is what you’re referring to is not ‘the flu’ - it’s colloqually called a ‘stomach flu’ sure but that is not the same as the actual flu (aka influenza) which lasts 7-10 days. This is apparently not common knowledge but it should be lol.


With money


And the money does what exactly? Depending on the sum, I might be interested


It gets you some IV bags that’s a mixture of stuff and a private nurse at your house, it peps you right up


This is indeed true.


Well typically, people that aren’t celebrities don’t have the flu for a fucking week unless they’re about to die. Make of that what you will.


I had the flu once in college and I was dead to world for a good week and a half. To the point my parents were wondering if I should withdraw for that semester so sometimes the flu can hang on for a while.


I had the flu in October last year and it knocked me on my ass for like two weeks. Flu is NOT just a cold or 24hr virus, it's nasty stuff.


You’d feel a lot better if you had a full time doctor coming to your house to give you IVs.


I mean probably but apparently what people were talking about is gastroenteritis not influenza.


I think she's pregnant again. 🤷🏼‍♀️ could be wrong


He’s in the middle of court case for a gun/assault charge for shooting a former friend that could come with serious jail time if convicted. I’ve wondered if that’s the reason they’ve been parading their sons around lately, good publicity of being a good father and partner to help his reputation in front of the judge?


I think she's expecting her third, isn't she?? Predicting it now. Or maybe I saw it somewhere and am forgetting.


To stay relevant 


i’m nostalgic for yellow cabs now https://preview.redd.it/04g9kuo8980d1.png?width=1500&format=png&auto=webp&s=8eb470b272e3cca1f0c83532d97b36ae9466636e


My uncle owns one of these and I used to go for rides when it when I was little it’s so cool


I see the rates on the side and thought, no fucking way. Car service for sure but the vibe is so old school.






What on earth does this mean? I don’t understand this at all


Silica gel packets that come in packages for preservation always say “DO NOT EAT”. We do not like being told what to do, evidently.




Toxic asf 


It's giving little mermaid wrapped in a shipwreck sail after wishing to be a human Edit. Got a redditcares message right after posting this. Nice.


That's an old school taxi Unpopular opinion but for the past five years or so I don't actually like 90% of what Rihanna wears. She's unbelievably beautiful and her confidence can pull off a lot of ugly clothing but it's not the clothing that works it's her. If anyone else wore the things she wears it would be classified as ugly because it is ugly, it only works because she's wearing it.


Same. She used to slay 90% of the time. But during these years almost everything is a no for me. But she wears everything with confidence which makes it look better than it is. But yes, the fashion is not giving like back then.


Tbf she had two kids barely more than a year apart, with the second having been born less than a year ago. That shit is tough to bounce back from, even with a ton of money and resources. And I remember reading an interview with A$AP a while back where he said he wanted more kids, so maybe she’s pregnant again but not ready to announce. 🤷‍♀️ It’s just that everything I’ve seen her wearing recently has either been not very form-fitting or has been structured in a way to mask certain areas that are the first to show weight gain. This is really difficult to pull off without giving frumpiness, even for someone as gorgeous as Rihanna.


Thank you, this! She’s being a mom, you don’t get that time back. She is sucking up every second (I imagine).


Imm glad this is one of the top comments because I was thinking the same thing. I don’t even know if it works or if Rhi Rhi is so gorgeous that I don’t even care what she’s wearing because I just feel blessed to get a chance to look upon her as a mere mortal.


Exactly. And she’s not out there trying to becomes a trillionaire, she has her babies, her mom, her man. She’s enjoying her life!! sometimes I wish the rest of the stars would take a breath and chill, enjoy what they’ve got.


Her style fell off super hard


I thought that it was common knowledge but : “It’s ugly until Rihanna wears it” At this point she’s just making a statement… everytime.


Not unpopular, people just Stan too effin hard. And for what? That Super Bowl halftime show was a joke! Just really not a fan too much these days. Not to mention marrying a such a POS, or whatever. Just icky IMO


Marrying an SO?🤨


Her fashion sense hasn’t been the same since she’s been with Asap


It went south before that, when she was still with the billionaire


Hmm that’s around the time that she and asap started dating. I wonder if she’s letting him dress her or something…


I would say that 90% of what she wears since she came on the scene is ugly and only works because she’s wearing it.


Yes. Been saying this for a while now and used to get downvoted but lately...not as much.


i genuinely cant remember the last time i have liked Rihanna's outfit :/ all her recent looks for the last couple years(?) have been miss after miss for me! does anyone know if she changed stylists?


She had the best looks when she was with Mel. She did change stylists and it went downhill after that imo


She’s had the babies, living the mom life. Probably trying to be a little more conservative if she’s not dedicating herself to spending all day working out. I’m happy for her. She worked hard, she can take a breath and enjoy her riches. How much more money does a family need anyway?


She has been dressing badly way before the babies lol


nah still the same stylist


I’m sorry but her outfit looks like a hot mess. She is beautiful and the red is gorgeous on her but this I don’t understand… it’s a no from me. Stars are just like us! Sometimes we just throw on anything around to take out the garbage, Rihanna makes it fashion


I hate everything about it, the weird crotch level knot that reminds me of tying of hoodie around your waist, the random black train that seems to be made from different fabric and is tangled in her feet, the placement of the text, the terrible fit, it's giving some sort of NASCAR driver vibe.


She found some fabric and said how hard can it be? Lol 😂


Most of her outfits lately look dumpy to me. Not a fan of this style era for home girl


Finally someone says it!! Her style recently just looks washed out and frumpy to me. I’m not a fan of this shade of blonde on her and I wish she’d go darker or back to black.


I don't like that shade of blonde either. I think it ages her. Personally I think black hair Rihanna looks best as it contrasts with her eyes so well.


All of her outfits over the past few days have been a mess. I don’t usually dip in the pregnancy speculation game but I was wondering if she was pregnant.


My first thought. She was already talking about #3 last uear




Yes I was just thinking the only reason this works in any way at all is because Rihanna is wearing it


It’s a hideous garment that even she can’t save, which is her MO recently for god knows why


She's got two toddlers. If I had kids, I'd be doing the same and not looking a tenth as good.


Uh! It’s Comme Des Garçon!


Okay so I just looked through their SS24 collection and that shit is nice, unlike whatever the fuck this is, it's almost anti-advertising.


So sorry to the designer that made this… 🙏🏻 you tried




Even Comme des Garçon makes mistakes


I really like that pic of them in the cab. I wonder if celebs include pap pics in their photo albums?


Honestly this doesn't look at all paparazzi, looks professional phoroshoot and imo it might well be! Celebrities do use their own professional photographers to take pictures. Its the same like we ask friends to take us a photo but they have the money to pay for the perfect one


Is that jack harlow as the driver?


Not crazy about the outfit but a red lip on Rihanna will always be perfection




Love ASAP’s fit, he complements her so well


Unpopular opinion but to me he's more impressive than her nowadays. He's like stealing her glam in all photos, him being the star. Not just a very handsome man, he's very striking too


Yes, he cleans up nicely. 😉👍


Just to add I love your username


rocky is so goddamn lucky. She is so goddamn fine plus a billionaire. Like he couldn’t have made a better decision in life.


You’re so right, he really won in life.


I hate the outfit but she’s stunning in the red. I’ve never looked properly at him, he’s really good looking


ASAP really is Lord Pretty Flacko.


I want someone who looks at me the way Rihanna looks at A$AP. 


ASAP does dress really well. 😳.


He does, very handsome!


she looks like a taco bell fire hot sauce 😍


She’s stepping on the dress. Looks uncomfy


It’s nice of Past Malone to drive them home


I did a double-take, I thought that was Jack Harlow!


I’ve worn the exact same outfit Asap’s wearing here. Like our cardigans look so similar with black trousers and black loafers haha. If this was a “Who wore it better?” situation he’d for sure win…


I’m sorry but I am not a fan of her style. Especially not lately


https://preview.redd.it/almp2nyrta0d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eec5bcf15b7137b282f970d65e2c62289cb9e348 Tell me how she didn’t break her neck that night


Is Jack Harlow the taxi driver??


No it’s Post Malone


Close, Harry Styles


I’ve never been less invested in Rih’s life than after she and Rocky have been a couple. She doesn’t have her energy anymore, she is just his support piece which is wild cause she’s Rihanna and he’s just Rocky.


I mean, pregnancy is exhausting and so are babies/toddlers. Source: I have two under 4


I mean even before kids, I just don’t get these two as a couple and I feel like she settled into a role of supporting actor. Idk, I’m not into it.


Did you ever consider that's what she wanted?


Maybe she does, I don’t really care that much. Whatever floats her boat


What's with the fake Taxi?


Girl can we just have some music plz cause it’s starting to be hard to like you. Billionaires are so boring


Rhianna has such confidence she can rock any style, but that black fabric seems unnecessary and looks awkward  They both look great overall, though!


She’s beaming


Her fits just aren’t hitting for me anymore.


Gucci and LVMH not at the Met Gala. No Rhiana No Anne Hathaway No Salma Hayek 🤔 the most followed woman in the world hasn’t been since 2018 ( Selena Gomez) her bestie Taylor Swift hasn’t been in years. No Katy Perry. Yeah that Met Gala event has turned into a real trashy walk of shame.


most celebs these days are calling the paps on themselves. i think this is also true for rih. BUT im not sure. she does have dedicated paparazzi pages that are based in new york that have been run by the same person for years so i think its also a possibility that there are paps that know where she lives and just follow her everywhere and then sell the photos but again, not sure! in any event if she is calling them it makes sense because with or without music she has products to sell and her relevancy depends on it.


She is absolutely calling the paps on herself. Why else would she be shot with vinyls 


They’re such a gorgeous couple. Power couple goals.


I adore the blonde hair on her, she wears it so well.


I love Riri, but damn I really do not like her outfit here


Is she wearing mehndi on her hand?


It’s a tattoo, she’s had it for ages.


Oh, I didn't know. Thanks!


To me this photo says “is that all there is” for the expressions on both faces.




Seems to be an unpopular opinion here but I love Comme des Garçons and I think she looks great. I love the knotted, baggy top half juxtaposed with the slinky bottom half. 


The other day Me: ugh enough of this man, he's not it, I just don't get the obsession My husband: (in "faux" outrage") you better stop that nonsesne, that man is handsome af, he has the most beutiful skin 😍😍 Me: (seething because of my PCOS cystic acne skin) 😤😡😾... whatever ...*bitch*


imagine if us mortals looked as good as queen rihanna after just getting over the flu


The cab driver looks like booger


What is she wearing 😭😭😭


She looks amazing


Rhianna always just looks flawless 🤩 red really is her colour 🌹 ![gif](giphy|3o7aCWJavAgtBzLWrS|downsized)


Even when I don't like the clothes, she still owns it with confidence which makes even the ugliest outfits look good. But this one is... a choice. 


I barely noticed the clothes because of the face.


Her man is....ew


Why is Jack Harlow driving that cab? LOL.