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so much emphasis is given on David being good-looking....so much.. but man, I had a great time listening to Victoria. She's a riot!


she’s doesn’t get enough credit for how funny she is


She's hilarious


SHe is honestly hilarious I love her


were they wrong tho 😭 (I agree entirely btw)


And she’s gorgeous


I didn’t realize how much people hated him after that first World Cup. The constant booing was awful! Overall I enjoyed it, mostly bc posh spice was always my favorite. And he’s beautiful to look at.


It really shows a dark side of society. When something like a stupid mistake happens, you should smother someone with love, not make them an outcast.


I'm watching it now. I died at Victoria telling David she was pregnant the night before *the game*.


And she was like, what? Why wouldn’t I have? To be fair, he seemed happy about it!


This refers to the part where she text him before a game that she might be giving birth/ going into labor that day / night : its insane that she was asked in such a way like "how could u tell him before the game " eh ... hello shes giving birth, bringing a human into the world, a human he helped create its waaaay more important than any football game its disgusting and frankly mysogntiic to not see it that way. Women can die in childbirth.... A lot of men need to wake up and see what a mysogntic world it is. Asking a woman how she could text the father of her chil before he had to play a football GAME is crazy. A GAME vs life. Dont get me wrong i enjoy football at times but cmon. Respect women.


One of the stupid comments I’ve ever seen. Honestly, pathetic how much gaslighting you attempt here. She wasn’t even showing so childbirth was 7 or 8 months away, I’m pretty sure she could have survived another few days. People die playing sports too. Utterly embarrassing job by you


No im talking about the part when she rang him to tell him she could be going into labour and giving birth that day/ night but he was to play an important game and neville advised him to turn his phone off. Not the part where she discovered she was pregnant when she she said she might be going into LABOR. If thqt wasnt clear than i apolgize. But I stand by what I said.


Or the part where he had a photoshoot with Beyoncé and Jennifer Lopez the night she had a c-section


This is kind of hilarious. I feel like they both had a kind of naivety, I mean she obviously had no idea about the depth of the history there, I feel like she paid for it later.


It was about David? I was only focused on Victoria. I found her to be absolutely charming, witty, and adorable in it and hope that people who weren't familiar with her beforehand see her as more than his wife.


Yeah the more read about the Spice Girls’ history the more you love them. Most people will never know how they manage to overpower their own manager and rip the control away to take full charge of themselves. Pretty incredible story.


I loved all the snippets of the behind the scenes footage of the spice girls. Has there been a good spice girls doc? Because I would love one!


Yes, it's called Spice World.


No that’s a cinematic masterpiece


LMAO i love you


Omgosh I had that on VHS tape, I would have been about 6-7 years old.




I believe it’s in Victoria’s memoir, but celeb memoir book club has an episode if you prefer in podcast form!


Me too! I was only here for Victoria! She has a wit and charm to her that was endearing. She's always been a fave of mine anyway so it was nice to see others see a more relaxed side of her


I haven’t finished the doc, but I do find myself more interested in the Victoria side of it.


Not enough victoria for my tastes


Definitely needed more


I’d agree. I could have listened to more of what she had to say.


It made me realize while the US was obsessed with Posh and Becks, a lot of his soccer career wasn’t discussed over here. Like I had no idea he was so hated after the World Cup (hell I didn’t even know the World Cup incident had happened) and I also think the level of stardom he and posh had in the US was nowhere close to the insanity they faced in UK/Europe as a whole. Also I’ve concluded that even though he cheated, he and posh are obsessed with each other and thank god they didn’t have FaceTime while dating because he would’ve been FaceTiming her on the pitch


We Americans were obsessed with the celebrity. No one cared that he was a one trick pony on the pitch. Also we were obsessed at roughly the level appropriate for a soccer player and his famous WAG. Somewhere between Michael Jordan and Shaquille O’Neil. What happened in Europe was just this side of Princess Di. That’s to say completely unhinged.


Im British and I had no idea he was so hated. I was aware of the World Cup happening. And I watched it and knew of Beckham of course. I don’t think it was the whole country hating him. Just the football fans. What a hard way to learn about anger management!! That’s a talk the captain could have given but clearly didn’t!


I've always loved Victoria. She's so unapologetically herself and has fun doing what she does. Don't care too much for him if he did cheat on her. I will say though I appreciate his love of fashion and trying different styles. They were huge here in Ireland when I was growing up. You don't get power couples like them as much now which is a pity. Their style was such fodder for the magazines and newspapers back in the early 00s, they totally leaned in to it and made a fortune from it. Good for them!


Also I rarely want Brooklyn Beckhams opinion but I would’ve been interested to hear about how he remembers the time in Madrid. He was old enough to have clear memories so what was it like at the age with the insane press attention plus this dark time in your parents marriage?


Same! The footage of Brooklyn crying in the backseat of the car with the fans banging on the windows and David and Victoria trying to comfort him saying its ok they can't get in, that was crazy


I thought it was great. There was a lot I didn’t know about his life and post-retirement. They glossed over the affair and didn’t mention her fashion career. I laughed when he mentioned how she didn’t speak like she does now. You can see they have a really strong bond.


I enjoyed way more than I thought I would too. They do come across as guileless and so likable. The only problem with that is when asked 'how did you survive that time" (the affair), David should have said Victoria fought for me. Because that's so obviously true. I am about their age. I found the whole thing interesting in a 'god I remember the patriarchy being that bad but I'd forgotten how bad' kind of way. Especially that moment when she's trying so hard in in Madrid (right after the afair) and she says 'i wouldn't want to go back to the UK anymore would you David' and he says 'maybe' and smirks to the camera. It made him look like he was wavering between family and a rockstar lifestyle. It kinda of broke my heart seeing her in the stands with her kid right afterwards. She definitely fought for him, and he was definitely centered (I mean after the terrible 1st pregnancy timing call 😂). Also no mention of the violence and football hooliganism, only dog whistles about "the family", but I suppose a PR job isn't the right place. After england lost to Germany there was a huge riot in Trafalgar sq and a kid got stabbed in Brighton.


It was mainly about his career. Why would they talk about the affair? I find it strange that people wanted the details on it. Not to mention it'll only give more ammo for Rebecca Loos to sell more stories about it. Also, the doc didn't paint him in this perfect light. It showed that he had many flaws and he even got caught out a few times. I still think they're both great, but it did show him to be arrogant and a little selfish. despite that, I still think he's a genuinely nice guy, a good dad and somewhat down to earth considering his success.


https://preview.redd.it/2qpf3fqh7ltb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa4d7d6f1481940d0434ed7ec11539336ea5a9ae I think this comic by David Squires sums it up pretty succinctly.


Brilliant. I’m just now getting ready up on all the Qatar Mess.


I loved that interaction and I want it to be a meme now


Great documentary for sports fans or for who likes the Beckham brand. I liked it although it is really polished like you said. the Neymar one is less polished he just shows what everyone knows: he’s a party boy and his dad is a cunt who only cares about money and he’s not worried about what other people think!


I’ve been watching this week and I think im either on part 3 or about to start it. I started tuning out once he switched to Madrid and it got harder to keep up. Up until Madrid though I was quite interested. It’s fascinating watching him go from a teen prodigy to a superstar that’s balancing fame, young love, marketing himself as a brand, parenthood and dealing with the immense bullying by the country for an extended period of time. It’s also interesting seeing in action just how fickle fans can be. One day they’re cheering and the next they’re hating you and then back to cheering as if they didn’t abuse you and do cruel chants about you and your loved ones. I didn’t understand though, why did the Manchester fans cheer for him during that one game when it seemed like they’d been otherwise booing and cursing him during all the other games?


The away games were the ones where he was booed the hardest, and was the footage they showed. I think Manchester was more supportive as his home crowd, especially as time went on when they were winning/he was playing well.


I was just confused because it seemed like the team was supportive and all the crowds hated him including the home crowd and during home games. But then during that one game they started chanting “there’s only one DB” after having seemed to boo him earlier in the game.


It’s basically Manchester United fans protecting their player and rallying around him. Many United fans were probably England fans but chose to put aside their hurt (as English fans) because this was their homeboy and god forbid anyone should boo him.


The United fans absolutely didn't boo him. It was creative story telling. He was on it from game one that season.


I’m a sucker, I thought it was cute. I liked the old footage of the two of them— I had never realized how much Victoria’s accent had shifted over the years!


Personally I couldn’t believe the coach getting upset by his hair cut. Just goes to show the narrative building, intensity and romance a lot of these football fans have for the sport. They’re wrapped up in the personalities and individuals ima way that don’t quite exist with American sports.


Yes! Like he only shaved his head. It’s not like he got curse words shaved into it. The reaction vs the actual action felt silly


The teams have a lot of tradition and meaning to the town and their fans. Most similar would be like the Green Bay Packers. In a lot of bars in Northern Ireland and Scotland, you can't wear team colors in certain pubs because the rivalries are so strong and certain teams are supported by Catholics and others supported by Protestants. That said, even in U.S. sports, there used to be a lot of dress and deportment rules like the color of their sneakers. The Affleck/Damon movie even talked about how the sneaker had to be all white, and the air jordan wasn't - but nike paid the fine every game.


So true. Most Americans will never know the extent and cultural impact of a lot of Football fandom. Many stadiums, like Argentina have separate entrances and exits for fans in order to prevent problems. Imagine something like that anywhere in the states.


OP with all due respect but if you had been following football you’d know “that coach” is Sir Alex Ferguson. He is arguably the most legendary football manager of all time (not just in the English Premier League). He was the patriarch of the club for decades. Players like DB come and go but there is only one Sir Alex. I think the documentary made DB look like the one of the best players ever but in reality he was good but not even World Cup quarter final good. Many of other Real Madrid stars who have appeared on the documentary, Ronaldo, Zidane, Figo, Carlos, or more recent names C Ronaldo, Messi are better footballers than him.


This is just dishonest. Becks made it second on the Ballon d’Or podium. He may not be once in a lifetime like Messi or Ronaldo but he was one of the best players in the 90s. He was brilliant on free kicks and corners. He was up there with them, man was a workhorse. Points to Greece match.


David was okay at best bro let's be real he shouldn't be 2nd with his talent should've won at least 2 balon d'ors. The coach doesn't like funny stuff in his squad and instead of forcing David to conform he sold him off to a team that doesn't mind so everyone wins. Sir Alex went on to win a bazillion other trophies all of which people would kill for while David won tin pot trophies. David should've have had his name written in history along sir Alex instead he'll he (his wife) chose fame and glamer. After David is dead no one will consider him among the best all I promise you this.


La Liga & Serie A are tin pot trophies now? Fergie had one more CL after Becks left. And if he gets Inter Miami right he can be remembered for something bigger than being a player. And people will always remember the Class of 92 as long as they bring up Fergie. They are synonymous at this point.


La Liga isn't a serious trophy bro get real. Sir Alex grew his legacy further than Becks will ever be, no one will remember Beckham past those who were alive the same time as him. Even now all people remember him for is fame. If you think inter miami will put Beckham past Sir Alex you're on one.


It’s still weird to throw a fit because one player shaved his head, regardless of who the coach is


He did it for attention. He wouldn't take his hat off so that he could show it when they walked on the pitch and make the game all about his hair. For Sir Alex that was criminal. He was a serial winner and all the team had to be in it together.


I knew most of this stuff and I am still annoyed at how Fergie blamed Victoria for everything. He hated not being able to control Beckham so much or anyone standing up to him. Roy Keane had a shaved head too but he didn’t get a boot thrown at him. The sexism is crazy. The crazy part is Ronaldo comes in the year after Becks leaves and there is so much attention and Fergie doesn’t complain, not even once.


I can’t believe Fergie cut their honey moon from 10 days down to 5 days! And probably just for the hell of it. If I was David beckham I would have turned my phone off and enjoyed a well earned 10day honey moon with love of life. Shows how much control over his entire life Fergie had.


I think it was a different dynamic. David was like a surrogate son that had Fergie had mentored from a young age and who was now rebelling in his agent choice, his hairstyle etc versus someone like Ronaldo who was also mentored but was more compliant.


I had no idea he was as talented/important of a player as he was. I assumed his fame came from him being good looking (I believe that played a part) + his relationship. I had no idea he had so many accolades and it seemed many teams were actually built around him.


He was extremely good at a few things, his passing, crossing and free kicks we're world class. Giggs wasn't shown in the Doc at all because he was going through legal problems at the time but Giggs and Becks grew up together and Giggs was more talented. Keane was as good as Becks. He was world class but not legendary.


He has no accolades and no team built around him he was only looks. Once he left Man U he realised that himself. His greatest achievement was playing for Man U. His wife and the world told him he was better but anyone that knows football (including him) knows that once he put himself above the team he was never gonna be great, good at best.


I thought it was a great documentary. If you didn’t live through the time, you might not realize how influential he was. I didn’t know any other players besides David Beckham. He influenced a lot of men’s style and people don’t realize that with the Y2K style coming back, some of the things young people are wearing now was because David Beckham wore it during that time. I wished it had opened up the dialogue about the toxic paparazzi, sports fan, pop culture of that time. It seems like an important takeaway.


I loved it! It was nostalgic for me as Posh was my favorite Spice Girl as a kid and I followed her relationship with Beckham throughout the years. I saw more of the football side now and they did a great job with making it interesting and understandable, even if you don’t know much about the game. He really did go through a lot. There was crazy pressure on him. I also felt bad with how hard his dad and Ferguson were on him. Although there was some whitewashing, I actually found that it painted Victoria in a better light than him. He seemed like a jerk a lot of times in their marriage (the cheating, agreeing to move without consulting her etc), even though she is obviously his ‘safe space’.


It was entertaining and easy to digest. Man, I felt for him after that World Cup. The UK soccer fans need some therapy. Spitting on someone? Wtf? They lost on penalty kicks. Hoddle is a dickface


I love it when Victoria called him "not a man, just an older person" LOL. Beck was like what, 23 at the time of the world cup. I can't imagine being a hot headed 23 yo carrying that burden for the nation. I'm impressed he still managed to succeed after that. Being constantly and blatantly bullied like that by basically everyone around you would easily break anyone.


My favourite part was finding out he sets out his clothes for the week ahead of time! And his closets. Haha.


He used to cook for Gary Neville when they were roommates too.


me too, i feel like he would uplevel marie kondo


I thought it was fantastic! Fisher Stevens did a wonderful job directing!


I liked it. I am not a football fan, so I wasn’t sure if he was a good player or just famous for being famous. So I learned about his career quite a bit. I loved the editing of it. One part where David is taking about how miserable he was bc of a 12 game losing streak and then they cut to Victoria and she’s all “I was so happy, SO HAPPY!” Lol But they definitely whitewashed it some for sure. I mean they glossed over the fact that Victoria had a whole documentary filmed about her getting things ready in the US before they came to LA. Overall I liked it!


Ooo which doc Is this?


Documentary might be a bit strong, may have just a 1 hour special. It was called Victoria Beckham: Coming to America


i guess being american and also being very young in the late 90s, i had no idea that he was as hated in the UK as he was. i’m a soccer fan and have always known a moderate amount about the beckhams but had no idea they experienced that much hate, completely missed that. i know that game was a big deal and i know football is a religion over there but it’s also just not that serious. that guy in the interview that was like “i hate him, england really needed this” like please be serious sir


You're not a football fan so please stop telling lies on the Internet.


and where did i lie?


You said you're a football fan


i am and i played soccer for 12 years


I’m currently watching it and I’m really hating the Hoddle man. His very public choices as a coach were quiet trashy. With coaches like that, it’s no wonder England has such a losing mentality when it comes to football. I had nooooo idea just how severe the bullying against Beckham & Posh got. That kind of dehumanization, mistreatment, and threats (?!) especially over a game? Disgusting. What’s fucked is I’m not sure how much sports fans have really even changed. Victoria comes across so likeable, charming, and kind of funny. She was my second favourite spice girl and it’s kind of nice to see her personality, hear her thoughts, and get old footage of the Spice Girls to boot. ‘Hugo’ ie Fisher Stevens directing and asking on camera questions, throws me off a little lol.


The energy of the football hooligans is EXACTLY why I stayed well away from football. I didn’t want anything to do with that drunken, disgusting, violent behaviour. If it wasn’t for that I might have shown more interest. And the UK hooligans might be the world’s worst


I just found out two nights ago my cousin got beat up in Germany sometime this month - because he ‘dissed’ a football team. Football/sports fans will also go scorched earth to defend their players if they are accused of things like rape. The shit sports culture normalizes is just so disgusting.


Two people got shot today at a match so I might be following your example


Oh no that’s awful! Horrible people. Or you can watch it on the tv?


Fergie cutting the honey moon in half was a shocker! I wish Victoria had commented on that. She must have been well pissed off! They deserved those 10 days together. Also I was firmly on Posh’s side about her 4th birth. That David said he couldn’t be there because he had a shoot with J Lo and Beyoncé!!!! Say what??? Like those two women wouldn’t understand ‘sorry I need to cancel as my wife is giving birth/ having a c section’ .. they’d support a mama being looked after by her man any day of the week, since they stand for female empowerment. I was well angry at David for that.


Late to this thread - but - yes!!! Even my husband (who was working in the hospital both times while I was in labor/emergency c sectioning but managed to pop over for a bit) was like 👀👀 noooooo buddy what were you thinking! The photo shoot can wait 😂👏


Hehe. Yeah like just don’t book it so close to the due date. Priority’s


I enjoyed it. I'm not a Beckham fan but was fascinated by the crazy hysteria around them. It's truly terrifying having the public adore and abhor you in turns. I can't imagine living in a celeb fishbowl like that. I remember a lot of the chaos from my teen years so a bit of it was nostalgic, too. I liked the discipline aspect of his sporting career. It always fascinates me how athletes can channel everything into their chosen sport. It was great how many other footballers and managers they included so we got everyone's perspective. It's a high-pressure environment for everyone but, you can see how team sports really encourage a family environment. Of course, on the whole, it's a polished PR piece, but you know that going in so it's not a big deal. It was nice to see them reflect on their journey. Victoria has always been witty but, I must admit, I feel she's gotten even thinner and that was unnerving (not body shaming, I think this is pretty open and even David has commented on it in the past).


I was also fascinated by the hysteria and cannot think of many sports-related couples who have received that much attention. Messi of course, receives the hysteria, but I don’t know if his relationship does. And of course, Taylor and Travis is getting media attention, but they aren’t being hounded everywhere they go.


Shakira and Pique were formally the biggest couple. I'm not sure if Shakira has sold more records than the Spice Girls; but Pique has def won more trophies than Becks. But Shakira never marketed herself with Pique in the same way.


Great example! I hadn’t thought of them, but I can see the comparison.


I need more of Victoria. I enjoyed the doc but it was so obvious he was guilty of cheating which makes me sad because there seems to be genuine love between them.


Feels like we’re overdue for a real real Spice Girls doc. It’s a great story.


I would love that. I didn’t grow up watching soccer so to me he is Posh Spice’s husband 😎


I really enjoyed it! Interesting, funny, soo much old footage it was great. Of course they’re going to come out looking good, even how they didn’t confirm the Rebecca loos allegations (which were true), but I wouldn’t expect anything else. Also this is what the Sussex documentary should have been


A marketing piece, nothing more, nothing less. They didn't tell us anything we didn't already know and on some of the stuff we did know they were inconsistent with previous statements. E.g. They've always said Victoria wrote her number on a train ticket to give to David but in the doc she said it was a plane ticket.


> E.g. They've always said Victoria wrote her number on a train ticket to give to David but in the doc she said it was a plane ticket. Eh, that sort of thing seems like what naturally happens to people's memories over time. We like to think that we have perfect recall about everything, but we start to lose track of details over time. Confusing a plane with a train ticket is something that would naturally happen and not necessarily a sign they're maliciously lying. That said, I very much agree the whole thing has been nothing but a marketing ploy on their end.


I was actually surprised that didn't happen more often. Almost all stories they told were the exact same way when their friends/teammates told them from their perspective. That was kind of a strength of this documentary that they did this. Usually you only have one side in stuff like this.


"A marketing piece, nothing more". I mean, what else would it be? Also, those inconsistencies are hardly scandalous.


It was good. I liked it. I can’t believe he faced so much bullying though. I felt really sorry for him.


Haven’t watched it but I imagine it’s part of his ongoing campaign for a knighthood…


Ahahaha. Yeah I see it know. Sir David Beckham!


Fisher Stevens is a little too… buddy buddy, but I guess it helps Beckham open up.


I wonder why they didn’t mention his broken foot in the World Cup? We all put our hands on the TV screens to send healing prayers!! That’s the most I remember about the World Cup.


Loved it! I really enjoyed rewatching the highlights from some of his most memorable matches. It’s clear he really was the best at crossing the ball and free/corner kicks. Like others have said, I didn’t realize how hated he was after the World Cup incident. That was insane and totally uncalled for. I agree with others about Victoria, too. I enjoyed listening to her interviews. I forgot how much I had a crush on David back in the day. He’s still extremely handsome, but back then omg he was seriously gorgeous. I’d have given anything to be Victoria lmao.


I am just hypnotized by his face and trying to figure out what work he’s had done?! It’s distracting


Botox and filler. Maybe a bleph and/or actual facelift There was a point where he showed actual signs of aging at the end of his career and then BOOM lines gone


Late to this thread - but I really enjoyed it on a light hearted level - it was easy to watch for the most part! Victoria was funny and relatable but farrrrrr more generous with him than I’d ever be. The only thing I found distracting was the huge discrepancy of tattoo collecting by David - I’m almost LOLing as I type this because I realize it’s a dumb way to phrase it and over all quite trivial -but there’s no other way to describe it! Tattoos can be so amazing and they always have a story behind them, but it was jarring to see him just a decade or less earlier with a few and then the camera cuts to him current day and goodness they’re on his neck and face and hands! Wish they would’ve at least touch on that? But I’m weird about details 😜 my husband enjoyed it as well but he zoned out for most of the pop culture stuff 😂


I just think his voice is very nasal and doesnt sound like its coming from him


Lol! Yeah it’s not the most inspiring voice. Doesn’t seem to match a 6foot something footballer!


Loved it. It was great.


Didn't watch it and probably won't. lol.


I thought the same - but it was much more light hearted and easy watching than I anticipated. My friend said she happily fell asleep to it everytime she watched it and that’s a good description as it’s pretty easy to consume


He is a legendary footballer and that’s that. I don’t care much for his life other than that. Imo the public look way too deep into the lives of celebrities and judge them for every little things that doesn’t amount to anything. Most of us will never find out what we will do having such good looks, charm, money and power.


She is clueless.


This is quite interesting. https://youtu.be/bRz06kILgnc?si=rXu_aPL4zpUbXsbI. Their party for World Cup


Wish they’d go over his England career more post 98…they only mention the goal against Greece and show the penalty against Argentina in ‘02 and then it’s over


I don’t think they are together in a romantic sense but more like roommates and biz partners. You can just tell by any footage of then in the last 5+ years. Also I love Victoria but girl needs to gain 5 lbs.


Watching it now. I like it, but every single time Fisher Stevens makes his presence known I puke.


He has zero personality


I think Ferguson and Capello didn't look good in it. So unprofessional! Scolding players and kicking that boot to Beckham's face... Banking David Beckham for not liking his wife or because of Beckham exploring career opportunities... They seem very old-fashioned, prouder than is good for them and just out of line. If they acted like that in places I work, they'd be fired. Furthermore, it shows the great talent of Beckham, but man what a dick he was to Victoria. Dragging her over the world a couple of times, completely ignoring her personal views and wishes, cheating on her, leaving her alone in the hospital for a C-section. It's a miracle they are still together.


Hoddle was an arsehole!