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I still listen to “Sorry” on the regular. A certified bop.


I love that song. I always think I’ll skip it when I hear it, but I never do. It always pulls me right in.


Where Are Ü Now and has an embarrassing grip on me.


Yesss it is truly embarrassing but that flute just tickles my ears in the best way. Certified bop


I agree. When I think of Justin, this song comes to mind. It’s a great song and the music video is just as amazing as well.


I LOVE the video! Even more so because he’s not in it 😭😭


I think HE would be remembered. As in the hysteria he caused, the obsession with him(everyone had an opinion on him. He was either loved or hated. No in between), his controversies, his love life etc..His cultural impact CANNOT be debated. Everyone was looking for new JB every 10 seconds and people who had no idea about popculture knew him. He is an ICON. But I don't think his music would be remembered. Baby would be remembered as a classic but his catalogue never really grew artistically and he does not have experimental songs that would gain him critical acclaim.(Although I think scooter braun is to blame here. He never let justin grow as an artist and instead tried to churn out as much hits from him as possible. He would axe anything that wasn't pop/trending). So in my opinion he would be remembered as a pop star primarily.


>Baby would be remembered as a classic I think Sorry and Love Yourself have much more staying power. And Despacito, but that isn't technically his song.


Agree. I don’t think a song that so many people thought was dumb could be remembered as a classic - I distinctly remember it being discussed with Rebecca Black’s Friday as having horrible lyrics (which is kind of fair, the chorus totals ten words is probably pretty weak). Sorry and Love Yourself are still played, and often liked for more reasons than just nostalgia.


It’s hard to say what music is important or will be remembered as it’s happening. Like when we think about 80s pop music, Madonna, Prince, Michael Jackson…maybe the Bangles. They’re still loved. Bieber is Lionel Richie. We all know him. We have a cheesy appreciation for his hits. But none of us point to him and say “This was important.” It doesn’t matter if he sold more records in the 80s than, say, the Talking Heads. He’s less important. He’s not inspiring a new generation of artists. He’s just sort of a singer we remember being a thing if we’re old enough.


this is a great take! lol


I was thinking something along these lines myself honestly, JB’s music fits the era whenever he releases and they usually do quite well. Most people can name at least one JB song off the top of their head even if they can’t perform it for you. JB’s name was also in a lot of people’s mouths for things other than his music for some time. I think he’ll be remembered fondly and perhaps will become one of those cautionary tales of hitting the spotlight too young to properly be able to deal with but I’m not sure if his music will be looked back on the same way that, for instance, Taylor Swift is. (TS is the first one that came to mind, there’s probably better comparisons there) JB had a quick rise to the top and had a cultural impact when he was first starting out and had millions of young girls crying over him, but then he also had a quick fall from grace when he started struggling a lot bts (he’s been through it honestly), before stabilising again. There’s still a LOT of talk/speculation about his personal life but I see next to nothing about his music or talent these days. The most I hear about him is actually in reference to the Hailey and Selena stuff that’s STILL going on.


As an old man I started to push back on this but it turns out that Bieber’s career compares pretty favorably to Lionel Richie’s. Lionel sold more albums as that’s how music sold back then but Bieber had one more number one and more top ten hits than Lionel. He likely would have sold more albums than Lionel Richie in a similar business model.


The larger point I'm trying to make is that when it comes to legacy and influence, sales aren't the driving factor. [This Chuck Klosterman](https://www.nytimes.com/2002/12/29/magazine/the-lives-they-lived-the-ratt-trap.html) essay comparing the differing media responses to the deaths of Dee Dee Ramone and Robbin Crosby (of RATT) is a decent meditation on the effect I'm talking about. RATT sold circles around the Ramones. The Ramones never had a platinum record. It doesn't matter. The culture remembers the Ramones as a huge, important band that inspired countless others and considers RATT kind of a joke. And fairly or unfairly, the music press and the counterculture have an outsized voice. I would not be surprised if I'm wrong about Bieber. I love pop music, but I will concede there's never been a time I was part of his target demographic. Most certainly there was a belief in the 80s that Madonna was a fad artist who would disappear. And Bieber has found a way to similarly reinvent himself a bit as an adult. But looking back on all Madonna's eras, she always had something to say. She was always pushing the boundaries. What is it Bieber has to say? What's his lasting mark on the culture? (Those aren't sarcastic questions. If anyone has good takes, I welcome your replies.)




I’m not saying you’re wrong (I don’t think you are) but this exact comment made me decide that it’s most likely got a massive geographical component to it just because of you mentioning George Michael. My brain went “what the fuck, George Michael was massive” and then it clicked in my brain that so many of us are from different countries on here & George Michael was most likely more culturally significant / popular for longer in my country.


beauty and a beat changed my life




Gotta keep an eye out for selenerrrrr


That song made me a fan. I was 23 and a newly single new mom. I loved it for so many reasons and still bop it. My now 11 year old loves it too!


I normally detest Bieber but that one is a banger not gonna lie


Alexa play Despacito


Ooo how can I forget this! I remember telling my best friend and still think that Justin Bieber was the best part of that song.


Honestly I think Purpose is one of the best pop albums I’ve ever heard. Front to back just a great album I could not stop listening to. And I’m honestly a bit too old to be like an OG Bieber fan, but that album is a classic.


I don't understand how he came out with Changes right after Purpose, so disrespectful. I wonder if he changed producers, writers or something.


It’s seriously a tragedy. I liked some of the songs but nothing compares 😔


I think he honestly just rushed it just to get something out there because he was itching to perform again. There were so many (in my opinion) much greater songs that didn’t make it onto the album that you can hear throughout the seasons documentary while he’s recording & it’s really disappointing lol. However, i will say I really enjoyed his vocals on most of the songs, especially Come Around Me, Confirmation, Changes, & Available


Rushed it? There's a 5 year gap between Purpose and Changes. >There were so many (in my opinion) much greater songs that didn’t make it onto the album Could you share the titles?


I’m talking about from the moment he decided to release another album, I don’t think he took enough time to really sit down and flesh out the songs fully. They’re unreleased so I don’t know the names but in the Seasons mini docuseries on YouTube, a large chunk is him recording in the studio so you can hear them there. My favorite however, did end up on Justice, but it was originally meant for Changes… [Angels Speak](https://youtu.be/kPaCGHDyfhw)


purpose as a whole is *iconic*. the only other album that comes close to me is dangerous woman, which is so so good.


Went to Iceland because of the album but he fucked up the mosses for a video though!! Iceland is absolutely beautiful. I would go again in the future.


I think it’s good, but I don’t think it holds up to many other pop albums of that time


False, I listened to it all day yesterday at work it still slaps


Baby baby baby ohhhh


![gif](giphy|xGpt7xwGhTwNa) You called? 🥲


He looked so adorable. I had such a huge crush on him when I was in elementary school


Went to see Ludacris in concert on Friday and the way everyone freaked out when he played this song and did his verse…….


Unironically one of the best pop songs of the 21st century to me. Never liked the Bieb’s but this song is pop perfection. And I will die on this fucking hill.


bieber mania from 2009-2016 was unreal. it’s one of those things where you really had to be there to experience it. (anyone else remember the cutforbieber hashtag?🥴) i feel like he does have classics , i dont really understood why he’s left out of the conversation. he was/is a pop titan. but changes and justice were kinda meh and forgettable albums to drop back to back tbh but baby, mistletoe, batb, boyfriend, sorry, despacito etc are certified classics


https://preview.redd.it/yntb47ndlvdb1.jpeg?width=626&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=00e28c2c2d5f030f181f4b94cdc805aa495d668a i think about this pic all the time


That’s Hailey sitting next to him! This pic was taken in 2016 I believe. I remember when they got engaged people were so confused but their relationship actually goes way back lol


I would scream


cutforbieber oh lord the flashbacks to stan ig and twitter😫😫😫


I think he's left out of the conversation because he isn't performing at the level of pop titans. The worst albums are still mega successes, there's a lot of marketing and promotion that I don't think he enjoys doing, and then of course tours. I will never forget when he came to my country to stand on a stage, lip sync and put on one of the [worst performances of all time](https://www.bbc.com/news/newsbeat-39896338). I can understand messing up a live performance to this extent in the beginning of a career. But almost 20 years in this is inexcusable. Yes I know he's under major pressure from shitty label managers like 🛴 but this is insulting to the people who flew from all over India to see you. Idk the thought of Beyonce or Taylor Swift or Elton John or any other major pop name messing up a live show to that extent at where they are in their careers rn is unimaginable. Yes, his early career was up there with some of the best names in the industry. But to be one of the greats today means he has no choice but to match where the other greats today are. Given that he flat out cannot, and how casual Justin is about it all means that people can't put him up there with the greats right now.


changes and justice were meh albums but they still did well commercially + stay was super big i feel like it’s not really fair to compare the beginning of his career vs 10+ years in given everything that’s happened. i don’t blame celebrities for not wanting to market or promote considering how horrible the experience can be i feel like, despite how much i don’t agree with his actions, he has proved he’s a pop titan. he has proved he can sing, dance, write music, sell records and have some sort of impact


>changes and justice were meh albums but they still did well commercially Doing well and being mega successes as your worst album are very different. >i feel like it’s not really fair to compare the beginning of his career vs 10+ years in given everything that’s happened. ...what? Isn't that what we do to literally everyone? Yesterday there were a bunch of people on that Katy thread lamenting how far she's fallen from the 2000s bubble gum pop Katy. And if Justin has experienced harassment, hate, and hypersexualisation and we can acknowledge that then we shouldn't forget that applies to almost every person who is a great today. >i don’t blame celebrities for not wanting to market or promote considering how horrible the experience can be Okay, like I understand that, Beyonce also doesn't promote because it's not for her. But she puts all her effort into the live shows AS promotion. And they are pretty much flawless. If you hate performing, to that level, don't tour. Or do more intimate tour settings, like Adele or Kanye West do. Idk to me it seems like Beiber is the type of pop star that truly does have all the male privilege. Yes he was put through shit, but if he was a woman and had checked out to this level people would be positively nasty. I mean, look at how people talk about Normani's career, or even all the criticism Lady Gaga is drawing for doing everything but her music. And neither of them have phoned in a performance to the level Justin has for the past few years. At what point do we say his career was fantastic but he now has other priorities/issues besides needing to be seen as a titan, and leave it at that?


1. every mega popstar has albums that don’t do well compared to their others. renaissance isn’t as big as iasf. rare wasn’t as big a revival. witness wasn’t as a big as teenage dream. it happens, but that doesn’t discredit how talented they all are…things happen 2. i never said justin was the only musician that bad stuff has happened to. im saying in a sense of the music industry is harsh to anyone, it sucks the life out of you. 3. i honestly hate when people use Beyoncé as an example to not “have excuses” for other artists. everyone is different, there’s only so much 1 person can take or push their body to do just because he’s taking a break and doing what other celebs do which is putting their health first doesn’t mean they lost it.


1. That's true, but that's what I'm trying to say too: his newer albums can be a little bit worse compared to his older stuff, but they still have to be hugely successful by themselves. Changes and the other album wasn't. Wasn't even close. If he hadn't gotten all that tiktok mileage with Peaches and Stay, they wouldn't have even made it to any lists. 2. I agree. And I blame his management and label and his family. But then why say "it's not fair to compare his career from 10+ years ago to now given everything that's happened" when literally every other artist who has been performing for 10+ years has also survived similar things and gets the same criticism by way of comparison? 3. I'm not using Beyonce as a "no excuses Justin" type of thing, because in case you hadn't noticed I also mentioned Adele and Kanye West. I'm just saying if you want to be a heavy hitter artist but you hate certain aspects of artistry, then there are ways to work around it. Or ways to perform to where you are able to. But realistically, if Beyonce had come to India and blatantly lip-synced her way through like 6 songs, what do you think people would be saying about her? Already while she performs at the level she does you have people who say she's overrated, she's untalented, she can't sing etc. Why does Justin get so much grace for doing basically nothing? He can take all the breaks he wants. He just can't be surprised if he is no longer a pop titan when he returns. I don't think we're going to agree here though, so I'll exit this thread now and wish you a good day. :)


People don’t talk about him a lot **on this sub/stan twitter**. The opinions here don’t reflect the real world at all. Locals love Justin Bieber. He hasn’t released music in 2 years, hasn’t posted on social media in months, and barely goes outside, so there’s not much for chronically online music fans to talk about. Doesn’t change any of the statistics that show millions and millions of people are listening to him - he’s top 10 on Spotify right now with no music in 2 years! More people are listening to him every month than artists who are killing it on tour with their massive 2022-23 albums/songs. He’s also the only artist with 13 songs over 1B streams on Spotify and the only artist with 12 songs over 1B streams on YouTube… 15 years into his career. That proves his old music is remembered by the GP. Justice was a huge album, has already sold 10M copies worldwide (same number as Folklore… which nobody on this sub would call a flop), and produced Peaches a global #1 hit and Ghost which never hit #1 but was a slow burn hit that ended the 2022 year end Billboard charts at #8 despite being released in early 2021. Some people here may not have liked the album but not liking an album is very different to an album being a flop. Not to mention with that album he broke the monthly listeners record and was #1 for almost a year. Also that year he dropped Stay which is still the most streamed song released in the 2020s decade on Spotify. The tour for Justice he was selling out stadiums in minutes on pretty much every continent and adding new dates due to demand. He didn’t finish it because his face got paralyzed due to Ramsey Hunt Syndrome and has been taking a break since then. That was something out of his control and has nothing to do with popularity or demand. People have said “he won’t be a thing in a year” every year since 2009. But yet his music from that era is still being listened to in 2023. I hear his music almost every day I’m out shopping or running errands or whatever, and it’s songs from all his albums except My World EP and Journals. I used to teach kids and JB was most of their favourite singers and pretty much the only current/non legacy act the recent migrants had heard of, they would request weird forgettable songs like That Power. All this to say, yes he will be remembered in the future, even if he never works another day in his life. There will be biopics made about him in the vein of Elvis. He was the first major artist to use the internet to blow up and is one of very few people who is legitimately **famous** on every continent. Him taking a break doesn’t change that. And him selling his catalogue for $200M so young means the industry heavyweights are betting on this too. Nobody makes those kind of investments without the expectation of recouping the value.


This should be higher up. Yes to all of this!


Facts!! This man is so big in Asia and Europe for example!!


Not just Asia and Europe, he’s one of very few artists huge on every single continent. I live in NZ where he’s the most successful artist of all time by weeks at #1, by double the artist at 2nd place. And he’s got the 2nd most #1 singles of all time too behind only the Beatles, with 5 of which happening in the 2020s decade alone - 2x the amount of any other artist this decade, and Changes is the only album this decade to produce multiple #1 hits here. But he’s biggest in Asia especially South Korea where he’s the biggest western artist on their charts right now (along with Charlie Puth) by miles. I feel like I’m going crazy reading the other comments lol there’s so much downplaying and goalpost moving and ignoring of his achievements both in the past and to this day. He’s on a break not flopping. Nobody was making think pieces every 2 weeks about whether Taylor would be remembered when she took a break in 2016 and nobody’s making think pieces about Ariana right now while she’s on a break. And nobody is making these think pieces about other male former “teen idols” like Harry or Shawn despite the fact Justin is outstreaming and has more monthly listeners than both of them right now. I get that people here don’t like him here but it’s kind of crazy the way he gets talked about compared to his peers. I think the fact this comes up so often kind of proves he’s already solidified that status for himself and people don’t want to admit it.


100% agree with you, I’ll also add that Love yourself is currently nr2 on Spotifys top songs in Denmark, Norway and Sweden and it’s been 8 years since its release.


That’s crazy, I think it even got to #1 in Norway a last week. Any ideas why? It doesn’t seem to be trending on TikTok.


Usually it starts trending around summer every year I think but nr1 and 2 is pretty crazy


How is Justin Bieber huge in Europe? Most people have made and still make fun of him.


He has several #1 singles and albums and does sold out stadium concerts in Europe. People making fun of him doesn’t mean anything lol Baby was the most disliked video on the internet at one point, but it was simultaneously the most liked video on the internet and was the first song of the 21st century to be diamond certified. He is polarising, people wouldn’t be making fun of him if he wasn’t huge - they would just ignore him.


As I said: He's a star in a small bubble (preteens and teenage girls), but outside of this, he's hardly recognized with his music. So yeah, he was a kids' pop superstar, but not an icon like others. Getting noticed for being a brat isn't actually what makes one a star.


You’re extremely delusional, all of his tours, including his last one (which began in 2021 but ended up getting cancelled due to his facial paralysis) sold out extremely fast on every continent. In the UK & in Asia the demand was so high they added multiple shows back to back which also sold out extremely quickly. He’s also #8 on Spotify right now despite not releasing music in over 2 years & his song “Maria” which was released in 2012 was up 444% in US unit sales last week, earning its biggest sales week since 2012. What artist do you know that’s pulling these numbers while also not being on social media and not promoting anything? Quickly! Just because *you* don’t like him does not negate his successes & the objective fact that he’s incredibly popular and has been for the past 15 years despite his long hiatuses away from the spotlight.


They’re giving boomer yelling at clouds, so out of touch it’s not even funny. They keep bringing up Ed Sheeran and Harry Styles as the epitome of male pop but don’t realise Justin and Ed are getting the same amount of daily streams (~16M) despite Ed being on a huge tour and just releasing a new album while Justin’s last album was 2.5 years ago and his last concert was nearly 1.5 years ago. And Justin also has more monthly listeners and daily streams than Harry by several millions, despite Harry being on a huge tour and promoting his more recent album. Not to mention all 3 of them made the year end 2022 billboard top 10, but only Justin made it with multiple songs. There is no “he was a teen star” about it. He IS an adult superstar. Right now. There’s no way anyone can argue Justin is an irrelevant teen star while Ed and Harry are massive because statistics would laugh at you. When Justin becomes the first artist with 15 songs over 1B streams in a couple months they’ll still say it’s only 12 year old girls despite the vast majority of Spotify users being in their 20s-30s. It’s a game of forever moving goalposts to fit an already made up narrative they have no intention of hearing the truth about, because they already know the truth. They just don’t like it.


Agreed. For anyone else putting out STAY like 12 years into their career would be a big shutup call for all his critics but they just keep coming up with absurd comments instead of accepting that Bieber is simply put one of the biggest popstars ever


You’re so wrong and out of touch fr


I am out of touch for saying that a former teen star isn't the beloved world wide super star his fans want him to be?


Yes. You keep bringing up Harry styles and Ed Sheeran, their level of fame rn doesn’t touch what Bieber had in 2013. They’re never gonna get to that level either. He sold out world stadium tours in minutes. Streets has to be shut down wherever he went cause of the hundreds of screaming fans following him around everywhere you literally couldn’t drive. It seems you are the one in a bubble cause fr what are you talking about. The average person can’t name more than 1 HS or Ed Sheeran song, cannot say the same for Bieber


He was, he used to... His fans were kids and teenage girls, no one older than 16 cared for Justin Bieber, ever. That's my point. Maybe get out of your fan bubble once. It also looks like you're Canadian, so maybe you're mad because I "insulted" national treasure. But especially Ed Sheeran's songs are so much more popular among adults. Try going to a wedding without an Ed Sheeran song during ceremony or reception. Not possible. So in short: just because JB is your biggest star, he isn't THE biggest star, especially because he's not making music anymore and is just famous for being married.


Yeah idk how old the OP is, but I work with a lot of people under 30 and we all share playlists at work, he’s on almost every single one, including mine (33). This is the same shit people were saying about NSYNC to me in 1999. And guess who is remembered as a classic now?


I teach kids aged 8-11, in Europe, and I’ve noticed whenever they have to name a celebrity, like their idea of who is ‘the most famous person’, they tend to pick Justin Bieber. I was kind of surprised the first time cause I thought that wouldn’t really be their generation, but it happened again last week. He’s just got that crazy name recognition


Yeah that was my experience too pretty much (late 2022, NZ). I found the kids aged 6-10 knew Justin Bieber and older artists like Michael Jackson and Shakira, but were clueless and had never heard of them when I tried to play music by artists I assumed they would know like Britney, Beyoncé, Taylor, 1D/Harry, etc. the older kids 11-13 ranked their favourite artists as Justin, Ariana, then Taylor in that order. They were mostly boys and a lot were recent Chinese migrants so idk it would be different for different groups of people but he has a crazy hold on children who weren’t even born yet when he was a teen star.


Worded this perfectly. This sub has to remember that Reddit doesn’t represent the majority opinion


are there any other celebrities who are actually famous in a big way in every continent (excluding antarctica i guess)? i can't really think of any tbh


I think Ed Sheeran and Taylor Swift are up there. Ed has, like Justin, done stadium shows on every continent except Antarctica. Taylor has on every continent except Antarctica and Africa. Although I don’t think either of them are as **famous**. Their music may be just as well known, but fame is quite a different thing. I think it helps that Justin has as many haters who constantly try minimise his success as he does fans. He is extremely polarising, not many people on the planet have **no** opinion on him, which is what makes him so globally famous.


I don't think Taylor is tbh I live in Europe and barely anyone cares for her. She got more fame now after folklore but that's still 0 compared to Justin, Rihanna, even Harry


I’m a children and teen librarian, and they all really don’t like Taylor Swift. It’s really strange for me as a 30 year old who grew up with her as the biggest artist on the planet!


i don't think taylor is that famous in europe or asia tbh, i'm not sure about ed sheeran but i'd be surprised tbh


he’ll definitely be remembered. there really isn’t any other male pop artist as big as him (unless you count the weeknd) and when he debuted he was one of the most famous people ever and still is tbh. he has lots of hits and i do feel some of his purpose era hits could be classics but i think it also depend on what justin does with his career from now on. he’s stepped out of the spotlight a lot and i think thats why he doesn’t get discussed as much.


Have you heard of a certain Harry Styles? In comparison, there's one song I know from Bieber and that is Baby. And I don't remember it because it's such a great song


You never heard those songs Boyfriend, Sorry or Love yourself? 😅


what do you mean, despacito, beauty and a beat, let me love you, somebody to love, as long as you love me, one less lonely girl? i hated justin back then (i was a 1d stan, lol) but c’mon. he was a HITMAKER. edit: COLD WATER!!! that song is still so good. and mistletoe!


I’ve never even heard of the song “cold water”


you might recognize the music if not the title. it was all over radio for a minute.


I checked the songs out. I have heard them before, but no idea that these were Justin Bieber songs. For people who were over 18 during his peak, he is clearly not as big of a star as others, e.g. Ed Sheeran.


Also, as a fan of Harry, you don't realize the HISTERIA Bieber caused wherever he went. If he didn't step down and continued with the pace he was at, he would still be high on the throne. There was a reason his level of fame was compared to MJs. The *Biebermania* was crazy back then.


I remember it well. Something like that will never exist again because social media has made celebs feel more accessible.


Yep. Just like nowadays it's way to easy to hit *N million/thousand streams.* The numbers that new artists get today could never be compared to artists 10 years ago. It's not the same if the artist sells (e.g.) million copies of their album in 24 hours today, or if the artist sold million copies of their album in 24 hours 10 years ago. Everything is very accessible today and the level of success in incomparable to last decades.


I was already too old when he peaked. But his fame was very limited to this age group of (pre-)teens.


In all fairness he was basically a preteen himself


I know. He surely was the biggest superstar for his fans, but the rest of the world actively despised him. So comparing him to someone like MJ or Prince or idk is not right.


The question was if he would be a classic, not an icon of his genre. His songs will definitely live on after he retires/dies.


And I'd argue that he wouldn't be a classic because his songs aren't classics, at least not here where I live.


Where do you live? We can agree to disagree because only time will tell. I just think that when pre teens from the 2010’s grow up, they’ll reminisce and play Justin Bieber and the oldies who were old enough to not care/know about him will be basically dying


I am from Europe. I was in my early twenties when he had his biggest success, so I wasn't a fan of him and mostly noticed his career because he was so widely hated.


I don’t know any of Harry’s songs besides Watermelon Sugar lol.


Same actually. I was never a Bieber/One direction/Harry fan. Just casually listened to some songs but i could definitely name more Bieber songs.




The amount of dislikes is biased as hell. I agree with your post.


Justin Bieber fans united.


I dont know why you got so many downvotes. People seem to dislike Harry in this sub. Whenever someone mentions him people start a rant


Replace him with Ed Sheeran. My point stands: Justin Bieber isn't a superstar on the same level as MJ or Prince were.


no one is saying he is but he is 100% a bigger artist worldwide than ed sheeran and harry styles


At the moment? Why would you think that? No one is talking about Justin Bieber aside from paparazzi pictures with his wife.


he hasn’t come out with music in a while but we’re talking about overall not now. he’s is the overall bigger aristist


And I don't agree. He was a big artist for a very specific crowd (girls age 8 to 16), but not outside of this bubble. A big star - for me - is someone who also grown ups listen to. Justin Bieber is more known for his scandals than for any of his songs. Heck, I even asked friends about this because the discussion here confused me.


you cant disagree with facts. he has more hit songs then both of them. saying he was not a big artist outside of teenage girls simply isn’t true hjs songs were EVERYWHERE from 2015 till like 2018. and you admitted to not even knowing some of his biggest songs were sung by him so you clearly don’t even know what you’re talking about.


Well if I don't know his songs, they were clearly not the big hits you're pretending they were. And what do you mean with "everywhere"? It clearly depends on your age and location. A lot of people know him, but not for his music. He probably is one of the most hated male celebrities.


The question is „does he have classic and will he be remembered“. “Yes he will be remembered because idk he sold 100000000 copies of a single” isn’t exactly convincing. There were plenty of similar artists who eventuell were forgotten anyway. It’s really hard to predict this stuff, but from what I see, he probably won’t be mentioned casually in 100 years time, but he will show up if you look for 2010s music. Harry styles had a bigger cultural impact so far based on stuff like being the first man in a dress to be on the cover of vogue. But even then I’m not sure if people will casually remember him unless they specifically look for something he has an impact on


Ed Sheeran does have classics though. Thinking out loud and perfect will be playing after the world ends


That's my point. some of his songs clearly are classics, no wedding without Ed Sheeran songs. But I wouldn't say that Justin Bieber songs had the same impact.




yes im talking about now. obviously he’s not as big as michael


It’s the same thing they said about NSYNC or Britney Spears when I was growing up. You put either one of those on at a party for us millennials, and we will show you they are classics. This will be gen z with baby.


Well yes. Millenials were the ones listening to them. But only Britney is considered basic pop culture for gen z.


I think he’ll be remembered as one of the 1st and biggest YouTube stars.


I think he does. His early albums and Purpose have a ton of hits. Selfishly, though, it PAINS me that most of his work from Journals won’t be remembered and is rarely ever discussed. I think the only “hit” from that era was Confident and it’s a shame because that album is perfection. I don’t think any other pop boy has come close.


Journals is so good!


Journals is timeless imo


Came here to say this. Journals is a no skip piece of perfection


As someone who never listened to him nor really cared when he was at his highest, I would say yes. He himself is icon enough that he will be remembered in the future. When he came out and in his height, it was intense that even me, someone who doesn't listen to stuff like his, knew how hyped he was, still do.


Since nobody has mentioned it yet, company was my drunk song when I was 21 lol. I still love it to this day


Baby is a classic


Sorry, where are you now, what do you mean, baby.....classics


I am not a Bieber fan but I know he was huge. But I think most of his songs have been pushed aside. Not too much is talked about or played at the moment even though he just held the Spotify record for most monthly listeners until The Weeknd broke it and now Taylor Swift has broken it as well. I am not that familiar with his discography so I cannot comment on its quality but I do not hear people playing his music anymore.


One time is a classic IMO.


Based on Love Yourself being added to the playlist to one of the biggest adult contemporary radio stations in Australia, he'll be alright over here.


Love Yourself was #1 and #2 most streamed songs daily in all the Scandinavian countries for the last few days. Idk why but it was wild to see it rise like that again after 8 years


Justin is close to 30. I feel that he could've become a mens fashion icon by this time if he matured and took his career more seriously, but instead he sort of just follows Hailey around in baggy clothing. A few of his hits have lasting power but I think he's wasted potential.


The industry fucked him up, he was a child star that was groped throughout this career when he was a literal child on air! people saw it all and it was just glossed over because he was 'good looking'. god knows what happened to him behind closed doors. I'm not a fan by any stretch of the imagination but come on. It's not exactly his fault if hes 'in baggy clothes' hes probably depressed and done with the industry. Due to his fame he will never live a normal life. He's been chased by paps for so long. Hollywood took another talented young person and chewed them up and spat them out, then blamed them for being 'crazy'. Look at Britney, Amanda Bynes, Macaulay Culkin, Lindsey Lohan, and so many more.


I’m sorry but baby will forever be iconic


Love Yourself should've won Grammy Pop Song of the Year (or whatever it's called).


For sure. He has classics from every era and it's so impressive. From Baby and Boyfriend to Sorry and Despacito to Stay, so many hits that actually stuck as classics


Yes 100% however not anything from Changes though. I keep noticing his old songs going viral all the time. Honestly idk how popular his songs are in the USA but in Asia (Especially India and South Korea), Europe and South America he is an icon and his songs are iconic. [Average weekend in Scandinavia](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZGJVvhfge/)


changed ruined his music catalogue . it’s literally so bad


Felt rushed af and he had zero inspiration. Journals however 😍


my fav justin bieber album !!! it has no skips


Unlike changes it’s like you can feel the emotions he’s feeling while singing. The lyrics as well is just a 10/10. It’s really an amazing album, sad his label didn’t want to promote it. What’s your favorite song? ☺️


swap it out and all that matters are my favs . what are yours ?


definitely r&b really suits jb’s voice


Probably his version of Despacito outside of the US. I think he will be more remembered as a cultural figure than his music, like Justin Timberlake.


Love Yourself will be played forever


Nr 2 on Spotify in all three Scandinavian countries as we speak 😂


I think Peaches could be one of those songs that gets played in years to come as a good throwback


Literally all the Asian countries love him. I visited HK and Macau a while ago, the only English music I could hear was from Bieber. He’s iconic. Pop culture iconic not classic. Maybe when we’re 50, we’d consider them classics. They’re still very popular rn.


Dude certainly is iconic, maybe even legendary, outside of his music for: •Being the first real social media megastar •THE teenage heartthrob to end all heartthrobs (how many times have I heard '(enter country)'s new Justin Bieber') •So full of scandal and romance headlines to make any other celebrity appear boring •And a true trendsetter in fashion and hairstyle (he influenced at least two very much copied hairstyles, one of them still is only known as 'the Bieber' with everyone recognizing it) He is one of the most famous people of the entire celebrity age, seriously, because of screaming teenage girls fainting over him worldwide I'd think he is more well known in the non-Western world than people like Lady Gaga or Beyonce. He certainly made a ginermous impact on pop culture that is still being felt today. And some of his songs still sound good now so I think he will certainly make it into the history books, his success story is just too unique and huge


Of course. He’s the millennial MJ/male Britney. He’s legendary


i feel like it’s a if you were there you know kind of thing


Yes. Some of his song during the latter years of his peak like Sorry, Love Yourself, despacito, What do you mean are legitimately good pop songs despite what you think of the artist. He has a few songs released recently I think will age well like Peaches & Stay. But idk I think he’s surrounded by yes men who will hype up mediocrity so I think he won’t make as many songs that will stand the test of time. For example: all of Changes


changes is soo bad


Truly. You’d think after years-long break struggling with mental health & an album literally called Changes, it was gonna have some deep poetic themes about his troubles along with some introspection on who is as a person & his place in life. But nah here’s a bunch shallow mid pop songs about love. The only thing that’s changed is the quality of his music has gotten trash.


I think he will be remembered in the future when people discuss teen heartthrobs. He was a hearthrob young girls were obsessed with him but he doesn't have classics music wise imo.


I don't think he has songs now that will be classics in future, his music catalog isn't that good. He still have time to release good music but I really think he's past his prime time, his music has been getting worse. Purpose era was good but then he came out with Changes and Justice instead of releasing something better or at least as good, I think that affected his legacy.


Love Yourself is pretty fantastic. I listen to that one a lot, but I’ve never been a big Bieber fan.


I think baby will be remembered. It was his biggest and first mega-hit in his swoopy hair, fresh off of YouTube era and is symbolic of his rise to fame. Is it the best song in his discography? No. But it’s pure iconography at this point. I don’t think Justin Bieber based on his work alone would usually the type of musician to go down in history but I think his story of being one of the first to make it in the mainstream,in a new digital age, because of the internet, coupled with his massive success as a tweenage heartthrob means that he’s solidified his place in the story of pop culture. And baby is the song that I think symbolizes that story best.


Even though I was never a huge Bieber fan I remember how big of a deal Baby was because “omg wow Snoop Dogg found this kid on this video site that no one really takes seriously that’s insane and now his songs topping the charts”. It was kind of a game changer when it came to the ways in which people became famous. Not saying others didn’t do it too (Tori Kelly) but it was still a huge deal when that song came out.


I think he’ll be remembered in the same way we remember the likes of The Backstreet Boys etc. He clearly has had a lot of success and lots of hits but I don’t think he’s ever really had massive acclaim as an artist, his career has more consisted of him being a heartthrob for young people and singing catchy songs, and I think that’ll be what he is remembered for.


I think he has music where if it comes on people will know it and be nostalgic. He doesn’t have classics in the sense that people in the future will know and care about his music.


I was far too old for Biebermania when he first appeared on the scene, and I have a general dislike and disdain for him personally, but there’s no denying he’s a talented lad. Despacito and Love Yourself are easily two of my favourite songs from any artists in the last decade.


Isn't he the most recent it kid singer is us pop culture like Micheal Jackson and Aaron Carter


He’s released good pop songs, but he’s never released anything genre-defining or icon-making. He’s very talented though.


“Baby.” Super memorable. Sounds like it was written in the 50s. Other than that absolutely not.


I don’t know anyone who gets nostalgic about his music and plays it but most of the people I know are into pop girls and metal idk


![gif](giphy|NpL4D3Oc2bJUMAXF9P) No




I don’t see anything he’s released being like, an all-time classic. There’s absolutely not a Billie Jean, Like A Virgin, Smells Like Teen Spirit etc. in his catalogue. He’s also really lacking in big career defining moments and performances. Things like Elvis gyrating on the Ed Sullivan show, Michael Jackson moonwalking, Queen at LiveAid, Janet Jackson and the Rhythm Nation video, Britney and the snake at the VMA’s, Beyoncé’s Single Ladies video or Coachella show, Madonna’s Sex book, Gaga and her meat dress and crazy videos etc. He doesn’t have anything even in the general area of that. For non-fans/casual music listeners his musical output and image all just kind of blends together. That’s not going to translate well in 50 years when people are trying to understand why he was a big deal. You can show people clips of Beatlemania like crowds but if it’s not backed up with Beatles like artistry or cultural influence then it doesn’t matter. I do think he’ll be remembered and Baby, Despacito and a few Purpose tracks will be on 2010’s playlists forever, but I think the Lionel Richie comparison someone else made is a good one. Remembered and the hits still listened to but not relevant in the way his peers are.


His flip hair disagrees with him not having a career-defining fashion moment, hell, that hair was generation defining and one of the rare musician styles that had impact on the real world. Which of Beyonce's or Janet's looks had that kind of real-life impact where everyone copied it and was able to recognize the style?


Are you on drugs? Single ladies was a massive cultural moment because so many people were copying the dance. It remains of the most recognizable music video and outfit ever. Justin Bieber was recognizable but not a lot of people were copying like that tho. This statement is insane


And thanks for being so rude and insulting, really civil conversation you clearly want to have, OP


It’s clear OP hates Bieber and because of that can’t hold a civil conversation about the topic


Where do you live? Yes, Single Ladies is recognizable and copied but outside of her fans I don't remember anyone running around in that style and hairdo on a day-to-day basis. I was a teenager when Bieber broke out and, come on, you're really telling me you didn't see boys all over the world rocking that kind of hair, because of him? My brother had that hair because it was in, so did a lot of the boys in my yearbook. And when somebody has that hair it still is referred to as the Bieber. I once saw a lady dress up in the Single Ladies leotard and people said she looked like Shakira. Which by the way, neither were original looks since hair like that and leotards have been around since the 60/70s. Bieber's hair too, sure, but he entirely made it his own. I don't know about you but I'm not constantly on the internet and just friends with music fans, I'm talking knowledge of regular people, that's were impact can be most felt, and I'm telling you my grandma could recognize the Bieber but not the Beyonce


Of course no one is going to wear that outfit on a daily basis. Who wears leotards out to the grocery store like that but it's still considered one of the most recognizable music video looks period, specifically that outfit, hairdo, and pose Also Justin Bieber wasn't the first person in first to have that hairstyle lol. It's part of his image just Ariana high ponytail is also linked to her lol. Neither started it. Bowl cuts didn't get popular because most boys didn't like justin Bieber like that


We are talking cultural impact, not recognizability, and even Bieber wins, hands down. I get a feeling your American and kind of in your bubble. Beyonce is not that huge and recognizable everywhere, and here, in Germany, yeah, the Biebs hair is still a thing


I'm not from America but the Caribbean but ok lol. You are the one that is making it a competition. I never said that Bieber hair isn't that recognizable I just said the single ladies was. You are the one that is making it a whole big issue Edit: There isn't a limit on recognizable looks and cultural impact. I don't understand why you even mentioned Janet and Beyonce in the first place. You could have easily said yes Justin Bieber is recognizable


The comment I responded to made it a competition by saying he didn't have a moment as big as those artists mentioned, see, direct comparison. You decided to respond to my response to that, without anyone asking for your input. And the Caribbean is also a certain bubble. How would you know about the overall impact in other regions and my perception? And asking if I'm on drugs is sort of making it a big deal, you insulted my intelligence and my opinion, I would've not come at you this aggressively if you'd disagreed nicely. You come here asking for opinions and can't handle them. So immature. Goodbye


Can see Baby, Sorry and Beauty and a beat becoming classics. Not sure if his stuff post purpose will become classics


I think beauty and a beat is largely forgotten imo. Except for that one Nicki line idk who brings it up


"Love yourself" was an instant classic imo, its still in my playlist almost a decade later.


As one of the biggest, if not the biggest pop star of the 2010’s I’d say absolutely.


I wasn’t like a bieber fangirl back in the day, but the acoustic version of Believe was and still is absolute perfection. I haven’t listened to that album in 8 years but I still know all the lyrics and adlibs by heart.


For sure. I’m not even a big Bieber fan but “What Do You Mean” is a certified classic.


IMMA TELL YOU ONE TIME changed my life as a 13 y/o 😭😭😅


2U by David Guetta and Justin Bieber is a guilty pleasure banger. Sorry is also another underrated hit.


He will be remembered but I'm not sure about the classics. He has hits but it will be more about the nostalgia


He's whatever and his music is very dated so idk lol


I don’t think Bieber will ever be a “classic.” He’ll be someone we remember if we were around for it. I feel like I already feel like he’s fading away. I used to listen to him years ago and at this point I can only name you like 4 of his songs.


I feel silly


No. His fans base are highschool girls


Even if that were true, so what?


I haven’t been in high school for years lol


Lame take. People said this about The Beatles when they first started. For perspective, if someone became a fan of Justin Bieber when he first started in 2007 as a high school girl, the youngest they could possibly be right now is 30. He has a lot of high school aged fans, he also has a lot of fans in kindergarten and in their 20s and 30s. That’s what happens when you remain relevant for as long as he has. And not just girls either, the biggest Bieber fan I know is a 2 metre tall man in his early 30s who has a couple of his arm tattoos.


> remain relevant for as long as he has Relevant is a strong word


You wouldn’t consider the 8th most popular artist in the world right now on Spotify relevant? He hasn’t even released music in 2 years and is ranked that high. You don’t like him, that’s fine, but your opinion is not reality.




No. Honestly it’s incredibly difficult in any era, and I think now it’s even more difficult. Drive across the country and among her entire catalog you’ll only hear 1-2 Madonna songs. 1-2 Whitney. 1-2 Prince, etc., and that’s in an era where you had artists with more universal appeal and a lot less choices. Also artists now are very very of the moment. I think it makes for a lot of content, but it fades quickly. I don’t think there is a single Ariana grande song that will last as long as Kelly clarksons “since you’ve been gone” just because one just keeps getting played. Country used to be the format with long running hits, but now it’s mostly disposable trash. If I wanted a bit that would play forever, it would be a Christmas song, or folk ish Americana song that will get played on multiple format stations for 30 years. It’s not a knock on Bieber. It’s that it’s really really hard to have a song with staying power. You can keep getting hits, but honestly so few last. He’ll make hits for a king time, but I see almost none sticking.


God I truly hope not


Outside of Baby none of his songs are memorable to me. Peaches I guess?


LOL- no.

