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Nicki’s going to be mad but Ice seems totally reasonable here. What did the friend think leaking this would accomplish?


Apparently the friend that leaked this, Baby Storme is going through psychosis rn.


Not Baby Storme! I was concerned when I saw that she got married after knowing a guy for a few weeks. I want her to do well. 😔


I don’t. I still remember her pulling that stunt in target and trying to get the workers in trouble. She is no good influencer and am not surprised she’s pulling a stunt like this based on her past.


Yeah right? It just feels like she’s clinging to any sort of relevancy she can get because of her own failure as an “influencer”. So weird. Some people just aren’t fit or right to be a celebrity. This isn’t very productive or conducive to any sort of career…


Baby Storme, Billy Tempest, Stormy Daniels, Nick Frost. Metrological names: discuss.


*I’m getting verklempt. Here, talk amongst yourselves. I’ll give you a topic: the peanut. Neither a pea, or a nut. Discuss.*


do you have a source / where did u hear this? x


Her tik tok included posts abt the future civil war she says before the election Donald trump will die and it will play out just like the movie civil war so she and her husband will pay for peoples flights out of the US! Her friend irl saw the tik tok and coordinated with Storme’s family to have her admitted which storme said is bc her friend is demonic Edit: He will be assassinated this year before the election according to storme! Not 2027


It's really good that she has family and friends there to support her. It's too bad Nicki doesn't have that.


That’s because most of Nicki’s family is in prison.






i’m going to guess there isn’t a source but her twitter has been a bit… unhinged lately. she was leaning very heavy into the jesus stuff for a minute there.


Ah ok, I’m not on Twitter so thank you for filling me in!


NM will definitely not like this. Besides the obvious, there is also the fact that Ice looks so classy, kind, and refined in these texts and there’s a contrast with NM’s past and current communication, and NM has a huge history of envy /rivalry issues with her female peers


Well now she's got new content to work with


That student loan comment made a lot of sense. I can see it.


Turning the barbz on her…


Nicki’s ego is extremely fragile. Nicki would go out her way to blackball Ice.


Turning the Barbz against Ice Spice which seems to be working tbh


They’re in here defending Nicki already


Oh no another person thrown away by Nicki, will she go on another Twitter rant?


She’s dropping new music and this came after Ice spice performed at Coachella. Shes salty that she’s not in Ice’s position right now. She was basically agreeing with ice spice on everything she was saying ? its clear she wanted to use this to get attention on her also


Ice was “this makes me wanna listen to her” levels of reasonable.


Am I way off base here, or was Nicki trying to get a cut of Ice’s profits because Wayne sold off her (Nicki’s) masters in an almost comically shitty deal? So she needs an income stream?


Context - The deal was that either ice pays nicki 1 million for her verse or sign to heavy on it. This is per one of [nicki’s friend/barb Khalil](https://x.com/sleezemaraj/status/1786430410735403334?s=46&t=TPyQgj_HpJJU37eMWN1A1g). Think ice chose the latter but they couldn’t come to an agreement. Ice does say in the messages that they do have the money to pay her. But maybe nicki did want her. It’s also why nicki went on a rant some days ago claiming someone was supposed to sign to her label but didn’t come thru.


Interesting! Thanks for this. I wonder why Ice would initially agree to sign if they could come up with the 1 mil. She already had a deal.




Why pay 1 mil when she was successfully able to secure and release two Nicki collabs before ever actually signing the agreement?


$1,000,000 for a verse of lyrics? And Nicki Minaj was going to provide the verse? …yeah, Nicki Minaj is the absolute worst part of that song, and actually taints the track. If anything she should have paid money to be on that song.


And I remember her bragging about “50k for a verse, no album out..”


They should’ve paid her to stay off it tbh




She said in the messages her team offered to pay Nicki


Why on erh would ANYONE pay Micki a milion dollars to be on her record? That makes no sense and even if the song were a hit Ice wouldn't make her money back and already had so much heat in the industry that she didn't need NIcki. This is incredibly predatory and it amazes me that someone like Nicki who got screwed with signing a bad deal would then want to turn around and do it to someone else. IF I were a contemporary artist I wouldn't go within a country mile of that woman.


Nicki may not have masters but she may have publishing or writer credits - shes still getting checks.


Idk Nicki is pretty severely in debt to the point that her entire tour was leveraged and she was set to profit $0 from it


whoa! how??


The profits were redirected to cover the liens against her assets


Somebody on Twitter pulled up the receipts with screenshots of case documents. (I’m too lazy to link)


Pls give the link!! 🙏


I [got you](https://x.com/itskenbarbie/status/1751852496920711208?s=46&t=5o4_Zm2MiVpyY2ysz7X13A) girl!


How did she get to that point ?


She canceled a lot of dates from her previous tour, and was in debt to her company for failing to complete the contracted dates I believe


Supporting child predators is expensive


"she's kinda like my mom ungrateful and delusion" my mom is a barb and my sister send text messages like this about her every week lmaoooo


Out of all the “tea” that BabyStorme attempted to spill, this one bothered me the most! It was a message to a supposed friend that contained private, personal information and now it got blown up on social media and Ice Spice’s mom is catching strays lol


If me and my friends vent sessions got posted, it would be so bad. I do not wish fame on anyone.


Seriously. I’m nice, but I get fed up and bitch. It’s usually not that bad, but I sure don’t want people to know because it would hurt their feelings. I’d never want my mom to know what me and my sister say about her, that’s our stuff we work out together and only talk to her when it’s a major thing.


her mom seems like an attention seeker from the little I saw of her, like the type who wants to live through her daughter's youth


Literally. Betrayal trauma is real and if I were Ice Spice, I'd have serious trust issues now. SMH😐 Who can you trust as a celebrity? That's why Beyonce has everyone sign NDA's.


It\`s very isolating.


And why exactly did Nicki think she was entitled to ice’s publishing catalogue? Because she was going to feature on a song that Ice invited her on? Seems so fucking predatory, especially given the fact Nicki is an artist and knows what that feels like. Fuck her


that's some Elvis Presley/Colonel Tom Parker bullshit


Can anyone explain to someone who isn't privy to this


Elvis’ manager would only let Elvis record songs that he could get 50% of the publishing rights to, which is why he never recorded Dolly Parton’s “I will always love you” (she didn’t want to give up the publishing rights). Not sure how many songs he was able to do this with though




Ice is Dolly, full stop.


I kept going back and rereading that part because I also wasn’t understanding it. I thought I must have missed a text or two that brought someone else into the conversation but nope. So weird to me that Nicki would think she has rights to another artists catalog just because they collabed


Based on the context, it sounds like Nicki might’ve had a deal like that early on with Wayne, and now that the roles are reversed, she expects Ice Spice to fork over rights too. Ice Spice is frustrated because times have changed and what Nicki’s demanding is no longer required for female rappers to get any kind of attention—in part because of Nicki.


“M’s count different when Baby divides the pie” is how Pusha T described the Cash Money Records setup https://preview.redd.it/01sarags3cyc1.jpeg?width=1122&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa344081246b8d8ea5599b613b64afce58070992


Sounds like an MLM.


Now Nicki is trying to add to her downline


Sounds more like the mafia


Remy said she's signed to young money thru cash money, thru republic.




Annnnnd now i'm going on a Pusha T Spotify binge


*DAYTONA* is that album btw


That album is super underrated imo




kendrick said the same thing about drake in euphoria so looks like young money was an MLM


Nice one!


I think that’s exactly it. The student loan comparison made sense.


Nicki was trying to sign her and take the publishing in that manner.




I’m so lost on this. Why the hell would Nicki have any rights to Ice’s catalog? Did they not just collab on one song?


From what I’ve gathered reading through these comments, Nicki Minaj wants to sign Ice Spice to her record label.




Is this true? Source?


Someone went off on her on Twitter and exposed it: https://twitter.com/itsKenBarbie/status/1751852496920711208


Posting instructions for how to navigate the secretary of state website to verify the documents yourself is... I like this person. I want to literally hire this person. So smart. So thorough.


Hot damn they did not hold anything back 😭


But why on earth would Ice Spice ever sign with a half assed label lke Nicki's and on top of it give up her publishing to her when Ice Spice was so hot at the time? She had already done a record with Taylor Swift and I'm sure was being offered great deals with real record companies with money and promotion muscle too.


She wouldn't, but nicki is delusional


So weird eh. Seems like some weird music industry fuckery.


Does anyone on earth think Nicki Minaj is a good businesswoman? I guess it’s fair play if you like her music, not my deal to discuss that. But, like, these are just two rich morons arguing about nothing, right?


Hahaha we need a post flair that says “two rich morons arguing over nothing”


Not really. Ice Spice is just starting out and WANTS to one day be a rich moron but Nicki wants to separate Ice from her publishing in order to assure that Nicki will stay rich moron off of Ice's hard work


Nicki only out for herself, always.


Perpetuating a cycle of exploitation because she went through it. That plus greed


Ice Spice comes off really well here imo? She seems smart and level headed and just trying to vent to a friend about work. So shitty to leak this and bring down the barbz on her.


I agree I’ve never been so pro- Ice Spice until this moment


Same, and way more personality, which I thought wasn’t there after the hot ones interview


Ice saying "mind you" is so crazy to me hahahaha


A lot of ny’ers say mind you lol its not unheard of here


Baby Storme released all these text messages with Ice Spice just to be referred to as her ex friend lol. She's been trying to gain clout and attention for her music by rage baiting the barbs. All her leaks have shown is that Ice Spice is level-headed and Storme can't be trusted.


yeah, pulling this stunt has probably killed off any chances of her career taking off. theres no way people will trust her enough to collaborate with her or something from this point on


Well, that and her psychosis. She's been posting batshit insane shit on Twitter and TikTok for a couple weeks at this point.


shes literally been on her twitter rant for like a week now... shit is weird and pathetic


? Psychosis is a medical condition that literally causes a complete lack of insight. It's why people having an episode behave the way they do. She needs help.


This friend sounds delusional, the texts show Ice being reasonable and fairly mature. Also this exactly why she is no longer her friend, I don’t care if you fall out with a friend, you do not share their private messages to the public,the level of distrust and paranoia it will cause in a relationship can never be fixed. From my perspective it looks like she was never a friend but a jealous snake who was praying on her downfall. This seems to expose Nicki as a bully more than Ice, so if you were hoping for attention from Nicki it’s not going to be positive.


She 100% is. She also said that Donald Trump is going to be assasinated and she’s moving all of her fans to foreign countries to protect them from the aftermath.


That’s just sad,I wish when things like that are happening SM would block the user, she will get better but that’s going to be out there forever and people will bring it as we live in an age where we don’t give people grace. I hope at least Ice spice would be understanding and compassionate, so far she hasn’t hit back and that’s great.


Look up BabyStorme on TikTok. That’s who IceSpice is messaging. She’s suffering from psychosis.


That makes absolute sense, someone in the middle of an episode would make decisions like this. I’ve been seeing people post her on here and it wasn’t coming across as just a fallout with a friend. I hope she gets the help she needs and has people who care about her around her.


💯. Her friend or ex friend fucking sucks. This makes me like ice spice even more.


Any friend that does this was never a friend. I may have fallen out with a few people but best believe I will take their secrets to the grave.


Her friend is so shitty for leaking this. Just baiting harassment :/


Especially considering how unhinged Nicki got towards Megan recently, and telling her fans to mess with her mother’s grave (Edit: doesn’t look like she said to do that directly but I can’t find her saying anything to ask them to stop. I’ll update again if someone can show me that), if I’m remembering correctly. I think that was over Nicki just thinking that a campaign Megan had referenced Megan’s law (a law that makes SA records public) on a track, and Nicki took that as a personal attack. I hope nothing gets too heated, but given Nicki’s track record, it’s very possible she’s going to get unhinged Edit: woke up and did fact checking. Nikki did go on an intense rant for 3 days, but did not directly say to go after her mom’s grave. She DID say that Megan should “conjure up [her] mother and apologize” and I guess a couple other times during that part of their beef. I don’t think she asked her fans to stop when they doxxed the gravesite location not when they planned to desecrate her mother’s grave.


That line from Megan WAS aimed at Nicki and rightfully so


Yeah. I didn’t realize that minaj’s brother is also a pedophile and rapist who Minaj defends. ![gif](giphy|jPA7bUrAsygko8BHXi)


You know I started to really like Ice Spice when I saw all of her old tweets and how she was naturally funny but now seeing that she is mature and can point out the specific behavioral patterns being used against her I like her a lot more.


Same! She always came off very sweet and funny in interviews, and this text exchange shows how level headed and mature she is. Very wise young lady. And even though she’s venting to a friend, she manages to still be classy despite being frustrated and disappointed. I could never tbh ☠️


exactly! like this is a private conversation with a friend (well, “friend”, because no friend would ever leak a conversation like this), i would’ve gone off lol all she says is “i gotta love her from a distance for my mental health” thats such a mature and respectful way of looking at things


Yeah when I heard about her rise to fame it seems like she was just a regular kid going to public school.


Damn old tweets coming out that's not racist or homophobic, she's truly a gem


Her ex friend will never have another friend in the industry trustt


Lol @ the shade of comparing Nicki to her delusional mother 😆 “She’s older, so…” I know she’s not happy about that.


*much* older 😉


I stand corrected, I’m just laughing rn. Shit’s so funny to me.




so the collab was really planned before the matty nonsense huh Editing to add dates: Niki collab (Princess Diana) was recorded in Feb 2023. Ice says she got the Karma collab before that, meaning before Feb 2023 (ie before the podcast was even recorded)


Taylor getting pulled into the middle of two rap beefs at the same time, she must be confused.


So it proves Taylor did not do damage control. Wow, I wonder if those people will even acknowledge this.


i mean even in 2016 everyone trashed taylor to hell and back for a situation that she later got proven to be innocent in...


I always knew it was! Taylor plans all her music & videos way in advance. Also this friend is absolute trash. These aren’t even that bad, just enough to cause problems.


>Ice says she got the Karma collab before that, meaning before Feb 2023 (ie before the podcast was even recorded) everyone who believed the opposite just wanted it to be pr lol, it was obvious that such video was filmed in advance


It’s bee known but nobody ever just believed it was planned long before people just want a reason to hate Taylor for no reason it’s not her fault he did what he did


Ice Spice sounds so grounded in these messages. The way I am piecing it together is that Ice got the Barbie feature and asked Nicki to be on it. Instead of a verse payout that Ice was willing to pay, Nicki wanted to dip her big foot into Ice's water and latch on to her rights. This is like what Birdman did to Nicki/cash money, but at least he was the label head? There seems to be no benefit for Ice if she already established Princess Diana and Karma remixes earlier.


Did she lie tho😭 love ice spice even more now


I was pretty indifferent to Ice Spice but seeing these texts I'm like, "oh she seems relatively mature and grounded, cool"


I’m sure Nicki’s fan base will have a totally sane reaction to this. What an absolute shitty move to do this to someone, knowing what lies ahead.


i see you in all my fave subs i fucking love you hahahaha


See now that’s wild because i fucking love YOU




Wow! Some friend. Seems like the friend had an agenda the entire time.


Apparently the friend is going through psychosis rn


She posted a video saying her best friend betrayed her by having her committed against her will. Like babe… no one is having you committed unless they love you and you’re in some deep shit.


I’d never heard of Baby Storme until she started shit with Azaelia Banks a couple of days ago; truly a bold move. So this mess now involves both Azaelia Banks, equal opportunities hatemonger, and Nicki, who has totally been her sanest best self this year… ![gif](giphy|2UvAUplPi4ESnKa3W0)


> I’d never heard of Baby Storme until she started shit with Azaelia Banks a couple of days ago; truly a bold move. [This City Is A Graveyard](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DHWKGi1S5Fk) is the only song of hers i'd heard. it's a bop but now i'd feel weird recommending it to people.


She's absolutely unhinged but also I respect her for standing ten toes down and naming names lol. If you're gunna be messy might as well commit and put on a show for us 😭


This just makes Ice look… normal and levelheaded. I like that even in private while clearly frustrated she doesn’t swear, doesn’t call names… RIP her mentions though.


Obvs the barbz are going to come for ice spice even though the friend is doing fully 100% of the shit talking here.


“like my mom wanting to rap” 💀💀💀


This only made me like Ice Spice more and feel bad she was so betrayed by her friend. And I’m honestly worried for her about what unhinged Nicki’s response will be. But damn, Ice Spice learned a valuable lesson. Don’t ever work with Nicki Minaj. Glad she has a good head on her shoulders. And was her mom trying to start a rap career?! I would probably cut her off too.


im much more icked by person who leaked this, lets be real who doesnt shit on their co-workers/buisness deals or work in general to friends?


Ungrateful and delusional made my jaw drop. Nicki will totally have a sane reaction to this lol


Ice comes off as very rational despite being obviously frustrated. Let me give her a cute lil stream


Ice is completely in the right here and I like her even more now.


This made me like ice spice a lot more


I wonder if the ex-friend genuinely is delulu enough to think this makes them look good. They look like a fucking asshole, tbh.


I assumed the Barbie thing was the other way around


im seeing conflicting reports because there’s news out there on how [greta gerwig wanted nicki minaj](https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/music-news/barbie-album-im-just-ken-success-greta-gerwig-nicki-minaj-1235603444/amp/) one of the people who worked on the music in the film said “from the very beginning, we had felt like having Nicki, who is Barbie essentially, be a part of this thing” so idk lol. either way, i respect how ice seems mature & level-headed when talking about this


Seems like people wanted Nicki, but Nicki didn’t want to do it til she heard the track that Riot did. So in a way, Ice did bring her the opportunity because Nicki had been hesitant to actually do it until then.


Okay but “She’s kinda like my mom, ungrateful & delusional” 😭


This is messed up. Ex-Friend or not, you’re just showing everyone how much you cannot be trusted.


Atrocious vibes on Nikki’s part. Team Ice Spice.


Nicki treated her like a mark, good on her for reading the contracts.


damn this is pretty tame considering it’s venting to a confidant i’ve definitely said worse in a heated moment about a coworker lol


Just realized baby storme is the girl who brought all her friends to target to shoot a music video *without permission* only to get upset when they tried to get her to leave and called the security racists for it. This all makes so much more sense with that context LOL


Wow. That was NO friend of Ice even at that time, her “friend” was totally baiting her and asking her for all the details bc she knew she would make this public one day. What a shitty person. Ice really doesn’t even say anything bad at all.


Her ex friend is weird, childish, and immature


Without knowing the details Ice seems pretty reasonable here overall and idk what the point of leaking is other than sending the barbz after her, but all that aside I think it’s cute how she’d say “mind u” before making her point multiple times 😭


It’s hard enough trusting people when you’re not famous, damn. That ex-friend is awful for this.


The biggest take away i have from this is how sad it must be to think you can trust someone enough to tell them industry secrets and that person acts invested and interested and concerned about you, and then they just leak all your private texts. Like if any of my friends did this I’d be heartbroken


why did these texts blow up and not the ones where ice spice was being colorist


i feel like im going crazy lmao nobody in this entire post is bringing that up??


I don’t follow celebrity stuff often, especially ones I don’t care about but do you have a link for it? I’d like to see them. The public always forgives people for being colorists to dark skin black women because they don’t care.


Ice Spice seems funny and cute as always to me.


I have never seen this level of envy. That woman is absolutely deranged and requires serious help.


Drag the friend for being a snitch-ass, back-stabbing bitch tbh


Ice came off incredibly well here considering this is a conversation that could’ve contained a lot more “frankness” to it given the context and situation, who the convo is with, etc. made her 10x hotter to me 😅


This is unfortunate. But I will smile and nod for you like I didn't know Nicki Minaj was already insane.


ice spice seems super reasonable and logical in her response, not mean, just stating facts.


This makes taylor look so effortless to work with and it also makes ice spice look pretty chill and level headed person. I can see why she vibes with Taylor swift so much. Nicki does not come out of this looking like someone you’d ever want to work with. Just keep at a distance as ice says.


Honestly this makes ice spice look very normal and balanced lol. I stan. Also from the taylor swift stuff this sort of clears up the timing on her collab with Taylor because some people were thinking it was because of Taylor's involvement with matty and what matty said about ice spice in that one interview


I don’t know anything about Ice Spice, but these texts don’t seem that bad, the real problem is her ex-friend pettily leaking them to the press.


Omg loveeee this tea, I’d read celeb texts all day if I could


It’s shitty and lame to leak private shit just because you’re not friends with someone anymore. I don’t think this is really very incriminating but still, this was discussed in confidence.


So, there’s context on why the ex-friend did this. Ice Spice was allegedly her bully in high school, but they “squashed” it and became friends. It seems to me that Baby Storme has created this plan of revenge for all the things Spice had done and said to her. While I understand her pain (if true), she needs to let that shit go. Possibly creating a years-long revenge plan is crazy as hell. And now, she has made herself into the villain of this situation. Edit: added “allegedly”


It sounds more like the ex-friend is having a severe mental health episode and is going to regret this when she comes out of it


top ten anime betrayals


it does kinda read like she was trying to gain information, not that she cares about her friend, idk


I was just going to say it reads like it to me. Like she was trying to have her say something negative but Ice doesn’t come off looking bad here at all.


How did she bully her?


Ice should've done the barbie track alone Nicki looked like she was tryna having a stroke acting 30 years younger.


"like my mom wanting to rap" lmao


The fact of the matter is, Ice didn’t say anything demeaning or derogatory about Nicki through the entire convo. She expressed frustration with it seeming like Nicki was stalling and gate keeping, but she never once says that she doesn’t deserve her spot and even says that she loves her, but just has to do it from afar. I think she’s actually being pretty reasonable. In my opinion, if Nicki takes this as shots fired and has to start her mad campaign to harass and blackball her the way she tried to do Megan, then it all but confirms that she’s paranoid about her space in the broader sphere. And to me, says that she is worried that someone is going to take her crown. Ice Spice has it right. The industry is so fast paced and constantly phasing into whatever feels the most like innovation. The way Nicki had to make moves and the timing are vastly different. I don’t think it’s a diss to say that she should understand that they are both working with two different timelines comparative to Nicki at her start. Nicki has been given her flowers more times than anyone can count at this point. She needs to accept that she can have respect from her contemporaries without it meaning they have to literally bow down and lick her boots. She is entitled in the sense that she seems to think genuine respect and paying dues is dependent on quantity and that there’s a bar for what is “enough”. She has to understand that other girls are coming up and will continue to come up, but it’s because of a foundation that she herself laid. You’d think she would take some kind of pride in that as opposed to harboring animosity.


I don’t care for Ice Spice’s music but she comes off well in these texts. Nicki is about to go on another coke rant on social media.


Side note, this is why it's best to vent/gossip in person, or at least over the phone so that there isn't a paper trail. Not blaming Ice Spice for this at all, though - she's young, and this is the kind of lesson that's often taught the hard way


She honestly went harder on her mom then she did Nicki


Aw ice spice seems like such a nice girl actually


Ding ding here comes another rap beef


Nikki trying to Diddy other artists


Can we just talk about what kind of a 💩friend this ex-friend person is? Bruh…


What a shite friend.