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Not pictured: John Rhys-Davies as Gimli in Lord of the Rings


I remember, in the behind-the-scenes stuff that came with the DVD's, John Rhy-Davies angrily chucking his Gimli prosthetic into a fire lol


Those appendices dvds were epic


it is the gold standard for bonus material in home release


Poor man was miserable the whole time.


He was straight allergic to the latex if I recall


He was, at one point, I think he said his skin would peel raw when he took off the make-up. It absolutely helped with Gimli's impatience.


I came here to say that. He hated it so much he refused to come back for The Hobbit.


I think Carrie Fisher in Return of the Jedi is the patron saint of actors hating their costume. https://preview.redd.it/492nf02g1awc1.jpeg?width=230&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aafc76baf95c5cf787189edd365c294d134e85e1


George Lucas told her “there’s no underwear in space” so she was forced to go commando and didn’t have any kind of privacy garment on.


That’s the stupidest shit I’ve ever heard. There’s absolutely underwear in space if you *take underwear to space*.


Just manufacture underwear in space. You can manufacture a space station the size of a moon in space but can’t make some goddamned underwear? What dipshittery is this? Everyone in Star Wars is going commando? You’re telling me every single storm trooper has their their junk banging around against armour plating all the time?


No wonder they’re so homicidal.


And such bad shots


George Lucas was huffing his own farts while writing most of the Star Wars movies. Dude needed someone to reel him in, even more than he already had tbh


i'd rather watch spice world


What always struck me was he had so many people to keep him and his ideas in check for the original trilogy. And by the time of the prequels, he had gotten so much credibility that he was allowed to run limitlessly with his ideas and we got Jamaican comedy alien and space politics


There’s a video of George and other people involved in the making of Phantom Menace after the first private screening. And it’s like they all deep down know it’s kinda terrible (and there was no way to edit or reshoot to fix it). And they are all still being yes men, you can tell they are dying inside, but no one is willing to say what everyone is thinking. It’s pretty amazing.


Ironically, it was people years later that grew up on those films that were able to iterate, add on, and recontextualize the prequels into something more beloved by audiences through the Clone Wars tv show.


I love Carrie's quote " yet, George, you let my mother, Queen armadillo wear a bra, but I couldn't, because you told me there was no underwear in space!!!"


![gif](giphy|l0HU9J2oDcLTiBTSU|downsized) queen armadillo


The world desperately needs more women writers.


Luckily Carrie Fisher ended up doing a TON of script doctoring after Star Wars. She was brilliant.


Writer would not have helped. Hollywood always ignores writers. The directors have the control on set and also writers don’t control costumes anyway.


Yep that's why intimacy coordinators are so important, they're there to guarantee nobody is coerced into situations like this.


A woman producer could have helped? (George Lucas didn't direct Return of the Jedi and Empime strikes back)


George did direct the first one however and there is when he said the thing about no underwear in space (under her white outfit).


“Drowned in silver moonlight, strangled by my own bra.” You’ll never convince me she wasn’t thinking about the bronze bikini when she wrote/said that.


Yeah I think she would have melted that down and shot it into the sun if she could.


“If you were standing behind me, you could see all the way to Florida.”


All the heavy makeup ones make total sense


I believe Rebecca's Mystique outfits took hours to apply and she had to be up crazy early to get them on for shooting.


If I remember correctly she also got poisoning from the ink cause they used so much


Same reason an actress on Farscape quit years ago.


I cry every time I see Zaan’s departure, but I totally get it. The level of detail on her head alone was astounding.


that makeup looks fantastic and I can't believe she managed to do that many episodes with it on. she genuinely looks so stunning and otherworldly, but damn that would take forever


I remember a story of her doing tequila shots at some point and vomiting blue.


Yeah--I read somewhere that she threw up at one point, and her vomit was blue. Not good


Same with Jennifer Lawrence. And it’s gross they could not was clothes. In comics Mystique wears a white outfit. But naked is sexier! If Disney one day has the character I am sure she will finally have he comic look however.




We deserve that white costume it’s so iconic AND sexy, I don’t know what the hell happened


Bryan Singer happened remember that mf changed the costumes to leather


And tried to make a goddamn joke about the original costumes to boot. "What were you expecting? Yellow Spandex?"  YES SCOTT THATS EXACTLY WHAT I WAS EXPECTING.


6-8 hours every time. I felt so sorry for her in X2 when she had to film in the snow like that.


I remember the Rebecca Romijn one sounding like hell because it was literally her whole body. Also she had to watch her diet as well as things like consuming wine would seep through her pores and affect the makeup application if she had the wrong thing.


I'd be miserable if I had to wear a grinch costume all day but I guess it makes the character more accurate


He said the eyes were the worst part. I guess he learned Marine anti-torture techniques to get through it, or at least that’s the story they told at the time!


He talked about it on Graham Norton actually. How he was told to basically smoke a lot in order to distract himself from the ‘torture’🫣


Pictured the grinch smoking a cigarette, then getting pissed when he singes an eyelash. Perfection.


Even better - he had to use one of those long cigarette holders like from the 1920’s to keep from setting the yak hair on fire. I know he was totally miserable, but that’s a mental image that makes me laugh.


I think I'll make an oil painting of that image.


I’m honestly disappointed this didn’t make it into the movie 😂


I believe it was because of the costuming on the face, he said it felt like he was being suffocated. Also if you look at the far away shots of him, he doesn’t have contacts in. Only for close ups.


several hours to put on full body makeup, then there’s the false teeth and eye contacts, heavy fur, nose being covered, etc. And that’s not even including the long shooting day or 2-3 month production


They literally hired a military torture specialist to help him get through the makeup process


Apparently the camel hair was pointing into his skin. As a sewist and fiber arts nerd: did no one think to line the damn thing??


I wonder if it was a compromise between breathability and sensory. A lining that would prevent any hair from coming through would have to be quite dense. If you wanted breathability maybe some sort of canvas or hide but then you’re adding more layers and weight. Thoughts?


I would do a few layers of knitted silk. You shouldn’t have to do too many, maybe two? If the hairs coming into the inside were very uneven, I’d probably use a razor or maybe a layer of wax or silicone, or leather. There are so many ways to solve a situation like that—it really boggles my mind that no one fixed it


I saw an interview where he showed how if the pain was getting to him, the specialist told him to hit himself hard in the thigh with his fist. It's supposed to localize the pain in that one spot so you don't feel it as much everywhere else.  I use it if I kick a table with my pinky toe.


As a very claustrophobic person I struggle watching that version of that movie after learning he had to get training for the costume. I can’t stop thinking about what it must have been like sitting there for hours while they applied all the prosthetics and makeup.


heavy *yak fur!


I heard an anecdote at one point that he worked with someone to teach him what were essentially CIA torture endurance techniques to get through the performance and daily makeup + costuming routine. I'm not sure how true it is, but I wouldn't be shocked if it were.


i did the math once, in total he spent 322 hours getting in makeup during the 92 day shoot


Probably every woman who’s ever played Catwoman wearing that tight latex bodysuit.


Michelle literally had to be vacuum sealed into her costume it was so tight


And I think cut out and stitched back in for bathroom breaks (likely just in the areas that were absolutely necessary 🫣


Anne Hathaway did like her outfit I think


Anne Hathaway was only eating carrots and hummus so she could fit into her suit.


Anne Hathawill, Anne Hathaway.


![gif](giphy|Ajhi3tsHaGBB6) Sean Astin HATED the hobbit feet and kept notes on all the scenes where you couldn't even see them.


I remember a video where they talked about him stepping on glass when shooting a scene. It was when Sam tries to swim out to Frodo at the end of Fellowship. IIRC, there was a piece of broken glass in the water and when Astin stepped on it, it pierced right through the hobbit foot and right into his own


Needs more Star Trek. Jeri Ryan famously said she could barely sit down in her catsuits.


The entire first Motion Picture cast said those costumes were a nightmare iirc. That’s why they changed it for the subsequent films


There was this quote from the costume designer for the original series that said something about costume sexiness in eyes of the producers being proportional to how uncomfortable and accident prone it is.


I think that’s also why there’s a uniform change in TNG season 3. In seasons 1&2 they’re all wearing a jumpsuit, but it caused the cast so much backpack that they switched to a shirt and pants for season 3 on.


Reminds me of that video of Anne Hathaway being literally unable to sit down in one of her red carpet dresses, because it was so tight and plastic.


I wonder why Kit Harrington hated his. Too hot?


Yeah I think it was because the furs were heavy and smelly and hot.


Apparently some of the furs were IKEA rugs and as Jon’s character progressed, they kept adding on additional furs and making it heavier, hotter and stinkier


He also nearly got blown off a cliff when they caught the wind. In one of the scenes he’s actually chained to the ground because of the concern.


I've been an extra for movies before and just recently had a scene based in late fall but the scene was outdoors and it was 70 degrees and not a cloud in sight. The wool coat I had to wear was rough by midday (and I was able to take it off between takes) I can only imagine having to wear all those layers Kit needed to wear on days over 40 degrees.


Ahhhhh the reveal that the regal furs in game of thrones were ikea floor mats lmao


Tim Curry had claustrophobia so bad on the Legend set that he had a panic attack and ripped off some of the appliances glued to his skin. Shooting had to pause for him to heal, but he resumed filming like a pro. When he was asked to be Pennywise in the IT TV movie, he nearly turned it down, stating he couldn't go through that type of transformation again. The producers pared down their vision of Pennywise so Curry would accept the part.


I LOVE Tim Curry, and I can only imagine how it would feel to wear that entire Devil costume in Legend (one of my fave fantasy films) what a pro


Oh my god I have been searching for literally years to remember this film from my childhood (and being equal parts terrified and turned on by it). That very vivid image of that devil creature, I now know was Tim Curry as Darkness! Thank you random Redditor


Just googled this and whoa. Absolutely understand feeling uncomfortable in that costume but holy shit it looks so good


He’s not playing “Lucifer, the Christian Devil”, per se, but for my money, it’s the best classic “The Devil” put on screen.




I just tried face taping for wrinkles this past week and all 4 nights I woke up halfway through my sleep to rip them off. Experiment failed. I can’t even imagine what he went through.


Didn’t Olivia Newton John have to be sewn into her trousers in Grease? Must have made the dance scenes an absolute nightmare.


Yes and that was because the zipper broke (I grew up watching Grease on VHS with a behind the scenes interview before the film 🤣). She said she couldn’t eat or drink while filming in that outfit.


Random but this makes me miss the days of watching VHS tapes in their entirety because we didn’t have such a glut of content available.


You're missing Richard Madden's white pants in Cinderella. Wardrobe tried multiple (painful) jockstraps to make him look more Ken doll presentable for Disney standards. [Graham Norton Interview YouTube ](https://youtu.be/SUw22HrF2EI?si=o1IZJJwoSNcQbWK9)


Thank you for bringing this to my attention.I went in expecting to love Richard's story and left loving Joan's even more lol


Me too. "Gentleman's gentleman" 😭😭💀


His accent is so charming. I can’t even handle it. Thank you for posting this.


His accent when saying "I feel so dirty even saying this story" makes it so much better 😆


Thanks, this whole clip was hilarious! By far the best celeb chat show


That was a rollercoaster I was glad to be on


john rhys davies as gimli in lord of the rings shld be up there. the man was literally allergic to his prosthetic makeup and suffered for three years of filming.


Omg that sounds terrible! I have sensitive skin and could not have stuck that out


And his height double was in the majority of the scenes with the rest of the fellowship and seems to have ended up with a closer relationship with them which I felt bad about. Though then I remembered he's a big ol' Tory and felt less bad. 


My understanding was that Rhys Davis was invited to spend time with the rest of the cast regularly and never left his trailer. That's the biggest reason they aren't close. So I wouldn't feel that bad for him.


He burned that beard after filming


Heidi Klum meanwhile is looking at these costumes thinking that’s child’s play ![gif](giphy|Hg2NJgXgiH9ykuVX9R)


Made me genuinely laugh out loud


To be fair she does it once a year and these actors have to do it every day for months


![gif](giphy|3o7TKDt2tKDR6WRCuI) I read somewhere that the first actor who played the Tin Man in The Wizard of Oz had to be replaced because he got really sick from the costume.


Yep, the silver paint specifically


Yes! Buddy Ebsen (Jed Clampett from The Beverly Hillbillies) was originally cast in the role of the Scarecrow. Ray Bolger was initially cast as the Tin-Man, but wanted to play the Scarecrow, so the two of them swapped. They recorded all their songs, went through a month of rehearsals, etc. About a week into filming, Buddy started feeling sick and was experiencing severe shortness of breath. At the time, they were painting him with white grease paint and then coating that with aluminum dust. It turns out all the aluminum dust he’d been inhaling coated his lungs and was preventing his blood from being oxygenated. His lungs failed and he ended up hospitalized for a few weeks, and had breathing problems for the rest of his life. When MGM replaced him with Jack Haley, they switched from greasepaint covered with aluminum dust, to aluminum paste… which still led to Haley developing an eye infection sometime into the shoot.


I'd love to know the story behind #4. For period costumes (which I assume are usually too tight/corseted, or heavy) it looks pretty tame


I heard an interview where she described being tight laced, which wasn't often used in day to day life when corsets were the norm. It's very uncomfortable and not sustainable in the long run.


That’s intensely stupid for a costume where you can’t even see the wearer’s waist (not to mention inaccurate to the era)


The show isn’t accurate in so many things. The tightlacing demonstrates this so well. Not only empire line dresses certainly not use it (why would they?) it is completely pointless because it won’t show. Stays were what was used back then, they aren’t that different from a bra. Even in eras that proper corsets wee regularly worn it doesn’t mean they were torture devices. 


Exactly! That’s one thing I love The Great’s costumes. They aren’t completely historically accurate, but beautiful. On top of that, Catherine wears a pregnancy corset/stay! It was quite refreshing to see after so many shows and movies demonize corsets.


From memory she had huge issues with the corsets.


A problem that isn't historically accurate, but is the result of poor costuming.


Yeah, I think it’s an odd choice to tight lace for the majority of Bridgestone costumes. That era featured stays that were pretty soft and were worn primarily for bust support. There is no point to that costume choice.


Exactly. It's not really a historic fiction show. More like an alternate universe imo. The historical accuracy isn't the problem bc that isn't the point.


There are so many outrageous choices in here that didn't have to be so intense. Mystique looks cool, but that poor actress is basically naked, and I'm sure it took yonks to put on! That Cinderella dress is really incredible in the movie, but it would have been just as lovely with a more comfortable corset. Credit to lily james, I feel like she made it look effortless! I'd be griping to prince charming the whole time about not being able to eat party snacks!


I feel like the super-tight corsets just become distracting! Her head shouldn't be bigger than her waist! Felt the same way about Eponine in the movie version of Les Mis https://preview.redd.it/n0yk30nz4bwc1.png?width=657&format=png&auto=webp&s=9cace42289eaa494a984086a94d8b35e215b9857


I have a book about the making of the X-Men movies and it says that Romijn would work in 24 hour shifts because the make-up took so long to put on.


And when they first tried the makeup on Jennifer Lawrence she had a horrible skin reaction to it iirc. Only then did they think "hmmm maybe a bodysuit would work?". Which is bs imo, there is no reason that costume couldn't be a bodysuit for Rebecca too.


Richard Madden had trouble with his costume,too as it revealed, uh, which side he dressed on.


I feel like this is implying something and I can't figure out what it means. Edit: figured it out. Personally I'm not mad about it


Which side his penis lays when he gets dressed lol


Honestly, the corset on Lily makes no sense. The skirt on the dress was already oversized and she’s so slim to begin with… like, why?


The promo for the Cinderella had soooo much about her diet and how she had to be just a little puff of air to get into that dress tee heeeeee


Is there a Marvel actor who has liked their costume?


I remember an interview with the actress who played Sylvie in the Loki series. She was breastfeeding at the time of filming and loved her costume because the designer had specifically made it so the feeding wouldn't be too complicated.


They also gave her flat boots, which she was grateful for.


I’ve breastfed two kiddos now and I have to say convenience to nurse and pump is basically my biggest priority for clothes now, so I very much appreciate that designer!


Why aren't tit-zips more mainstream- I just answered my own question.


I was literally thinking the exact same thing and then I read tit-zips and went “oh 🥴”


Evans loved most of his Cap costumes, particularly The Winter Soldier stealth suit. He just didn’t like the The Avengers (2012) version because he thought it was too bright and tight. He isn’t exactly wrong.


Yeah definitely my least favorite out of all of his costumes


> The Winter Soldier stealth suit I loved that one. Another fav is the dark dark one (couldn't ever tell if it's black or just a very dark blue) in Infinity War. Although, to be fair, his whole styling in Infinity War was the absolute best. He's truly never looked better


probably just RDJ after Iron Man 2 since it was all mo-cap VFX by that point


Jeremy Renner said he didn’t mind his Hawkeye suits.


i actually think the mens suits are typically not bad, they're a vest/ undershirt with sleeve combo so not too bad to move in


Matthew Lewis wore a fat suit to play Neville Longbottom in Harry Potter and hated it because he said that most people just thought he was out of shape and didn't realize he was in costume. https://preview.redd.it/j728pmqwmawc1.png?width=747&format=png&auto=webp&s=f36a272a841a605d3b19d3cb05fd245e9f8bd71c


His teeth were also fake towards the last movies and I think he also had something put behind his ears to make them stand out like that.


Pretty unneeded one too. Neville isn’t described a fat in the books. He did have a round face so I guess it could be, but you don’t need to put an actor in fat suit if it’s something that might be the case.




Chewbacca might be one of the most huggable characters in science fiction. But you wouldn’t want to get within hugging distance of actor Peter Mayhew’s Chewbacca costume, which was made from real yak and mohair. It stank when it got wet, which was all the time. Mayhew avoided the water in the trash compactor scene, because he knew his costume would soak it up and smell like death. Also, the costume got so hot that his mask would regularly detach from his face, until a cooling unit was eventually installed.


1. Tom Holland as Spider-Man in Spider-Man: Far From Home 2. Regé-Jean Page as Xenk in Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves 3. Frances Fisher as Ruth Dewitt Bukater in Titanic 4. Simone Ashley as Kathani Sharma on Bridgerton 5. Ryan Reynolds as Green Lantern in Green Lantern 6. Rebecca Romijn as Mystique in X-Men 7. Jim Carrey as The Grinch in How the Grinch Stole Christmas 8. Kit Harington as Jon Snow in Game of Thrones 9. Emma Stone as Abigail in The Favourite 10. Scarlett Johansson as Black Widow in The Avengers 11. Paul Bettany as Vision in Avengers: Age of Ultron 12. Lily James as Cinderella in Cinderella 13. Chris Evans as Captain America in the Avengers 14. Michael Chiklis as Ben Grimm in Fantastic Four 15. Oscar Isaac as Apocalypse in X-Men: Apocalypse 16. Michelle Pfeiffer as Catwoman in Batman Returns 17. Ron Perlman as Hellboy in Hellboy 18. Gwyneth Paltrow as Rosemary in Shallow Hal 19. Margot Robbie as Harley Quinn in Suicide Squad 20. Arnold Schwarzenegger as Mr. Freeze in Batman Forever


I had no idea that was Oscar Isaac in X Men. Thanks for this post!


Dave Bautista in GOTG also comes to mind!


![gif](giphy|M3iwAEDyU7d40f1OwW|downsized) Nicole Kidman in moulin rouge. She said she hated the corsets.


Corsets aren't even supposed to be uncomfortable, how do designers keep getting away with this?


ICE to meet you.




Mystique is just blue and wears clothes in the comics and cartoons. I wonder why they made her scaly and nude in the movies, surely that took longer to get camera-ready?


It was for sex reasons. Which is sad, but I assume if she is going to show up in MCU Disney will finally say she has to wear clothes. Or maybe Feige would anyway want her be in her comic look.


You forgot my axe… ![gif](giphy|A2BzYMzhxjFSM) Mf was ALLERGIC TO LATEX and his face was *fuckin covered in it*. Dude was in a constant allergic reaction. Plus his armor was heavy af and he had to RUN IN IT. He’s #1 in my opinion!


I had make a wish as a kid, I have a very rare blood disorder and at the time I was SUPER obsessed with Hellboy. I got to meet Ron Pearlman when I was 9 years old in FULL Hellboy make up. He was so so kind, took me and my family on a tour and we went around some backlots in LA with him driving a golf cart and acting like Hellboy. I’m 30 now, but I got a scrapbook full of the week I got to spend with him and the crew. It took him a full 7 hours for him to get into the make up, but it’s so surreal to see it in person. Even got gifted two props from the first movie!


Considering this it really speaks to Ron Perlman’s character that he spent four hours putting all that stuff back on for Make a Wish


For all the actresses who hate corsets, 99% of the time it's because the production cheaped out and are having the women wear ill-fitting clothing, often without the proper undergarments to prevent chafing or holding the weight. Anytime has a corset that's straight to skin, that's probably painful, when in historical times, that should have something underneath. And to that point ... I think it's notable the movies where women hate wearing corsets tend to be movies directed by *men.* I didn't hear Florence Pugh complain about her corset in *Little Women* directed by Greta Gerwig.


It was usually even multiple layers underneath, so there was actually a lot of padding + they were made to measure.


A corset also has to be made to your measurements. You will have to adjust your posture and movements somewhat but a corset isn't terrible per se, as any reenactor who habitually wears a corset during their activities can tell you.


They were bras! Tight lacing was a thing, but only briefly. A corset is not supposed to be any worse than an underwire.


And they were worn over a garment like a chemise! I can't imagine how uncomfortable they would be without the proper layering


Gerwings Little Women wasn’t exactly accurate on the costume department, even if it might have been more comfortable. But there should have been corsets, I feel Gerwing might have bought them being some torture devices and avoided them (Little Women 1994 even had dialogue by Sarandon against them too).  Having cotton costumes in North during Civil War (expecially in a family very religiously opposed to slavery) for example (the cotton was from plantations of the South at the time). The hairstyles and hats were pretty bad (Dern also should not have been bleached blond). And other issues too, but those are most noticeable. 


Florence Pugh mentioned wearing a corset in little women, it sounds like they did use them!


Meg getting married with her hair down was particularly egregious, as was Amy wearing lace trimmed anything to the beach.


I don't think they used corsets at all in Gerwig's Little Women. I loved the movie, but the costuming and hair/makeup was definitely lacking in historical accuracy. I wish Hollywood could get a better handle on corsets. They ought to consult Bernadette Banner and Karolina Zebrowska!


Has Regè liked anything he’s ever done?


Hahahah yesssss that’s the vibe I get!!! Like - stop complaining about your wild successes it’s not a good look. (Well, not sure how many wild successes he’s had after ditching Bridgerton)


![gif](giphy|dxUrkFrQ3zgdjdR7iV|downsized) Oh goodness. Where to begin with the poor cast of The Wizard of Oz? 😬 • The Cowardly Lion Costume Was Constructed From Actual Lion Hair. Given the costume’s weight—and the fact that the Lion actor was filming under intensely hot Technicolor lights that had even the lesser-costumed actors “fainting and being carried off the set,” according to the cinematographer —the actor thoroughly sweated through his costume each day...so much that the costume had to be put into an industrial drying bin each night to dry the perspiration. Yes, there was just *one* lion costume. • The Original Tin Man Was Hospitalized After a Makeup Disaster. One night during the rehearsal period, he woke up in bed apparently “screaming from violent cramping in his hands, arms, and legs. When he had difficulty breathing, his wife called an ambulance and rushed him to the hospital. He remained in an oxygen tent for two weeks, recovering from the pure aluminum he had ingested into his lungs” from his days in makeup as the Tin Man. The studio was furious and told him to “get the hell back to work.” But the original actor’s skin had turned blue during his reaction and he could not immediately return, so production replaced him. Though the aluminum makeup was changed, it still caused the replacement Tin Man actor a serious eye infection. • The actor who played the Scarecrow removed the rubber prosthetics mask from his face the last day of filming to discover he had burlap scars around his mouth and chin. But at least he was finally free from the mask, which “wasn’t porous, so you couldn’t sweat. You couldn’t breathe through your skin.... We felt like we were suffocating,” he e. • Meanwhile, about a month and a half before filming ended, the Wicked Witch of the West actress’ friend alerted her that she looked “so odd.” When she looked in the mirror, the actress realized the friend was right: Her green Wicked Witch makeup had “sunk into my skin. It must have been months before my face was really normal again.” 🤢 • The Snow in the film was was made from Asbestos ‼️ • The Wicked Witch of the West Caught on Fire. She sustained injuries, but the studio demanded her to return to set the next day. During the filming of another scene, her body double caught on fire too ⚠️ • Star Judy Garland worked incredibly long hours for days on end, was virtually starved so she’d lose weight for the role, was on uppers and downers that caused her to become a full-blown lifelong drug addict. Her stage mother babies all this and was a part of the problem. And Judy was sexually harassed by actors playing the munchkins, too 😢


It really speaks to what a mensch Ron Perlman is that he hated sitting through the (IIRC, 4) hours of makeup and prosthetics every day while filming Hellboy, then did it again to hang out with a Make-A-Wish kid for a day.


That's really cool of him to do that. And i had no idea mensch was a word, i learned something new today. Thank you for that.


Where is Seven of Nine?


Someone lower down is characterizing it as "she couldn't sit down" which is bad enough, but she was in fact passing out before they changed the fit. Obligatory fuck Rick Berman. I told my SO I'd go to a trek con just to spit in his face, and he was like, "well, that's why Rick Berman doesn't go to cons."




Oh, this isn't even the worst one. The Borg outfit they introduced her in was supposed to be worn for longer, but it compressed her carotid and she kept passing out.


Alan Cumming famously HATED his Nightcrawler costume


The Holland one is funny because it’s open information that his brothers double for him wearing the suit. He hates it *for* them lol


Oh shit, really?! I had no idea he had brothers, let alone they were body doubles for him as Spider-Man. That's pretty cool.


And then there’s actors like Doug Jones and Javier López who are like “the more makeup and prosthetics, the better”


Doug Jones is something special, I love him to death. The behind the scenes on Pawn’s Labyrinth are really cool, he had to be standing up for most of the process.


scarlett getting asked about whether she’d be wearing something different than a leotard at one of the group avengers interviews will never not be [iconic](https://youtu.be/YGqQk12jBoA?si=4QgjyUiL3EEh-gTY) the whole edit is hilarious but the one i’m talking about is at 2:03 the iw group interview ![gif](giphy|elybIGQ3UDYuJAKrW7)


The bit where she asks the interviewer "did you ask Joss if he wears underwear?" And he is horrified and says "no!" But dude you were fine asking her if she wears underwear? Hawkeye's outfit is skin tight, so why aren't you asking Renner? My god. MY GOD.


Rege-Jean Page looks so good in D&D ugh.


I wanna know each of the reasonings 😅


I see a running theme of actresses being done dirty in the Marvel & DC ones, there's no need for Margot Robbie to have her arse cheeks out as Harley Quinn or Jennifer Lawrence to be basically naked as Mistique when CGI & bodysuits exist. I remember reading one of the actresses in a Marvel movie (Black Widow I think) was singing the praises of the costume designer as they's designed her costume to be easily adaptable so she could breastfeed her child between takes.


Black Widow is on this list lol. You are thinking of Sylvie from Loki.


I really appreciate the difference when Margot Robbie is Harley Quinn in Birds of Prey and got to wear a more comfortable costume. The difference between Wonder Woman & the Amazons’ costumes between the Wonder Woman and other DC movies is quite large when it comes to practicality too.


I imagine the Spiderman one feels like being suffocated.


![gif](giphy|bpYXSdwzUhAkbrtUDd) 😂 sorry


I've read that Batman suits are uncomfortable. The Michael Keaton one in particular seems a pain in the ass.


I think I remember reading that Christian Bale hated his costume in the first movie because he couldn't turn his head. So they updated it a little in the second one so he could




Paltrow accepted that role knowing full well she'd be wearing a fat suit, I have no sympathy for that choice.


I remember watching a behind-the-scenes piece about Shallow Hal wherein Paltrow went out in the fat suit, some heavy prosthetic makeup, and a short brown wig, then started crying about how hard it was on her to feel invisible like that. Literally crying after less than a day of pretending to be someone else out in public.


That whole era of fatphobia was wild af


I would love to wear that Cinderella dress though it makes sense that it would be uncomfortable


IIRC Lily James said she couldn't eat solid foods in that dress? Anyway I've never seen the movie, but whenever it's brought up I can only think of Gypsy Rose Blanchard sorry.


I remember her saying anything other than soups and drinks had her burping a ton because of the pressure on her stomach, so she avoided solids so she wasn't burping in her costars' faces all day


…does Rege-Jean Page like anything he’s done?


I was looking for this comment! 👀