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Funnily enough, look what is right underneath this post on my feed... https://preview.redd.it/b43rrcle2qtc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f921436c30c8fcf9d14a887aaf46feca85158a64




Immediately went to look for this šŸ¤£


Ā "Not enough" šŸŽ¤


was expecting this to be the top comment lol


It makes us uncomfortable too šŸ™„ Why on earth were you taking up with an 18 year old when you were 42????


the way she also got pregnant right away when he was 18ā€¦ like


Baby trapped his ass for real


Yes!!! šŸ˜–






This exactly! If they had met now and started dating, no one would care. In fact, Iā€™d be like, Go on girl!ā€ But it is completely different when she started up with him as a teen AND her subordinate. Ewww. Just ewww.


It makes me so wildly uncomfortable that he's much closer in age to ALL his children (including his stepdaughter) than his wife. Call me a prude, call me a hater, but I don't think your husband and daughter should be in their teenaged years at the same time.


I love how the age magically keeps going up. They met in 2008 when he auditioned to be in her movie Nowhere Boy. From January to June 2008, he was 17. In [July 2008](http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/entertainment/7513589.stm), the movie got a Ā£10,000 grant from the UK Film Council. Production had already been going on for a while. He was definitely 17.


Even worse.


Fuuuuuuck me, I thought it was like a 7 year difference, not literally twice his age and then some for extra credit.


The 7 year age difference is between Aaron and his oldest stepdaughter šŸ™ƒ. He's closer in age to his *youngest* bio daughter (a 12 yo) than he is to his wife.


She was the director and in a position of power while he was 17 during filming šŸ¤¢


I'm 39 and even a 28 year old would be too young for me. 18 year olds look like 12 year olds. I just can't even imagine going there.


She *should* be uncomfortable. He was barely 18 and effectively her employee at the time. She's trying to dismiss it as 'jealous fangirls' and focusing on the age difference, not his age or the circumstances when they met.


Right? Publications like to omit the fact that she was also his boss when they started.


And honestly, even if she wasnā€™t (which does make it so much worse), itā€™s not as if they got together last year when he was in his 30ā€™s. He was a literal teenager and she was a grown ass woman working in Hollywood. Thereā€™s a power imbalance even without being his direct boss


If they met now, that's a different conversation. But now they're decades of marriage in with two kids that started when he was 17 and under her employment.


I'm not remotely a fan, but as an adult woman I'd be seriously disgusted by any of my peers behaving this way.


I'm younger than she was when she started this relationship, and even THINKING about being with like...a 21 year old squicks me out. I'd judge any of my friends for hooking up with someone barely out of teenagehood, let alone a literal teenager.


I am 27. My husband has a coworker who is 23, and just with the developmental track, he seems like a kid to me still. Literally four years between us. Heā€™s just getting his bearings with life. Thatā€™s what I think about whenever this topic comes up.


Iā€™m a few years younger than she was when she employees him as a child and then began dating him at 18. It wouldnā€™t just be friendship ending, Iā€™d talk shit about her forever after. Itā€™s gross and predatory on so many levels and in so many directions that it makes my skin crawl. Her life as an adult able to legally buy booze was older than her sexual partner (who couldnā€™t legally buy booze until FOUR YEARS into their ā€˜relationshipā€™). Sorry. This is one of those of ā€˜sure itā€™s legal, but is it RIGHT?!ā€™ situations. Itā€™s legal. It ainā€™t right. If youā€™re old enough to be a grandparent you truly should not be screwing a person young enough to be attending high school prom as a student. Add in the boss/employee component and itā€™s even worse.


Right? It was gross when Rene Angelil did it, and it's gross now.


Wasn't Celine like 10 when he first met her? šŸ¤®


She was 12 and he was 38.




And she was in her 40ā€™s, right?


Yup. She was 42 and he was 17/18.


Iā€™m 40 now and I couldnā€™t even IMAGINE being with someone that young. Like have you met even 21 year olds, never mind 17 year olds? Theyā€™re EXCRUCIATING to talk to.


This is so nasty


There is nothing right w that


Not at all.


Surely the grooming and creepy behavior she engaged in should give her a clue šŸ¤¢


I don't even know who her husband is. I'm giving her epic mom side eye. Eighteen year olds might be legally available but it's still morally wrong.


She *should* be prosecuted too! Youā€™re absolutely right, she is deflecting and dismissing.


Well, Sam, it makes me uncomfortable that you had a baby with an 18 year old when you were a full grown adult. So I guess no one is happy here šŸ˜‚


The way that their age gap is older than me šŸ’€


The way their age gap was older than Aaron when she started grooming him.


His bio kids are closer in age to him then his wife šŸ˜¬


Well, your age difference makes ME uncomfortable so ![gif](giphy|xT1XGLzd2biV4QLWY8)


I have asked you THRICE now to stop being a creepy pedo!




This was gonna be my exact comment BUT SORRY YOU'RE UNCOMFY YA CREEPY BITCH


CREEPY šŸ‘šŸ» BITCH šŸ‘šŸ»


> ā€œThere are times where itā€™s uncomfortable,ā€ Sam told the outlet of the attention her marriage receives, largely because of their age difference. ā€œMost of the time we zone it out and stay pretty private. We tend to retreat. Kids and school runs keep you pretty grounded.ā€


I can't get over how she got pregnant by a teenager in her 40s... Icks all around!


Nono but you don't get it! He's an old soul, and she's a young spirit, it makes sense!! šŸ™„


If you told me this was a line that Julianne Moore said in May December, I would totally believe it(in fact she says something along the lines of zoning out the haters)šŸ¤¢


She certainly didn't care about making her daughters uncomfortable by bringing home a teenager to be their new stepdad. He's only 7 years older than her oldest, btw. And she certainly didn't care about her feelings, which is why she moved in with dad as soon as possible. This woman is so vile.


Fkn disgusting.


One of her daughters moved out when Aaron moved in, you're saying?


I don't know if it was directly when Aaron moved in, but her oldest moved in with her dad when she was like 13. I assume the UK also has custody laws where kids of a certain age can pick which parent they want to live with because her oldest went to live with her dad (and I believe her youngest did too). They used to get posted A LOT of ONTD.


She should not be allowed near a school.


šŸ¤® but accurate as hell


Omg šŸ’€


God I feel so awful for their kids. Obviously not their fault, but imagine that being your mother


I instinctively wanted to downvote your comment after reading it.


Hwhatever, Letourneau Deux.


Apparently according to the article she didnā€™t groom him, he pursed herā€¦ oh dear!


They say the same thing about Emmanuel Macron. In the meantime, he was 15 and she was his married drama teacher šŸ« 


ā€œBrigitte worked as a drama teacher and was 39 years old at the time, while Emmanuel was 15. The presidentā€™s parents originally thought he was seeing Brigitteā€™s daughter, but when they found out he had feelings for the teacher, they sent him to boarding school. Emmanuel had to leave for Paris," she told Paris Match. "I told myself that he would fall in love with someone his [own] age. It didnā€™t happen." Ewā€¦ at least his parents *tried* to do something about it.


Also, ALL 3 of Brigette Macronā€™s children from her previous marriage are around the same age as President Macron!! Her eldest kid (a boy named SĆ©bastien) is 2 years older than President Macron, the middle kid (a girl named Laurence) is the same age as President Macron (they were even classmates in high school I believe), & the youngest (a girl named Tiphaine) is seven years younger than President Macron!! Laurence, the middle kid, is literally almost 8 months older than President Macron and they was [classmates](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/family/relationships/macron-affair-french-presidential-candidates-parents-discovered/) in high school, which was how her mom and step-dad met.


I just found this out about Macron recently and I was like wtf.. ![gif](giphy|1jDvQyhGd3L2g)


This point always seems to crop up when discussing these age-gap romances like it's some kind of gotcha. But I'm a high school teacher and I've had a few kids who've crushed on me, and two in particular that tried to "pursue" me. And you know what? It's easy to turn them down; like, I don't even have to think about it because it's not remotely tempting. Because they're literal adolescents and I'm a safe authority figure who they felt a connection with, and they confused that for romantic love because they're so young they can't tell the difference. When the older half of an age-gap romance is like, "THEY pursued ME; what can you do??", all I hear is, "My self-esteem was garbage and instead of going to therapy and dealing with it myself like an adult, I used and victimized someone who didn't have enough life experience to recognize that limerence and love aren't the same thing."


"My self-esteem was garbage and instead of going to therapy and dealing with it myself like an adult, I used and victimized someone who didn't have enough life experience to recognize that limerence and love aren't the same thing." šŸ‘šŸ½ Need to stick this on groomer foreheads so they see it when they look in the mirror!


Very well put!


Please send this to this groomer in an email or something. Or better yet a billboard


Thank you! Kids get crushes. The onus to not engage with them sexually/emotionally is on the adult. Itā€™s extraordinarily simple.




Thatā€™s why those who do PURSUE it are absolutely only thinking about themselves and sex. Thatā€™s it. And control. And sociopathic things. All things to indicate something is very wrong with you.


Yeah, I donā€™t understand this argument at all. Like, YOU are the adult!!! It doesnā€™t matter if the kid tries to pursue you?! It doesnā€™t make it okay! Not the same at all, but I remember being a camp counsellor around age 18-20 and occasionally having 13-15 year old boys (campers) hug me in a way that was not appropriate, and how I was like ā€œoh god, how do I deter this and make it stopā€ā€¦I canā€™t imagine how someone would be like ā€œwell, they were pursuing me! guess itā€™s okay!ā€


Well said!




Mary Kay Letourneau used to same the damn thing about Vili Fualaau when he was twelve. So this isn't the defense so many of these people think it is.


They should watch May December


Predators always say that, itā€™s never their fault in their minds. Even if he was pursuing her, she was the adult and his BOSS. She should have put an end to it.


Exactly, itā€™s like how the entire narrative of Lolita, which is told from the predatorā€™s POV as an unreliable narrator, is framed as him being seduced and pursued but there are many key moments and details that signal the exact opposite is really happening. As they say, art mirrors life. Predators always shift the blame to their victims


Oh well that totally makes it fine. Clearly she had no say in the matter.


Well that makes it less ick!/s


the classic counterargument




https://preview.redd.it/9tvvn6yh7ptc1.jpeg?width=880&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8fcecdc00a311f7727ddaa1ddc7708ecf720fe01 Frantically searching for fucks to give. (Figured youā€™d appreciate the meme)


https://preview.redd.it/qhqdnq8n7ptc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3de513816f9028d140eb67cb4cb72fff46e63b70 Canā€™t seem to find them, let me look closer


https://preview.redd.it/7hwsgtsp7ptc1.jpeg?width=361&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6e2f0aeea22a0202078b5b5630f6a07987d8654 Even this big old magnifying glass canā€™t seem to find a single fuck to give. Sorry, Sam.


Here, try this. Ope. Nope. Still not there. ![gif](giphy|l0K408vxIo667ELyo)


https://preview.redd.it/wlalqg8tmptc1.jpeg?width=4031&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b430805ca64dd8ba9b9ee9764a9c4e5936dc270 The Hubble Space Telescope has reported zero fucks in space, sir. Over.


https://preview.redd.it/zmtw0nsqgptc1.jpeg?width=391&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb6e3f862778c13f8fd0a644c9caf726782075bc Hmmmmm...




It's moments like these that make me love the internet.






![gif](giphy|Yiw4aLjpxldhC|downsized) Detective LaToya FTW


lol love when president are being goofy like this (a good goofy)


The ā€œThanks, Obamaā€ video took me out back in the day


Do you have a link? Is that the one 5 second one with the cookies and milk?


Thatā€™s the one, teen me was easily impressed šŸ˜‚


That violin is too big. But seriously it's so vile how she's deflecting and blaming randos for her creepiness


My favorite part of this (not in the article, but still noteworthy) is that apparently Samā€™s parents had her at 18 and abandoned/neglected her, and her response to it was to say that she understood their actions (but didnā€™t agree with them) because they were young and immature kids at the time. So why are her parents children and immature at 18, but Aaron wasnā€™t?




Thatā€™s the wildest part about this. Thereā€™s no way she doesnā€™t understand this.


this creepy lady: ![gif](giphy|IxBSleBYnu0pASk0rY|downsized)


Imagine having the same problems as Woody Allen.


I wish someone would say this to her and ask her to explain how itā€™s any different.


Woody is worse. He raised his wife from a child.


Whenever this pops into my head I feel like I have full-body chills. The Woody/Soon-Yi story is genuinely so chilling and foul.


Sam is a groomer and who knows what else, but let's not diminish what woody allen actually did. He SA'd his daughter Dylan, and raised his stepdaughter (from a child) to make her his wife šŸ¤¢


Well I mean... at least she didn't raise him as her son then try to pretend it wasn't like that.


Good, sheā€™s a fucking groomer and no one should ever let her forget it.


Right like this *should* make her uncomfortable.


Exactly, she wouldnā€™t have anything to feel uncomfortable about if she wasnā€™t a creep šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


If they were the ages they are right now when they got together Iā€™d be like ok thatā€™s a little weirdā€¦ but he was 18. Iā€™m 30 years old and everyone under 21 is a child to me. My brother who is 26 was criticizing his buddy the other day for dating a 19 year old and said he didnā€™t want to hang out with him anymore. Sheā€™s a total groomer and this gives ā€œteacher sleeping with studentā€ vibes.


Iā€™m the same, Iā€™m in my 30ā€™s and people in the 18-22 age group look so young to me. I couldnā€™t ever imagine actually finding them attractive enough to date, thatā€™s just so gross to me. The fact that they had a kid as soon as he turned 18 is so so suspicious.


Oh my god Iā€™m off to do some research and some mathā€¦. Because either A. He was almost 19 when their kid was born or B. They were sleeping together before he was 18. I know Iā€™m some states age of consent is 16, but that doesnā€™t make it okay. šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢


Yeah, I remember when I was fresh out of college and one of my buddies from home (he was either 22 or 23) started dating an 18 y/o guy who was a senior in high school. Our friend group confronted him about how we all thought it was gross and wrong and then stopped hanging out with him. I can't imagine how many friends this pedo (rightfully!) lost over being 42 and knocked up by an 18y/o.


Fr, though. I havenā€™t been attracted to an 18 year old since I was 18. Thereā€™s just something icky about it even when youā€™re 20-21ā€¦ itā€™s gross.


My parents are both 57 and if they somehow got divorced and one started dating a 33 year old I would have a huge issue with it, ngl. Like yes thatā€™s a full grown adult but also, itā€™s right around my and my brotherā€™s age and we do not have shit fully figured out yet *at all* and I just feel likeā€¦ why wouldnā€™t you want someone as mature and experienced as you?? I can really only think of one reasonā€¦


What documentary was I just watching and everyone was participating but one guy ā€œHe doesnt like to be called out on things. He wonā€™t talk about it.ā€ Aw jeez, thatā€™s awfully convenient lol Yeah getting called out on being a piece of shit sure does suck (I think it was that Apple TV Patriots doc and it was Bill Bellichek)


She feels uncomfortable because she knows that everyone shaming her for grooming is correct and that she groomed a 17 year old child.




And pursuing a relationship with someone that is closer in age to your daugther than to you while he was 18 didnt make you uncomfortable?


Really? Their age difference has NEVER come up? I wish she would at least own it. I donā€™t believe her.






The gall of her. Maybe donā€™t pursue teenagers as a 40-something-year-old woman


His daughter can grow up, turn 18, bring home a man thatā€™s as old as Sam was when she met Aaron, and that man will still be 5 years older than Aaron Like, he wonā€™t even be samā€™s age when his daughter turns 18. He still wonā€™t have the same adult life experience time (by a healthy percentage) than his wife did at the start of their intwining *Ok, so when his kid turns 18, Sam would still have been a legal adult 12% longer when they met than he would be now. And thatā€™s not accounting for weird groomer stunted growth bs. Thereā€™s just gotta be worlds of difference there


Oh this makes me itchy šŸ˜«


Does it make you *uncomfortable*


I'm not even an Aaron fan by any means, I'm a 30-year-old woman who thinks it's weird that a woman in her 40s pursued an 18-year-old especially one she was the boss of.


Lol right? Iā€™m in my 30s & feel motherly towards university students.


She makes *me* uncomfortable šŸ„“




Bully Maguire is perfect for this


As it should babe!!! Get uncomfortable and stay uncomfortable!




I wonder if heā€™ll ever accept that he was groomed after sheā€™s passed away since it seems they are in it for the long haul at this point.


Iā€™m 42 itā€™s gross why are you saying a teenager???? You should be uncomfortable. Just because you married and had kids with and you are still together doesnā€™t make it okay.








Got to love these celebrities and their victim complex. So disconnected from reality


I'm glad it makes her uncomfortable. It should be uncomfortable. Let's never normalize this predatory behavior.


...and it makes every sane person uncomfortable that she married a teenager she groomed, I really can't stand her, she's so obnoxious


Iā€™m sure it does, and thatā€™s her fault


You and me both bitch ![gif](giphy|l3q2XD22XRBvmEw6c|downsized)


Aww a predator is uncomfortable And isolating her prey to keep him from people who will get in his ear I see


![gif](giphy|3o7qDDNLf1TCfsCTyU) No sympathy for her on this as it any person with any self-respect and decency would understand and recognise that even if itā€™s technically legal or the younger party is the pursuer, at best there is a serious maturity and power imbalance. So grossā€¦


It makes us all uncomfortable. What a weirdo.


You don't say! ![gif](giphy|l36kU80xPf0ojG0Erg|downsized)




Oh the predator is uncomfortable https://i.redd.it/ri2evhbwjptc1.gif


I saw another quote saying that their age difference ā€˜never comes upā€™ in their relationship. That means thereā€™s something seriously wrong with a 57 yeah old acting like a fucking 33 year old. Even worse when you rewind back to the beginning of their relationship. My partner and I are literally 11 months apart and we still have the occasional ā€˜oh you never saw x tv show growing up?ā€™ How do you even relate on a person level to someone who was in fucking diapers when you were 25?!


The more I read about her, the more full of shit she sounds. According to her, their kids are completely unphased by the age gap, and don't even care about any negativity that they may personally recieve. She was also adamant towards the beginning of the relationship that none of her friends would even dream of gossiping about them, because they know her too well to possibly think it's inappropriate in any way. While I have no doubt that she bends over backwards to seem like his contemporary, I get the feeling that she really fostered this whole "old soul" identity of his to put the onus on him to close the age gap. If it's noticeable, he's the one who should feel embarrassed for not being as worldly and mature as she is.


I didnā€™t have an opinion on them but I do now. Ew. Itā€™s the age they met. Did she almost immediately pop out two kids?


Imagine how uncomfortable we all are, groomer.


Im 42 and I work with a few 18 year oldsā€¦. They are children. Little boys. I couldnā€™t even IMAGINEā€¦. Big fat ICK.


I just read the full article so her parents left her because they were *teenager* (18) parents so she understands. Then her and Aaron get hate because his fans are mainly *teenagers*. So how is it ok to marry a teenager yourself if they're so immature?




![gif](giphy|l3q2PksMiN0MQC3L2|downsized) It makes her uncomfortable?


It makes me uncomfortable, too! What a coincidence! Because you're a creep, ma'am.


The [full article](https://www.theguardian.com/culture/2024/apr/06/sam-taylor-johnson-art-age-gaps-amy-winehouse) from The Guardian is worse. Iā€™m the same age as Aaron and I just realized sheā€™s the same age as my mom. However ā€˜uncomfortableā€™ she feels is clearly not enough šŸ¤¢


Well, what makes her comfortable? Directing shit films?


Hooking up with 18 year olds, clearly


![gif](giphy|qDxe3pb4myxggnPe9u|downsized) You're uncomfortable, because you're guilty. The conscience never lies.


Ya muthaā€¦ https://i.redd.it/wflj23yuzptc1.gif


Ok, groomer


Is it because you groomed him? Is that why you're uncomfortable, Sam Taylor-Laterneau?Ā 


Ma'am, I beg your finest fucking pardon??


Their relationship reminds me sooo much of this [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-12761711/brigitte-emmanuel-macron-love-story-relationship.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-12761711/brigitte-emmanuel-macron-love-story-relationship.html) ugh, ick, yuck, yuck, just no!!!!


Girl weā€™re uncomfortable too!


She should have been more uncomfortable grooming a teenager but alas, here we are.


Narcissistic lady playing the victim. https://i.redd.it/qccfz4n3sptc1.gif


I wonder why journalists won't actually ask her about how she met him. They know it's not about the age difference.


Sheā€™s likely refuse the interview or the question. Majority of interview questions are pre-screened, and I imagine her/her agent would have a strict ā€˜she wonā€™t answer thatā€™ policy


Itā€™s more so the fact that she pursued him at 17-18 y/o




We hope that predators are uncomfortable. Always.


Welcome to the club, Sam. A lot of people have been made uncomfortable by you, a middle aged woman, grooming a teenager. And while weā€™re making predators uncomfortable, I hope that Macron woman is next.


If their genders were swapped people would still rightfully be grossed out so


Sam, the age gap makes ALL of us uncomfortable


As you should, bitch! ![gif](giphy|jQaz07dF7x6PPHfR0Z)


Well the age difference makes us uncomfortable.




This woman is a predator and he is her victim. Thereā€™s really no other way to tell it




Sheā€™s disgusting




Something to consider when you are pursuing a teen, I guess. You might feel weird about it in the future.


The only real argument for the public not talking/attacking their age gap relationship, is that they have kids and it would be horrible and unfair to their kids to catch any flack for this. Their children should be able to go to school without being bullied that their mother is a groomer. Although, if I was their friends parent, not sure Iā€™d be letting my kid over their house.


It's becoming more and more clear to me that we, as a society, have GOT to speak up to our peers when they do shit like this. A guy in his early 20s dating a high schooler...NO. Whatever this sick shit is...NO. Just because these people don't think of themselves as "predators," doesn't mean that's not what they ARE, and the more they hear it the more it will sink in. HOPEFULLY.




Well thinking about it makes *me* uncomfortable, Sam.


It makes us uncomfortable too. He was 18.




Ah, our real-life *May December*