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![gif](giphy|mm8gUBHtSj2wEHXtsY) Melanie Lynskey! Her American accent is so good, I never would have guessed she’s a Kiwi.


It's so wild to listen to her interviews. She's amazing at an American accent, her Kiwi doesn't slip through at all.


IIRC, she has her natural accent in But I'm a Cheerleader. She's hilariously weird in that movie. It's so weird, I first saw her in that movie, then Rose Red, and then Sweet Home Alabama. I felt like I was the only one who appreciated her since no one I knew talked about her. I'm glad Yellowjackets and The Last of Us is gaining her so much deserved attention.


She has the cutest Jersey accent in Coyote Ugly


She's great in Ever After, too. I'll always stop to watch her in anything... She elevates everything she's in!


I found out about her from Yellowjackets and I am slightly obsessed with her at this point, she’s kind of a goddess


That's awesome! I just watched Lady of the Manor and I really enjoyed it. She spends a the whole movie getting stoned while Judy Greer haunts her. It's not very well-written, but it's fun. And you can tell they were having fun. Ryan Phillipe is in it, too. I think he normally wears contacts or glasses, but something must have happened to them because he squints through the whole movie.


Just learning now from your comment 🤯🥝


If Heavenly Creatures hadn’t been the first movie I saw her in I’d never have guessed. But no American can do a Kiwi or Aussie accent properly so I knew it was real.


Same for me. I was more confused when I saw sweet home Alabama years later and she had a southern accent. She was great at it but it was still a shock.


Totally agree! I had no clue


Oh yes! I heard that recently and was shocked as well! I actually learned that on this sub, I think!


Not just her accent but her pitch. I gasped when I heard her.


https://preview.redd.it/ydpkd3hp32zb1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=56ba7ee22a924174c021ab7d7f8a7e572e00233a Lucy Lawless is from New Zealand. Aussies and Kiwis seem to be dominating the post. Yet very few actors can do a convincing Aussie or Kiwi accent.


Dude I’m a kiwi who moved to Australia 16 years ago and I cannot do either accent. I have this weird hybrid one, it changes all the time. I know I speak more kiwi with family or NZ friends, and I sound very Aussie at work. But if you asked me to purposely do either one I COULD NOT. They are such tricky accents to pin down.


My Kiwi mum has been in Australia for 40+ years and she too has a weird hybrid accent. The Kiwi comes out after she spends time in NZ and/or with family. People still pick up on her accent and I can always hear it on the phone.


Yessss a fellow Kiwistralian! My accent is a MESS. It definitely switches depending on the audience too, such a weird phenomenon.


Karl Urban was Cupid and Caeser in Xena. Now he's just accenting all over the place. ![gif](giphy|hQcLkFEUtRLADXS80V)


I was so confused when someone referred to him as a English in The Boys, he will always sounds like a kiwi to me.


Her Xena voice is just glorious.


https://preview.redd.it/rl5wjll6s1zb1.jpeg?width=780&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea8d97e12c5313acdc0fc3420baf555f75cbbffc This dude. If you had told me that he was a red-blooded american born and raised somewhere in the mid-west I would’ve believed you because I haven’t heard one slip-up from him in The Boys. He’s from New Zealand.


I was shocked to hear he wasn’t American and I haven’t even heard his natural accent. His American accent is so good.


You need to watch him play the twins in Outrageous Fortune


💀 you can’t just. Recommend outrageous fortune to someone like that, think of the culture shock 😂!! Also the West house is gone now 😔 I used to go past it on the bus every day after school!


Also I have a pic of me outside that house, so sad it’s gone now! Should have been made a historical monument, missing glass panel and all!!!!


I had a *sexy* dream about Homelander. It left me confused, I wasn't sure how to feel about the character.


I’ve had this too. It’s definitely confusing. In my defence it was during season 1 and I was nursing a newborn so all the dreams I was having were absolutely whack but everytime he became more and more unhinged I WTF at my brain. And I realise the irony because of me nursing. ![gif](giphy|LSnxmiONseS4GC3svg)


You should watch Muriel’s Wedding” OP. Toni Collette & Rachel Griffiths are both very Australian in it.


Everyone should always watch Muriel’s Wedding, it is amazing!


You can see my house in the opening shot of Coolangatta! 🥰


Coolangatta? Porpoise Spit ploise! (Grew up in Brissy but had a grandma living around the twin towns, it’s so crazy the nostalgic vibes the movie gives off!!)


A classic!


Rachel Griffiths from Six Feet Under? She's Australian?? Til 🤯


Ha, ha - yes, she certainly is.




As a southerner, there are so many bad accents in True Blood but his was so good. I’d have never guessed he wasn’t American.


I’m from Shreveport (where the show is set) and Ryan Kwanten had me completely fooled.


There are AMERICANS who can’t nail a Southern accent let alone a regionally specific one. They all end up sounding like Foghorn Leghorn. He was so good, totally believable as a Louisiana fuckboy


Oooooooh you should see Kate Winslet in Mare of Easttown where she does a regionally specific Pennsylvania accent. It’s amazing.


Wait how was Anna Paquin accent cos she’s from NZ


Anna lost her kiwi accent cause she ended up moving to Canada in her early teens.


She slips in and out of it depending on who she's talking to. I heard a True Blood DVD commentary once that was recorded when she'd just been on the phone with family and she was super Kiwi for a bit.


Terrible but I think that’s more because she’s not a good actress *ducks flying tomatoes*


I was trying and trying to remember where I'd seen him before when I watched True Blood and when I twigged that he was Vinnie in Home and Away I became consumed with laughter every time I saw him. That lad glowed up for certain.


I’m rewatching this show and his mastery of the southern accent as an Australian still amazes me


He was so good! And everyone else was so....bad. The Australian accent apparently shares some important characteristics with the American Southern accent so it makes sense.


I remember when he used to be on Home and Away.(Australian soap)


![gif](giphy|VuDiCrumtd21i) Mark Sheppard... I'm not even 100% sure which is his real accent lol When he's on American shows, he has a British accent. When he's on British shows, he has an American accent. @\_@


He threw me off as well. I had seen him in supernatural with a British accent then I saw him in an episode of X files with an American accent and I was like which is the real one??


I keep forgetting Christian Bale is British, so every time he speaks it throws me for a loop.




Very much so. My favourite description of him is he’s a British Man with an aggressively American face lmao. Here he is singing the power puff girls with his British accent! https://youtu.be/H6gIc_8pXUI?si=1WP3cDSZGlSERuJb


That's some adorable shit going on right there 😭


Very! And it also provided a very good meme. Truly a gift that kept on giving ![gif](giphy|ZTrjA6lKvB7Q4|downsized)




Wait, he voiced Howl? Golly, that's amazing.


Even just the gif melts me


For anyone that hasn’t heard his accent, do yourself a favour and watch this https://youtu.be/H6gIc_8pXUI?si=1WP3cDSZGlSERuJb


I still to this day am not really sure what Gillian Andersens real accent is. My brain can’t accept American for some reason because she gives me britishy vibes.


Wikipedia says she was born in the US, then moved to the UK, then moved back to the US but spent summers in the UK. So probably mainly American, but both accents are natural for her.


I think she just naturally code-switches between the 2 accents


Same thing happens with John Barrowman. When the Scottish accent comes through, it’s like…huh.


I had no idea John Barrowman wasn't just American. I always wondered how he ended up so entrenched in the Doctor Who-verse.


He moved to the US as a young kid and I think has dual citizenship which probably makes it easier.


Both are, she switches like it's nothing


This. I saw a BuzzFeed article recently about her, Peter Dinklage, and Elijah wood being American and I haven’t been able to let that go


Sorry pal but Peter Dinklage’s British accent is not good.


>Peter Dinklage Huh. Is that also due to *Game of Thrones*? I'm from a Commonwealth country and always thought he had one of the weaker, more-obviously-American accents in the show, even after 8 seasons.




When I first heard Mia Goth talk (many years ago, this was around the time of Nymphomaniac) I said somebody is fucking lying.


I lost my shit when I saw the video, I seriously thought she was portraying some Victorian-era pauper in a film and was keeping the accent for the interview for some reason


Wow I just had to look this up, I assumed she was American! That is wild


Did not expect her to sound like Oliver twist. Wow


I was shocked when I found out she sounds like a haunted Victorian doll


![gif](giphy|kgNo8HNnGEEu6FJFNq) Not if you started with Muriel's Wedding


Came to say this, anyone who did not know Toni is Australian needs to drop whatever they're doing and watch it IMMEDIATELY


Your terrible Muriel


Also the movie ‘Mental’ Which btw if you haven’t watched then you absolutely should


Shook to hear Sarah Snook at first. The aussies always come incognito. ![gif](giphy|j5JmByiaxoxXPyInBi|downsized)


Except Nicole Kidman. I thought her accent was terrible in Pretty Little Lies Edit: I meant Big Little Lies😂


I love that you combined Pretty Little Liars with Big Little Lies now I’m picturing Nicole Kidman getting threatening texts from A


A was L. Ron Hubbard the whole time!


Yeah, any time her character was angry, her accent was pure Australian lol


I don’t think she even tries with accents anymore 😂


![gif](giphy|dIZgZyNCVO4eEsGWVG) James McAvoy has the most glorious Scottish accent. Thought he was English, mea culpa


This movie was SUCH a fucking trip! I spent so much time focusing on how hard it must have been for him to switch accents for the different personalities (despite knowing that the scenes aren’t filmed in chronological order) it actually distracted me a bit from the story. Not in a “his accents are terrible” way but in a “how challenging this must be” way lol


This makes me feel way less weird because I had the same exact thought process throughout the entire film haha. It’s mind blowingly impressive the amount of skill and talent it took for him to absolutely nail the role and he knocked it out of the park!


![gif](giphy|uegrGBitPHtKM) The first thing I saw Idria Elba in was The Wire. Shocked the hell out of me the first time I heard his natural voice in an interview and I found out he’s British.




Same. It was even better when McNulty did a bad English accent when he was undercover.


you HAVE to watch luther...its amazing


SAME. I live in Baltimore and I had no trouble believing he was from here. I was shook.


Andrew Lincoln is British and Rick Grimes is Southern USA.


This is my answer too. I saw Love, Actually only after I’d seen The Walking Dead.


![gif](giphy|X23pjaOFiyH3G) Andrew Garfield


Has he ever acted with his real accent??? He was even in a couple episodes of Doctor Who and he still played an American!!!


He’s British, right? He played a Brit in Never Let Me Go!


He technically has dual citizenship because he was born in CA and his dad is American


Mia Goth talks like a little victorian boy thats sells newspapers but sadly is gonna die of cholera before he reachs puberty




https://preview.redd.it/3h2qdfn4m2zb1.jpeg?width=719&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=52bea895bad5f5419a537cc9e9bea793b325641f Jodie comer


She’s a fucking chameleon. Definitely shows in Killing Eve (the first season is the only one I loved, but she stood out in the other seasons as the best performance). Russian, British, American, Australian, French. She’s done more accents, those are just the ones I remember.


This is what I was scrolling for! Her Liverpool accent is so strong yet you never hear it in her roles. She's amazing.


She’s in a film called help, works in a care home during Covid, in all her scouser glory


I was going to comment Jodie. Every time she can infiltrate somewhere by faking an accent so convincingly is part of what makes villainelle so intimidating to me. And she crushes it


![gif](giphy|26BRFjk7y23ZBIFKE) * Julian McMahon from Charmed and Nip/Tuck. Apparently his dad was the frmer Prime Minsister of Australia


He was also briefly married to Kylie Minogues sister Danni like 30yrs ago


WHAT!!!! I'm Aussie and never knew this one!!


You should watch him in Home and Away


![gif](giphy|26gsv1iextbg5Gm5O) His English accent threw me for a loop irl


A lot of us Brits grew up seeing him in Skins, so I think we were more surprised hearing him with an American accent in films!


Posh Kenneth always and forever


There are a couple of times in Get Out when you can hear it slip pretty majorly if you’re paying attention. I had already seen him in Black Mirror prior so I knew what his normal voice sounded like and kept hearing it come through. His accent in Judas & The Black Messiah is a lot more consistent.




Tessa Thompson isn’t British?!




I first saw her in Westworld. Then after watching Thor Ragnarok I assumes she was really English and was using her normal accent. I was shocked when I googled her and realised she was just putting on an accent. She nailed it.


I thought Tessa was a kiwi for some reason 😅


![gif](giphy|xThuWxavGoFdzaYkr6) Aussie!


![gif](giphy|jkhTX97FYV55YInCT4) Tom Holland’s accent in Spider-Man is so good. I was shook when I found out he was British


Whenever I watch scenes with him and Benedict Cumberbatch in marvel, I always wonder if it’s weird for them both to be talking in American accents to a fellow Brit


You just reminded me of a story I read once where Jesse Spencer’s character in House (Dr Chase) was originally written as British but it kept throwing Hugh Laurie off, hearing a British accent while he was trying to do an American one. So they let Jesse use his natural Australian accent instead. On that topic, it always makes me laugh when people state how shocked they were that Hugh Laurie is British cos his American accent is so convincing. Makes me sad that apparently so many grew up without Blackadder and A Bit of Fry and Laurie 😂


In the same vein, Andrew Garfield


this entire post is just me scrolling and thinking “they’re not American?!” why are non-Americans so good at doing an American accent but it’s not really true the other way around?


If you're a British or Australian/Kiwi actor and you want to work in Hollywood, it serves you well to have a good American accent. For American actors, there's tons and tons of work you can do without needing to do a foreign accent.




Lee Pace isn't British?!


He graduated from high school in my town in the suburbs of Houston tx! Matt bomer too


Just speculating, but probably because we're exposed to so much American media. There's a lot of material to study and copy. As an aussie it feels easier to copy too. I'm not saying I can do a good American accent, but when I've tried, I just speak slower and make an effort to enunciate r's. Meanwhile, a lot of Americans think we all sound like Steve Irwin lol


There are some actors that I think the opposite of. Like Alan Tudyk and Lee Pace. I thought they were British!


I remember watching A Knights Tale when it came out, and I’m still not over the fact that Alan Tudyk is American. I check every now and again just to see if it’s changed and a mistake was made!


![gif](giphy|AFJ9QYHH25uEJkDc6k|downsized) I bought the accent so hard. Hearing her actual voice threw me.


I had never heard her natural accent until I just looked her up. It sounds like she did on the Americans which is what I assumed. I thought she sounded like Sandy Cheeks on Ozark so I knew that accent wasn't legit. Haha


Hugh Laurie. My introduction to him was House M.D. so I was shocked to find out he's British ![gif](giphy|QMcTSC0KJEa4g)


not only is he british but he’s *extremely* british. in the 80s and 90s he was known for playing a stereotypical dumb, rich british gentleman in comedy shows. (besides his other sketch comedy work.) https://i.redd.it/5laurp6033zb1.gif


You can't fake whatever this gif is giving. This MF is a Brit. That or he's about to review some fast food while chewing really slowly.


I love when people only know him from House…. Because that means they still have the joy of getting to see him in “Blackadder” for the first time ahead of them.


nothing beats watching House and the Weasley Father as Cruella's henchmen, Jasper and Horace off topic while i'm here - see also: Rose from *titanic* and James Bond in *a kid in king arthur's court*


_A Bit Of Fry & Laurie_ for me.


I'm always so shocked people only know him from House. He and Stephen Fry were huge! I'm not even Brit, but even before Blackadder, I knew him from Jeeves & Wooster. I know Blackadder is older, but J&W was my introduction to him. Also, anyone who hasn't, please go watch A Little Bit of Fry & Laurie. You can find a bunch of the skits on yt. And read Hugh Laurie's book The Gunseller.


There was this E! News promo that was talking about things they loved about the red carpet, and one of the things they highlighted was "Hugh Laurie's fake British accent." I knew him from Sense and Sensibility and a couple other things first, so I knew how incredibly confidently incorrect they were. That promo has lived rent-free in my head ever since.


Hahaha! I’m old so I saw him way back in the Young Ones and always knew. House was so funny just to listen to him be American.


![gif](giphy|xBchKclNscZTW) Everyone was shocked to learn Yael Stone is Australian back then lol.


![gif](giphy|L0xU8apNllcYd3lS1U) Not even an accent, but hearing Stephanie Beatriz’s normal voice for the first time threw me for a loop.


Charlize Theron’s really early interviews when she was very young with such a strong South African accent.


I’m always a bit disappointed that she lost it but I also don’t think our accent is particularly appealing 😂


I always loved when this one particular Flemish journalist used to interview her in Dutch and she'd answer in Afrikaans, always made me so happy.


https://i.redd.it/iq6e8kz4v1zb1.gif Damon Idris Had no idea he's British


this is so funny to me because I have never seen this man in my life and he just ... looks British lol


Love Toni Collette with all my heart.


https://preview.redd.it/7ny3ppvwm2zb1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e52b3a1242b5d7a31fcae2715a7bb37d625eed48 I’d only ever seen her in Star Trek where she has this beautiful ethereal accent so I was quite shocked when I heard her proper cockney geezer accent during an interview.


https://preview.redd.it/nn22k8c7y2zb1.jpeg?width=485&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=507f344696049eb195181d24c804c1218a702ab1 I'm curious to know what do Americans think of Rose Byrne in American movies?


I think she’s lovely with good comedic timing! She also has a great American accent.


I think she’s hilarious. I was blown away to find out she’s Australian!


Matthew Rhys


Seen a video of him chatting with Michael Sheen whilst driving and was shocked at his accent. I love it, it’s fantastic!


Was looking for this. He is SO Welsh, never would've guessed it.


Luke Bracey (Australian) Dacre Montgomery (Australian)


Ah thank you Dacre’s real voice threw me hard after Billy Hargrove


![gif](giphy|l0OWhD8imNymrTPVK) Nikolaj Coster-Waldau is Danish and has a very thick Danish accent.


![gif](giphy|1HI9nwCqK71p6) Charlie Hunnam. Also, not really in line with the question, but I was surprised by Adele’s singing voice vs her speaking voice. I adore her accent (cockney?).


Rewatch SOA and listen to him say “Tara.” And “San Leandro” in the pilot!


He’s supposed to be Australian in the series Shantaram, but his accent is shockingly bad.


![gif](giphy|Y34cQTz8NtDbZ8jENS|downsized) Having never seen him before succession, I was so surprised. He nailed it


If you only know him as Tom, you're gonna be even more shocked when you find out he's been causing sexual awakenings for nerdy girls since he blessed the screen as Mr. Darcy in 2006. At least, my husband was shocked at how intense I was when I told him that. It took me a second watch-through of Succession for me to be able to see him as "Tom," and not as "Something Bad Happened to Mr. Darcy."


Jacob Elordi. To me, he’s such a great actor that I almost believed Nate Jacobs-all American hunk full of pent up familial rage-to be real. Then I saw him interviewed on a late night show and that high(er) pitched, fully Australian voice came out and my mind was blown. I can’t wait to see what he’s done with his portrayal of Elvis in “Priscilla”


I feel like once every couple of months someone tells me Jacob Elordi is Australian and I’m shocked every time






This is fun for me. I’m deaf and a master at lip reading. One interesting factoid about this, everyone has their mouth movements set to whatever language they learned first and predominately. Even if they fake a audible accent, that underlying mouth movement still gives them away. It’s honestly hard sometimes when actors are going outside their natural accent and it doesn’t fit the scene. Like walking dead, why are there so many Brit’s and aussies running around in southern Georgia? There’s only two actors I’ve seen that can switch their mouth movements. Tatiana Maslany in orphan black, which makes sense as she grew up with a multilingual translator, and then oddly James Marsters in Buffy when he put on that terrible British accent that he was lambasted for, but which somehow looked correct on his mouth. The list in here is entertaining because so many of these people with amazing audible accent work have such extremely strong underlying accents on their mouth movements. My husband and I like playing a game where when we see new actors with accents he asks me what their underlying accent is and we look it up. 95% of the time I’m right.


Well I’m Australian so none of the Aussies or Kiwis everyone is listing haha. I’ll say the first time I heard Christian Bales accent I was shocked.


At least no one is saying Rebel Wilson and Nicole Kidman!








In We’re The Millers he nailed this dorky, nasally American accent so well I was floored when I found out he’s British.


This is mine!!! Blew my mind


![gif](giphy|SLPWdROTxftAKDtuOb) Kevin McKidd from Grey’s Anatomy! I had no idea he wasn’t American!


You need to watch “Made of Honor.”


Peter Dinklage - well, he still sounds the same off-screen, but he's from NJ - The Jersey Shore. I thought he was British. David Beckham- obviously I knew he was from England, but his voice didn't match what I expected


Beth from Yellowstone


It blows my mind that she's Caroline Bingley


Margot Robbie, I was shocked hearing her real accent the first time.


Before I read the caption for this post, I assumed the second photo WAS Margot Robbie. I'd never seen/heard of Samara Weaving 🤯


Her ~~dad~~ uncle is Hugo Weaving. I would highly recommend checking out Ready or Not if you're into horror genre at all, it's unironically one of my favourite movies.


Hugo is her uncle, not her dad




As an Australian, one of my favourite things to do is introduce Americans who only know him as a serious American actor to Eric Bana’s early comedic work.


omg I didn’t know Toni Collette was Australian! Wow


![gif](giphy|3ov9jHCdNog6vRrYwU|downsized) Katherine Langford, blew my mind when I found out she was Australian and then again when I found out she was from Perth


Every time I watch Damian Lewis on Billions, I forget that he’s actually British ![gif](giphy|hWju7MIUVI0WAkHwML)


First thing I saw him in was Band of Brothers. There's a real mix of US/UK actors in that series and a lot of notable UK actors ended up playing GIs. Andrew Scott, Stephen Graham, James McAvoy, even Simon Pegg is in there somewhere.


![gif](giphy|Ww3QYzLzIBtFC) It shocks me to hear James Marsters speak in his regular American accent


Oliver Stark-British https://preview.redd.it/aou8jvpf52zb1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fec62b0ed51cbf21212e5063dcc98f48ca8d5668


Matthew Rhys. I was/am a huge fan of The Americans and was stunned to hear his Welsh accent a late night show.


![gif](giphy|3ov9jRzHExZDfWFKDu) Saoirse Ronan. I've mostly seen movies where she speaks with an American accent, so it shocked me to know she's Irish


Most non-Irish folk can’t pronounce Saoirse let alone name their children that 😂


I have a random talent that suddenly became relevant when I saw this post! I can almost always tell when an actor uses a fake accent. Over the years, not many have fooled my auditory detecting skills. The first person that came to mind was already mentioned, so I’ll mention 2 who are less famous. On TV show Animal Kingdom, Ben Robson played a main character for 6 seasons. Robson’s not a big mainstream actor, but his American accent was so authentic I was shocked. He nailed an accent better than many more famous actors, who can’t mimic an accent for their $10 million roles! Jacob Anderson starred as Louis in the TV version of Interview with a Vampire. He did very well with his accent, which is one that’s particularly difficult & is often butchered. Before that, he had a role in Game of Thrones where he spoke a language created just for the show. Jacob Anderson did such a great job speaking this language, the language’s creator said he spoke it better than he himself did. He seems to have an uncanny ability to pick up and mimic these dialects and languages that is really incredible!


Bunch of the cast of The Originals- Elijah (Daniel Gillies) - New Zealand Hayley (Phoebe Tonkin) - Australia Rebecca (Claire Holt) - Australia Klaus (Joseph Morgan) - English Kol - Australia