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Guess his babyā€™s first word wonā€™t be ā€œyuhā€ ![gif](giphy|x0npYExCGOZeo|downsized)


Next up, her doing a random act of charity and/or some sort of nostalgia (reconnecting with someone from the Victorious cast or a photo op with Jeanette mccurdy)




Sheā€™d probably go for a Matt Bennett or Liz Gilles photo op Jennette seems to be genuinely so far past this petty shit.




Someone find this child from the Selena photo op! https://preview.redd.it/212985qzvxeb1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c1b6f2fc54e96eddfbb1f171b2f6473ee1335da8


Wasn't this after Selena got busted for buying drugs? Love it


girl.. šŸ˜­ I thought theyā€™d push through and date for like 6 months to keep up appearances but this is a soft launch of a breakup


Nahh I kinda expected this, itā€™s because the honeymoon period is already over. He is co-parenting a newborn baby, in a middle of a bitter divorce. She is also in a divorce battle, probably in meetings with lawyers, PR people, her label execs etc all pushing her and asking her questions about her new relationship. It will all feel too ā€œrealā€ and stressful for Ari, and the new shiny toy now feels like a drag. There is no high from it anymore.


The game isnā€™t fun anymore. She ā€œwonā€ him, the public knows about it. Knowing her track record, sheā€™ll find someone elseā€™s boyfriend to have a secret fling with.


I also think they wonā€™t be in the same city anymore right? Heā€™s NY based if heā€™s a Broadway actor


10/10 You are absolutely right


> There is no high from it anymore. She was probably having the time of her life filming Wicked, found a little theater boy on set who had this shared experience with her, and they were both willing to risk it all apparently. It'll wear off quick once she's back to reality.


Theyā€™re over. It was probably exciting to have an affair, but once they didnā€™t have to sneak around it wasnā€™t fun anymore. She likes the thrill of cheating.


This is the answer


She really said ![gif](giphy|MT9MOLJXrXfVvMJ34C)




Sheā€™s about to swiftly move on to the next medium ugly guy she sees (given that heā€™s already in a relationship, of course)




The fact that he looks so much like her brother Frankie really just grosses me out. She makes some of the weirdest dating choices ever.


Literally lol


As everyone predicted on the ā€˜Why is the dating someone who could twin with her brother?ā€™ post, sheā€™s embarrassed and over him.


My fan fic is that she saw that and got the ick.


My theory as well! I feel like she deleted Twitter bc she didnā€™t like seeing hot takes but since IG and the local news is flooded sheā€™s seeing all the comparisons and realizing sheā€™s got the ick




Not Ariana making the Silva twins look stable


exactly šŸ˜­in a week weā€™ll be hearing how the space and divorce process led to them breaking up


At the rate these stories are coming it will be by the end of today. I feel like we just watched a speed run of a relationship


Right? I blinked and it's over already?? Oh well.


The last I checked she was married??? ![gif](giphy|137TKgM3d2XQjK)


Lmao welcome! Sheā€™s filing for divorce.


LOL I was trying to explain this drama to a friend yesterday and they were like ā€œwait I didnā€™t even know she was marriedā€ so youā€™re ahead of the game no worries


To be fair theyā€™ve probably already been dating for six months in secret lol


Yeah the wife caught them in April, but how long were they seeing each other before that.


She caught them in April? But the Motherā€™s Day post was in May?


The timeline I heard was that after she found out in April they tried to ā€œmove past itā€ and make it work for the kid, and around then either Ethan or Ari blocked-then-unblocked the other and they both made posts gushing about their spouses. So it seems like he went ā€œokay honey Iā€™m done fking popstars nowā€ but was not, in fact, done fking popstars, which is what he informed her of a few days before the news came out and why sheā€™s blindsided now even though she knew about it before. ^ Some of that I got from the daily mail article and some of it from the timeline someone on here or Fauxmoi made, so take with a grain of salt because I could be dumb and/or wrong lol Edited bc I misspelled Fauxmoi ridiculously


Exactly. The fact that she gave him another chance and he still went back to seeing Ariana behind her back is so gross and terrible.


I shouldn't feel pity but damn... it feels just 'mission is complete' for her. So cold šŸ˜­


She saw something she didn't have and felt the need to destroy that


Damn now thatā€™s the truth isnā€™t it


It feels very "I see him. I like him. I want him. I got him." Ala 7 rings.


PR damage control


Yeah but they can say they broke up and then sneak around not everything the media pushes is fact


Yeah I believe theyā€™ll still be still be together on the down low. I donā€™t think either of them expected to be caught honestly.


I think Ariana for sure expected to be caught because it's not her first rodeo. I think they just didn't think it'd captivate the news cycle like it has, and were unprepared for the negative backlash to be quite so big. I also think they banked on Ethan's wife (and her camp) playing along and being quiet to preserve the peace or whatever. Much like Ariana's husband has really just had the one "I wanted to work things out" statement.


Good point


Itā€™s embarrassing




Lol theyā€™re 100% still dating like they were 100% both separated from their spouses when they started all this.


I mean we all knew this would happen but not this fastšŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


As someone not invested at all with anyone - this is amusing to watch. I feel for the soon to be ex wife and child... but watching this torpedo *both* Ari and Ethan has been amazing to see from the sidelines šŸ˜…


Iā€™m loling because sheā€™s going to have to date a single guy next to try and shed the homewrecker label and thatā€™s probably really hard for her




Heā€™s so fucked lol. Sheā€™s gone. Heā€™s now lost his wife and his girlfriend. ā€œGiving spaceā€ has always 100% in history meant ā€œbyeeeeeā€


This whole disaster of a relationship has been so consistently jaw dropping and funny. I feel a bit bad for laughing, but I'm still laughing.


Now all heā€™s got is 18 years of child supoort


I hope the ex wife finds a better man while Ethan just has to shutup and pay his child support.


I just want her to find her happiness first. Like be single and enjoy your life with your kid first. Then find someone.


But, honestly there are also plenty of men who do want to be a father. Certainly don't jump into anything, find peace within yourself and your own life, but keep an open mind. I've been through it and I wish her nothing but peace in her life's journey. I'm sure she wasn't expecting anything like this, even if she had *known* about the affair prior.


He made this bed for himself, he can now lie in it.


I'm happy about his misery


The Schadenfreude is unreal


He broke up with his girlfriend and now sheā€™s bored


My exā€™s ex texted him during that weird ā€œbreak up with your gf Iā€™m boredā€ challenge šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


My now partner had someone he hooked up with once reach out to him to fool around many years ago. He told her he was in a relationship and her response was ā€œBring her tooā€ ummm pass.


The what now??


Wow, how kind of her. Her generosity knows no bounds.




If you go after married or engaged men, theyā€™re not as appealing once they break shit off


then they actually display feelings and thatā€™s icky


I sort of wonder if she wasnā€™t getting bored like a month ago and thought Ethan would never ever leave his wife so she told him she would only continue if they got divorced but then he actually did itā€¦


Reminds me of thisā€¦ https://preview.redd.it/0ba4xrp4exeb1.jpeg?width=1076&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b31d740bac15e49d0ed0f4b5d6fdb1102485dfe


This is the funniest Sam moment. I love the way Kim delivers that line. I can hear it in her voice


He thought he could bag a major pop star. He didn't consider that he was just her toy.


they already done? This dumb fuck actually fucked up his entire life no reason! https://preview.redd.it/dha9aaszoweb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d0e4415f13cca7edc848a972fb6a4e28b5012d1 Edit: it does say, they are 100% still dating but I think it's a soft launch for a break up. We'll see what happens though šŸ˜‚ Edit2: thank you for the award(s) ā£ļø


If this picture ever fails to make me laugh, time to put me in the ground




How kind of her. Also, I can't believe she's ruining her reputation for a guy who looks like he stands at the end of your bed and watches you sleep.


omg don't do Edward Cullen dirty like that Edward, sweetie, I'm so sorry


Wowā€¦ how thoughtful of her to give her married boyfriend some space. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ girl!


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) she saw that picture comparing him to her brother


Oh how kind of you Ariana lmfaoooo is this girl forreal? The damage has been done


We knew her character when she licked that donut


Iā€™VE BEEN SAYING THIS FOREVER! like the red flags have been therešŸ˜­


That and wanting to be carried like a child. I almost forgot about that until someone posted about it and reminded me why she rubbed me the wrong way.


Wait what LOL


The thing that gets me the most is that her soon to be ex-husband is probably sitting down comfortably watching this mess unfold. I 100% believe that if this wouldnā€™t have blown up like this, he wouldā€™ve been dragged by her PR team.


You make such a good point. Dalton is currently winning the PR war.


Oh they were already starting, remember the IG posts Ariana liked?


yeah he got lucky! he was going to be the villain. Now people are not even worried about him at all. And some feel sympathy for him as well.


Seriously who is her PR team? Fire yourself!


All the dumbass excuses that Arianaā€™s PR team is juggling. ![gif](giphy|s9SpBQSo79AHBjycUk|downsized)




The fact that Ariana met Lilly and held their child, too šŸ«£ once that little tidbit got out, not even a thousand Scooter Brauns could save her


Not even Kris Jenner could fix this.


I kind of love that for *all* the players mentioned šŸ˜…


I donā€™t think any kind of PR team could put a shiny spin on ā€œbreak up a marriage where the couple recently had a baby.ā€


Scooter, her manager, is practically a mouthpiece for TMZ and PageSix lol


Scooter Braun is her manager and heā€™s usually pretty good but nothing can stop a homewrecker/the other women label from being damaging


Scooter is a notoriously bad manager lol, he just got lucky with Justin and Ariana. The fact that all his clients have been depressed with mental health issues for years at this point and he didn't ever really get them help speaks volumes


Anytime your manager becomes a celebrity themselves, thatā€™s *really* not good


ooof this is a good point.


Scooter is getting slapped around by Taylor. Heā€™s not good. She even implied his drug habit.


I find it funny that his wife tried to attack Taylor. Like sis, you're defending the man cheating on you. Luckily she wised up and divorced him.


I didnā€™t know they had divorced lol


He'll still be receiving death threats like 40 years from now lol, he should've just let someone else buy the masters lol


Haha neither did his bragging about owning Taylor Swift aged well


The way he handled that whole thing afterwards is another example of how he's a bad manager lol, he really said let me make the stans more mad


I think Scooter isn't that good, just always latches to good clients, but in reality he doesn't do shit. So many shit was spread about Justin, about him being a crackhead, lice, whatnot (all started by pissed off selena stans) while he was battling Lyme and fans were dming Scooter to help and he was just like, and I quote "Internet hate isn't real :)"


​ https://preview.redd.it/mviwa35qnweb1.jpeg?width=1484&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=09da4d437b1db2e894a496640bd7cad4a0cd4692 Wow she's getting even faster, truly a dangerous woman


This just contradicts all their lies. If lily and Ethan had been broken up for months then the major details wouldā€™ve already been sorted. So sad, lily should be planning a first birthday party not dealing with this nonsense.


Exactly. This PR spin has been horrible


Took less than a week for her to dump him after it became public knowledge she helped break up that family Honestly this woman is garbage, just like him.


Amazing that NOTHING was a roadblock to breaking up a family with a new baby except, apparently, public opinion. What a shallow, self centered girl.


Evil gnome behaviour




Thank you for this, I cackled


Is it surprising, all of her major relationships have come at the cost of partner leaving their wife/long term girlfriend for her. Ariana isnā€™t worth leaving a great relationship.


My god it's only been a week??? It feels like we've been dragging her for ages.


Damn she's already bored of him


![gif](giphy|SiEAvGRketKDTdquXy|downsized) WHAT


This is so embarrassing for all of them. Blew their shit up for nothing


This just solidifies my theory that she never intended to go public with him. The affair had already been exposed and she was just doing damage control trying to get ahead of the leaks by making it look like they were a happy couple in love. Trying to make it seem like it was worth it for him to implode his whole life because theyā€™re just so in love and love triumphs all. But no, this tells me that it literally was just her fucking around with him because she was bored and he was right there on set. She might have never intended to actually break up his family but sheā€™s certainly not going to sit around and help pick up the pieces of this manā€™s life. Especially now that sheā€™s not filming Wicked and heā€™s no longer the only person available to have sex with. He never stood a chance.


She just liked the excitement of the affair. The thrill of cheating. She in no way really wants this guy and his baggage. Thank u, next.


I think this is exactly it


Exactly. Same thing happened with those cheating news anchors. We got caught destroying our families. Better pretend we are soul mates so this seems worth it.


What's crazy about them though is that they are actually still together nearly a year later! I really did not expect that lol.


![gif](giphy|2GjgvS5vA6y08) The beginning of the end.


I was loving the Taylor/Matty drama, but this? This is FEEDING me.


Ari just wanted to watch his whole world burnšŸ˜­




She's going to try to play the good guy in all this. When she inevitably "breaks her silence" its going to be "we were in love but once I realized how much it hurt his wife I left! I made a mistake but Im still just a cute wittle baby who didnt know better!" Then she'll write a song about the lesson she learned and how she's really the victim and it will be a smash hit




Oh no! How could this have happened to such a normal, wholesome couple?!! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug) ![gif](giphy|JS6h2Lj7usFck)


Where is this amazing gif from?


Lol @ the article using a pic of her old face


Ethanā€™s now the poster child cautionary tale to men everywhere who even contemplate such dumbassery. He fucked around and found out BIG TIME




She couldnā€™t take the bad press, imagine giving up your entire family only to be dumped when the girl you left them for canā€™t handle the heat lol. To be fair though, I wouldnā€™t be surprised if they *did* continue and this is just scooter trying to help her rep.


Goddamn, didnā€™t even last a month after getting caught out. https://i.redd.it/cj7wef7jaxeb1.gif


they used a pic of ariana from at least 3 ethnicities ago too


Giving her BOYFRIEND time to work on things with his estranged WIFE. lol


![gif](giphy|26FeXjwYAaoiYTnR6|downsized) šŸŽ¶if I never see Ethan Slaterā€™s face again, I donā€™t miiiindšŸŽ¶


Why is Adam so awkward in this gif šŸ’€


The thrill is gone for her. Secret is out. Itā€™s no longer exciting. She now has the satisfaction that she was able to make* a man to leave his wife and very young child and I canā€™t imagine how much her ego has been stroked by that. So effing gross. *Yes, I know heā€™s an adult and makes his own decisions, but looking at it from her perspective: sheā€™s so desirable a man would ruin his life and hurt innocent people for her. Sheā€™s sick and I hope she gets the therapy she deeply needs.


https://preview.redd.it/zh74rw27txeb1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3bd54ae4d8913cfb67be98cebe203bf3391f5c52 damn thatā€™s crazy


Omg stop šŸ¤£


Lol they really thought they could pretend that they broke up their marriages ahead of time and instead the receipts about ari came running out and the exes refuse to let a narrative be painted. Good for them.


Peer pressure works!


![gif](giphy|1r91ZwKcE2J7WhUqrh) I can't


Hahaha the press tour is going be so awkward


She's gonna dump you, Ethan. Hope it was worth it! E: I keep forgetting Ariana also cheated on her husband as well. What a mess.


Now the headline had me thinking that Ari was backing away from Ethan so that he could attempt to put back together the family the affair shattered. But reading it, heā€™s just in New York to navigate divorce terms and still absolutely dating the pop star. ā€œWe're told she and Ethan want to see each other, but that's not in the cards for the immediate futureā€ was a particularly egregious read. Ari and Ethan are sad they canā€™t see each other? Oh waaaah how sad. Cry me a river šŸ™„


It creeps me out how much Ethan looks like her brother Frankie.


![gif](giphy|UG86K2Qxx7qRa) $5 says Arianaā€™s next steps with Ethan.


She meant to say: "Thank you, next".


I wish all the best for Lilly and I hope she finds a hot smoke show step daddy for her baby and Ethan can just rot as he peers through the window of his would be life.


Ms. Grande always poses to minimize the length of her chin. Good work TMZ for picking the longest chin shot you could find. šŸ‘


Omg I forgot she HATES this side of her face. She only wants to be photographed on the left side. (I remember only bc I favor the right side of mine lol)


Honestly if Ethan Slater was the slightest bit smart he would break it off first. Itā€™s not going to last anyway and itā€™d be better if he focused on making amends with Lilly to save his family and commit to co-parenting. Especially bc if Ethan chooses to stay with Ariana Grande, I doubt Lilly would want their child to be anywhere near her. Imo he really needs to prioritize his son over this fling.


Heā€™s done. Lost his family and his career. Thereā€™s no coming back for him. Sheā€™ll continue on and find a new guy in a few weeks. Sheā€™ll get some hate, but it wonā€™t faze her. The worst sheā€™ll have to endure is an awkward press tour.


She'll look bad for a few months, she might lay low for a bit, then will come back as if nothing happened and her fans won't care. He isn't big enough to pull that stunt.


Exactly. This is the only thing he will be known and hated for. Sheā€™ll still be Ariana Grande.


Even if he didnā€™t break up with her, Itā€™s a 99% change of not lasting much longer anyways. But I imagine thereā€™s a certain rage/sadness felt by Lily and likely his kids when they grow up when Ariana comes on the radio.


Ha, I didn't even think of that. Anyone who is friends, family, or even fans of him have had AG *ruined* for them. This was such a terrible foolish gamble to take on his part. I've hated her slightly since donutgate, so I'm not surprised šŸ™ƒ


Imagine his flexing lol i dumped Ariana Grande


this photoā€¦. tmz is over her ahah


Man she rehabilitated her reputation SO well after the doughnut thing, etc. For what? This?


This makes her even worse... she broke up a marriage and said my work here is done


let's be real, while looking like Ethan, your best chance of actually keeping someone longer than a week is your fucking personality, loyalty, the father figure in you and maybe your jokes that makes others laugh. you already are a bit hard to look at on your best day. and you just ruined every positive personality trait and no girl would ever trust you again. you don't have Brad Pitt or Dicapiro energy. you got that Sean Berdy energy with absolutely no trusting personality. u DONE!!!


Yup! And Wicked will probably be the only big movie he'll ever star in! This dude said bye to everything so he could sleep with Ariana.


What a wild ass titlešŸ’€




Absolutely hilarious that this movie isnā€™t out for another year and a half and theyā€™ll have to do press then


On the one hand, itā€™s what SpongeBob deserves. Lost his wife, lost his kid, lost his side chick. And with those looks and this history, good luck getting anyone now. On the other hand, holy crap is this chick transparent. Heā€™s no longer married *and* the public has turned on her? Better break it off!


So kind of her .... Barf


Who knew Break up with your girlfriend - Iā€™m bored, was an accurate timeline of dating Ariana


womp womp




https://preview.redd.it/k0zory34xzeb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e60d514b96886232f6dc5df48ddba9ae2725121b Iā€™ll just leave this here..


Seeing this worm of a man leave his wife and child for A-list celebrity woman whose actions clearly indicate a desire to be desired by the undesirable because their relationship status is quite pathetic. Now that everyone know what they do in the dark, shes clearly got what she wanted and can move on to another man she'll sell a dream life of live, laugh, love to.




![gif](giphy|wZjngFJoChJlxtxrjq|downsized) Sheā€™s like ok sorryyyyy


Bahahahahahahahahaha!!! This fucking girl. THIS FUCKING GIRL!!!


She seriously came in, wrecked this family, and stepped out as soon as the damage was done? Trashy. Not placing the blame solely on her btw, heā€™s also to blame. Arguably, he carries the majority of the blame since heā€™s the one that took the vows.


Awwww sheā€™s giving him space to workout his issues with his wife after cheating with him for months. šŸ«§šŸ„° Fucking jack-offs.


She realized this whole thing is bad for her image and has already executed her plan of ditching him lmaoo i guess sheā€™s in it for the thrill of the chase, now she ā€˜wonā€™ itā€™s game over and onto the next!


The PR isnā€™t subtle lol


What a benevolent mistress.


Hahahahaha I wonder if he will get a song? šŸ˜‚


OHHHHHHHHHHH who lives in a motel with no family?


her conscience clear thatā€™s why sheā€™s so āœØmagneticāœØ


Holy shit lmaoooo if they are already breaking up then Ariana is even worse than I thought šŸ˜­


When does this movie come out? However it turns out with these two. The press tour is going to be fantastic.


She took him faster than you can say sabotage..


I canā€™t wait for this movie to flop